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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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Wait, what's your in-game name?

Oh sry i forgot to mention that i'm Lily :sweatdrop:

EDIT: Thanks for the Mons, now back to happy breeding...

Edited by Lordofhomer
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I've got:

Charmader (Male)



31 Attack, 31 Speed

This guy is worthless to me since I have Y version and don't have Charizardite X.

I'm asking for:


Any Ability


31 Sp. Attack, 31 Speed


Snorunt (Female)

Any Ability


31 Sp. Attack, 31 Speed

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I'm asking for:


Any Ability


31 Sp. Attack, 31 Speed

I have a female Modest Charmander w/ 31 HP, SpAtk, and Spd, and a male Timid Charmander w/ 31 Def, SpAtk, and Spd. Both have Dragon Pulse. They were in my Wonder Trade box, so if you want one or both of them, gimme something worthless; whatever it is, I'll just release it to make box space.

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I just bred a Modest Togepi With 31 IVs in everything but attack (which is whatever since Togekiss is a special attacker anyway). I'd keep it for myself but I somehow got another with perfect IVs so yeah.

Anyway here's the lowdown on this guy:

Togepi Lvl 1 Male

Type: Fairy (secondary type becomes flying on its evolved forms)

IVs: 31/?/31/31/31/31


Ability: Serene Grace (Doubles moves chance of having a secondary effect. Great when combined w/ Air Slash as it gives a 60% chance of Flinching)

No special egg moves

Togekiss is one of the old Pokemon who, along with Azumarill, is looking to be one of the best reciepients of the new Fairy type (hence why I bred one). I don't really have anything in mind for a trade, but I'll consider most (reasonable) offers. So, who wants my (Bravely Default) Flying Fairy?

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I just bred a Modest Togepi With 31 IVs in everything but attack (which is whatever since Togekiss is a special attacker anyway). I'd keep it for myself but I somehow got another with perfect IVs so yeah.

Anyway here's the lowdown on this guy:

Togepi Lvl 1 Male

Type: Fairy (secondary type becomes flying on its evolved forms)

IVs: 31/?/31/31/31/31


Ability: Serene Grace (Doubles moves chance of having a secondary effect. Great when combined w/ Air Slash as it gives a 60% chance of Flinching)

No special egg moves

Togekiss is one of the old Pokemon who, along with Azumarill, is looking to be one of the best reciepients of the new Fairy type (hence why I bred one). I don't really have anything in mind for a trade, but I'll consider most (reasonable) offers. So, who wants my (Bravely Default) Flying Fairy?

I only have Goomy with 31/x/31/31/31/x. And a 3 IV'd Magic Guard Timid Abra. And Friend Guard Bold Cleffa... and an Adamant Beldum, Adamant Larvitar, and Jolly Gible...

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I only have Goomy with 31/x/31/31/31/x. And a 3 IV'd Magic Guard Timid Abra. And Friend Guard Bold Cleffa... and an Adamant Beldum, Adamant Larvitar, and Jolly Gible...

Mmmm.... I don't really care much for Goodra (or whatever the final form of Goomy is. I have a bad memory =/) The others I don't really want or could get relatively easily. Sorry man but I think I'll pass on this one. Thanks for the offer though =].

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Mmmm.... I don't really care much for Goodra (or whatever the final form of Goomy is. I have a bad memory =/) The others I don't really want or could get relatively easily. Sorry man but I think I'll pass on this one. Thanks for the offer though =].

That's fine~ ^^ (I already have a Bold Follow Me Togekiss, anyway.)

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@Happy_Dingo: I have several 3 and 4 IV Modest Deinos and Adamant Scythers; if you're interested, I can look for an IV combo that'd you like (don't remember them off the top of my head)?

@Fruity Insanity: I'm online for now. Still have a Goomy???

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@Happy_Dingo: I have several 3 and 4 IV Modest Deinos and Adamant Scythers; if you're interested, I can look for an IV combo that'd you like (don't remember them off the top of my head)?

Hmm.... Okay, what are some of the IV combos for those Deinos? The goal is to eventually breed one with perfect IVs (except for attack).

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I have two males with Perfect IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense. The rest are 3 IVs or Deinos with 4 IVs but with Perfect Attack instead.

Alright, I guess I'll take one of the Males with Perfect Hp/Def/SAtk/SDef.

My code: 0731-4860-2223

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I have a spare Adamant Dratini with the following IVs; 31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31 (Ability: Marvel Scale).

Anyone interested?

I also have plenty more Adamant Dratini's with four 31 IVs and Marvel Scale.

Edited by Shuuda
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