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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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Ok, no rush. What would you prefer of the things I offered? Or what do you definitely don't want?

And Adamant Honedge sounds good!

Four IVs, if possible.

(Preparing for MM-ing for a shiny Honedge and all... xP)

I see. I think it might be worth noting that it doesn't have it's hidden ability, if that's going to be an issue for you.

That's not a problem. Intimidate is fine. :D (I can get Moxie myself~)

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Um, I have a Togekiss already and an Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with Aqua Jet, so I'll pass on those...

But I am interested in that Bagon.

I'll... come back after I'm done getting Horsea.

Can you list the IVs of the Horsea when you're done? :o

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Can you list the IVs of the Horsea when you're done? :o


You're lucky, I have an extra one with 31/31/31/x/31/x

What about for Gastly and/or Squirtle?

Ooh, that sounds goooood~ ^^

Um, the Squirtle... yeah, I'll trade it with whatever. (Surprise me~ I have a lot of them, anyway.)

And Gastly... I'll trade that for... an Eevee, maybe?

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Ooh, that sounds goooood~ ^^

Um, the Squirtle... yeah, I'll trade it with whatever. (Surprise me~ I have a lot of them, anyway.)

And Gastly... I'll trade that for... an Eevee, maybe?

Ooh, you're putting pressure on me.

Do you care about Eevee's ability?

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I-I am...?

Um, if you have a DW ability Eevee, that'd be cool... if you don't, then that's fine, as well.

Surprising people is hard, especially since I already listed what I have :p

... I always though Adaptability was Eevee's hidden ability... Turns out I was wrong =/ (so no, I don't have it)

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I have Gastly with 3-4 perfect IVs, Goomy with 3-4 perfect IVs and Counter, Squirtle with only 1-3 perfect IVs, but have Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, and Water Spout as egg moves, Horsea with 1-2 perfect IVs and Outrage, Friend Guard Cleffa, and Magic Guard Abra...

I'm not looking for anything in particular, so feel free to offer anything... (hopefully decent)...

I'm interested in a Squirtle with 3 IVs, a Horsea with as many IVs as you can get without a lot of breeding, and a Cleffa.

- A 4 perfect IV Jolly Mienfoo with Knock off and Smelling Salts as egg moves for that Shuppet.

- A 4 perfect IV Modest Solosis with Magic Guard for a 4 IV Ghastly.

- A 4 perfect IV Adamant Growlith with the Close Combat egg move for 3 IV Squirtle.

Do you have any more of the Meinfoo, Solosis, and Growlithe?

- Naive Shellders with Rock Blast as egg move and 3-4 perfect IVs (also one with 5 perfect IVs, but not in attack...)

- a modest Deino with 3 perfect IVs (I also have one with 5 perfect IVs but I want something really good for that)

I'm interested in a female Shellder if you have one, and the 5 IV Deino.

To all of the above, I offer anything from the link in my sig. For those who can't see it, here it is.

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I'm interested in a female Shellder if you have one, and the 5 IV Deino.

To all of the above, I offer anything from the link in my sig. For those who can't see it, here it is.

Could I get Larvitar and Corpish for those?

Also my female Shellders have somewhat bad IVs, hopefully that's not a problem?

Edited by Sylphid
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Those Charmander, Bagon, and Pupitar sound rather nice...

Dangit, I forgot that none of my Charmander w/all three Egg Moves have Solar Power. Would you rather Solar Power and Dragon Pulse, or Blaze and all three? I have a 4 IV Bagon and a 3 IV Larvitar set aside though.

Could I get Larvitar and Corpish for those?

Also my female Shellders have somewhat bad IVs, hopefully that's not a problem?

That's fine, would you be okay with a 3 IV of both?

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Thanks :)

Sorry if I seem stingy >_<

No, not at all. I was thinking that 2 3 IVs = a 5 IV, and the Shellder Egg Moves balanced the Corphish Egg Moves, but 5 IV Pokemon are sooooooo much more difficult to breed than 3 IV. Heck, with the right setup, it's actually impossible to get below 4 IV.

Besides, I apparently have more 4 IV Larvitar than 3 IV.

I'm available now if you are.

Thanks for the trade!

Edited by Gcubedude
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Dangit, I forgot that none of my Charmander w/all three Egg Moves have Solar Power. Would you rather Solar Power and Dragon Pulse, or Blaze and all three? I have a 4 IV Bagon and a 3 IV Larvitar set aside though.

Blaze with all three would be better, IMO. Male, if possible, so that I can breed with female Solar Power Charmeleon. :D

The 4 IV Horsea are rolling out now, I'll have enough soon.

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No, not at all. I was thinking that 2 3 IVs = a 5 IV, and the Shellder Egg Moves balanced the Corphish Egg Moves, but 5 IV Pokemon are sooooooo much more difficult to breed than 3 IV. Heck, with the right setup, it's actually impossible to get below 4 IV.

Besides, I apparently have more 4 IV Larvitar than 3 IV.

I'm available now if you are.

Hmm ok. That actually makes sense. Maybe I just was being stingy.

Thanks for the trade :)

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Blaze with all three would be better, IMO. Male, if possible, so that I can breed with female Solar Power Charmeleon. :D

The 4 IV Horsea are rolling out now, I'll have enough soon.

That works, since I have much more male Charmander than female.

I'm online and ready, so send me a trade request once one is ready.

Hmm ok. That actually makes sense. Maybe I just was being stingy.

Thanks for the trade :)

If anything, I was being stingy. Don't worry about it :).

Edited by Gcubedude
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Is anyone interested in the following Eevee?:

- Docile x/31/31/31/31/31

- Modest 31/31/x/31/31/31

- Lax 31/31/x/31/31/31

- Relaxed 31/31/31/31/x/31

- Docile 31/31/31/31/x/31

- Bold 31/31/x/31/31/31

- Naughty 31/x/31/31/31/31

- Quiet 31/x/31/31/31/31

- Jolly x/31/31/31/31/31

- Hardy 31/31/x/31/31/31

All of them except the last three have Wish. I've been thinking about throwing them into Wonder Trade, but thought I'd check if anyone wants them first.

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Do you have any more of the Meinfoo, Solosis, and Growlithe?

I have one last Growlithe. It's female, with intimidate. I only have 3 IV Solosis left, but plenty of 4 IV Mienfoo. What do you have to offer?

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- Naive Shellders with Rock Blast as egg move and 3-4 perfect IVs (also one with 5 perfect IVs, but not in attack...)

- Adamant Honedges with 3-4 perfect IVs

Do you still have one of those?

I can offer you these for them:

Rotom 31/x/31/x/31/31 Levitate Bold

Aron Female 31/31/x/x/31/31 Sturdy Impish Eggmoves: Head smash, stealth rock

Torchic Male x/31/31/31/31/x Speedboost Adamant Eggmove: Batonpass

Abra Male 31/31/31/x/31/31 Magic Guard Timid

Drillbur Female 31/x/31/x/31/31 Sandrush Adamant

Hippopotas Male x/31/31/x/31/31 Sandstream Impish Eggmove: Slack off

Edited by Lordofhomer
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