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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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I've got my second Bulbasaur egg for you, Silver Pegasus, if you still want to trade a Squirtle. :)

And thanks for giving me a "Nice!" SL! I guess you really liked that I wound up giving you a female Bulbasaur?

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Gonna make this post here and link it in my sig. This is a list of everything I have to offer. If I have something you want, quote or PM me and we can set up a trade.

Update: 2/8/14:

-I can offer both English and Spanish Pokemon, so if anyone wants something foreign for the Masuda Method, I can help out.
-Updated my Pokebank list with only the competitive ones that I have, since I can now get any previous Pokemon with PokeTransfer.

My Offers (Non-Pokebank):

This list contains all Pokemon that I have with 4 or more perfect IVs that I can breed. Noteworthy Nature/Hidden Abilities/Egg Moves are in parenthesis.

Bulbasaur (Calm, Chlorophyll, Giga Drain/Curse/Leaf Storm)

Charmanders (Modest or Timid, Solar Power, Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance/Outrage)

Squirtle (Modest, Rain Dish, Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse//Water Pulse/Rapid Spin)

Vulpix (Modest, Drought)

Growlithe (Adamant, Close Combat/Morning Sun/Flare Blitz)

Poliwag (Modest, Swift Swim)

Abra (Timid, Magic Guard)

Shellder (Naive, Skill Link, Icicle Spear/Rock Blast/Shell Smash)

Gastly (Timid, Disable)

Scyther (Adamant, Technician, Vacuum Wave)

Elekid (Adamant, Static, Thunder/Fire/Ice Punch/Cross Chop)

Eevee (Modest or Timid, Anticipation, Stored Power/Wish/Yawn)

Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale, Aqua Jet/Dragon Dance/Extremespeed/Iron Tail)

Dratini (Modest, Marvel Scale, Dragon Pulse/Dragon Dance)

Togepi (Nothing special, but I can evolve it to Togetic if you want)

Marill (Adamant, Huge Power, Aqua Jet/Belly Drum/Body Slam/Superpower)

Gligar (Impish, Immunity)

Heracross (Adamant, Moxie, Rock Blast)

Phanpy (Adamant, Pickup)

Larvitar (Jolly, Dragon Dance, Outrage)

Torchic (Adamant, Speed Boost, Baton Pass

Lotad (Timid, Swift Swim, Giga Drain/Synthesis)

Ralts (Timid, Telepathy)

Shroomish (Adamant, Quick Feet, Worry Seed/Bullet Seed)

Mawile (Adamant, Fire Fang)

Aron (Adamant, Rock Head, Head Smash/Iron Head/Stealth Rock/Superpower)

Electrike (Timid)

Corphish (Adamant, Adaptability, Dragon Dance, Superpower, Aqua Jet)

Bagon (Naive, Sheer Force, Dragon Dance)

Gible (Jolly, Rough Skin, Iron Head/Iron Tail/Outrage)

Riolu (Jolly, Prankster)

Hippopotas (Impish, Body Slam/Slack Off/Stockpile/Whirlwind)

Drilbur (Jolly, Sand Rush)

Venipede (Adamant, Speed Boost)

Zorua (Timid)

Minccino (Jolly, Skill Link)

Foongus (Careful, Regenerator)

Litwick (Modest, Infiltrator)

Mienfoo (Jolly, Regenerator)

Deino (Modest)

Larvesta (Modest)

Chespin (Bulletproof)

Fennekin (Timid, Magician, Wish)

Froakie (Timid, Protean)

Fletchling (Adamant, Gale Wings)

Litleo (Timid, Unnerve, Yawn)

Honedge (Brave)

Skrelp (Modest, Acid Armor/Haze/Toxic Spikes/Venom Drench)

Helioptile (Timid, Solar Power/Dry Skin, Agility/Camouflage/Electric Terrain)

Goomy (Modest, Gooey)

Klefki (Impish/Bold, Prankster)

Phantump (Adamant/Careful/Jolly, Harvest)

Noibat (Timid, Infiltrator)

I also am an avid berry farmer, and have plenty of most of the mutation berries. If you want me to throw in one to sweeten the deal, I can.

