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Happy Together [M-rated]


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Hey, hey! I'm finally here with a new story! This one is the direct continuation of Wedding Day! A Tactician and Her Knight and is about the adventure Frederick and Kelli experience on their honeymoon! :D The story's title comes from a song made in the 60s, "Happy Together" which was done by the Turtles. I felt it a perfectly fitting theme for Freddy and Kelli, especially factoring in this story's plot as well as FE: Awakening's. It's a really cute song too, though not very long. This story starts off with some of the lyrics (with one line slightly modified) as well. I'll repeat a few of them again at the end of the fic too. ;3 The song, of course, belongs to the Turtles, so credit for that is theirs. Also, keep an eye out for references to my fic Dawn of Darkness, as well as other FE games! ;D

P.S. This story is rated M for some sexualness, but nothing too explicit, I hope. In the first part there is no actual intercourse, but there will be in a later chapter (for some reason, I can't see it not happening after what goes on here...lol). But again, nothing real explicit.

Happy Together

Part 1: A Slight Delay

Imagine me and you, I do

I think about you day and night, it's only right

To think about the one you love and hold them tight

So happy together…

And you say you belong to me, to ease my mind

Imagine how the world could be, so very fine

So happy together…

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life…

When you're with me baby, the skies'll be blue

For all my life…

Me and you and you and me

No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be

The only one for me is you and you for me

So happy together…

The sun gradually sank below the horizon as an elegant brown horse galloped through the beautiful land of Ylisse. Mounted upon the steed were a young man and woman, both garbed in formal wear, the man in a blue suit with gold embroidery and the woman wearing a lovely white wedding gown, also embroidered with gold. Frederick and Kelli had just been married that day at a grand wedding, and they were now off to enjoy their honeymoon. Their marriage was a famous one throughout Ylisse, as Frederick was the new royal knight captain while Kelli was the army's tactician and the best the nation had ever seen. And both had played vital roles in the recent war against neighboring Plegia. As such, it was an easy decision for Chrom, Ylisse's prince and soon-to-be king and Exalt, to give the couple the best wedding he could possibly imagine. The members of Chrom's small fighting force, the Shepherds, which Frederick was previously the lieutenant of, had all attended. Frederick's parents, James and Marie, had also been there, although they had managed to embarrass their son more than once. Other friends to the Shepherds also made appearances, and overall, it was the grandest event in the nation to occur in years, next to Chrom's own wedding, which had happened only months before.

Chrom had been wed first so he would assuredly have aid in watching over Ylisse and overseeing its reconstruction after the war, and he had also managed to meet the woman of his dreams. She was a lovely dancer named Olivia, and it took little time for her to capture the young prince's heart. Olivia had also joined the guest list for Frederick and Kelli's wedding, though now she was faced with some extra responsibilities as future queen. Unfortunately, Chrom had been injured at the reception due to a spectacular accident and was left with a shattered left big toe, rendering him unable to walk. It became difficult for him to do certain duties that required a lot of moving around. Lissa, Chrom's younger sister, as well as the rest of the Shepherds also helped out.

Frederick had been worried about how Chrom would fare while he and Kelli were gone due to his injury, but Chrom assured him that he would be fine. Even so, as the skeptical and wary knight he was, Frederick still held some concern. Kelli wasn't surprised in the least bit, as she knew her husband quite well at this point. She sighed as Frederick gradually brought his horse to a halt at an intersection in the road.

"You've been quiet lately," Kelli pointed out. "You're not still moping about Chrom, are you?"

"Oh, well… I just can't help it," Frederick admitted. "He can't walk at all and this is going to force Olivia, Lissa, and possibly the others to perform duties that they've never had to do before. I'm just concerned about how everyone will handle this."

"Oh, Frederick, for goodness' sake. I'm sure they can manage at least until Chrom can move around better again."

"I certainly hope so."

"They will. Everyone knows very well that you'd go crazy if anything went wrong."

"Well, that's true."

"Yeah, now cheer up! I don't want you to spend our vacation worrying all the time. You hear me?"

Frederick couldn't help but bear a smile at last.

"Yes, hun," he replied. "Now, which way are we supposed to go? I do assume that you know the way to this island resort you mentioned."

"Oh, of course! I'm a tactician. I always plan out everything and gather as much information as I can," Kelli confirmed. "We make a right here. The port town where our ship leaves is to the southeast."

"Alright, then let's hurry so we don't spend too much time traveling in the dark."

"Good idea. I just hope we can make it before the ship leaves. I wasn't able to find the schedule, unfortunately."

"…Well, do you at least know which ship we're supposed to take?"

"I know the name of it, but not much about what it looks like. It's the Emerald Dream, said to be named for a king that lived in another world. According to what I read, he's as famous in his world as Marth is here."

"Wow. Interesting… That ship is probably a very important vessel then."

"Yeah, I would think so. I heard that it'll be leaving port sometime soon and I thought it would be neat if we sailed on it."

"I thought as much. But if we were to end up missing it?"

Kelli smiled proudly before replying.

"A good strategist always has a backup plan," she said. "There are several inns in this port town due to how many ships go in and out of it, so I brought plenty of gold just in case we have to get a room for a night or two."

"Ah, excellent," Frederick commented. "Then it looks like we're all set."


With that, the two continued towards their destination. As more time passed, stars began to twinkle in the sky and the moon shown overhead. Frederick and Kelli were glad the weather had stayed nice, as they would've hated to ride across the country in pouring down rain and there weren't any obstacles nearby that could be used as a temporary shelter. Still, that didn't mean it couldn't still possibly change later, so both kept their eyes and ears peeled. Rain clouds could move in at any time of the day. Even if this did happen, however, both Frederick and Kelli were glad that they'd at least get through it with each other.

As the couple came nearer to the port town they were heading for, Kelli mentioned that the town's name was Azura and that they needed to look for road signs with that name on it. The town was named for a heroine that was from the same world as the king Kelli had mentioned before. The people of this town apparently valued history and all past heroes, not just the hero king of Ylisse's world, Marth. Frederick and Kelli wondered if they'd be able to learn more during their short stay before leaving. It would certainly be an interesting side trip.

"Ah, I think I see the town up ahead!" Kelli said moments later. "It looks beautiful with all the lamps lit."

"Indeed, it does. And you're right, that should be Azura according to the signs we've followed," Frederick replied.

With that, Frederick stirred his horse to a faster pace, the couple eager to reach their ship before it departed. Though at this point, they doubted it would leave until morning, as not many ships were known to start sailing in the middle of the night. Still, it didn't hurt to check at the dock to see exactly when it would depart. And with that, the two continued to make their way into the town to find directions there.

As the couple had figured, there weren't many people out on Azura's roads at this hour, but there were some nonetheless. It was fairly quiet and the bushes and trees near the brick buildings barely rustled at all. Frederick trotted his horse over to one of the people nearby, which was a young man with auburn hair and armor on his left arm. A bow and quiver of arrows was slung upon his back. After the man quickly noticed the couple's garb and congratulated them, Frederick asked how to reach the dock where the Emerald Dream would depart.

"Oh, that lovely ship? Aren't you two lucky!" the man commented with a smile. "It's that way towards the southeastern most part of town. But I'm afraid you're rather late now. The Emerald Dream already set sail several hours ago."

"What? Well, that's quite unfortunate," Frederick replied. "I thought we might have to get a room for tonight, but…"

"Yeah, so did I," Kelli added. "This is so disappointing."

"Well, she'll be back in roughly four days, if you both are willing to wait that long," the man pointed out.

"Ah, that should be okay. What do you say, Frederick?" Kelli wondered.

"Oh, I don't mind that. We could explore the town while we wait," Frederick replied.

"Ah, yeah, that's a great idea!"

"Hold on, did you say Frederick? As in Ylisse's new knight captain?" the man gaped, his eyes widening.

"That would be me," Frederick replied.

"Th-Then that means you must be Lady Kelli!" the man guessed when he turned to Kelli. "And the famous couple that just got married in Ylisstol!"

"That's right!" Kelli replied with a smile. "As you might have figured out, we're on our honeymoon now."

"Ah, I thought so! It's such an honor to meet you both!" the man continued with a quick bow. "You have my congratulations once again and I sincerely hope you enjoy your vacation!"

"Thank you, I hope so too!"

"As do I," Frederick seconded with a smile. "But we must be going now. We can't stay out here all night."

"Oh, but of course! You'll need some rest after your journey here, after all. I bid you both farewell!" the man replied with a smile.

"Oh, farewell to you too! And thank you!" Kelli replied.

The man then continued on his way, leaving Frederick and Kelli to their business.

"Well, he seemed like a nice enough fellow," Frederick commented. "Although I wish he would have given us a chance to ask directions to the nearest inn before darting off."

"Heh, that would have been pretty helpful, but I think he kind of forgot about that when he figured out that we're rather famous," Kelli replied with a chuckle. "But anyway, I'm sure we'll find an inn soon. The nearest one can't be too far."

"Well, you're right about that."

With that, the couple continued riding and entered the road nearest to them that led further into town. Both kept their eyes open for any signs that said "inn" on them, hoping to find one before they grew too exhausted. And thankfully, there was an inn near the end of the road, which led to an intersection. The large building was colored with red, orange, and brown bricks, and its wooden sign above the front doors read "Olegxing Inn."

"Ah, see, Frederick? That wasn't too hard," Kelli pointed out.

"You're right, not at all. I wonder where we're supposed to put my horse though," Frederick replied. "I don't see any stables or hitching posts."

"Oh, good point, I forgot about that. Well, we'll just have to ask the innkeeper."

"I guess we have no choice. There's absolutely nothing around here to tie my horse to though, and I don't like this. Leaving him out here for even a few minutes could make it easy for him to wander off or be stolen."

"Oh, Frederick, stop it. You of all people should know that a trained warhorse would know better than to just trot off without its rider or let a stranger mess with it."

"Well, that is indeed true…"

With that, the two dismounted and Frederick guided the horse to the side of the street so he didn't obstruct it. He firmly ordered the horse to stay put and turned around towards Kelli in the inn. However, before he could get halfway there, he went back to his horse and reiterated his instructions. Frederick then turned towards the inn and managed to get his hand on the door handle, but went back to the horse a second time. This ended up being repeated a few times, causing Kelli to giggle uncontrollably and the horse to grow irritated. Eventually, he folded back his ears, glowered at Frederick, and let out a loud snort.

"Wow, you're as bad with animals as you are with people!" Kelli playfully teased, having burst into laughter at this point.

"I-I am not!" Frederick denied, his cheeks going red with embarrassment. "I'm perfectly good with both."

"Oh really? What about that time you made posters that pictured Chrom naked?" Kelli replied, a smug look on her face as she chuckled further. "Or how you spied on Virion because he had a weapon that was owned by an Ylissean noble house? Or the time you cowered when Panne tackled you to the ground in her rabbit form? Or when—"

Kelli was interrupted when Frederick took her left hand and raised it, placing her wedding ring in plain view.

"Well," he began. "I must have done something right. Either that, or your taste in men is…unique."

Kelli playfully muttered something about bear meat-induced derangement, but smiled and pecked Frederick on the cheek to concede his point.

They then entered the inn, Kelli being careful not to get her gown caught in the door. Frederick tapped the bell on the reception counter after the couple approached. Moments later, a middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair walked up to the other side, no doubt the innkeeper. His eyebrows shot up when he noticed the couple.

"Oh! Look what we have here! A pair of newlyweds!" he gasped with a smile. "Congratulations to you both!"

"Ah, thank you so much!" Kelli replied happily.

"Yes, thank you," Frederick added, returning the smile. "We'd like a room, if you please."

"Ahhhh, I hate to be a disappointment, but I'm afraid we're completely booked," the innkeeper replied with a sigh. "And not only that, the other inns in town are as well."

"Wait, what?! Surely you're jesting."

"Afraid not, good sir. I'm terribly sorry."

"B-But why would so many people need rooms here at the same time?" Kelli wondered, confused and shocked at the same time.

"Oh, that's easy. We're usually crowded this time of year because of the Heroes Festival. It happens annually for a week and is hosted in dedication to many famous heroes from the past. It's a huge event and it starts tomorrow."

"I see… That does make sense," Frederick commented.

"Oh dear… Now what are we supposed to do?" Kelli wondered. "That festival sounds fascinating, but we don't have anywhere to stay! I didn't pack a tent."

"What? I thought you had completely prepared for this. How could you not know about a big festival that takes place here?"

"I was looking for fun things in the island resort that we're going to, not here! I wasn't planning on us spending a lot of time in Azura."

"Well, now we are, and we have no shelter. Some honeymoon this is turning out to be."

"Hey, I want to fix this as much as you do! And I don't see you coming up with any ideas."

"That doesn't mean I'm not trying to think of one!"

"Heh, you two really are in love, aren't you?" the innkeeper commented with a chuckle.

"Sigh… I guess so," Kelli replied, a small smile forming on her face. "I mean look at us, Frederick. We haven't even been married for half a day and we're already bickering like an old couple!"

"It just shows, doesn't it?" Frederick agreed, returning the gesture. "But bickering isn't going to get us a place to sleep, unfortunately."

"True… Ugh."

"Hey, now hold on, I think I can still—wait a second! If your name's Frederick, then…" the innkeeper began, but cut himself off. "You two are the newly wedded couple from Ylisstol that's so well known!"

"That is correct," Frederick confirmed. "Someone else outside noticed as well."

"Ah, it's a pleasure to have you choose our town of Azura to journey to! But as I was saying, I think I can still help you out. Since the inns are often booked this time of year and the construction crews are still working on another one, some of us keep some tents to help meet the extra demand. I'll go see if I have any left in storage that's big enough for you both."

"Oh, that would be wonderful, thank you!" Kelli replied.

"Yes, thank you so much," Frederick seconded.

"My pleasure!" the innkeeper said and left the room. Frederick and Kelli waited patiently as the innkeeper went to look for a tent. The couple decided to sit down on the bench nearby so they could rest a little. Hopefully, however, they'd soon be able to get into a tent and change out of their clothes, as they had smelled of alcohol since they left the wedding reception. The accident that had occurred involved a couple bottles of wine that had spilled all over the floor, one of which had been shaken up after falling on Chrom's left big toe. Thankfully, the innkeeper remerged several moments later.

"Good news! I just happen to have one two-person tent left," he announced with a smile. "And you both may use it until you're ready to head to your next destination."

"Oh, that's such a relief! Thank you so much once again," Kelli replied as she stood up.

"Indeed, I was afraid we'd have to sleep outside in the open," Frederick added. "Can we settle into it now?"

"Of course! I've already asked a maid to pitch it alongside the other tents out back," the innkeeper revealed. "Now just follow me."

"Alrighty!" Kelli happily obliged. She and Frederick followed the innkeeper through the hall nearby.

"By the way… If you don't mind me asking, why do your lovely clothes smell of alcohol?" the innkeeper wondered along the way.

"Ah… There was a bit of an accident with some wine at our wedding reception," Frederick explained with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Yes, it was quite a scene," Kelli seconded with a chuckle.

"Aha. Things like that do happen," the innkeeper commented.

"It seems so! By the way, where did this inn's name come from? I know where the name of the ship we're taking comes from as well as the town's name, but not this inn. It's familiar to me, but I can't place it."

"Ah, that's a story I enjoy telling. It's named after a weapon that was used by a famous knight from the same world as the heroes that the town and that ship are named for. You'll find places named after many heroes from other worlds here too, though. Inns, stores, roads, and all manner of other named locations. Such as Tyrfing Tavern, Green Lance Inn, Crimson Shield Armory, Lyndis Lane, Ephraim Road, Durandal Market, Elincia Park, and much more."

"Oh wow, that's amazing," Kelli commented.

"It is indeed. I guess it won't be so bad having to stay here for a few days," Frederick added.

"Oh, not at all! This town is lovely, if I do say so myself," the innkeeper opined as he led the couple outside to where the tent was being pitched. Several other tents were standing as well, most being closed due to the late hour. It was a wide grassy area surrounded by a wooden wall. The tent that the innkeeper led Frederick and Kelli to was grayish blue and almost dome-shaped with a closeable drape as a door. It also had smaller drapes on the sides that likely served as windows. As the trio approached it, the maid was putting on the finishing touches.

"Well, here you are," the innkeeper proclaimed. "I'm glad that maid got the tent up as fast as she did."

"Oh, this is perfect! Frederick and I should be just fine in here," Kelli commented with a smile. "But, um… If you don't mind me asking, what about bedding? We didn't bring any of that either except for a single blanket and a couple of pillows as backup supplies. I'd hate for us to have to use only that on the hard ground…"

"Yeah, good point," Frederick agreed. "The tent itself is indeed perfect, though."

"Ah, don't worry! I have spare mattresses, pillows, and blankets. This is an inn, after all," the innkeeper pointed out. "Of course, you'll have to pay the usual price for however long you plan to stay here, but I'm sure you came prepared for that."

"Yep, we did indeed!" Kelli confirmed. "Thank you so much once again!"

"Yes, many thanks. But one more thing," Frederick said. "My horse is still out front with our baggage. Is there a more comfortable place I can put him?"

"Oh, as a matter of fact, there is. Right over there," the innkeeper replied and pointed to a wooden hitch post at the edge of the area. A few horses were already tied to it.

"They have water and hay troughs over there too. People usually travel here by horse or wagon, so we set up this service as well," the innkeeper continued.

"Ah, great! Thanks! I'll go bring my horse right over then," Frederick decided.

"And we'll go get the bedding," Kelli added with a smile.

"Sounds good to me!" the innkeeper seconded.

With that, the trio separated, with Frederick heading for a gate nearby and Kelli and the innkeeper returning to the inn. While his wife and the innkeeper began gathering the bedding from a storage room inside the building, Frederick approached his horse in front of it and found that he was lying down. The steed had likely grown weary from their long journey. Frederick smiled as he untied his horse and took his reins.

"Heh, I had a feeling I would find you like this," he said. "Don't worry, boy, you can lie down again in a minute. You deserve it after so much traveling."

The horse complied, though seemingly reluctantly, and Frederick led him to where the other horses were tied up in the back. A few minutes later, Kelli and the innkeeper reemerged from the inn with a queen-sized mattress, followed by another maid carrying a blanket, sheets, and pillows. Frederick helped set them inside the tent, where the first maid was setting up a small table and chairs. Within minutes, the "bed" was ready to be used and the maids dispersed to do other duties. The innkeeper turned his attention to the couple.

"Well, you're all set now!" he said with a smile. "If you two need anything else, just come see me."

"Of course. And thanks again," Frederick replied, returning the gesture.

"Yes, thank you so much for everything!" Kelli added.

"Ah, my pleasure! Well, have a good night!" the innkeeper continued and departed the tent, closing the flap behind him. Frederick then turned to Kelli.

"Well, I'll go get our bags. I mistakenly left them on the horse," he realized.

"Aw, Frederick! That poor creature!" Kelli replied, bringing her hands to her hips. "How did you forget about that?"

"I can't say I know. I'm sorry about that," Frederick said with a lopsided smile. With that, he left the tent once again to retrieve their baggage which was still attached to his horse's saddle. He found the steed lying down once more, though the weight of the bags was probably still rather uncomfortable. Frederick quickly detached them and carried them back to the tent. Kelli was now seated on the mattress, her hands at her elbows.

"I'm glad you made that quick. I'm starting to get a little chilly too," she spoke up.

"Oh, gods, I'm so sorry," Frederick apologized again and then smiled. "If you would like, I shall hold you close to me when we get in bed. My body warmth is yours."

