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Hello, everyone!


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Nice to meet you!

I'm a long-time user of Serenes and finally decided to quit lurking and join the forums. My first Fire Emblem was Sacred Stones, and the series has been a favorite of mine ever since. I like all sorts of RPGs, but tend to gravitate toward the tactical sub-genre.

I've been hoping to become a part of a Fire Emblem community for awhile, and the atmosphere here seems so friendly. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone!

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Pretty much what Lex said, except, not only when you're bored.

Make the chat your LIFESTYLE.


EDIT: Also is Nightingale a Skyrim reference?

Edited by Leximicah
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Hello! I am also new at Serene Forest. I have been here for two weeks and the community has been great! So hopefully you will find the forums to be a fun place to spend you time!

Also where is you Avatar from? She looks like an interesting character.

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Thanks so much! Hope I'll see all of you around.

My avatar is Kei Sakurai. I believe she's from a visual novel.

And I didn't choose Nightingale with any reference in mind, but I do enjoy Elder Scrolls and love the Tales series!

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