My Offers (Pokebank):

This is a list of everything I have from Serebii's list of unobtainable Pokemon. I don't have many, but I am breeding them for Egg Moves, Natures and IVs whenever I get the chance.


Cyndaquil (Timid, Blaze)

Totodile (Jolly, Torrent)

Treecko (Timid, Unburden, Synthesis/Leech Seed/Worry Seed)

Mudkip (Torrent, Curse/Counter/Mirror Coat/Avalanche or Mirror Coat/Yawn)

Feebas (Bold or Calm, Swift Swim, Hypnosis/Haze/Mirror Coat/Dragon Pulse, 5 IV)

Chimchar (Adamant, Iron Fist, Fake Out/Fire Punch/Thunder Punch/Focus Punch, 5 IV)

Piplup (Modest, Torrent)



Now that Pokemon Bank is out for everyone, I can get you anything you could need from a previous generation, including most legendaries. I've edited the list to only include those that I can breed for competitive, but if there's something you want just for Dex completion, please don't be afraid to ask; I'll gladly help you however I can.

What I have but won't trade:

These are Pokemon I have, but don't care to breed for trading. These are mostly genderless, as my best Ditto is 3 IV, so breeding for 4 or 5 IVs is a massive pain. I'm listing them so that if you make me an offer, you don't offer me these because my offer list doesn't have them.



My Wants:

I'm usually always on the lookout for any other 4-5 IV Pokemon that I don't have as well as any evolution item (32 BP ones will get you a 4 IV, 48 BP or those unavailable in the Battle Maison will get you a 5 IV). That said, if there's something I have that you really really want, but you don't have anything that I want, make me an offer and I can work with you.

Additionally, if you have one of the Pokemon that I have listed exactly as it's listed, I'd be willing to trade one for the exact same thing to increase our egg producing speeds (For those who don't know, when you breed Pokemon with different OTs, they produce eggs faster).

Edited by Gcubedude
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Gonna make this post here and link it in my sig. This is a list of everything I have to offer, as well as anything I'm interested in. If I have something you want, PM me and we can set up a trade.

My Offers:

This list contains all Pokemon that I have with 3 or more perfect IVs that I either have boxes of or can breed more. Noteworthy Nature/Hidden Abilities/Egg Moves are in parenthesis:

Bulbasaur (Calm, Chlorophyll)

Charmanders (Modest or Timid, Solar Power, Dragon Pulse)

Squirtle (Rain Dish)

Poliwag (Swift Swim)

Eevee (Anticipation, Stored Power, Wish)

Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale)

Togepi (Nothing special, but I can evolve it to Togetic if you want)

Larvitar (Jolly, Dragon Dance)

Corphish (Adamant, Adaptability, Dragon Dance, Superpower, Aqua Jet)

Absol (Play Rough)

Bagon (Naive, Sheer Force, Dragon Dance)

Riolu (Jolly, Prankster)

Drilbur (Jolly)

Deino (Modest)

Chespin (Bulletproof)

Fennekin (Timid, Magician, Wish)

Froakie (Timid, Protean)

Fletchling (Adamant, Gale Wings)

Helioptile (Timid, Solar Power)

Phantump (Not much, mostly bred because of the Egg Group)

Goomy (Modest, Gooey)

Note that if you want a female of what I offer, check the gender ratio of the Pokemon on Serebii or somewhere. If the Pokemon has only a 12.5% chance of female, then it'll take a greater offer to get a female than a male. Example: If you want a Male 3 IV Charmander w/Solar Power, I'll take a 3 IV Pokemon in return. If you want a Female 3 IV Charmander w/Solar Power, I'll require a 4 IV Pokemon in return.

I also am an avid berry farmer, and have plenty of most of the mutation berries. If you want me to throw in one to sweeten the deal, I can.

My Wants:

This is everything I want. The things in parenthesis are what I would offer in exchange, although I'm willing to make a deal if you want.