"Aw, you want to cuddle!" Kelli replied gleefully. "Of course we can do that!"

"Er… If that's what you want to call it."

"Oh honestly, you don't know what I'm talking about?"

"…Truth be told, not exactly."

"It figures. I'll just have to show you then. Hee hee."

With that, Kelli removed her earrings and pendant, slipped off her shoes, unclipped her veil, and tossed it aside onto her bag. She then let her hair down to reveal the long, teal blue waves that had been bound. Kelli then undid her gown and allowed it to slip down her torso, revealing the sleeveless, strapless slip she wore underneath.

"Wait, why are you undressing in front of me?" Frederick wondered, his cheeks flushing a deep red at the sight of his wife. Though, I have to admit that she's…quite attractive this way…

"It's all part of a couple getting cuddly and lovey-dovey under the warm blankets!" Kelli replied with a smile, not having a care in the world that her undergarments were faintly visible through her slip.

"Hold on, you're not talking about what Lissa told me back at the wedding reception, are you?"

"Oh, no, silly! We don't have to go that far. I know some people like to take things a little slower than that. But I wouldn't protest if you do want to."

"Well… I know Lissa said that many couples do so on their wedding nights, but let's take things slowly. I don't feel comfortable doing such a thing in a tent among other tents either."

"Yeah, good point. Someone could hear us and wonder "What in Ylisse is going on in there?" Haha!"


"But…" Kelli continued and approached her husband. "It doesn't mean we can't still have some fun on our wedding night."

Frederick let a smile cross his features.

"No, I suppose not, huh?" he said as Kelli's hands fingered the fastening of his shirt. She slowly began undoing it, revealing the white undershirt inside. Frederick soon helped her out and slipped it off, folding it neatly and placing it on top of his bag. He soon did the same with his shoes and pants, leaving him in just his undershirt and undershorts. His muscular arms and legs were now visible, showing Kelli some of what years of training and exercise had done to his body. His leg muscles were quite visibly defined and looked rock hard while the domes of his biceps were larger than Chrom's.

"Wow, Frederick… You sure work out," she commented, not wanting to take her eyes off of her husband.

"Well, I am a veteran knight," Frederick replied, still smiling. "Though I did once hear that some women fancy muscles on a man."

"Hey! I think I said that!" Kelli pointed out with a giggle.

"Heh, you did. But I have heard Cordelia talk of Chrom having "muscular forearms" in the past as well."

"Ah, I'm not surprised. She did once love him. Until Stahl invaded her heart, that is!"

"Indeed, she doesn't mention Chrom much anymore. It's mostly Stahl now."

"Yeah, and I'm not surprised at that either. Stahl clearly has an interest in her, and Cordelia needs a man like him in her life. He'd never make her feel lonely and he would always be there for her. He's too kind, too devoted. Why, if it wasn't for you, I might have fallen for him!"

"Heh, I see. And I agree, Stahl is a good man for Cordelia. And I'm sure he would've been just as good for you. But Kelli, I'm happy as ever that you chose me. In fact, think I'm just as in love with you now as you always were with me."

"Oh, Frederick… I'm happy as ever to hear those words."

"I'm glad. But you haven't seen all of the physical results of my training yet."

With that, Frederick's hands found the sides of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Kelli was very nearly stunned at what she saw. Frederick's chest was the broadest she had seen and his rippled stomach muscles would've impressed even Vaike. He also had a light dusting of chest hair, which Kelli hardly minded. In fact, she thought this could be attractive as well, and it definitely was on her husband. She knew Frederick was strong and regularly exercised, but she hardly imagined the scene before her.

"Oh… Oh my…" she finally uttered. "All this time, this was underneath all that armor and your white shirt and bowtie…"

"That's right. And all this time, this was underneath that cloak, shirt, and pants you always wore…" Frederick countered, letting his hands curl around his wife's waist.

"Oh, you fiend," Kelli replied jokingly, slipping her arms around Frederick's neck. "But I love you, Freddy Bear…"

"I love you too, Kelli-Honey."

Kelli giggled lightly at her husband finally coming up with a pet name for her as a counter to "Freddy Bear" for him. Their lips soon met as she was pressed against Frederick's rock hard torso and her arms remained tightly curled around his neck. Their tongues lanced through one another's mouths as they enjoyed simply being together. Moments later, their grip loosened and Kelli's hands softly roamed Frederick's chest and stomach while his, calloused from years of battle and training, stroked the sides of her torso. They eventually crept underneath Kelli's slip and graced her bare skin. She moaned lightly as she felt Frederick's warm hands run up and down her torso.

"You're sneaky, you know that?" Kelli joked lovingly when their lips parted.

"Heh. There's more where that came from," Frederick replied and scooped his wife into his arms, almost the same way he had at the wedding. He then carried Kelli to the bed and sat down.

"Oh, you stinker! I had a feeling you would do that!" Kelli retorted playfully as she was curled up against her husband's brawny form.

"Just trying to keep you warm and cozy as you wanted. Or cuddled with me, as you put it," Frederick countered with a smug grin.

"But of course. It would be better to get under the blanket first though. That way we'll be even cozier."

"That is true."

"I don't think I need this slip anymore either. You did seem to prefer that idea, after all."

Kelli then pulled down her slip and tossed it near her bag. Frederick's eyebrows rose, now viewing his wife wearing nothing but undergarments, which included a strapless bra.

"Well, if you say so," Frederick replied, his cheeks going pink again and a smile tugging at his features.

The couple then slid under their comforter and pulled it over themselves. Frederick settled against his pillow while Kelli snuggled close to him and rested her head against his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her against his warm, bulky form. Kelli's hand lovingly roamed Frederick's bare chest.

"Now this is cuddling," she said.

"Heh, I see. And I'm keeping you warm too, am I not?" Frederick inquired.

"Oh, definitely. I'm so cozy now. And so happy."

"Heh, I'm very glad, my sweet."

"Oh, but… I'm also a little uncomfortable laying here in a bra. I can see why women don't sleep in them now."

Before Frederick could say anything, Kelli slipped her bra down, revealing her bare breasts, and unhooked it. She then tossed it where the rest of her things were and snuggled close to Frederick again.

"Oh, er…" Frederick uttered, his cheeks reddening even more than before as he could feel Kelli's breasts pressed against his skin. "Are you sure you're not trying to get us to do you-know-what?"

"Oh of course not," Kelli replied. "Remember, I agreed that it wouldn't be wise to do it in here when a lot of other people are nearby. But we can still have some fun."

"…Ah. I think I see what you mean now," Frederick commented, a grin tugging at his features. He then yanked Kelli on top of him and pressed his lips against hers once more. Kelli was startled slightly again, but she didn't hesitate to respond by curling her arms around her husband's neck again and lancing her tongue through his lips as quickly as she could. Frederick, happy and mildly suffocating at this point, ran his hands up and down the smooth skin of her back and shoulders, her breasts ground against his tough chest.

"Now you're getting it," Kelli commented with a giggle when their lips parted, gently stroking her husband's hair.

"Well, I hope I'm not bad for a beginner then," Frederick replied with a loving smile.

"Not at all. In fact, I think you're doing just perfect. You're one big cuddly Freddy Bear."

"Heh, I had a feeling you would say that. I am just for you, my love. And I like it too."

"Hee hee, then you're definitely my Freddy Bear and mine alone."

"And you're my lovely Kelli-Honey. Oh, but as long as you don't call me Freddy Bear in public, I won't call you Kelli-Honey publically either, of course."

"But of course."

Kelli then lovingly pecked Frederick's cheek. They then continued to let their lips meet and caress on another. Kelli hardly minded the slight roughness of Frederick's calloused fingers against her skin, nor did he mind the same callousness of her own. Both had trained and battled hard in the war against Plegia, and Frederick had likely done a lot more combat and training before that. The pair simply enjoyed being together and with peace, quiet, and some privacy. Eventually, Frederick's lips migrated to Kelli's neck and collarbone, and light moans escaped her mouth. Her hands continued to explore Frederick's chest, stomach, and shoulders, causing him to moan the same way. His lips also found their way to her breasts when she sat up slightly, softly gracing her nipples and skin. Frederick's fingers joined in moments later, stroking as far up as Kelli's shoulders to as low as her upper behind.

A fair amount of time, perhaps half an hour, passed as the couple continued exploring and enjoying each other without crossing the line they had agreed upon. Though at this point, it likely wouldn't be very long before they did cross it. All it would really take was a more suitable and private location, one would think. Finally, however, after another few minutes of lip-locking, the two were forced to gasp for air and parted. Both panted lightly as Kelli remained halfway on top of Frederick, a hand on his chest and his arm around her waist again.

"Wow…" Frederick uttered, sagged against his pillow. "I have to admit, I honestly enjoyed that."

"I did too. You became an expert at this quite fast," Kelli commented with a loving smile.

"That's a relief. I was also honestly a little nervous that I would make a mistake. Like, say, accidentally touch you in a way that makes you uncomfortable."

"Oh, you still worry too much! You could never make me feel uncomfortable."

Kelli proved her point by lovingly snuggling even closer and wrapping her arm around Frederick's neck.

"Well, I'm certainly glad of that."

"Hee hee. By the way… Now that I think about it, I don't think Chrom and Olivia did anything more than this on their wedding night as well."

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

"Well, the girls and I talked a whole lot during our wedding preparations and when they gave me that bachelorette party in Lissa's chambers. I think Olivia would've mentioned it, because getting romantic with men came up as a topic. And we'd talked about past and present crushes and such… Olivia seemed quite embarrassed to say much of anything on it."

"Oh, Olivia seems to get embarrassed about everything."

"Heh, true, but I think she'd be more embarrassed if she and Chrom didn't go further than if they had. Because that's what the girls would probably kind of expect, and, well…"

"Ah, that is a good point. I can also see Olivia being too shy to do so that soon as well."

"Yes, that too. But I know Chrom can get her to open up more eventually. Heh heh."

"My, my, I am surprised to hear you talk so dirty."

"Oh hush."

Kelli's eyes then strayed to Frederick's muscular form once more, further admiring the rock-hard domes and rippled muscles of his torso. She could definitely now see how he could lug around his bulky suit of armor with little effort the way he did. It must have taken Frederick at least a few years to acquire the body he currently had.

"You know… Your muscles are even more amazing up close," Kelli commented as she let her fingers stroke Frederick's broad chest and stomach. "So strong…"

"Oh, why thank you," Frederick replied, wearing a smile that was both flattered and proud. "I do train to be as strong as I possibly can, after all."

"You do indeed! Flex for me. Please?"

"Ah, of course. Anything for you, hun."

With that, Frederick flexed his right bicep since it was his free arm. Kelli admiringly stroked the enlarged muscle.

"Wow. So tough and hard," she said. "Hee hee, I like it a lot."

"Heh, I hoped you would say that," Frederick replied with a loving smile.

Seconds later, a faint whinny echoed outside. It was one of the horses, though it likely wasn't Frederick's due to how exhausted he had been.

"Ugh, I'd forgotten about your horse," Kelli realized. "I hope he's alright out there in the open darkness."

"He should be fine," Frederick assured. "My horse is used to traveling a lot and staying in different places. It is my duty to follow Chrom and Lissa wherever they go so I may better serve and protect them. Unless they need me at the palace to guard it instead, of course."

"Ah, that makes sense. Speaking of your horse though, what's his name? You never did tell me much about him."

"I didn't? Huh, I would've thought I had. Well then, his name is Sir Kieran and I received him when I was first knighted. He is a beauty, is he not?"

"Oh, he's lovely, Frederick! And Sir Kieran, huh? That name is familiar to me for some reason…"

"I'm not surprised. I named him after a famous knight I once read about when I was still studying to gain knighthood. This knight was from a different world, from the same one as the mighty hero Sir Ike. In fact, it's said that Sir Kieran fought alongside Sir Ike himself in two wars. He was knighted at a young age and gained command of a platoon. Sir Kieran eventually became the second-in-command of the knights of his home nation, called Crimea if memory serves, and later one of two generals."

"Oh yes, I remember some of that now! But wow, he went far!"

"He did indeed."

Frederick then continued to tell the stories he'd read about Sir Kieran and how this knight had inspired him a lot as he trained to become a knight himself. Kieran had apparently been a very enthusiastic individual and he and his men won many battles. Kieran even often claimed he'd slain monsters, though no one knew if all of these stories were actually true.

"Sir Kieran might've told a fib here and there, and he was quite proud and adamant about his duty, but he was the bravest knight I'd ever read about. And he had undying loyalty to the Crimean royal family. He took on any foe that came his way, no matter who they were or how strong they were. Nothing seemed to make him shake in his armor. And they say he actually did slay feral wyverns with nothing but an axe. He claimed that he hadn't even been wearing armor or using his horse at the time. His future wife verified this part, as she had been with him, so it definitely wasn't a fib that time. Sir Kieran tended to brag about himself a little, but I think he was every bit as great as he claimed."

"Wow… You're probably right! Sir Kieran sounds like he was amazing! I'd heard of him a couple times before, now that I recall, but I never knew that much."

"Oh, yes, he was definitely amazing. At least in my opinion. I had dreamed of being as brave and loyal as he was. Unfortunately, I wouldn't say I've quite achieved the bravery yet…"

"Don't be silly, you're the bravest man I know. You'd take on any enemy for my sake or Chrom and Lissa's! It's one of the many things I love about you."

"Well, yes, but… I have some big fears, remember? Wild animals, failing my duty at all, and most of all, trying to protect someone I care about…and failing."

"True, but I'm sure even Sir Kieran feared those last two. As for wild animals, that could be a bit of a problem, but everyone is afraid of something like that. I'm sure Sir Kieran had been too, we just don't know what that fear was."

"I wouldn't be surprised. For the longest time, I hid my own fears from everyone else. Even my own parents for the most part. Obviously they do know I'm afraid of wild animals. But I was supposed to be a veteran knight and body guard to Chrom, Lissa, and Emmeryn and an ideal lieutenant for the Shepherds. I thought I should present myself as fearless, strong, bold… I was afraid that if they knew I feared eating gamey meat and wild animals, they would think I'm pathetic as a knight."

"Frederick, we would never think that. At least I hope nobody else would. But I'm sure most of the Shepherds, if not all of them, would never call you pathetic."

"Well, thank you. I hope so as well."

"Of course! And I definitely would say you're as loyal as Sir Kieran was too! Maybe even more so!"

"Ah… You don't know how much it means to me to hear those words. I love you, Kelli, more than the world itself."

"Oh, Frederick… I love you that much too."

A large smile dawned Frederick's features as his lips met Kelli's yet again, though for the final time that night before the two fell fast asleep. Frederick's arms remained around Kelli as they slept soundly. Chrom had been right when he said two people that didn't seem to go well together at first could potentially make an excellent couple. Frederick and Kelli had only been married a very short while and they were already even more in love than they had been at the ceremony and reception. And hopefully, that love would continue to grow even stronger with time and experience.

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Well, not all of it. I skimmed some and was like "Ewwww... Why would anyone think of a video game character that way...?"

Especially from a game that doesn't develop the said character's character much. Frederick is just a wary bodyguard-like guy...

Also, no M rated content here on Serenes Forest, plz.

And besides, who has the time to read/write fanfics. I have essays to finish.

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Think of Frederick in what way? Also, if he gets married in the game, he has a kid. And we all know how kids are made. xP

And I find it hard to believe that SF forbids M-rated fics. lol

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Think of Frederick in what way? Also, if he gets married in the game, he has a kid. And we all know how kids are made. xP

And I find it hard to believe that SF forbids M-rated fics. lol

That's true, yes. Kids are made that way. Doesn't mean you have to think about it.

Just the whole sexual themes and foreplay thing... *shudders*

Also, I guess this rule is pretty vague and can be interpreted differently, depending on subject, but...

Do not make topics about inappropriate content such as nude images, pornography, gore, etc. This will most definitely result in a ban. Also, please try to keep discussions PG-13.

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That says the discussions and artwork should be kept PG-13, not actual fics. Also, it isn't like I'll be describing every detail of the intercourse part. At most, I'll just be implicating that they did so.

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Well, you made me afraid I was going to get banned for a minute there. ._.

But I will be sure to keep my artwork PG-13, of course. Which brings me to a question, would a piece that shows two people clearly undressed, but with no, well, private anatomy in view be acceptable? I want to draw a piece to go with this fic as I did for the last one, and it'll probably end up being a scene where they're at least shown to be half naked. xP

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Ah, alright then. The swimming scene would do for me anyway, whether Kelli was topless or not. So I'll give her a top in it when I draw it. lol

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I'll probably read the whole thing when I've got the time for it.

I just want to ask a few questions, though. I thought even though you're quite the heavy shipper and really like the idea of falling in love, you personally don't like the idea of you doing the process of... having children, since you found it gross. And you're actually comfortable with the idea of drawing yourself in a swimsuit (and in more revealing attire) and posting it online? I'm personally too shy and reserved to do something like that. Plus I'm hardly an artist. I guess you're quite pretty/beautiful to be comfortable showing off drawings of yourself like that, huh?

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Yep, I'm a pairing nut and a romance nut. lol

As for your questions, I've never said anything about thinking that the process of having children is gross. xP Sure, I don't find it appealing aesthetically and would never draw art pieces like that and sure, I would never write an explicit lemon or anything. But I have no problem making some implications that one of my couples had sex or having them "have some fun" as Kelli puts it in this story by just cuddling and kissing each other while wearing little clothing. Or say that a couple is skinny-dipping or went skinny-dipping. Heck, I wouldn't mind doing the former with my future husband myself as long as sex stays out of the picture (I don't want sex because of personal reasons and skinny-dipping, I could do alone with no problem, but I'd be too shy for awhile to do it with a husband xP).

As for the swimsuit thing, who said anything about drawing myself in a swimsuit? I'm drawing my Awakening Avatar, not me. xP

Does this make things more clear at all?

Oh, also, if Frederick's dialogue seems a bit out of character for him on occasion (which it probably does), then I apologize for that, I'm still trying to get better at writing him. lol He's a challenge because of how serious he is! XD

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Ah, so it's just you personally not wanting sex. Sorry. I got that misinterpreted. I'm kind of wanting to know why (is it because of a medical condition or something?), but if you don't want to say why, I'll respect that.

Even though it's your avatar, I'd still personally be too weirded out and embarrassed to draw or write about things like that.

I guess that clears things up.

From what I read so far (and from what little I know about FE13 since I haven't played it except for a Best Buy Demo), Frederick doesn't seem to out of character (besides things like saying hun) and you've still got his firm, level-headed, advisor personality down. I'll probably comment about it more later on.

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Ah, so it's just you personally not wanting sex. Sorry. I got that misinterpreted. I'm kind of wanting to know why (is it because of a medical condition or something?), but if you don't want to say why, I'll respect that.

A medical condition is one way to put it, I suppose. I don't mind saying why, it's not THAT personal. I have a phobia of pregnancy and a phobia of pain (yeah, nobody wants to feel pain, but I'm just really really afraid of it at times. People keep telling me that there are ways to reduce risk of pregnancy and that the pain goes away after the first couple of times, but I still don't want to do it. There's just nothing that'll convince me due to these phobias. I don't think I'd be a good mother anyway. I'd try to be, don't get me wrong, but I feel I wouldn't be able to pay enough attention to the child, and an infant crying all the time would drive me crazy because of my sensitive hearing.

Even though it's your avatar, I'd still personally be too weirded out and embarrassed to draw or write about things like that.

I guess that clears things up.

That's fine then. Different strokes for different blokes, they say. :)

From what I read so far (and from what little I know about FE13 since I haven't played it except for a Best Buy Demo), Frederick doesn't seem to out of character (besides things like saying hun) and you've still got his firm, level-headed, advisor personality down. I'll probably comment about it more later on.

Ah, that's good, I'm improving then. As for the "hun" thing, we're not exactly shown how Frederick would commonly address his wife if he doesn't use her name, and when I contemplated what term he'd use, "hun" was the first thing to cross my mind because I already decided for Kelli to use "honey" for him on occasion (and both of them using the same term just seems awkward to me lol). And now it's stuck. :P

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Well, sometimes pain is a necessary step towards the greater good. This is coming from someone who's done ~18 blood donations and has been just as afraid of the needles and punctures every time (with the nurses still asking if I want to back out of the donation for the more recent ones). Though I guess compared to pregnancy, blood donations are practically nothing. Fear or no fear, I think you'd be able to make a great mother with your devotion and protectiveness of the ones you love.

A suggestion regarding Frederick's speech: I think having him say Milady instead of hun would be more true to his character. If you want to have him call Kelli something like hun, perhaps you should start out with him using Milady, have Kelli not like it, and have Frederick gradually change from using Milady.

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Well, sometimes pain is a necessary step towards the greater good. This is coming from someone who's done ~18 blood donations and has been just as afraid of the needles and punctures every time (with the nurses still asking if I want to back out of the donation for the more recent ones). Though I guess compared to pregnancy, blood donations are practically nothing. Fear or no fear, I think you'd be able to make a great mother with your devotion and protectiveness of the ones you love.

A suggestion regarding Frederick's speech: I think having him say Milady instead of hun would be more true to his character. If you want to have him call Kelli something like hun, perhaps you should start out with him using Milady, have Kelli not like it, and have Frederick gradually change from using Milady.

Oh, I know that. I've done a lot of blood work too (for various medical reasons though), so I'm used to that kind of thing. I can take a little bit of pain with no problem, it's anything more that scares me. xP And maybe. I may consider adopting a child someday. There are too many kids in need out there these days anyway.

As for Frederick, that's a good idea. I wish I'd have thought of that sooner. xP

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  • 2 months later...

At last, I've got part 2 ready! It would have been ready sooner had I not had to send my laptop in for a repair back in December. >.>

Part 2: The Heroes Festival

When dawn had barely begun approaching the next morning, the light of the sun seeped through the crack in the flaps of all the tents at the inn. Frederick's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight tickled his eyelids, noticing a moment later that it was early morning. He was hardly surprised, however, as he often woke just before dawn to perform various duties for Chrom whenever the Shepherds had traveled away from Ylisstol. As such, his body was quite used to rising early. Frederick glanced downward to unsurprisingly find Kelli still asleep in his arms, though her breasts, which had previously been covered by the blanket, were now exposed again. Even so, she was still fast asleep, unfazed by the sunlight and a clock bell in town ringing six times.

A smile dawning his face, Frederick ever so gently loosened his grip and slipped his arms away from his wife, allowing her to continue to sleep peacefully. He then quietly got up from the mattress and took hold of the blanket. Frederick proceeded to lovingly tuck Kelli in so she wouldn't begin to get cold, and plant a kiss on her cheek. She was the woman he vowed to love, care for, and protect for as long as he lived; she deserved anything and everything he could give her to show that. As such, the knight then folded up her gown, veil, and slip neatly, and placed them on top of her bag. And though it felt awkward, he also put her bra there. Frederick also considered heading to the inn's lobby to ask the innkeeper where they could get a good breakfast, but then thought that he was probably still asleep as well and decided against it.

Instead, the knight poked his head through the flaps of the tent to check on Sir Kieran. And as Frederick expected, the horse was fast asleep on the ground as well. However, he was now left with little to do, as Kelli still slept and it was very quiet outside, implying that the inhabitants of the other tents were also sleeping. And anyone that knew Frederick knew that he hated being bored and couldn't stand to not be busy doing something, whether it was training or work. He had brought a silver lance with him just in case something happened, but he wasn't sure he could keep from making too much noise outside if he trained. I guess it wouldn't hurt to get in a little exercise though, Frederick thought in the end. He then began doing a series of pushups, sit-ups, and various stretches, being careful not to mistakenly knock over anything in the process.

Once in a while, Frederick glanced back over at Kelli to see if she stirred, but she didn't. She would move a little every now and then, so there clearly wasn't anything wrong. But finally, after an hour had passed, Kelli's eyes fluttered open. She'd heard light grunts coming from Frederick and turned to see her husband doing pushups with one of the chairs on his back. He likely couldn't find anything else with a suitable weight. Kelli smiled before speaking up.

"Good morning, honey."

"Aaagh!" Frederick yelped, losing his balance and falling over. The chair rolled off of his back and over his head. Luckily, it didn't make much noise when it hit the ground. Frederick merely shot Kelli a not-so-amused look, tapping one hand on the ground. Kelli giggled as she held the blanket over her torso to defend her modesty, in case someone heard them and barged in to see if anything was wrong.

"I had a feeling you'd be awake first," Kelli continued.

"Well, did you have to startle me like that?" Frederick inquired, still on the ground with his head in one hand. He didn't sound irritated, however.

"Hee hee, sorry. I honestly didn't mean to. I just wasn't sure how to interrupt since you looked so cute doing your exercising."

"Uh huh."

Frederick didn't seem entirely convinced, though Kelli wasn't surprised at this.

"Oh come now, this isn't really bothering you, is it?"

Frederick picked the chair up before speaking again.

"Heh, no, not really. That would be ridiculous. You would never seriously try to hurt me."

"Well, that's true. I love you way too much, handsome."

Kelli shot Frederick a loving smile as she spoke. Frederick returned the gesture and approached his wife. Kelli sat up, still holding the blanket around her torso, and met her lips with his in a good morning kiss.

"I love you too," Frederick replied when they parted. "But you do realize that I've seen you half naked as of last night, don't you?"

"Heh, yes, but I wasn't sure if someone might have heard you or that chair hit the ground. And you never know if the innkeeper or someone might peek in to tell us about breakfast or something. You can't knock on a drape."

"Ah, good point. And speaking of which, I can go ask about breakfast, if you'd like. I also folded up your wedding clothes and put them on your bag."

A lopsided smile crossed Kelli's features.

"We can both go do that," she said, bringing a hand to her hips. "And thank you. But don't you go trying to do everything for me, Frederick. I'm your wife, not Chrom or Lissa."

"Yes, I know. I'll do my best, sweetheart. It's just a little difficult since I'm so used to doing these kinds of tasks. But honest to the gods, Kelli, you are my wife and the woman I love above all else. And I want to be your knight in shining armor, rather than just a knight."

Kelli's loving smile returned as she curled her arms around Frederick's neck and pecked his cheek.

"That's just what I wanted to hear. Now let's get dressed and go for some breakfast. I'm getting hungry."

"Of course, my love."

With that, the two grabbed some clothes from their bags and began to dress. Frederick donned one of his usual outfits of a somewhat dressy shirt with a bowtie and dark pants. Kelli put on a bluish green summer dress since the weather was warming up. She then tied her hair up into the braids and ponytail she normally had it in. She liked ponytails and braids and doing her hair and did it every day that she could. Frederick commented that she was beautiful to him no matter how her hair looked.

"You're so sweet," Kelli replied with a loving smile. "Thank you, Frederick."

"You're quite welcome, hun."

Once they were both ready, the couple took some of their gold and went to the inn lobby. The innkeeper walked into the room at the same time, taking his place behind the service counter. He was pleasantly surprised to see the couple standing there.

"Oh, Sir Frederick, Lady Kelli! I didn't expect to see you both up this early."

"Ah, well, we're rather used to it after the war against Plegia," Frederick explained. "I even woke before dawn to perform duties for milord Chrom and milady Lissa."

"It's true," Kelli confirmed. "Plus, we want to get a head start on breakfast and finding out more about that festival."

"Ah, I see. That would explain it," the innkeeper replied. "There's a nice café just down the road a bit that should be opening right about now. And as for the festival, it opens to the public at nine bells and the festivities officially begin half an hour later."

"Excellent, that sounds good," Frederick commented.

"Yes, I can't wait!" Kelli added excitedly.

"Glad to hear it!" the innkeeper said with a smile. "Were you both comfortable enough last night?"

"Oh yes, thank you," Kelli replied, returning the gesture. "We really owe all of this to you, I'm ever so grateful."

"As am I," Frederick seconded.

"Heh, don't mention it. I'm just doing what any good innkeeper would do," the innkeeper bashfully commented. "And besides that, you're honeymooners! You deserve to be comfortable and have a good time!"

"Well, you do have a good point there," Kelli agreed with a giggle. "We'll be back later on then!"

"Alrighty! By the way, my name's Lenny. I probably should've mentioned that before. Would have made it easier if you needed to find me, but had some trouble. I apologize, an introduction slipped my mind from the idea of housing a famous couple. Heh…"

"It's quite alright, we were eager to get some rest ourselves," Frederick admitted. "But it can be more helpful to know you by name, that's true."

"Yes, we won't forget," Kelli promised with a smile.

With that, the couple bid good bye to Lenny and headed outside. Kelli then realized that they forgot about Sir Kieran again, but Frederick explained that he was still fast asleep and likely still tired from the previous day's journey. And besides that, the horse would just be left outside to wait a long time again. And Lenny would assuredly fill the food and water troughs in back of the inn or have a maid do it. Kelli hoped Frederick was right as they began in the direction Lenny had pointed them in.

And as the innkeeper had hinted, the café was only a couple minutes down the road. It was called Blue Flame Café, named for Sir Ike, the Radiant Hero. Apparently, he had also been called the Blue Flame by some as a nickname of sorts. A plaque on the wall just inside stated that one of Ike's most famous characteristics was his large appetite, explaining the café's name. One of the place's specialties was a spicy rib dish, which was written to have been a favorite of Ike's. Although how such information could've been obtained after so many years was a mystery, Frederick and Kelli didn't mind. The place had a wonderful aroma about it, despite being somewhat small, and definitely looked like it could have excellent food. The tables and chairs were made of fine wood with white cushions strapped to the seats of the chairs. The walls were painted a dark blue and the place was lit with many bright candles and lanterns. There were also a few more tables outside.

"Wow, we should probably bring Stahl here someday," Kelli commented with a chuckle, recalling the green-clad knight's own appetite.

"Indeed, he'd likely have a field day with this place," Frederick agreed.

Moments later, a green-haired man, presumably a waiter, approached them. It didn't take long for him to notice Frederick and Kelli's wedding rings.

"Ah, you two look like a lovely couple. A special occasion, I'm guessing?"

"Oh, yes. My wife and I were just married yesterday, as a matter of fact," Frederick replied with a smile.

"Yep, we're on our honeymoon," Kelli added, repeating the gesture.

"Oh my! Congratulations to you both! I'll try to make your meals as enjoyable as possible, then," the waiter promised kindly. "Can I get you a table outside or inside?"

"Oh, outside would be great!" Kelli replied. "Don't you think so, Frederick? The weather is still pretty nice."

"Yes, definitely. I wouldn't mind at all."

"Well, in that case, just follow me and—" the waiter started as he made for the door, but paused to cut himself off. He then turned around to eye the couple.

"Hang on… Frederick… I've heard that name before," the waiter continued. "…No, it can't be."

"Yes, it is," Frederick confirmed with a small chuckle. "I am indeed the knight captain of Ylisse and my wife is Lady Kelli, our tactician. Everyone's noticing lately. But we don't wish to draw too much attention to ourselves."

"Yeah, it could get quite overwhelming," Kelli seconded. "It's so nice to be appreciated the way we are though."

"Ah, yes, I quite understand. I won't cause any fuss about it then," the waiter commented. "It's still a big honor to serve you, though! Now I shall lead you to a table. You may use whichever one you like!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. We'll just take the one nearest to the door," Kelli decided.

"Indeed, 'tis easier on all of us that way," Frederick agreed.

"Alrighty then! It's serving time!" the waiter proclaimed and led the couple outside. The two then sat down at the nearest table and the waiter handed them menus.

"You know, you two are also our first customers of the day," the waiter continued. "It's really quite a pleasant surprise."

"I don't doubt it," Frederick agreed. "I would probably feel the same way if I were in your position."

"Same here," Kelli seconded. "I had a feeling we were first too. I didn't see anyone else here besides the employees. The innkeeper at the inn we're staying at had said this place just opened for the day."

"Ah, that is true," the waiter confirmed. "Now what shall I bring you both to drink?"

As Frederick and Kelli contemplated the drink choices, they both eventually settled for coffee and orange juice. The two always went well with breakfast. The waiter then departed to retrieve the drinks while the couple viewed their meal options. There were several different breakfast foods to choose from, including eggs, pancakes, rice, sausage, biscuits, oatmeal, and more. They even offered a few kinds of breakfast steaks. Frederick chose two eggs, two pancakes, and a small breakfast steak. He wasn't big on gamey meat, but he usually had no problem with more common meats, like beef. Kelli went with the same, except with sausage instead of a steak, as she doubted she'd be able to eat all of it if she got a steak.

"I don't know, are you sure about that?" Frederick wondered with a smile. "You always seem to have quite an appetite whenever game meat is on your plate."

"Oh hush," Kelli retorted playfully. "If I were eating just the steak, then maybe you'd have a point, but I'm also getting eggs and pancakes. And a drink. That's quite a bit, you know. Pancakes are filling too."

"Heh, well, that's true. And I suppose that thick steak is bigger than any of those slabs of bear meat we cut up."

"Exactly. Who knows how big they make them here."

"Indeed. Speaking of steak though, I'll probably have one myself at dinner. Or maybe even lunch. For some reason, I'm in the mood for it."

"Now who has the appetite?" Kelli replied with a smug smile.

"…Damn," Frederick grunted.

Kelli merely giggled as the two awaited their meals. Since they were the café's first customers of the day, the food arrived fairly quickly, and Frederick and Kelli were able to start eating within the next half hour. Soon enough, more customers began entering the building, though thankfully, none of them seemed to recognize the couple. The waiter also did well to keep his word that he wouldn't bring up the subject out loud and cause a scene. As such, Frederick and Kelli ate their meals peacefully, being careful not to let anyone overhear their conversation whenever hints towards their identities were brought up.

Despite this, the couple talked about many things, including past events from the war, plans for the future, and more. Kelli even brought up the idea of having children with Frederick someday, though her husband was a little hesitant to talk of it so soon. Even so, Kelli didn't hide her excitement.

"Oh come on, honey! Your mother even said that she and your father would love grandchildren," Kelli reminded Frederick happily.

"Well, yes, but… Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't ever want children. I just don't want to rush into things," Frederick replied. "Moving too fast can easily result in mistakes, you know. We could discover that we weren't quite ready and that would not bode well for the child at all."

"Ah, you do have a point. But still, someday, it would be amazing to have a baby, don't you think? I can already imagine me feeding and rocking it to sleep and you reading bedtime stories and making clothes for it!"

"Oh, of course. I would never say otherwise. I have no idea what kind of father I would be though…"

"A wonderful one, that's what! Frederick, really, you're so patient, loving, caring, hardworking, and devoted. All characteristics a dad should have. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if our children decided to take more after you than me!"

Frederick's cheeks went pink from the praise.

"Heh, I don't know about that, but thank you, sweetheart."

"You're very welcome, love," Kelli replied with a loving smile. "Although, it would be fun to pass my tactical knowledge on to a child. So the next generation of Ylisse royalty would have just as good a strategist to rely on. You know?"

"Indeed, I agree. Well, let's finish up so we can get a move on. I realized we forgot to ask Lenny where the festival is being held."

Kelli gasped as she realized Frederick was right.

"Ugh, I can't believe that slipped my mind. Forgetting to ask directions of all things… Yes, let's not waste time."

With that, the couple focused on finishing their meals and then paying the needed gold for them. It was likely around half-past seven bells, leaving them with an hour and a half until the festival grounds officially opened. It seemed like plenty of time, but neither Frederick nor Kelli could know what might distract them along the way. And they wanted to arrive at their destination before a giant crowd did. And navigating through hundreds of people while trying not to get knocked over at the same time was no walk in the park. Once the two had full stomachs and paid the bill, they departed the café and turned to head back to the Olegxing Inn. However, neither Frederick nor Kelli took another step before noticing Lenny himself standing before them.

"Ah, I thought you two might be done here soon," he greeted with a smile. "I came by because it wasn't until after you left that I realized I didn't tell you how to get to the festival. Heh, my mistake…"

"Ha, we were just about to go see you for the same reason," Kelli revealed with a chuckle.

"Oh, well, good thing I showed up then! I just saved you some time."

"Indeed you did. Now, which way do we go, exactly?" Frederick inquired.

"Ah, the festival is being held in the town square as well as a few roads leading into it. Just head down this street, make a left, and keep going that way. You should eventually reach the square."

"Great, thanks!" Kelli replied excitedly, taking Frederick by the arm. "Come on, Frederick! Let's go see a little more of the town before it starts!"

"Hey, alright, alright! I'm coming," Frederick remarked. "You don't have to yank my arm every time you really want us to go somewhere, you know."

"Ah, sorry about that. Heh."

With that, the two continued down the road, wondering what awaited them ahead. Kelli wanted to possibly peek into a few shops in hopes that she might find a nice souvenir or even information on tactics that were used by the famous heroes that Azura honored so. Such strategies would most assuredly prove very helpful to the Ylisse military. The Ylisstol royal library did have a few texts on them, but nothing concrete, as information tended to be lost over long periods of time. All Kelli was able to find out there was that many of these heroes had a master tactician like herself by their side to aid them. If not, then the heroes themselves were the strategists.

During their trip, the couple came across several stores that were just opening for the day, some gift shops, some grocery stores, some clothing boutiques, and some that sold other things. The grocery stores were obviously of no use, but Kelli could barely resist the gift shops and clothing boutiques. Frederick was glad she was enjoying herself, but reminded his wife that it wouldn't be wise to buy anything that they wouldn't be able to carry all day during the festival.

"Oh, I know that, honey! How many times do I have to tell you to stop worrying?" Kelli commented.

"Er… My apologies again," Frederick replied with a lopsided smile. "I just don't want you to buy something thinking it would be no problem to carry with us, but end up discovering that you were wrong later."

"Ah, well, you do have a point there. Thanks for reminding me, love," Kelli admitted with a smile. "Ooh, look at this!"

Kelli picked up a white flower pin with yellow stamen and put it in her hair. It was a species she recognized as one that was said to grow wild in Tellius. She then turned around to let Frederick see it.

"Well, what do you think?" she wondered with a big smile.

"As I always say, you look very beautiful," Frederick said lovingly. "You're never not so to me."

"Oh, Frederick!"

Kelli couldn't resist suddenly pressing her lips against Frederick's and throwing her arms around his neck. He was surprised, but returned the gesture anyway.

"You're the sweetest and most wonderful man ever," she complimented when they parted a moment later.

"Kel, you're kind of embarrassing me…" Frederick whispered as a couple people winked at him. "But those words make my heart soar. Thank you."

"Ah, sorry! Heh, I guess I got a bit carried away there."

"It's alright, don't worry about it. It's the good kind of embarrassment."

"Heh, if you say so. Oh! Frederick, check this out!"

Kelli rushed to another shelf and picked up a long green headband, with intentional tatters on the ends.

"This is a headband like one Sir Ike always wore!" she pointed out. "I think you should try it on! Here!"