I'm looking for the following items from the Battle Maison. My offers are based on the price of the item:

16 BP: any Pokemon above with 3 perfect IVs.

32 BP: any Pokemon above with 4 perfect IVs.

48 BP: any Pokemon above with 5 perfect IVs, or two of the above with 3 perfect IVs.

16 BP:

Power Bracer

Power Lens

Toxic Orb

Flame Orb

32 BP:

Weakness Policy

Any evolution Item

48 BP:

Choice Specs

Choice Band

Assault Vest

Focus Sash

Razor Claw

Razor Fang

Life Orb

Air Balloon

In addition to the above, I'm willing to trade Pokemon for Pokemon with the same number of perfect IVs, with Hidden abilities getting a +1 IV to either side (so a 3 IV Froakie w/Protean would be worth a 4 IV Vulpix w/o Drought). Specifically, I'm looking for any Pokemon that I'm not offering with good IVs, especially those with good Hidden Abilities or Natures (Drought Vulpix, Rattled Magikarp, Magic Guard Abra, etc.)

I haven't tried to get any of those berries you can get from certain battles, so if you have some to give to a Pokemon you're trading me, I'm willing to give you extra (+1 perfect IV, a berry I have, etc.)

Lastly, I'm willing to consider all reasonable offers, be it Shinies, rare items like Mega Stones, etc. So if you don't have any of the above but want something from me, send me an offer.

How's 4 IV brave Honedge or 4 IV Bold Klefki for Riolu?

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Gonna make this post here and link it in my sig. This is a list of everything I have to offer, as well as anything I'm interested in. If I have something you want, PM me and we can set up a trade.

My Offers:

This list contains all Pokemon that I have with 3 or more perfect IVs that I either have boxes of or can breed more. Noteworthy Nature/Hidden Abilities/Egg Moves are in parenthesis:

Bulbasaur (Calm, Chlorophyll)

Charmanders (Modest or Timid, Solar Power, Dragon Pulse)

Squirtle (Rain Dish)

Poliwag (Swift Swim)

Eevee (Anticipation, Stored Power, Wish)

Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale)

Togepi (Nothing special, but I can evolve it to Togetic if you want)

Larvitar (Jolly, Dragon Dance)

Corphish (Adamant, Adaptability, Dragon Dance, Superpower, Aqua Jet)

Absol (Play Rough)

Bagon (Naive, Sheer Force, Dragon Dance)

Riolu (Jolly, Prankster)

Drilbur (Jolly)

Deino (Modest)

Chespin (Bulletproof)

Fennekin (Timid, Magician, Wish)

Froakie (Timid, Protean)

Fletchling (Adamant, Gale Wings)

Helioptile (Timid, Solar Power)

Phantump (Not much, mostly bred because of the Egg Group)

Goomy (Modest, Gooey)

Note that if you want a female of what I offer, check the gender ratio of the Pokemon on Serebii or somewhere. If the Pokemon has only a 12.5% chance of female, then it'll take a greater offer to get a female than a male. Example: If you want a Male 3 IV Charmander w/Solar Power, I'll take a 3 IV Pokemon in return. If you want a Female 3 IV Charmander w/Solar Power, I'll require a 4 IV Pokemon in return.

I also am an avid berry farmer, and have plenty of most of the mutation berries. If you want me to throw in one to sweeten the deal, I can.

My Wants:

This is everything I want. The things in parenthesis are what I would offer in exchange, although I'm willing to make a deal if you want.

I'm looking for the following items from the Battle Maison. My offers are based on the price of the item:

16 BP: any Pokemon above with 3 perfect IVs.

32 BP: any Pokemon above with 4 perfect IVs.

48 BP: any Pokemon above with 5 perfect IVs, or two of the above with 3 perfect IVs.

16 BP:

Power Bracer

Power Lens

Toxic Orb

Flame Orb

32 BP:

Weakness Policy

Any evolution Item

48 BP:

Choice Specs

Choice Band

Assault Vest

Focus Sash

Razor Claw

Razor Fang

Life Orb

Air Balloon

In addition to the above, I'm willing to trade Pokemon for Pokemon with the same number of perfect IVs, with Hidden abilities getting a +1 IV to either side (so a 3 IV Froakie w/Protean would be worth a 4 IV Vulpix w/o Drought). Specifically, I'm looking for any Pokemon that I'm not offering with good IVs, especially those with good Hidden Abilities or Natures (Drought Vulpix, Rattled Magikarp, Magic Guard Abra, etc.)