"Er, well, I'm not sure—"

Kelli didn't even give her husband a chance to resist. She quickly tied it around Frederick's somewhat unruly brown hair. He then looked at himself in a mirror that was hung on a nearby wall for customers to view any garments they tried on.

"Hey, not bad," Frederick commented with a smile. "But unfortunately, it's not really my style, you know?"

"True, you're definitely not the ragged type," Kelli agreed. "Rugged, maybe, but not ragged, hee hee. I just wanted to see how you looked in it."

"Indeed. Sir Ike sure had an odd wardrobe compared to that of the other heroes we know of, though," Frederick commented as he removed the headband and put it back on the shelf neatly.

"Yeah, they made him look like a poor street urchin! Haha! But somehow, he was still big with the ladies, I hear. Probably enough to where Virion would want to fling half a dozen arrows into his back!"

"I can believe that, given how he'd never turn down the opportunity to get a pretty woman's attention."

"I know, right? Well, I'm done here, so let's carry on."

"Alright then."

With that, they paid for Kelli's flower pin and continued towards the town square. Kelli managed to find a book store not much farther ahead and eagerly went inside in hopes of learning more about how the heroes of the past fought their enemies. And much to her delight, several books spoke of the subject. Sir Ike had a tactical genius in his band of mercenaries, one whose skill at the art was unrivaled in their world. Another book spoke of a tactic used by General Leyon, the same Altarasian knight whose unique weapon the Olegxing Inn was named for, that he had derived from a strategy he'd learned from his brother. Leyon had called it the Ring of Storms, and it enabled his small, exhausted army to retake an entire capital city that had previously been captured by the enemy.

"Wow, now that is very impressive," Frederick commented. "We could definitely use this if we're in a situation like Leyon's."

"Yeah, no doubt about that! I'll read a little more and then we'll head straight to the square. I think it's getting close to nine bells."

"Fair enough."

Other books told that Marth had a strategist by his side, as did the heroes of the continent of Elibe. Ephraim, a hero king from a continent called Magvel, also had a great tactical mind, as he had done similar to Leyon and took an entire castle with only a few men. But whether or not all of these people were as good as Ike's tactician was unknown. The few known strategies they used that were listed, however, proved interesting, though one or two sounded like some of Kelli's own barrel of tricks. Still, she was glad she found the books, and considered buying one later in the day.

The couple continued to the town square once they departed the book store, and thankfully, there weren't many people there yet when they arrived at their destination. It wasn't quite nine bells just yet, but some guests had already lined up to get into the festival grounds and look around. Frederick and Kelli quickly joined them and peered over the ropes to get a glimpse of the festival. Colorful streamers were lined above the area and a banner with the words "Heroes Festival" hung beneath them in the center. Festival staff was finishing preparing games, gift stands, a stage, and other such things. It wasn't long, however, before more people began showing up behind Frederick and Kelli, making the couple all the more happy that they came early.

The staff finally opened the grounds a few minutes later, allowing everyone to pile in. Frederick and Kelli took each other's hands so they wouldn't get separated by mistake in the rush. There still wasn't that big of a crowd though, thankfully, so the couple found plenty of open space in a short time. They went ahead to browse the games, stands, and everything else that was prepared thus far. They learned from a staff member that the festival host would announce the beginning of the festivities on the stage and all of the guests were to gather there. Frederick and Kelli did so afterward, so they wouldn't have to battle a crowd to find a good place to be able to hear the host.

Unfortunately, people gathered quickly as soon as the two came to a halt in front of the stage. The small number of people gradually grew to what was probably hundreds, and the crowd grew louder as a result. The staff also instructed the people to leave a path open for the host to reach the stage, which extended between the crowd and the stage itself. However, this turned out to be more difficult than it looked and once people began to shuffle, it was easy for them to bump into one another by mistake. The stage viewing area had been surrounded by its own set of ropes so other festival obstacles wouldn't be obstructed by the guests and to make it easier to keep everything secure.

Suddenly, a man about Frederick's height unintentionally jabbed his shoulder into Kelli, loosening her grip on Frederick's hand.

"Ugh!" she cried. "Frederick! …Aaah!"

Before her husband could do anything, another, bulkier man knocked her to the ground.

"Kelli!" Frederick called, but found himself pushed into the rope nearby. He was unable to keep his balance and fell right over it, landing flat on his back.

"AAAH! Augh…"

Kelli managed to get to her feet after dodging those of others, but when she looked around for Frederick, he was nowhere in sight.

"Frederick? …Frederick! Where are you?!"

Kelli started navigating through the crowd as quickly as she could, assuming that the people must have accidentally pushed him as well.

"Oh, sorry! Pardon me!" Kelli spoke up as she squeezed her way around. "I'm just trying to find my husband, sorry!"

Frederick, meanwhile, climbed back over the rope after massaging his back, but Kelli wasn't where he'd left her. She probably hadn't seen him go over the rope and went to look for him.

"Kelli?! Kelli, I'm over here if you can hear me!" Frederick called to his wife. Unfortunately, there was no answer. The crowd was too loud.

"Damn it all…" Frederick uttered in annoyance. "Who knows what scoundrel might harass her!"

Kelli wasn't having any better luck. She too tried to call for her husband, but the noise drowned out her voice.

"FREDERICK!" Kelli cried again. There was still no audible reply. "Ugh! Can someone help me find my husband?!"

Before anyone could reply, however, she bumped into another man, but this time, he noticed, and he had a scowl on his face.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, stupid lass!" he barked and shoved her back.

"Ow!" Kelli yelped as she tripped and fell to the ground again. Had Frederick been there, he likely would've clocked the guy hard enough to knock over a dozen people in the crowd. Kelli wanted to do so herself, but the man disappeared before she could even get up.

"Asshole…" she uttered angrily.

"Huh?! Kelli?!" a familiar female voice suddenly spoke up a moment later. Kelli looked up to see two faces she knew all too well.

"James! Marie!" she gasped and quickly stood up. They were Frederick's parents.

"Where did you two come from?!" Kelli inquired.

"We came to check out the festival of course," James replied. "What were you doing on the ground?"

"I got knocked over by some jerk. He shoved me after I accidentally bumped him…"

"Oh, how disrespectful," Marie commented in irritation. "We're sorry that happened, dear. But where's my son?"

"Ah, Frederick! We got separated by accident in this mess and I can't find him!"

"Oh dear… The people here are just too excited, it seems…"

"You can say that again," James agreed.

"Kelli!" another familiar voice called. Of course, the trio knew who it was right away.

"Uh oh…" James uttered. Frederick himself soon showed up, having finally spotted his wife.

"Kelli, are you alright?" he inquired, taking her into his arms.

"Oh, Frederick, I'm fine. Thank you," she replied with a smile and hugged him. "Check out who found me, though. Heh…"

Frederick let Kelli go to see his parents standing before them.

"What the—? Mother, Father?!" he gasped. "Are you two out of your minds?! What are you doing here?! This was supposed to just be me and Kelli!"

"Frederick, we're so sorry!" Marie quickly replied. "We can explain! We had no idea you and Kelli would be here!"

"She's right, Fred. We just felt like going to the Heroes Festival this year," James seconded. "We do so sometimes."

"Oh, really? Or did you come simply to check on us and embarrass me in public again?" Frederick retorted.

"No! No! Not at all! Frederick, honest to the gods, this was just a coincidence. We swear we had no knowledge of your plans!" Marie insisted.

"Indeed, please believe us. We'd never intentionally try to interrupt your special time with Kelli," James added.

Frederick sighed before responding.

"Alright, fine. Telling a straight lie would be even worse for you both, so I apologize. But if I see you again during this trip, then we're going to have a problem. Understand?"

"Oh, of course, dear," Marie agreed. "We'll leave you two be. I hope you enjoy yourselves!"

"We will, Marie. Thank you," Kelli replied with a smile.

"Oh, but… Just to be sure we don't end up finding you again, could you tell us where you'll be headed after the festival?" James wondered.

"Ah, good idea. We'll be boarding the Emerald Dream as soon as it sails into port so we can travel to an island resort," Frederick replied. "I hope you and Mother enjoy your stay here, though, Father."

"Alright, that sounds fun," James commented with a smile. "And thank you, Fred. And again, your mother and I apologize deeply."

"Don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes, do they not?"

"They do indeed. Well, we'll be going now. Be safe, you two!"

"We will!" Kelli promised happily.

"Of course," Frederick added.

With that, James and Marie vanished into the crowd, leaving Frederick and Kelli alone again. Unfortunately, this only lasted about ten seconds. Another familiar voice soon reached their ears.

"Well, well, look who I found!"

"Hm? Oh, Lenny," Frederick greeted. "I guess you decided to see the festival too."

"Yep, sure did," the innkeeper replied with a big smile. "I go pretty much every year, I just arrive a bit later than a lot of other people because I always have to take care of some business at the inn first."

"Ah, makes sense."

"Indeed! I just wish it were a little easier to stand in this crowd…" Kelli commented, not forgetting how she and Frederick had temporarily lost one another.

"Yeah, I know. I almost got knocked over twice already," Lenny agreed. "By the way, just out of curiosity, who were those people I saw you talking to just a little while ago?"

Frederick sighed as he brought a hand to his face.

"My parents…" he reluctantly replied.

Lenny's eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

"Really? Your parents? But I thought a honeymoon was supposed to be—"

"Yes, we know, but they hadn't any clue we were here. We should not run into them again."

"Yeah, they apologized deeply," Kelli added. "Everything's all good now."

"Ah, I see. Funny situation," Lenny commented with a chuckle. "Well, I think everything's going to start here soon, so let's watch and listen."

"Alright then," Frederick replied.

With that, the trio turned their attention to the stage. Just as Lenny had predicted, the man whom they presumed to be the host walked up. He looked to be at least thirty years with deep auburn hair and was dressed in a red and white formal outfit that made Frederick's shirts and bowties look casual. He almost looked like a rich nobleman.

"That guy up there is Winfrey," Lenny whispered. "He's a real big-shot around here because he runs this festival every year and earned some really nice profits in doing so. The whole town respects him and his family."

"I see. I'm not surprised," Frederick commented. "Just look at this crowd…"

"Yeah…" Kelli agreed.

"HEY THERE, EVERYONE!" Winfrey's voice boomed, prompting the crowd to quiet down. "Your host Winfrey here, and I welcome all of you to the first day of this year's Heroes Festival! It seems we have an excellent turnout this year too in terms of attendance!"

The crowd then cheered loudly, causing even Lenny to jump in surprise.

"Whoa. This crowd is bigger than I thought," he said.

"As always, it's a great honor to run this event and pay tribute to the great heroes of the past. The ones that fought hard to succeed in doing what made them so famous and legendary in the first place!" Winfrey continued. "And even the ones that weren't of this world! So how about we have another amazing festival this year?!"

"YEAAAAH!" the crowd cheered once more.

"I can't hear youuu!"


"Now that's more like it! Yeah! But before we begin the festivities, there's been a last minute change in plans!"

Confused whispers soon developed among the guests.

"Now settle down, everyone, settle down," Winfrey coaxed. "Don't worry, this will have no effect on the regular events and activities. But I just learned a few minutes ago that we actually have a famous heroic couple among us right now!"

Frederick and Kelli's eyes widened so far that one could swear they were about to pop.

"…Oh gods. Did he just say what I think he said?" Frederick uttered.

"I-I think he did, honey …" Kelli replied.

"Can you guess who they are?" Winfrey went on.

"Oh! Oh!" the same voice belonging to the man that shoved Kelli said. "You mean to say Sir Frederick and Lady Kelli are here?!"

"I do indeed!" Winfrey replied excitedly.

At that moment, the couple's mouths dropped wide open and they exchanged glances.

"Why don't we invite these lovebirds up to the stage to say hello?" Winfrey suggested. The cheering crowd wasn't hesitant to agree.

"B-But how did he…?" Frederick wondered, too shocked to finish his sentence.

"I have no idea," Kelli admitted, but turned to Lenny a moment later. "You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with this, would you?"

"Huh? Oh, actually, no. It wasn't me who told him, I swear. I've never even spoken to Winfrey before," Lenny replied, raising his hands in defense. "My hands are clean here, folks. My guess is that someone heard you two shouting each other's names while you were lost and relayed that to Winfrey."

"…Damn, you're right," Frederick conceded. "We were shouting quite loudly, and even if neither of us heard one another, people nearby certainly must have. Ugh…"

"Well…" Lenny went on and approached the couple from behind, a grin on his face. "All you can do now is go up there!"

Lenny began to usher Frederick and Kelli towards the stage.

"W-Wait, I don't know if—" Frederick began, but Lenny cut him off.

"Oh come on, it won't kill you."

"Yeah, but…" Kelli replied. "Oh, I guess we have no choice, Frederick."

"Seems so…" the knight conceded.

"Then go on! Your adoring public awaits," Lenny insisted, his grin still present.

With that, Frederick sighed as he and Kelli reluctantly climbed atop the stage. Though, now that he thought about it, it might be rather ignorant of them not to speak at least a few words. He and Kelli were indeed big heroes that were partly responsible for the defeat of Plegia in the previous Ylissean war. And famous heroes were what this festival celebrated in the first place. Kelli giggled when she saw the man that shoved her let his jaw drop upon seeing her again. I bet he regrets being such a jerk now, she thought.

"Sir Frederick! Lady Kelli! What an honor it is to have you both up here!" Winfrey said when the two approached him. "I understand you were just married the other day! And we'd all like to congratulate you! ISN'T THAT RIGHT, EVERYONE?!"

"YEAH!" the crowd cheered again.

"Then congratulations to this heroic and happy couple!"

The crowd then continued to cheer Frederick and Kelli on, some people shouting their names. Winfrey settled them down once more a few moments later.

"Now, would you both like to say a few words to this eager crowd?" he continued.

"W-Well, uh, I definitely must say thank you for congratulating us," Frederick replied, vainly trying not to embarrass himself. "Neither Kelli nor I expected to be up here, that's for sure. Even if we are well-known these days."

"I know! It's such a surprise, albeit a wonderful one!" Kelli added. "Thank you so much!"

"You're quite welcome!" Winfrey replied. "Anything else?"

"Actually, yes. There is one more thing," Frederick said, much to Kelli's surprise, and turned to face the crowd. "For all of you who aspire to become strong warriors yourselves someday, there is one thing you must not forget: it is not the armor or the weapon that makes a knight. It is the person using them, and how they use them that truly makes a great warrior."

"Sound advice indeed, Sir Frederick!" Winfrey commented as he and the crowd clapped.

"And something I wish to add to that," Kelli added. "Strategy is power! Neither brute strength nor amazing skill alone will get you very far. It takes quick thinking and a strong mind to win a battle as well. Even if you aren't skilled in tactics, find someone who is to guide you!"

"Excellent, bravo, both of you!" Winfrey complimented again. "I'd have expected no less from two of the great heroes that defeated Plegia! Thank you so much for coming up here today!"

"You're welcome," Frederick replied, a smile on his face.

"Yes, you're very welcome!" Kelli agreed happily.

"And now it's time to get this party started!" Winfrey announced. "But don't forget, everyone, join us back here in the middle of the square tonight to see a grand fireworks show! Sir Frederick and Lady Kelli shall also be given a special location to view it! But with that, LET'S LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN!"

Say, that gives me a wonderful idea, Frederick thought as the crowd dispersed. He and Kelli climbed down from the stage and found Lenny there waiting for them.

"You both were amazing, bravo!" he complimented. "I'm glad you went up there!"

"Indeed, that wasn't so bad after all," Frederick agreed. "We were able to relay valuable advice to everyone."

"Yeah, I actually enjoyed that!" Kelli added.

"Heh, I'm glad!" Lenny commented. "I stuck around in case you had any more questions about the festival before you went off to have a good time."

"Ah, good, I do have a question," Frederick replied and approached Lenny. He then whispered something into his ear that Kelli couldn't hear.

"Ooh, that would be fun! That tent over there is where the staff hang around," Lenny instructed, pointing at a tent behind the stage.

"Great, thanks! I'll be right back, Kelli," Frederick promised and darted off towards the staff tent.

"What was that about?" Kelli wondered.

"Frederick wants to ask one of the staff something. But I think he ought to be the one to show you later if they go for it," Lenny replied with an innocent grin.

Meanwhile, Frederick found a staff member right outside the tent as soon as he arrived. He inquired whether the woman was part of the fireworks crew. As luck would have it, she was.

"Ah, good! I have an idea for you that I think you might like," Frederick replied with a smile. He then whispered the suggestion into the woman's ear, causing a smile to form on her face.

"Oh, that's a great idea! We can certainly do that since the show won't be for hours. You can count on us!"

"Excellent, thank you so much! I must get back to my wife now, or she'll really wonder what I'm up to."

"Alrighty, take care then!"

With that, Frederick rushed back to Kelli, who was still waiting for him nearby the stage. Lenny wasn't anywhere in sight, however. He likely had gone to join the festivities.

"What were you doing over there, might I ask?" Kelli wondered with a smile, folding her arms.

"Just suggesting an idea to one of the staff members is all. You'll see it later, trust me," Frederick replied, returning the gesture.

"Well, it is more fun to be surprised! Let's go have some fun now!"

"Yes, let's! Though I can't say I know how to do so, exactly…"

"Really, Frederick?" Kelli wondered in surprise as the two headed away from the stage, their fingers laced together. "Didn't you go outside a lot as a kid or play with toys or anything?"

"Oh, of course, but it's been many years since I last did so," Frederick replied. "As I grew older, I devoted my life to becoming a knight and serving the royal family. I had no more time for fun."

"Frederick, honestly. I keep telling you, even knights deserve a break every now and then! They work so hard, you know? And didn't you miss just having, well, you time at all?"

"That is true, yes… I became so used to my duties though. I probably did miss the old days, but after a while, I suppose I just forgot all about fun and what it's like."

"Well, then I guess it's up to me to fix that. There's a saying, you know. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy. You need more of the "play" part in your life."

"Then you're telling me I'm a dull man?" Frederick wondered confusedly, arching an eyebrow.

"Noooo, not at all. Not dull in personality, anyway, no way," Kelli denied. "Just dull in how you treat yourself. I wouldn't love you so much otherwise!"

"Ah, true. Let's go see the festivities then. I may find it'll benefit me, as you say."

"Just what I wanted to hear!"

With that, the two went off to explore the festival, Kelli excitedly pulling Frederick wherever she wanted to go. They browsed posters hung on the building walls that featured many known heroes, gift stands, food stands, and more. The festival even had staff dressed up as just about every known famous hero in existence. Frederick and Kelli were able to identify every one of them, though there was one in particular Kelli didn't recognize at first. What was interesting, however, was that this person somewhat reminded her of herself. She was dressed in green robes and had a vaguely similar brown ponytail. Frederick suggested that she was probably the legendary tactician that guided the Elibe heroes, Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector. Though unfortunately, her name was lost to history.

As Frederick and Kelli continued exploring, they found horseback riding, horse carts ferrying guests around, and a variety of different games to play. Kelli brought Frederick to one where sets of three bottles were stacked on different tables. She explained that one had to throw a ball at them in an attempt to knock them over. It was five gold pieces for two balls.

"Frederick, I think you could win this one!" Kelli spoke up. "You throw hand axes and javelins all the time, and you're so accurate with them. Give it a try!"

"Well, alright, if you say so," Frederick agreed. "You do have a point."

He then paid the game's manager and took one of the two wooden balls. Aiming carefully, Frederick threw one at the closest set of bottles. All three went down effortlessly. When the knight threw his second ball, the aim was off by a small margin, but three more bottles still crashed to the ground.

"You did it!" Kelli cheered. "See, I told you so!"

"Indeed, you were right!" Frederick agreed. "I guess even here it still pays to have some weapon training."

"Yeah, definitely!"

"Congrats on winning on your first try, Sir Frederick! You get a nice prize!" the manager announced and handed Frederick a wooden figure of a person with aqua green hair. It was garbed in blue armor, a matching blue and red cape, and a tall lance.

"Wow, you won a figure of Ephraim, the Restoration King from Magvel!" Kelli pointed out. "He was really something, I hear!"

"I can agree. I once read that he took an entire castle with just a few men," Frederick recalled. "He really was amazing."

"Yeah. Well, I'd like to take a shot at a game next! Which one should I try…?" Kelli wondered.

The couple then browsed more of the games, and Kelli eventually settled on a target shooting game for archers, mages, and other people who could use ranged attacks to try out. Of course, mages were only allowed to use weak spells to prevent serious accidents, but Kelli hardly minded. She prepared herself with a thunder tome and aimed to hit ten targets in a row. If she did, she'd get a very nice prize as well.

"Let's see if my accuracy is as good as yours!" Kelli said to Frederick as she was about to begin. She then launched her thunder attacks and managed to hit each target one after another. Unfortunately, Kelli barely missed the last one, only brushing it with the bolt of lightning.

"Ah, well, I still get a prize though, since I hit at least five," Kelli commented.

"Indeed you do!" the game manager confirmed. He handed Kelli a plush doll with green hair made of yarn that was tied up into a bun. It wore a long white and gold tunic with a matching surcoat and boots. A translucent light blue cape flowed from its back and had golden brown eyes sewn on the face.

"If memory serves, that doll is Queen Elincia, the Tellius heroine they say had loved Sir Ike dearly," Frederick identified. "They were quite close."

"Yeah, she's beautiful too!" Kelli agreed. "This doll is so adorable though, I'm treasuring it forever. I might pass it down to a daughter as well if we ever have one."

"Heh, not a bad idea."

Frederick and Kelli continued to make their way around the festival further, stopping by a few more games, as well as a food stand for lunch and a couple gift stands. Kelli found key chains that looked like the unique shield Chrom carried, which was known as the Fire Emblem, as well as replicas of hero king Marth's infamous gold tiara. She chose the keychain, as she said it reminded her of the war and how she first met Chrom, Frederick, and the others. The couple also soon discovered strange medallions that Kelli thought looked familiar, but was unable to place them at first. Frederick also knew them from somewhere, but it took him a moment to recall.

"Ah, I have it. These are replicas of Lehran's Medallion, a unique relic from Tellius," Frederick finally recalled after snapping his fingers. "Texts say it held a dark and dangerous power that caused anyone who touched it to go berserk. It emitted an eerie blue glow, which was the reason Tellius natives also called it the Fire Emblem."

"That's right! I remember now," Kelli replied. "So strange… "Fire Emblem" seems to be a common term. It's said that the other continents had some relic that they used that name for too, including Altarais, which is even in the same world as Tellius."

"Indeed. I suppose that's why the series of history stories that have been written on these heroes is titled "Fire Emblem"" Frederick hypothesized.

"Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It's quite fascinating."

"I agree, I'm glad we decided to stay in town."

"Oh, so am I!"

Kelli then browsed the gift stand further, when some gold pendants caught her eye.

"Ah, and speaking of Altarais's Fire Emblem!" she spoke up with a smile. "These are Miracle Stone pendants! Just like the real one Azura wore around her neck. The Miracle Stone was actually split in two pieces, one of which Azura carried with her since she was a baby."

"That's right. It's so lovely too," Frederick commented.

"I'd buy one, but I don't need to, because my husband already bought me a very beautiful pendant," Kelli remembered with a loving smile.

"Heh, he did indeed," Frederick replied, returning the gesture with pink cheeks.

A few hours passed as Frederick and Kelli continued exploring the festival, enjoying more games as well as a snack or two along the way. They met a few of the people dressed as ancient heroes as well as the occasional crazy admirer asking for autographs. Frederick and Kelli just politely declined, as they didn't want to attract any more attention that could take away from their own time. Their fans were rather disappointed, but Kelli cheered them up by saying that they at least got to meet the people they so looked up to.

Eventually, the couple came upon what appeared to be a jousting arena, where warriors could try out the famous sport. It was a long runway where two knights on horses would wield lances and charge towards one another in an attempt to unseat their opponent. Frederick mentioned that he had done a little jousting early in his career, but hadn't done it since due to the other duties he had been charged with. However, he did manage to win one tournament, which was one of the reasons he became appointed as the royals' personal bodyguard and advisor. The other reason was that his performance overall had been better than that of the other recruits according to his father and instructor.

"Wow, you won a tournament? That's amazing, Frederick!" Kelli complimented.

"I did indeed. I still have the trophy too. It's at my parents' house," Frederick replied with a smile. "I let them hold onto it so they would have something to remember how proud of me they are. It's also a sort of symbol that represents the longtime dream I had of becoming a knight in the first place."

"Aw, that's really sweet. Your mother and father are very lucky."

"Heh, they would agree."

"Ah, figures I'd see you two here!" a familiar voice interrupted. Lenny appeared yet again to greet the couple.

"Oh, hey, Lenny!" Kelli replied. "Frederick and I are really enjoying all of this! We won some prizes at the games too."

"Wow, that's terrific! I came by here to see the dueling arena fights."

"Dueling? Where is that taking place?" Frederick wondered.

"Right over there," Lenny replied and pointed to a roped off area to the left of the jousting area. It was a circular patch of dirt where two people used non-magic weapons to have a friendly duel.

"Ah, now this interests me," Frederick commented. "I can't believe we didn't notice it earlier."

"I know! Let's check it out!" Kelli agreed. The trio then approached the ring, where a swordsman and lancer were currently duking it out. They watched as the lancer, most likely due to having an advantage over swords, prevailed against his opponent.

"That lancer wasn't half bad, but he could use a little more training to perfect his techniques," Frederick criticized, like the battle expert he was. "His stance is also off a lot."

"Oh, Frederick," Kelli commented with a chuckle.

"Congrats to the winner!" the arena manager announced. He soon noticed Frederick and Kelli having joined the spectators at the sidelines, and a large grin formed on his face.

"Ah, Sir Frederick and Lady Kelli have come by!" he said. "Say, Sir Frederick, I have an idea!"

"Huh? Oh! What might that be?" Frederick wondered, almost not hearing the man.

"How about we make things a bit different this time? We'll have a small tournament, and whoever wins is granted the honor of facing you in the true final round!"

"Hmm… Not a bad idea. I'll do it."

Whoever I challenge could potentially be a good new recruit for Chrom's army, Frederick thought.

"Excellent! Everyone who wants to participate, sign up here!"

With that, a big crowd gathered at the manager's booth and in what only seemed like minutes, the sign-up sheet was full and the manager began making the bracket. The tournament began as soon as preparations were complete. Frederick, Kelli, and Lenny enjoyed watching all the contestants battle it out in hopes of getting a chance to spar against the knight captain. Frederick would've certainly had a lot to say about many of their battling styles, but he knew that it was not the time for that.

As contestants were eliminated, the group of spectators grew. Word of the tournament had probably spread, causing others to gain interest in it. Eventually, the final match came down to two swordsmen. However, it didn't take long for Frederick to pinpoint which of them was more skilled and would be the victor. One moved slightly faster and had better timing in evading and blocking attacks. Besides that, however, the two weren't that far from evenly matched. The duel ended when Frederick's pick for the winner pinned his opponent to the ground using his sword's guard.

"And we have a champion!" the manager announced excitedly. "Congratulations, you have earned the honor of facing Sir Frederick himself!"

"Oh… Wow…!" the swordsman cried, tears forming in his eyes. "This is a day I've been waiting for for so long!"

"I can imagine," Frederick replied as he stepped into the arena.

"Ah! S-Sir Frederick!" the swordsman uttered, startled. "It's an honor to be here and meet you!"

"Likewise. You have my congratulations for making it this far."

"Oh, thank you so much! But let's begin, shall we? I do have one small favor to ask though…"

"Depends on what it is."

"I was thinking, I heard you specialize mostly in lances, but do you think you could use a sword in this particular match seeing as I'm using one?"

"Hmm, I can do that. It's only fair, seeing as the lance has the advantage over the sword."

"Great! Thank you!"

With that, the manager handed Frederick a steel sword and the match began. In truth, Frederick actually was proficient with not only lances, but swords and axes as well. Lances were merely the first weapon he mastered.

Frederick discovered that his observations about this swordsman were accurate. He had more than a basic understanding of swordplay and he was quick on his feet. He even managed to block and evade a few of Frederick's strikes. However, Frederick was far from incapable of finding his weakness and flaws in his style. The match ended rather quickly, with Frederick disarming his opponent and then sliding his feet beneath him to trip the young man. In the next second, Frederick held his blade up to the man's neck.

"Whoa… You're even stronger than I imagined," he commented. "It was an honor to duel with you, sir."

"Hm. I feel the same," Frederick replied with a smile. "On your feet."

The man quickly got up and bowed.

"Young man, you have some skill," Frederick continued. "If you so desired, we could use you in the Ylisse army. I would train you further, so your skills can be brought to their full potential."

"R-Really?! I'd be honored!" the swordsman obliged. "I've wanted to join the army for a long time, but was never sure if I was ready!"

"I'd say you are. But I must warn you, I do not take training lightly. You must work hard every day and continuously meet my standards."

"And I most certainly will! You can count on me, Sir!"

The swordsman saluted bravely.

"Good. Report to the palace as soon as you are able," Frederick commanded. "I will not be returning for some time myself for obvious reasons, but it never hurts to get a head start. Two of my trusted cohorts can help you in the meantime. However, when I do return, Kelli and I both will be taking over once again."

"Understood, Sir!"

With that, the young swordsman darted off, no doubt to prepare for his newfound destiny.

"My husband is always the serious one, isn't he?" Kelli chuckled.

"That's for sure," Lenny agreed.

While the trio was still there, Kelli agreed to take on a few people in the arena. Of course, she also made fairly short work of her opponents, though even she was not as strong as Frederick. She could give him a run for his money, and their matches were usually close, but Frederick still always managed to prevail. Though, it was most likely because he was nearly twice his wife's size, and his bulky suit of armor only made him heavier and tougher.

Several more hours passed as Frederick and Kelli continued enjoying the festivities, even forgetting about the time in the process. They attended a show featuring the reenactment of different famous battles between heroes and villains of the past. They watched Ike battle and defeat the mysterious foe known as the Black Knight as well as Mad King Ashnard, who curiously shared his title with Gangrel, the late king of Plegia who fell at the hands of Chrom and the Shepherds. Queen Elincia was at his side. They also faced the goddess Ashera alongside a heroine named Micaiah. Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector of Elibe prevailed over the evil dark sorcerer Nergal, and rescued the half-dragons Ninian and Nils from his grasp. Ephraim and Eirika successfully destroyed the Demon King in Magvel, and of course, Marth defeated Medeus, the battle that made him the hero king he was known as in the first place. Roy, the son of Eliwood, fought and triumphed over the corrupted King Zephiel. Other heroes featured were Sigurd, his son, Seliph, Alm, Cellica, and more. Alm was the emperor of Valencia, known in the present as Valm. The land was renamed in his honor, and Cellica was his empress. Sigurd and Seliph hailed from Jugdral, where the former was tragically killed in this continent's conflict. Lastly, the heroes of Altarais, Azura, Bryan, and Leyon, defeated Queen Isis and her underlings.

It was a good show overall, though Frederick and Kelli found some of the acting and dialogue a tad questionable. If the real heroes had seen this, they might've honestly been more than slightly embarrassed. Soon, however, night fell over the area, and a large grin was plastered on Frederick's face as the couple ate dinner. He would soon get to show Kelli the idea he had given to the fireworks woman, and could not wait to see how she'd react. Winfrey then announced the approaching start of the fireworks show within the next hour, and Frederick led Kelli to the location they had been granted to see it. They were at the head of the crowd where they would have the closest and clearest view of the show.

"Oh, Frederick, what's the hurry?" Kelli wondered. "Usually it's me trying to get you to go somewhere."

"You'll see, hun. Just watch," Frederick assured, his smile not fading.

"Hey there, everyone!" Winfrey shouted. "Did we enjoy our day today?!"

The crowd cheered even louder than they had in the morning, making it clear to the host that it was a magnificent yes.

"Now THAT'S what I like to hear! And folks, it's time for the big finale! Let your eyes be amazed as we shoot off the most gorgeous fireworks you'll ever see! And look for a special surprise this year too!"

The crowd boomed once more as the first few fireworks shot into the sky, creating dazzling colors and lights that brightened the night sky. Every part of the rainbow was visible in the display, causing the crowd to go silent with awe. Soon enough, however, one set of fireworks made Kelli's eyes widen more than they ever had before in her life. These formed a group of letters that spelled out a message, which was surrounded by pink hearts. The message read:



The crowd was in even more awe when they saw it, but no one was more mesmerized than Kelli. A large, open smile formed on her face as tears of joy built up in her eyes.

"Oh…" she uttered. "Oh, Frederick!"

Kelli then turned towards her husband and lunged, tackling Frederick to the ground as she curled her arms around his neck.

"Oof!" he blurted. Kelli pressed her lips against his, causing him to pull her close and return the gesture. Many people awed at the scene, happy to witness such strong romance.

"Frederick… You are just too wonderful," Kelli commented happily when she and Frederick parted. "I love you more than I ever did before now!"

"Ah…" Frederick replied bashfully. "I would only show my love for you in the brightest and most beautiful way I can think of."

"And you've succeeded, I would say," Kelli added. "Hee hee, I'm guessing this is a sort of late wedding gift too?"

"You can call it that, yes. I must apologize, as I was at a loss at what to get you. I don't exactly know much about female tastes. The pendant I bought was all I could ever come up with."

"Don't worry, handsome. You've given me all I could ever ask for from the man of my dreams."

"Kelli, you don't know how happy that makes me. Those words fill me with more joy than I ever felt before. Of course, only the woman of my dreams can achieve such a feat."

"Heh, but of course."

With that, the two didn't hesitate to swoop in for another kiss. And this time, they didn't part for a long, long time.

Haha, sorry for how lengthy this got, I was enjoying writing it too much! I probably overdid it a bit on the FE references (if you noticed, I even went as far as referencing the series as a whole), but hey, it IS a festival dedicated to all the FE lords, even Chrom. The only exception is Lucina, but that's because this takes place before she reveals herself. Remember, it's during the two-year time skip in Awakening.

Also, yes, Winfrey's name comes from Oprah Winfrey, the richest black lady in the world. She was the first thing to come to mind when characterizing Winfrey as a rich guy and stuff. :P and Lenny's name was kind of a random choice, I had recently watched a lot of Law & Order, and one of my favorite detectives in it, Lenny Briscoe. XD

Oh, and one more thing! I've added a new scene to part 1, just before Frederick and Kelli enter the inn. ;3

Edited by Anacybele
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  • 2 months later...

And here's part three of this story! :) Just to point out, there's implied sex towards the end of this part. Also, beware of a major Dawn of Darkness spoiler! (one of my other FE fics)

Part 3: Resort Encounters

The next few days seemed to fly by as Frederick and Kelli continued exploring Azura and what the town had to offer. They visited the Heroes Festival one more time at Kelli's urging since she had enjoyed it so much. Frederick, unable to resist seeing his wife so happy, made no hesitation to agree. Lenny also loaned them a map of the town to make their visit easier while they awaited the return of the Emerald Dream. Kelli was as grateful as ever for his aid and even cracked a joke how he might as well have been their tour guide for the remainder of their stay. Lenny merely laughed and said he wouldn't actually mind showing them around a little more, but of course, he had his duties at the inn. So the couple traveled on their own aside from the innkeeper's advice on places to visit.

Among Lenny's recommendations was a museum that was, obviously, dedicated to the same heroes spoken of in the festival. The two heroes with the largest memorials there were King Marth, unsurprisingly, as well as Sir Ike, the hero of Tellius. Marth was the reason the lands of Ylisse and Valm still existed. He saved the world from destruction and he was the most famous ancestor of Chrom and Lissa's bloodline. Paintings had been made depicting the hero king engaging in battle with the ancient dragon, Medeus. Ike was known to have been the strongest and mightiest warrior ever seen, even stronger than Marth himself because of his incredible strength and powerful two-handed blade, Ragnell. Ragnell apparently even had the ability to emit shockwaves that could travel so fast that they could barely be seen. And Ike, too, had saved his world from certain doom, by battling and defeating their own goddess, Ashera. His duel with the infamous figure known as the Black Knight was also spoken of, and paintings were hung depicting these legendary battles.

The museum also had displayed some history on Ylisse and how it went from being Marth's nation of Altea to what it currently was. Altea had unfortunately been destroyed despite Marth's efforts and was later revived as Ylisse by the first Exalt. The mark of the Exalt, the symbol of the divine dragon Naga, was implanted in the Exalt's line, which was why Emmeryn and Chrom both bore it on a part of their bodies. Lissa's mark never appeared for an unknown reason. Because of this, she always feared that she might have been a bastard child. That is to say, Chrom's father, who bore the mark, was not actually her father too.

In addition to the museum, Frederick and Kelli also visited more shops, ate a romantic dinner for two at a restaurant, and went for peaceful strolls and horseback rides on Sir Kieran through the streets. Kelli also decided to send a letter to Chrom and the others, telling all about how she and Frederick were enjoying themselves. As they were walking past some lovely homes and passed by an alley, however, Kelli heard a gust of wind coming from it and turned to take a quick glance. She could've sworn she saw a faint blob of darkness.


"Is something wrong, love?" Frederick wondered.

"I thought I saw something move in that alley," Kelli replied. "It was probably just a bird or raccoon or other small animal though."

"Oh, yes, most likely. Those creatures tend to hang around in such areas."

"True that. But I know that if it was something more, and it jumped us, my big strong knight would protect me."

Kelli flashed a smile as she spoke.

"Indeed I would," Frederick agreed, returning the smile.

"Not that I'm not proficient in combat myself, obviously, but there are just some foes that you'd be able to handle much better, I bet. And besides, there's always safety in numbers."

"That is quite true."

Nearly five days passed after Frederick and Kelli had first arrived in Azura, and both of them nearly ended up forgetting about their planned voyage on the Emerald Dream. Thankfully, however, on the morning of their fifth day in the town, they were summoned to the inn's lobby not long after they got dressed. The couple then hurried over there, and much to their excitement, Lenny had some good news for them. The ship had finally returned the evening before and was in port once again.

"Oh, finally!" Kelli joyously replied. "I can't wait to board it!"

"Indeed, I think we've seen most of this town now too," Frederick added.

"I'm not surprised!" Lenny commented with a chuckle. "It's not like it's a major city, after all. I would have told you about the ship last night, but it was late when I found out and I figured you just wanted to relax, so I chose not to disturb you."

"That's absolutely fine," Frederick said. "The ship isn't leaving until later today anyway, right?"

"Yep, she'll be departing again at noon, so you two best make sure you're at the dock before then."

"Right! Thanks so much, Lenny. You've been such a big help!" Kelli praised.

"Ah, it was nothing," the innkeeper bashfully replied, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, also, you can keep that map I gave you. I hand them out to visitors since most of my guests are tourists."

"Oh, then if we come again, we'll definitely be all set!"