I haven't tried to get any of those berries you can get from certain battles, so if you have some to give to a Pokemon you're trading me, I'm willing to give you extra (+1 perfect IV, a berry I have, etc.)

Lastly, I'm willing to consider all reasonable offers, be it Shinies, rare items like Mega Stones, etc. So if you don't have any of the above but want something from me, send me an offer.

I can offer any 48 BP item for a 4 IV female Eevee...is there any one you want the most?

Edited by Kinumi
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How's 4 IV brave Honedge or 4 IV Bold Klefki for Riolu?

I have a 3 IV female Honedge, so could I have a Male one? I need to breed a bit to get a 4 IV Riolu, so I'll PM you when I'm ready.

I can offer any 48 BP item for a 4 IV female Eevee...is there any one you want the most?

Probably should've bred a box of Eevee before posting that as an offer

I need to breed one, but I'll PM you when I have it. Surprise me with any item besides the Razor Claw or Fang.

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Could anybody trade me something with Pokerus? (Insert part where I say I can give bulbasaurs, Noibats, and charmanders with a perfect speed IVperfect speed IV, probably more for the charmander, I don't feel like breeding that long) If you could give me something nice or something that's holding a rare item, that would be nice, but you don't have to.

Edited by Comet
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Could anybody trade me something with Pokerus? (Insert part where I say I can give bulbasaurs, Noibats, and charmanders with a perfect speed IVperfect speed IV, probably more for the charmander, I don't feel like breeding that long) If you could give me something nice or something that's holding a rare item, that would be nice, but you don't have to.

Do you have an evolution stone other than Fire, Leaf, or Water that you'd be willing to give up? If so, give that to any Pokemon, and I'll trade you for a Pokemon with PKRS and 3 perfect IVs. If you want something specific, scroll up to my massive offer/wants post. I'll just give you a spare with 3 IVs, but not its hidden ability.

If you don't have one, I'll just trade you junk Pokemon for junk Pokemon.

Edited by Gcubedude
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Does anyone have a 3 or 4 IV (near perfect) male pokemon from the Bug Egg Group they'd be willing to trade me? I have scores of 3 or 4 IV Modest Deinos and a 3 IV Electrike up for grabs, along with my previous offers of Wish Eevees and Freeze Dry/Ancient Power Lapras. Anybody?

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Does anyone have a 3 or 4 IV (near perfect) male pokemon from the Bug Egg Group they'd be willing to trade me? I have scores of 3 or 4 IV Modest Deinos and a 3 IV Electrike up for grabs, along with my previous offers of Wish Eevees and Freeze Dry/Ancient Power Lapras. Anybody?

I've got a Male Larvesta with perfect IVs in Defense, Sp.Attack and Sp.Defense. Already have Deinos and Eevees but that Electrike sounds good.

But 3 IV you mean 31 (or close 30) IVs in 3 stats, right?


Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Could i get one in Sp attack, Speed, Hp, and Defense/Sp def?

well, what could give me in exchange? xp

atm Leftovers, Master Ball, Nasty Plot Togepi with good IVs and Regenerator Foongus are my top priorities, but other offers are welcome.

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well, what could give me in exchange? xp

atm Leftovers, Master Ball, Nasty Plot Togepi with good IVs and Regenerator Foongus are my top priorities, but other offers are welcome.

I have an Electrike with Ivs in Hp, Defense, Sp attack, and Sp def. I have two, 1 female and 1 male. The female has timid and the male has modest. I also have a Dedenne with ivs in hp, sp attack, and speed, male/female with timid nature.

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I have an Electrike with Ivs in Hp, Defense, Sp attack, and Sp def. I have two, 1 female and 1 male. The female has timid and the male has modest. I also have a Dedenne with ivs in hp, sp attack, and speed, male/female with timid nature.

I'll take the female Timid Electrike. Is it okay for you to trade right now?

Edited by Richard
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