"That's for sure," Frederick agreed. "Well, we should get packing and then eat. If the ship departs at noon, they'll likely start allowing passengers to board well before then."

"Ah, yeah, that's true too. Good thinking," Lenny said. "I hope you two continue enjoying yourselves!"

"We will! And thanks again!" Kelli replied with a smile.

With that, the couple returned to the tent to pack away all of their belongings, as well as fold up the bedding for the maids. Frederick, being the overly dutiful knight that he was, just couldn't stand the idea of leaving a mess. He even dusted off the table and chairs using a cloth he'd brought along for such purposes. Kelli wasn't one to just leave without doing a little cleaning either, so she helped him. She also reminded her husband that this was how things would be as long as they were married, and that he wouldn't be doing everything by himself anymore. Frederick admitted that it was still taking some getting used to, but he would eventually adapt.

Once everything was packed and clean, Frederick and Kelli departed to get breakfast. They chose not to put their bags on Sir Kieran yet, as he surely wouldn't like standing or lying around at the hitching post with all of that weight weighing him down while they were away. He already had to endure that during the trip to Azura, and the horse was surely enjoying a good few days of rest and relaxation. Frederick and Kelli, since they had a little spare time, decided to go to yet another café that they had not visited yet. It was farther than the one they ate at the morning after their arrival, but they hadn't minded.

A few hours later, the couple finally checked out of the inn, bid farewell to Lenny, and rode off towards the dock. Using their map, they were able to get there easily. Thankfully, it wasn't hard to pick out the Emerald Dream itself either, as there was only one cruise ship at the dock and it was painted in a pale green color, which complimented its name. As Frederick and Kelli approached it, they eventually spotted the words "Emerald Dream" etched on the side in a darker shade of green.

"Oh wow, it looks amazing!" Kelli commented.

"I have to agree, this ship is magnificent," Frederick replied. "I never imagined that it could be so big either."

"Really? Frederick, don't tell me you've never seen a cruise ship before!"

"Truth be told, I haven't. I did spend much of my life in Ylisstol and away from the coast, after all."

"Well, you do have a point there. We seem to have gotten here early, so let's buy tickets and board while we still can."


It was true, not a lot of people waiting to board the ship had arrived yet. The line to buy tickets was still fairly short, though Frederick and Kelli had no doubts that it would get long real soon. And they were more correct than ever. Just minutes after they dismounted Sir Frederick and got in line, more than a dozen other people lined up behind them. Some of them looked like people they had seen at the Heroes Festival as well, though they couldn't be sure with how many different faces had been there.

"Oh, Kel, hang on a minute. I just realized. What are they going to do with Sir Kieran?" Frederick wondered.

"Ack, I forgot about that!" Kelli realized. "But I don't think we have to worry, a lot of ships have stalls below decks for animals and I read that this one has them too. It's possible that they could get full, but since we got here early, that shouldn't be a problem."

"Ah, I see. I hope you're right."

The line moved fairly quickly, and since Frederick and Kelli were near the front, they were able to get their tickets and board quickly. Frederick made sure the ticket seller knew he wanted Sir Kieran to be well taken care of, and the young man promised he would be. He'd have food and water throughout the voyage as well as a comfortable place to sleep. Relieved to know this, Frederick made no hesitation to follow Kelli onto the boat and find their cabin below decks. Their tickets had listed a floor and number, which the couple sought out.

"Ah, cabin twenty eight on floor two," Frederick said as they came upon one of the doors two floors below decks.

"Oh, finally, these bags were getting heavy," Kelli replied. "I think I might've done a little too much shopping back in Azura."

"Well, I just hope we have enough gold left for the resort."

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we do! And besides, knowing Chrom, he'll send us a little extra with his reply to my letter. He knows that we need to have a good time and how much you worry about things like this."

"Ha, that's true."

With that, the pair went inside their cabin and closed the door. The cabin itself wasn't as big as their tent at the inn, but it certainly looked more comfortable. The couple had an actual bed this time, along with two small closets and a matching desk and mirror. It didn't need to be big anyway, as they only needed one that would fit two people.

"A tad on the small side, but it definitely is more appealing than a tent," Frederick commented.

"I know, we actually have a real bed to sleep in!" Kelli replied with a chuckle. "Well, let's put our bags down and explore the boat! We got another map along with those tickets so we don't get lost."

"Alright, that way I can learn my way to the animal stalls so I can check on Sir Kieran periodically."

"Aw, you really love your horse, don't you, Frederick?"

"Well, he's my friend and a partner in battle. Sir Kieran is part of what makes me a knight. Also, he's never been on a boat before, so he's going to find all of this strange."

"That's true, he should feel better knowing that his master didn't disappear or anything."


The two then set their bags down and departed the room, locking the door behind them with the key that they were issued. Frederick reminded Kelli that they needed to return later so the ship captain could check their tickets and then they began their exploration of the boat. Using their map, they located the dining hall, bathrooms, an entertainment room for shows, and a small recreational room for playing games such as chess so passengers didn't grow bored in their cabins. Frederick and Kelli also discovered some paintings on display in the boat's main hall just below decks. The largest one depicted a man who was surely the king that the boat was named for. He had olive green hair and was garbed in majestic green armor. A dark blue cape flowed from his back, and a gold coronet enveloped his head. He bravely wielded a lance with a lightning bolt-shaped blade. A gold plaque was attached to the bottom of the picture and had a few words inscribed on it.

"King Bryan, Astryn's greatest legend," Frederick read. "Of course! He was known as the Emerald King. We learned about him at the festival and the museum."

"Yeah, that's right! I had a hunch he was the king this boat was named for," Kelli replied. "Astryn was the country he ruled alongside his queen, Faline. It's located in Altarais."

"Indeed. The smaller painting on the left is of a man that resembles Bryan, but isn't the same person. I can tell because his eyes are a different color and his hair is of a different style. Yet he has similar armor, a lance, and everything else. But there's another plaque here…"

"Oh! That has to be Bryan's son, Alex!"

"You know of him?"

"Yeah, the royal library has a lot of history books, and I look at them every once in a while just out of curiosity. Alex couldn't be as legendary as his father, but he had apparently done a good job in living up to Bryan's legacy as a great king."

"I see… And the smaller panting on the right must be Queen Faline and… their daughter?"

"Ah, that's right! Calina was Alex's twin sister. She loved traveling around and helping Alex when he inherited the throne."

"Well, that's very interesting. I'm not surprised that Bryan was chosen for this vessel's namesake. He had come to Astryn not even knowing he had royal blood, and revived the country from an era of poverty and economic depression. And returned it to the powerful nation that it once was. In a sense, that's probably greater than anything any other ruler has ever done, perhaps even King Marth. Bryan grew up with no knowledge of politics or how to rule a country. All he had was his beliefs and values, some friends, and a lot of support from his people."

"Yeah, he was incredible. Not only did he save his country, but he was a skilled warrior too."

"Indeed. Well, let's continue this little tour, shall we?"


On that note, the pair resumed exploring the ship and decided to go above decks and view the sea. The deck had chairs for relaxation, a refreshment stand, and even a small swimming pool. Frederick and Kelli could tell that the ship didn't just take passengers to island resorts; it also took them on vacational cruises in general, perhaps all the way around the continent. The blue ocean looked vast and endless, and one could only wonder what was on the other side.

"It's so lovely with the sun shining down upon it, isn't it?" Kelli commented.

"It is. This is the first time I'm seeing the ocean too," Frederick replied. "I'm glad to get such a nice view."

"Figures, seeing as you hadn't even seen a cruise ship before," Kelli said with a chuckle.

"Heh, true."

"…Oh, I think it's almost time for the ship to depart. We'd better get back downstairs so we can show the captain our tickets."

"Ah, right."

The couple then quickly returned to their cabin below decks, and made sure they still had both of their tickets. Thankfully, neither one went missing and it only took roughly another ten minutes for the captain to show up at the door to check them. After he approved the tickets, Kelli suggested that they return to the deck to relax and perhaps take a dip in the pool. Frederick didn't mind this, though he wished to check on Sir Kieran first. The two then made for the animal stalls further below decks to seek out the horse. When they got there, they noticed several other horses had been put here, though it wasn't hard to point out Sir Kieran because of his unique saddle and reins. As Frederick and Kelli approached his stall, however, they noticed something rather startling. Sir Kieran was tied to a post and there were two hoof-sized holes in the stall's left wall.

"…Uh oh," Kelli uttered. "Sir Kieran didn't come quietly."

"Oh dear," Frederick said. "He must've put up more of a fuss than I thought."

"He sure did," a voice behind them agreed. Frederick and Kelli turned around to see a light brown haired man in fine overalls and a plaid shirt.

"I'm the caretaker here, and your horse went nuts and rammed his feet through that there wall when he was brought in," the man continued. "He'd never been on a ship before, I take?"

"No, never," Frederick confirmed. "I sincerely apologize for this, Sir. I'm willing pay for the damage."

"It's no big deal, we've had things like this happen before. Animals can be unpredictable, they can. It's a good thing your horse was put in the middle, or this ship might have holes right in its hull! We try to build sturdy stalls down here, but golly, I'd never seen a stallion as powerful as yours! You must've raised him well."

"I did my best to do so, that's for sure. And thank you."

"You're welcome! And it's nice that you can help fix this. We won't make you pay up right away though, as like I said, nobody can predict when these shenanigans will happen. I doubt you'd have that kind of gold on you right now!"

"Indeed, thanks again. I think we can untie him now though, he'll calm down now that he knows I'm here."

"Right, sorry about that."

"It's fine, I understand why you did it. As I always say, safety first!"


With that, Frederick and the caretaker stepped into the stall to untie Sir Kieran and make sure he'd remain calm. The horse was as happy as a foal to see his master, and even licked Frederick on the nose. Kelli giggled at Frederick wiping away horse saliva from his face, glad to see that both of them were cheering up. She never imagined that a war horse could be that affectionate either, though that was probably because most of the ones she met were being ridden by Plegians.

The two then returned to their cabin so Kelli could put a swimsuit on under her dress, and Frederick could change into his swimwear and a short-sleeve shirt as well. He wasn't sure how long he'd stay in the water, but he figured there was no harm in going in for a little while. After making their way above decks, they soon noticed that the ship began to leave port.

"Oh, we're finally off!" Kelli cried excitedly.

"So we are," Frederick replied with a smile. "I wonder what the name of the island we're headed for is?"

"If memory serves, it's called Altea Island, I believe."

"Ah, fitting. That was Ylisse's original name, and the nation King Marth ruled over."

"Yep! But I hear that nowadays, only this island bears that name."

"True, probably in homage to Marth."

"Yeah. Well, let's get in the water! It's starting to get pretty hot out!"

"True, alright!"

With that, the two made for a pair of outdoor chairs and set their towels upon them. Kelli slipped off her dress and Frederick removed his shirt. They also hid their wedding rings under the clothes so they wouldn't get lost while they swam. Kelli wore a purple two-piece bikini suit while Frederick had blue swim shorts that matched the color of his armor. Interestingly enough, the same symbol on his shoulder guards was sewn into the thighs. The water was a tad cold, but the couple quickly got used to it as they waded through. It was only around five feet deep anyway. After all, it was on a ship, and it wouldn't float very well if too much water was placed in it. A few other people had joined the couple in the pool, and Frederick eyed them warily.

"I hope those people bathed recently," he said.

"Oh, I'm sure they have!" Kelli assured. "Now think fast, honey!"

Kelli then sent a playful splash right in her husband's face.

"Hey!" Frederick replied playfully and splashed her back.

"See, that's having fun!" Kelli replied.

"So it is! This seems familiar to me too, I must have gone swimming at least once when I was a child. …Yes, I remember now. There was a small lake and river close by our village. The villagers did some of their fishing there too."

"Oh, that's good! Then you know what I'm talking about!"

"I believe I do!"

With that, their back-and-forth splashing contest continued, and even Frederick found himself laughing a lot for the first time in ages. He soon submerged under the water, forcing Kelli to look around for him. She was still smiling though, as she could tell he was just hiding. Frederick then popped up behind her and grabbed her by the waist. Kelli's smile grew as he planted a wet kiss on her cheek. She retaliated by pressing her lips against his and diving below the surface herself. Frederick found her too swift and quick a swimmer to follow and soon found she was hiding from him this time. Kelli leaped up behind him seconds later and threw her whole body into his back, curling her arms around his neck. Frederick lost his balance and fell beneath the water again, both of them now soaked from head to toe.

"I forgot that you're stronger than you look," Frederick commented when they resurfaced.

"Heh heh," Kelli chuckled. "I could never tackle you if you're in your armor though. It must weigh a ton!"

"It is heavy. But wow. Beautiful, kind, helpful, and strong. It's no wonder I fell so in love with you."


Kelli's cheeks faded into a rosy red.

"I love you too," she replied with a big smile.

Sometime later, the two decided to take a break from the pool and sit upon the deck chairs so they could dry. There were other chairs facing the ocean, so Frederick and Kelli switched to a pair of those once they were dry enough. By this time, they put their clothes and rings back on and simply stared upon the open sea. A few more minutes passed when Frederick found himself slightly swaying along with the moving waves, and a funny feeling began to fill his body. It soon grew uncomfortable, causing Frederick to realize that it was his stomach lurching. A nauseating feeling swept over him, and the pain only grew. Frederick vainly attempted to ignore it, as he didn't want to ruin his and Kelli's peaceful moment. However, he couldn't stop himself from vaulting upright and leaning over the railing to empty his stomach contents into the sea.

"Bleehaaagh! Ugh…"

"Oh!" Kelli gasped, grimacing. "Frederick! Are you alright?"

She quickly stood up to help her husband just in case.

"I don't know. I suddenly felt so ill."

"Oh dear… You must've gotten seasick."

"Seasick? Terrific…"

"Yeah, it happens to some people. I never thought you would get it though…"

"Me neither…"

Before either of them could say another word, Frederick's cheeks puffed up yet again and he leaned back over the railing.

"Ohhhh… This isn't good. The boat trip is supposed to last a couple of days…" Kelli pointed out.

"Lovely…" Frederick uttered through the aftermath of his vomiting.

"Well, let's take you back down to the cabin to rest a little. There's a medical room on the ship too, so I'll go ask about some treatment."

"Alright, if you say so. But I'm so sorry, Kelli. I've probably ruined everything."

"Now don't start acting like Sumia. Things like this happen."

"Well, I suppose…"

The couple then grabbed their things and returned to their cabin. Kelli practically had to force Frederick to lie down on the bed, but he reluctantly obliged. Kelli couldn't blame her husband, though; she would get bored cooped up in a small room too, even for a short time. Still, Frederick was better off letting his stomach settle and not risking making a nasty mess on any of the boat floors. Kelli planted a kiss on his cheek and departed to make for the medical room.

It was two floors above, but thankfully, the medical room wasn't far from the nearest staircase to Frederick and Kelli's cabin. Kelli politely entered in hopes that someone was there. Thankfully, a blonde man in light brown robes was sitting at a table, going over some documents and medical supplies. He had heard the slight squeaking of his door and turned to see Kelli standing there.

"Oh, can I help you, ma'am?"

"Yes, I do need a little assistance," Kelli replied. "My husband got seasick pretty badly on the deck. It's our first boat trip, so neither of us knew it would happen. I feel so bad for not taking it into consideration…"

"Ah, don't worry, I have just the thing. Seasickness is fairly common, and more often than not, people get it before they know they're prone to it," the doctor replied. "So I understand perfectly."

"Oh, thank you! I'm still shocked that it happened to my husband of all people though. He hardly ever even gets regular sick."

"Oh, you'd be surprised. Seasickness, or any other kind of motion sickness, can strike even people who aren't prone to other illnesses. I've seen several cases."

"I see… That's pretty interesting. I'm glad to know that."

"No problem! Just give him a spoonful of this herb mixture at least once each day you're on board, and he should be fine."

The doctor then handed Kelli a small bag filled with a powdery medicine.

"Great, thanks!"

"My pleasure, ma'am. It's my job, after all. You can mix that into his food, drink, whichever. I'd make sure he knows you're doing this first, though, or else he might catch you and think you're slipping him a mickey for some reason."

"Haha, of course. And knowing my husband, he'd go crazy if that happened."

"Heh, well, if you run out, just come back and see me."


With that, Kelli quickly returned to hers and Frederick's cabin so he wasn't kept waiting. As she suspected, her husband was still on the bed, but his arms were folded and he hardly looked pleased. Kelli merely brought her hands to her hips after entering the room.

"Frederick, you are not seriously moping."

"Well, what else can I do when I'm stuck lying in bed like this?"

"Oh, come now. Look, I got you some medicine. You won't have to lie there forever."

Frederick grumbled again.

"Medicine? Must I take it?"

"Yes, you have to. Do you want to keep throwing up on the deck?"

"Well, no…"

"Okay then. It's just one spoonful a day, alright?"

"Alright. …Wait, do we even have any spoons with us?"

Kelli suddenly paused for a moment, realizing the unfortunate answer to that question.

"…Blast. I'll be right back again. You stay there."

Frederick sighed in irritation.

"I don't want to spend the entire trip here!"

"Don't worry, you won't. We'll have a nice lunch and dinner in the dining hall, maybe check out the rec room, and other things, okay? We'll just avoid staring out at the ocean."

"Fair enough…"

With that, Kelli hurried back to the medical room to ask the doctor if she could borrow a spoon. It turned out that he had meant to give her one, but somehow it slipped his mind. He apologized and gave her a spoon and said he didn't need to have it back. He issued them along with medicines sometimes, so it was necessary that he kept a supply.

Frederick unsurprisingly didn't like the taste of the herbal treatment, but he knew he had no choice if he was to make sure he didn't get sick again. He always emphasized safety, so it would be hypocritical of him not to take his own well-being into consideration. And as Kelli promised, they ate lunch and dinner in the dining hall and explored the recreation room some. Neither Frederick nor Kelli knew how to play many of the games available there, however, so the area was of little use to them. The show room looked lovely, but unfortunately, there wasn't a show scheduled to happen while the couple was aboard the ship, so they had no reason to go there either.

Within the next couple of days, the port at Altea Island came into view at last, and Frederick and Kelli were finally going to get the resort cabin and relaxing vacation they had been waiting for. Kelli explained that the island had a few lakes, sandy beaches, horseback riding trails, shops, restaurants, taverns, and more. She also said she would like to stay for at least a couple weeks. Frederick could hardly say no to his wife, so he agreed. After the Emerald Dream docked, the two collected Sir Kieran, departed the ship, and made for the resort check-in building so they could rent a cabin. It was a small cabin-like building itself, only with a sign saying "Resort Check-In" hanging on the front above the doors.

When Frederick and Kelli entered after leaving Sir Kieran at the hitching post outside, they found that the inside was similar to that of the Olegxing inn, only made with more wood. A woman with curly red hair stood behind the counter to greet the couple.

"Hiya there! I take you two came to rent a cabin?" she guessed.

"As a matter of fact, we did," Kelli replied with a smile. "You do have one available, right?"

"Ah, well, you're in luck! I just happen to have a few left," the receptionist confirmed. "Here, take cabin four. It's the closest one to this building. And it's right by a pretty lake."

"Oh, excellent! Frederick, we lucked out this time!" Kelli blurted with excitement.

"We sure did. Unlike at the inn in Azura," Frederick replied.

"I know! Haha."

"Whoa, Frederick?! Well I'll be darned by the gods! You two must be that newly-wedded couple from Ylisstol!" the receptionist realized. "Sir Frederick and Lady Kelli, am I right?"

"That's us," Kelli said with a smile. "We don't wish to make a scene around here though. We just want a normal honeymoon."

"Ah, I understand perfectly, don't you worry. It's sure an honor to have you two stay with us though! But anyway, here's your key and a map of the island. And my name's Tara. If you need anything at all, just come back here and I'll do what I can."

Tara then handed Kelli a silver key and a rolled up sheet of parchment.

"Alright, thanks so much! We plan to stay for about two weeks, is that fine?"

"Oh, absolutely! You two have a good time now!"

"We will!"

With that, Frederick and Kelli departed the building and mounted Sir Kieran once more. After looking at their new map, they made for the cabin issued to them. It was to the northwest and situated right near the nearest lake just as Tara had said. Sir Kieran was definitely enjoying the fresh air a lot more than the stall inside the ship as well, so he was content with traveling a little more. The cabin itself turned out to be somewhat similar to the check-in building, only slightly smaller with a different front door. There were also more windows as well as a small porch. A circle of rocks with some ashes inside lay on the ground in front, with a long, large log next to it. This had to be the campfire area. Frederick and Kelli could also spot the lake Tara mentioned very clearly. It had to only be a couple minutes away on foot.

"Oh, Frederick, this is so adorable!" Kelli commented. "Let's go inside!"

"Alright, no need to rush," Frederick replied with a smile. "I must admit that I'm interested in that fire pit over there myself though."

"But of course," Kelli said with a chuckle.

The couple then tied Sir Kieran to the hitching post outside and unloaded their bags from the steed. There were even food and water troughs next to the post for horse-owners to care for their steeds. Frederick would need to remember to buy Sir Kieran some food later on. He and Kelli then entered the cabin to find the inside slightly larger than the tent they had in Azura, but with a queen-sized bed, small kitchen, a bathroom, and a couch and table. The kitchen included wooden cabinets and a stove and the bathroom had a tub and pot. There was also a sink and well beneath it so guests could obtain water for washing, drinking, or horses.

"Oh wow, I think I love the inside even more!" Kelli cried excitedly. "We're going to enjoy it here, Frederick, I just know it!"

"I believe you're right, my sweet," Frederick agreed. "The place could use a little dusting and sweeping, but that's nothing that I can't take care of."

"Oh, you and your neatness."

"Can I help it if I wish for us to stay in as clean an environment as possible? Well, let's start by getting Sir Kieran something to eat and drink."

"Good idea, the poor thing might be thirsty from the walk over here."

The two put their bags down near the bed and exited the cabin. Just as Frederick and Kelli began walking away, however, Sir Kieran suddenly let out an angry neigh.

"Huh?!" Frederick uttered, nearly jumping. He and Kelli quickly rushed over to the horse, only to find a rather scrawny and tattered-looking man standing nearby. He had dirty blonde hair and a fine stubble enveloped his chin and jaws. He wore a cloak and garb similar to the plain pants and shirt Gaius liked wearing. Which only meant one thing. He was a thief.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!" Kelli shouted.

"What is the meaning of this?" Frederick inquired.

"I…uh…I…!" the man stammered, unable to find words.

"I can use powerful magic, so if you're trying to steal my husband's horse or something from him—!"

"Aaah! No, wait, please!" the man begged, backing away, but tripping and falling over. "Don't hurt me! I wasn't trying to steal anything, honest! Fredster, you know me! Come on, please!"

At this, Frederick paused and his eyes widened.

"Oh really? Prove it, dirty scum!" Kelli retorted and took a battle stance.

"Wait! Kelli!" Frederick interrupted. "Hold on, he's right. I do know him."

"What?! Are you serious?"

"Believe it or not, yes. Only one person ever called me Fredster."

Frederick then turned to the ragged man.

"Ralph… Is…is that really you?"

"Yes. Yes! It's me, old friend!" Ralph replied. "I figured you wouldn't call me Ralphie anymore though."

"Well, I thought you would be a tad old for that name. But where have you been all of these years?! I hadn't heard a thing from you since I left the village to become a squire!"

"I-I know… I can explain…"

"Whoa! Hold on just one minute," Kelli interrupted. "Can someone please fill me in here?"

"Ah, yes, I apologize, sweetheart," Frederick replied. "Ralph here was my best friend when we were kids. He was my neighbor across the street, and we would hang out almost every day. His parents ran a shop next to their home. That day I wandered into the woods and was attacked by a wolf? I had done so because another child dared Ralph to go in alone, and I thought he was there. I wanted to try to stop him. But I only ended up nearly getting killed myself and Ralph was so worried about me that he couldn't eat or sleep for a long time."

"Yeah, what he said," Ralph added. "Those were the good old days… The best days of my life. And the names Fredster and Ralphie were a sort of joke between us."

"That too," Frederick continued.

"Frederick, you mean you were friends with this guy?" Kelli repeated, utterly astonished. "But how? He looks like a common criminal!"

"That's what I'm curious about," Frederick admitted. "Ralph, what happened to you and why are you dressed like this? I'd very much like to know. We always talked about serving in the Ylisse army together. I did hear from my parents that you had to move, but you really wanted to fight alongside me and you should've kept in contact!"

"I'm so sorry…" Ralph apologized. "I did really want that and I'd still love to have it! Honest to the gods, I would. But shortly after you left for Ylisstol, my life started going straight to hell. My parents wanted to send me to the palace too, but their business at the shop started failing, and they began losing money. They could no longer afford to send me and that's why we had to move away. My parents needed to find a better place to do business. But it just never worked out. We remained poor, and I was forced to resort to this just to survive…"

Frederick blinked and could hardly speak.

"…Are…are you serious?" he said.

"Yeah, it's the honest and sad truth," Ralph confirmed. "I didn't keep in contact because of this. I didn't want you to see what a mess I became. I thought you'd hate me for it and not want to have anything to do with me anymore. I mean, you became a successful knight, got a promotion to knight captain, and you just got married! Me, I'm just a lowly bum now! I can barely even stay shaven! I approached your horse because I knew I'd seen it somewhere before and if it really was yours, I was going to go hide somewhere else!"

"Ralph… You're an idiot."

"See?! I knew it!"

"No, I mean you're an idiot for thinking any of that! I would never turn my back on you. I do not abandon my friends at any time, no matter what their lineage or financial status. You had no choice but to turn to thievery. It was the only way you would ever eat or have clothes on your back or support your parents. I'm only sorry that I couldn't be there to help you. You should have sought me out and said something. I would have given you money, helped you to become a soldier, and gotten you and your parents back on your feet. I wanted to invite you to the wedding too, but my parents couldn't even find you! In fact, I might have even made you my best man instead of Chrom."

"…R-Really? You mean all of that?"

"I do. Every word."

"I… I… Thank you! I'm so relieved! I don't have to hide anymore. Or steal."

Ralph sniffled as he vainly tried to hold back tears.

"No, you don't. I can help make sure of that," Frederick assured. "Just one question though. How did you get out here?"

"Oh… I, er, stowed away in a ship that sailed from Azura. I thought this island would be the perfect place to hide and not have to steal from innocent people."

"That figures. Well, unfortunately, I don't think there's any room for you in our cabin, but we'll figure something out. I will not let you wander around with no shelter."

"Oh, thanks! It would be nice to finally not have to sleep on the ground outside!"

"Indeed. So, I believe you've more or less met my wife, Kelli."

"Erm, yes. It's a pleasure, milady," Ralph greeted.

"It's nice to meet you too," Kelli replied, finally producing a smile. "I'm so sorry for my behavior. I really thought you were trying to take Frederick's horse or something."

"It's alright, I probably would have made the same mistake myself. I really do look like a common criminal, as you said…"

"Well, that's true. I have an idea though! I also read that this resort rents tents as well as cabins. And they have a lot more of the former than the latter, obviously. So we'll get you one, Ralph!"

"Oh, I-I don't know. I wouldn't want you to waste any of your money on me… And this is supposed to be your honeymoon too!"

"Oh don't worry, it won't be any trouble! We'll manage somehow!"

"That's right, and the well-being of a good friend means more to us than a handful of gold or a common tradition," Frederick added. "Just wait here. Kelli and I were on our way to get my horse some food anyway."

"Ah… If you say so. Thank you so much…"

"Of course, my friend."

With that, Frederick and Kelli mounted Sir Kieran and headed towards the building where the animal food was sold. It was further north past the nearby lake. Over there, the couple was able to rent a small wagon to attach to Sir Kieran so they could bring the food or other supplies back to the cabin. They'd fill the water trough using the well underneath the cabin. Afterward, they went back to the check-in building to get a tent for Ralph. It was rather awkward explaining to Tara that a friend "decided to join them," but she was happy to rent them a tent as well as an extra pillow and blanket. The tent parts were put on the wagon, and Frederick and Kelli returned to the cabin. Just as he was told, Ralph was there waiting for them.

"Oh, you didn't take as long as I thought you would," the thief replied. "Fred, I don't think a million thank-yous would be enough for what you and Lady Kelli are doing for me…"

"Don't worry, we're happy to help you," Frederick assured with a smile. "Like I said, you were my closest friend and you still are."

"And any friend of Frederick's is a friend of mine!" Kelli added, repeating the gesture. "Also, you can just call me Kelli. There's no need for a friend to be so formal with me."

"Ah, alright, if you insist," Ralph said. "Oh, and Fred, you don't mind if I still call you that, do you? It's sort of become a habit…"

"Oh, not at all," Frederick replied. "My father still calls me Fred, so I have no issue with that. And if it makes you feel better, you can even still call me Fredster every now and then, if you'd like."

"Oh, that's wonderful! Yes, it makes me feel so nostalgic when I use that old nickname."

"Although, I'm beginning to wonder what it is with all these nicknames people are giving me…"

"Oh? I do recall that your mother called you Freddy all the time, but other people called you different things too?"

"Uh huh. Chrom calls me Frederick the Wary from time to time, and Kelli even has her own name for me."

"Ooh, I'm curious about that one!"

"Ugh… If I tell you, will you promise never to speak of it in public?"

"Oh, yes, of course!"

"Sigh… Alright. She sometimes calls me—"

"Her Freddy Bear!" Kelli finished, wrapping her arms around Frederick's neck in an affectionate hug.

"Kelli!" Frederick retorted. "Not so loud!"

"Hee hee, sorry. I could hardly resist."

Ralph couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"…Oh my gods," he uttered. "That is just clever and hilarious. Haha!"

"Why am I starting to think that I'll regret telling you?" Frederick wondered irritably.

"Oh, I wouldn't ever use it to embarrass you, honest. I can definitely see how that would happen if word of it got around. I just can't help but find it so funny, because—"

"Hold it right there! Don't you even think about saying it."

"What? What is it? I'd love to know!" Kelli eagerly replied.

"Er…I'll tell you another time."

Frederick then turned to Ralph.

"I still have no idea why I even let you find out."

"Heh, heh," Ralph chuckled. "Well, let's pitch this tent. I want to rest. I've been traveling around all day."


With that, the trio unloaded the tent from the wagon after Sir Kieran was hooked up to the hitching post again. Ralph didn't have any idea how to pitch a tent, but Frederick's experience from being on the road with Chrom and the Shepherds for war allowed him to teach his friend the basics easily. As they did so, the two friends began catching up with one another. Frederick was curious about why the business Ralph's parents ran went under. Ralph wasn't entirely sure because his parents never told him everything, as he was only a child and they didn't want him to worry. But from what Ralph had learned, some of their customers had also moved on, one or two had passed away, and his parents might have even been overspending a little. Why this would be, however, he didn't know.

"That's unfortunate," Frederick commented. "I'm sorry your parents couldn't revive their store elsewhere."

"Yeah. Anywhere we went, other places were already thriving, or had a lot of the same kind of merchandise we did, and other things. Few people just felt the need to check us out."

"I see…"

"I just don't know what to do these days besides try to help my parents in any way I can to just survive. They're getting old and having a hard time finding any sort of income. I'm all they have… I'd love to pursue that dream of being a great soldier, like I said before, but I doubt that's possible now, after what I've been doing…"

"That's nonsense, I can still get you in the army. Chrom will understand once he hears your story, and besides that, I'm in charge now, remember?"

"R-Really? You think I can get in?"

"Of course. I'll help you train once you find a weapon you feel suits you, as well as choose any armor you might need."

"Oh, that would be wonderful! I stole a sword to defend myself, but I'm hardly capable of using it like a real warrior. I'd love it if you could teach me!"

"I'd be more than glad to."

"Heh, just beware, Frederick takes training very seriously," Kelli warned with a smile.

"So I've heard," Ralph replied, returning the gesture. "They say you work your pupils until they're ready to collapse!"

"Erm, well, I just train them the way I feel is necessary," Frederick said.

"Heh, in any case, I know I can handle it. In fact, I kind of want you to work me that hard so I can make up for all my thievery!"

"If that's what you want, I have no complaint."

After the tent was pitched, Ralph took his pillow and blanket and went inside almost immediately. He was so glad to have some sort of shelter over his head that even a tent felt like a luxury. Frederick and Kelli could hardly blame him, as he'd been sleeping out in the open for Naga knows how long. Once Ralph was settled and comfortable, the couple fed and watered Sir Kieran and retreated inside the cabin to unpack some of their belongings.

"Well, Ralph actually seems like a really good man," Kelli commented. "I feel bad for misjudging him the way I did…"

"I know, I didn't even recognize him at first myself," Frederick replied. "I'm very glad that I finally found him after all these years though."

"I bet. It sounds like it had been a very long time since you'd last met up."

"Indeed. It'd be about fourteen years now, actually."

"Whoa. Really?"

"That's right. I left to become a squire when I was twelve, and I was officially knighted at sixteen. And that was ten years ago."

"Ah, that's right, you turn twenty-six this year."


The rest of the day went by peacefully as Frederick and Kelli left the cabin one more time to buy some dinner to share with Ralph. Ralph felt like he was in paradise once again, as he hadn't had a real meal in a very long time either. He explained that he had always been forced to live on plain bread, milk, cheese, fruit, vegetables, and other such foods and could rarely ever manage to steal something that was recently cooked, like chicken. After he was finished and his stomach was full, Ralph dozed off within minutes for the rest of the evening. The poor man had been that exhausted from his day's escapade.

Sometime after Frederick and Kelli finished their meals, they prepared to rest for the night themselves. Kelli decided to take a hot bath while Frederick tidied up some. He dusted the closets with his cloth so the two could keep their clothes inside them and lightly swept the floor with the broom that came with the cabin. He then changed into some night trousers and an undershirt. A glance through a window let him spot a red rose bush a few paces outside of the cabin afterward. Frederick smiled and went outside to pick a rose, remove the thorns carefully, then returned to the cabin's bed and sat down. He set the rose down on the end table next to it and pulled his undershirt over his head, exposing his muscular torso. After comfortably setting himself against one of the pillows, Frederick took the rose and awaited Kelli, eyeing the flower with a smile.

She emerged from the bathroom in the next few minutes after using a heat spell to help dry her hair, still wrapped in a towel so she could grab some night clothes. When Kelli saw Frederick on the bed with the rose, she couldn't help but smile and chuckle.

"Fine evening, isn't it, my love?" Frederick spoke up, a smug grin on his face.

"Oh, Frederick. Who do you think you are, Virion?" Kelli rhetorically wondered, chuckling some more.

"I might have gotten the idea of the rose from him," Frederick replied. "I picked it just for you, you know."

"Hee hee, thank you."

"I even removed the thorns so you don't prick yourself. It wouldn't do to have bloody fingers at a time like this, after all."

"Heh, of course you did."

As she eyed Frederick's muscle-toned body, Kelli couldn't help but let her cheeks fade pink.

"You know…" she said. "We finally have a lot of privacy…"

"Ah, we do, don't we?" Frederick realized. "Closed walls, nobody else around besides Ralph, who's snoozing away in his tent…"

"Yep… Maybe I don't need to put on any pajamas tonight."

"I had a feeling that that's what you were implying. But are you sure about this? We both know what can happen."

"Oh, I'm aware. But I don't mind one bit."

As she spoke her words, Kelli joined Frederick on the bed and took the rose he picked for her. After placing it back on the end table, she opened the blanket so the she and her husband could get underneath it.

"Well then… I guess I have to give in, don't I?" Frederick conceded.

"I guess so. Hee hee…"

Kelli then drew close to her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck. Frederick's hands reached the edges of her towel and gradually slipped it off, revealing his wife's bare form underneath. Their lips met in a passionate embrace, lancing their tongues through each other's mouths. Kelli pressed herself against Frederick's broad torso and his arms wrapped themselves around her waistline.

When they loosened their grip, Kelli's hands roamed Frederick's chest and his lips migrated to her throat and collarbone. They gradually made their way over her breasts and to her stomach, light moans escaping Kelli's mouth as her husband's lips explored her and her hands slid across his back and shoulders. Frederick's larger hands went on to caress his wife's back and upper behind, until they found the edges of his trousers.

The couple was soon deeply lost in their affection, focused on nothing but each other. They could only while more of the night away by finally reaching that one sensitive line that they couldn't safely cross until that night.


The next morning seemed to arrive faster than a horse running at full speed. Despite that the couple usually woke early, they were still fast asleep even when the sun poked itself over the horizon. Though, this was likely due to their little ritual from the previous night having been somewhat exhausting. Kelli was halfway on top of Frederick, her left arm lying across his chest. His arm was wrapped around her waistline, and the blanket covered their bodies up to just below Kelli's underarms. There were two pillows on the bed, but Kelli was lying close enough to her husband to where they were basically using only one. Frederick had pulled his trousers back up as well, as he never took them off entirely and grew too tired to do so. Kelli's towel also ended up situated beneath them, which was actually a good thing because it caught any possible implicating stains that would otherwise be embedded in the sheets.

When the sun drew a little higher into the sky, its light finally tickled Frederick's eyes and allowed him to wake with a start. Kelli remained asleep, though Frederick hardly minded. He simply smiled and stayed where he was to keep her comfortable. However, it wasn't long before Kelli herself began to stir, the sunlight beckoning her to wake as well. Frederick hadn't noticed at first, but Kelli quickly changed that.

"Good morning, dear."

"…Oh, you're awake," Frederick replied, quickly turning his head. "Good morning."

"We slept a little later than usual. Heh, no surprise there though," Kelli replied.

"I agree, considering what we were doing before falling asleep."

"Oh yes… Frederick, last night was…incredible. I love you."

"Heh, I love you too, sweetheart. But I didn't hurt you at all? I did try to be as gentle as possible."

"A little, but that's to be expected the first time. So don't worry, love."

"Oh? How do you figure that?"

"Heh, well… Your mother told me at the wedding reception."

Frederick's mood deflated slightly upon hearing this.

"…That figures."

"Oh surely you expected me to be talking a lot with her, honey. I don't remember my own mother, after all. So it's as if I never even had one to tell me about being a woman in love."

"Well, yes, you're right. But don't bring this up to her again. You know what she would make of it."

"Haha, true. I can see it now, her telling you how happy she is that you lost your virginity to a wonderful woman that you love so much."

Kelli chuckled as she spoke her words. Frederick's cheeks faded into a deep red.

"Erm…yes… But I must admit, I do feel…like more of a man. Because of that. If that's even possible."

"Oh, I'm sure it is, don't worry. I'm glad I lost mine to you too."

Kelli smiled lovingly, snuggling against Frederick.

"Heh. I'm glad to hear it," Frederick commented.

"We should probably wash my towel though, huh?"

"Agreed. But I'm glad it was there. A maid would likely feel quite awkward coming in here and finding stains on the bed sheets."

"I know, right? Well, let's get dressed and see if Ralph is awake. I'm beginning to get hungry."

"Alright. I am too, actually."

With that, the two got out of bed, Kelli grabbing her towel, and took some clothes from the closets. After getting dressed, the two stepped outside to make sure Sir Kieran still had enough food and see if Ralph had woken up. However, the thief was still snoozing away, likely because he was probably more comfortable than he'd been in a long time. Frederick and Kelli chose not to disturb him and instead, they left to buy breakfast to bring back. The same small store the two had bought dinner from the previous evening also sold breakfast foods like oatmeal, eggs, and sausage. The pair bought some of these and quickly returned to the cabin so Ralph wouldn't wonder where they were if he woke up while they were gone.

Unsurprisingly, Ralph awoke to the smell of Frederick and Kelli preparing the food in the cabin, and he entered to find the latter setting the table.

"Ah, I knew I smelled something good!" he said. "You both must be good cooks!"

"Aw, we just try our best," Kelli replied. "You eat as much as you want though, Ralph. You're still so thin from not eating much."

"Indeed, we need to get you healthier again," Frederick seconded.

"Oh… Thank you, guys! Thank you. I'll try not to take too much advantage of this, though, I really will."

"Ah, I'm sure you won't. You were never like that."

"Yeah, true. Accepting gifts or free aid or anything else of the sort was always a weakness of mine… I just don't want to look greedy or rude. Especially after what I've been doing…"

"Don't worry, that's understandable given the position you were in."

"Ah, thanks…"

Ralph nearly gorged himself once again at the food he was presented with, as he had completely forgotten what oatmeal and cooked eggs and sausage tasted like. He almost choked, prompting Frederick to tell him to take it easy. After the trio finished eating, Ralph volunteered to help clean up in return for all the help Frederick and Kelli had given him. Frederick couldn't say no to this, as this was always his friend's nature. Ralph insisted that he wanted to stay low during his stay, however, because if he wandered around out in the open for too long, someone could find him suspicious because of the way he looked. He decided to stay near the cabin and go for a walk around the surrounding area. Frederick then insisted that they get him some new clothes later. Ralph, once again, was extremely grateful at the offer.

Frederick and Kelli chose to take a stroll around the nearby lake and view the island scenery. The lake itself was fairly large, and the water looked lovely with the sunlight reflecting off of its surface. Groups of ducks and geese swam and lay around it and cat tails grew at some of the lake's edges. Daisies grew wild in the grass nearby, and several trees surrounded the area. Some woods were located on one side as well, and at one corner of the lake was a majestic waterfall flowing from a tall mountainous rock formation.

"Oh Frederick, it's so beautiful here!" Kelli commented as the couple walked.

"It certainly is. And it probably looks even lovelier after it rains and a beautiful rainbow paints the sky," Frederick agreed.

"Oh, yes! I can believe it! That would be amazing to see."

"Let's just hope it rains at least once while we're here."

"Yeah, definitely!"

Frederick and Kelli continued their stroll, their fingers laced with one another's. Kelli fed the geese and ducks pieces of bread they had bought, and Frederick decided to try the same. As he did so, Kelli felt the urge to have a little fun with her husband and threw the opened bag of bread right at him. The pieces spilled everywhere, prompting the birds to flock to him. They perched on various parts of his body to eat the bread, including his head, shoulders, arms, and hands. Frederick nearly jumped, and Kelli couldn't help but chuckle loudly.

"You're lucky that birds aren't the wild animals I'm afraid of," Frederick mouthed playfully.

"Hee hee," Kelli giggled.

Moments later, an unfamiliar masculine voice rang out behind her.

"Hey! You there!"

Frederick and Kelli turned around to see a black-haired man wearing dark gray and brown robes rushing towards them. His skin was tanned, even more so than that of Frederick.

"Excuse me, you're Lady Kelli, aren't you?" the man inquired.

"Yes, I am," Kelli replied. "But I don't want to give anyone an autograph right now. Perhaps after I return to Ylisstol."

"Huh? Oh, yes, I did hear that you lost your memory. Though I was still hoping that you had some memory of me. I'm your long lost husband!"

Frederick and Kelli froze where they stood. This guy could not be for real. Kelli had no memory of her life before Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick found her unconscious in that field, but even so. Kelli hadn't been wearing any rings or other sort of jewelry that could have been a gift from a lover.

"I am sorry, but you are mistaken," Frederick stepped in sternly. "I am her husband."

"Ah, she did recently marry you, that's true. But I was her husband first, I assure you."

"Do you have any proof of that? Kelli never had a wedding ring or even an engagement ring on her finger until I proposed to her."

"Unfortunately, no. Some lowly thief must have stolen the ring I gave her before you found her. But once Kelli's memory is restored, she will know, and she will be coming with me."

Frederick's irritation grew.

"No, she will not. I demand that you leave her be."

"You can't force me to do anything! I don't know who you think you are!" Kelli snapped.

"Well then, we have a problem, don't we? This lake is no place for me to be causing a battle, but I know of a suitable location. We'll settle the matter in the tournament that they're holding in the arena on this island. Man to man."

"What? I don't have to settle anything with you. Kelli is already my wife and we're legally married," Frederick retorted.

"Oh, but I think you do," the man replied deviously. He then raised his hand and allowed it to grow an eerie red color. It soon enveloped Kelli's body, causing her to yelp in fright.

"Kelli!" Frederick cried. "Did he hurt you?!"

"No, but… He did something awful to me, I can feel it!" Kelli replied and angrily glared at the man. "You're a dark mage! What did you do to me?! I demand to know!"

"Heh, how perceptive of you," the dark mage commented. "I may not be able to restore your memory myself, but my magic can keep you within my grasp. The spell I just cast will allow me to see your every move and your location. You'll never be outside of my vision! And I will not break it unless your precious knight here can defeat me in the tournament…or you come with me quietly."

"You're insane!" Frederick retorted, taking Kelli into his arms. "But if this is how it must be, you have yourself a challenge. And I'll make you regret ever crossing paths with me!"

"We'll see… But you'd better sign up soon. The tournament starts in two days. Or else I'll be back. Heh, heh."

With that, the dark mage raised his hand once more and vanished in a thin puff of dark purple smoke. He had casted some sort of warp spell in order to take his leave. Frederick and Kelli could only stand there bewildered and shocked at what had just happened. What exactly this mage was after, and why he believed that Kelli was originally married to him was a complete mystery. Did it have some relation to the Plegian war? Or was it something even greater than that?

Phew, I realize this chapter got a good bit longer than the other two, but I really wanted to finally introduce the bad guy. But poor Freddy, he got seasick on the boat! Haha. But what that doctor said is actually true. Even people that don't get sick a lot in general can suffer motion sickness. I'm proof of this myself. I rarely get normally sick, but I get carsick very easily.

And on a sort of related note, slipping someone a mickey is, I believe, when someone drugs another person's drink without that person knowing, to either cause them to fall sleep, erase their memory of recent events, or some other effect on the brain. The "mickey" is the drug.

Btw, Frederick meeting an old friend from his village was an idea I'd considered for a while, but could never figure out how to explain why this friend wasn't at the wedding and why he'd disappeared for so long. But I finally thought of something and the idea is partly inspired by one of my favorite movies, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. In fact, it's one of the few Dreamworks films that I totally love. Sinbad the pirate was best friends with Proteus, the prince of Syracuse, when they were kids, but the former disappeared for ten years, leaving Proteus wondering what happened to his friend. Then Sinbad shows up and almost robs him. They had grown part and took very different paths despite having had the same dreams as kids, much like Frederick and Ralph here.

And I hope I made it obvious enough that Frederick and Kelli had sex…lol. I left it very inexplicit though, because I'm not a sex-obsessed pervert. xP

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  • 9 months later...

So, after kind of abandoning my writing threads here, I'm deciding to revive this and eventually do the same with the rest of my stuff here. :P I know at least a couple people here have already seen the whole story on ff.net, but I've made small aesthetic changes that I have not yet applied to the ff.net version. They're so small that I don't even remember what they are anymore. So yeah. xP I'll probably be posting a chapter a day until I run out of chapters to post for the time being.

Part 4: Frederick's Preparations

Frederick and Kelli remained standing where they were for the next few moments, still unable to produce words for the events that had just occurred. Kelli now felt fear rushing through her veins at light speed and Frederick couldn't prevent an angry and ashamed grimace from forming on his face. He had just let some no-good stranger cast a spell to spy on his wife. This dark mage now had her within his grasp. Frederick might as well have just handed Kelli over to him. But of course, he would kill himself before he would do such a thing. This was his wife and the woman he loved. Frederick had vowed to protect her for the rest of his days, and now she was in danger. He wasn't living up to his promise in the least bit.

"Kelli..." Frederick finally uttered, letting her go and turning his back to her. "I...I am so sorry. I watched this dark mage cast a dangerous spell on you and I did nothing to stop it. I have failed you as your husband..."

Kelli sighed and walked around him so she faced him again.

"Now don't start that, Frederick," she replied. "Nobody would've seen something like this coming. And I doubt you would've been able to stop his spell if you <i>had</i> tried. It happened so quickly. Please, don't blame yourself."

"But it's my duty to prevent you from falling in harm's way. And now you have."

"Yes, but you can still get me out of it. Like that dark mage said, just defeat him in the tournament. If he dies, his spell will wear off since he was the one that cast it."

"That is true, but can we even trust this man? Will he really show up at this tournament?"

"Well, the way I see it, he doesn't want to draw attention to himself. He wants to keep his mission a secret. So he's going operate undercover at the tournament. It's really a sound strategy when you're hunting for a specific person or object in an isolated area such as this. There are no quick escape routes and not many places for a secret hideaway to be in. So if your mission was discovered, avoiding trouble would be quite difficult."

"Hmm... You do bring up a good point. I can see why you're a tactician, that's for sure."

"Heh, that's my job!"

"Well, we should try to tell the resort staff what's going on. Ralph should know as well. I don't want him to accidentally get involved."

"Good idea. But if I do anything, that dark mage will know..."

"That's why I suggest we split up for the time being. I'll tell Tara at the check-in building while you go back to the cabin and talk to Ralph. That mage may be able to see you, but he never said he could hear you or what's around you. It might appear to just be a normal conversation to him."

"Ah, you're right! You could be a decent tactician yourself, you know."

"Heh, perhaps. But for now, I am just Chrom and Lissa's knight."

"And my knight in shining armor," Kelli added with a loving smile.

"And your knight in shining armor," Frederick agreed, returning the gesture.

"Although... Frederick..."


Kelli's gaze moved downward and her smile turned upside down.

"While I want you to win against this dark mage, I'm so afraid... Are you sure you should be doing this? We don't know what other kind of powerful dark magic this man is able to use. And you've never been quite as proficient against mages as you are against other knights and soldiers. I just can't bear the thought of all the awful things he could do you..."

"I know... It's true that I'm not quite as well practiced against magic as I am against physical weapons. But I'm going to defeat the dark mage somehow. I will never let him take you, no matter what the cost. I love you too much for that. You're a blessing in my life, Kelli. Something I never believed I would ever have. Remember how I said at the wedding reception that I never thought I would marry or even find time to fall in love with a woman? I also never thought that any woman could love me the way you do. I didn't think they would find me suitable because of my service to Chrom and Lissa. I said to myself "who would want to marry a mere servant or bodyguard?" But you, you actually wish to join me and serve them by my side. You want to do it because it would mean that we can be together. You want to because you love me and who I am. It didn't matter my position or what my duties were. You fell in love with me anyway."

"Frederick..." Kelli uttered, a tear forming in her eye.

"And then all those times you approached me in an attempt to spend time with me, such as the training and the bear meat. Although admittedly, it was a little...irritating at first. But gradually, I found that it was making doing my job more enjoyable. I wasn't lonely and I had someone to talk to. And you...have made me smile more often than I used to."

"So that's why you seemed rude for a little while," Kelli replied with a chuckle, to which Frederick gave her a not-so-amused look. "Oh, I'm just teasing. Frederick, in all seriousness, I'm so touched. I really had not known a lot of this. I knew you loved me because I'm me, but not much else. Thank you so much... Now you see why I love you the way I do."

"I suppose I do," Frederick replied, smiling. "But now you know why I have to do this."

"I do. Although, I now wish you would have used this little speech at the wedding. It would've been the perfect setting."

"True. I was rather shy and nervous at the time though. I wasn't sure what to say."

"Don't worry about it, I couldn't come up with any speeches either, heh."

"Heh, that's also true. But we should get going now, the problem isn't going to solve itself. And I need to sign up for that tournament."

"Oh, that's right! The dark mage said that it starts in two days. You'd better hurry before either of us forgets. But Frederick, even while away from me, please be careful. We don't know if this guy might try anything funny."

"Of course I will, my love. And you be careful too, for the same reason."

"Right! Well, I'll see you later."

With that, Kelli lovingly pecked Frederick on the cheek and headed back towards their cabin. Frederick began making his way back to the check-in building in hopes that Tara was there. Employees needed to take breaks every now and then, so it was possible that she was out. At the same time, however, if she wasn't there, someone else would probably be at the counter in her place. If this was the case, Frederick would just have to speak with whoever was filling in for her. He needed to find out how to sign up for the tournament as soon as possible and to let someone know about the incident with the dark mage so he could be apprehended once exposed.

Frederick didn't actually want to kill him if he could avoid it. It would obviously be against the tournament rules anyway. However, if it came down to the dark mage threatening Kelli's life, Frederick wouldn't hesitate for a second to shove his lance through his gut. And the tournament staff would hopefully be understanding about the matter. If not, well, he didn't care what they did with him as long as Kelli was safe and Chrom and Lissa would likely pull some strings to get him out of trouble anyway.

Thankfully, walking to the check-in building rather than riding was still fairly short and Frederick was able to enter in the next twenty minutes. Tara wasn't there, however, and instead a young man with auburn hair stood in her place. He was likely a newer employee with Tara as his boss. Frederick quickly approached the counter, breathing somewhat heavily from the walk.

"Oh, hello, sir. Is everything alright?" the man wondered.

"I'm afraid not. Miss Tara is on break, I'm assuming?" Frederick replied.

"Yeah, she is and won't be back for a little while yet. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I thought as much. And yes, actually. I need you to give her a message. You might find this hard to believe, but my wife was attacked by a dark mage while we were at the lake near our cabin."

Frederick explained what had occurred at the lake as best as he could, describing the dark mage in the process. The young man's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he listened to the knight's rather bizarre story.

"Oh my," he commented. "That is kind of hard to believe. I'm afraid we can't do much if there's no proof of this mage's activities, but I'm sure Miss Tara can have a security guard or two at the arena keep an eye on him in case he does cause trouble. I'll let her know what you've told me."

"I see, thank you. I don't have any proof, unfortunately, but guards keeping an eye on him at the tournament should be enough for now. This dark mage seems to want to keep his profile low."

"Alright then, I'll do my best to convince Miss Tara. She's my boss, so she makes the decisions. You're welcome, though."

"That figures. ...Oh, one more thing. Where do I sign up for this tournament?"

"Ah, at the arena. It should be on the map you were given when you arrived here."

"Great, thanks again."

With that, Frederick departed the building and headed back towards the cabin. He decided to let Kelli and Ralph know what he learned before going to the arena. And they would no doubt want to go with him and check the place out. Of course, Ralph would have to wear something a little more inviting than his current garb, but Frederick was sure he and Kelli could take care of that easily. Frederick was also glad he brought a lance with him on this trip, or else he wouldn't have anything to enter the tournament with. Thankfully, Frederick's wariness caused him to bring at least one weapon with him everywhere he went just in case the need for one arose. He had made it his duty to accompany Chrom and Lissa outside of the palace so he could act as their bodyguard as often as possible. And he would do no less for Kelli as her husband.

The only possible problem was the fact that Frederick lacked his armor and likely wouldn't be able to use his horse either. Outside of jousting, tournaments often never used mounts in their duels, likely due to the lack of space in most arenas. The staff probably didn't want to risk needless injury to the animals either. They were better used when healthy and reliable for real war. Frederick had trained himself to be able to battle on foot, but he was far more used to riding Sir Kieran, so he wasn't sure how quickly he would be able to adapt. Even so, he had to do so for Kelli's sake if needed.

At the same time, however, not using his armor could be a blessing in disguise. He would be left more vulnerable to injury, but Frederick could move faster when he wasn't wearing his armor, and that could give him an edge. Still, he had seen how quickly the dark mage was able to cast spells. He hadn't any idea if he could move and attack just as fast. In fact, Frederick knew little about what he would be up against at all. Still, it hardly mattered. He would find a way to defeat the dark mage anyway, no matter how many blows he took.

When Frederick found himself back at the cabin, he was relieved to see that no struggles seemed to have occurred. If there had been, he was positive that Ralph would've been outside waiting to tell him, as this was also in the thief's nature, and Ralph was nowhere to be found. Frederick was older than Ralph by a year and a half, so Ralph also somewhat looked up to him and thought of him as an older brother figure. Neither of them ever had any siblings, so they were the closest things to brothers that they ever had. If Ralph had or found any problems, Frederick was often the first person he would tell outside of his parents. Kelli wasn't outside either, so Frederick quickly hurried through the door to greet his wife and friend.

"Ah, Frederick, you're back!" Kelli greeted, getting up from the couch she and Ralph were sitting upon. "Did everything go alright?"

"I hope you didn't run into that mage Kelli told me about!" Ralph said, shivering. "He sounds frightening!"

"Oh, no, I didn't see him, don't worry," Frederick assured. "But I did get some information that we need about the tournament."

"Ah, do tell!" Ralph insisted.

Frederick then relayed everything he learned from Tara's assistant as well as his promise to ask Tara to have some security keep an eye on the dark mage.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Kelli commented excitedly. "I don't doubt that Tara will help either, she seemed like she really enjoys her job and having that dark mage running around wouldn't be good for business."

"That's for sure," Ralph agreed. "Back in my parents' shop, they always made sure difficult customers didn't disturb anyone else and if there were any serious problems, those customers were kicked out immediately, no questions asked. Customers will leave if they get bothered or harassed by others while they're trying to shop, which can hurt the shop's reputation. And no business owner wants that."

"I can imagine," Frederick replied. "You seem to know a thing or two about business. Were your parents teaching you, Ralph?"

"Actually, yeah. I think they kind of hoped that I would change my mind about joining the army and take over the family business someday instead."

"I see. But...hold on, I thought your parents had been trying to have another child as well. How come that never happened?"

Here, Ralph's eyes strayed away and he remained silent for a few moments.

"Well... They were, yes. I think this also contributed to the shop failing, actually. My mother did successfully get pregnant again. But...she later had a horrible miscarriage that left her reproductive organs damaged. My dad took Mom to the nearby clinic, but the doctor sadly reported that she would never be able to have children again."


"I-I'm so sorry to hear that..." Kelli commented. "I can see how running a business after such an experience could be difficult."

"So can I. I've heard that miscarriages and stillbirths can be traumatic experiences for women and even the men that fathered those babies," Frederick added.

"Oh, you have no idea. My mom couldn't function properly again for months," Ralph continued. "And between that and the bill for her treatment, they started losing money at the shop. They weren't bad losses, so my parents thought they could recover. But due to the things I mentioned yesterday, they just couldn't make it happen."

"Well, it sounds like they made a tremendous effort though, and I commend them for that," Frederick replied.

"Yeah, they did. They tried their hardest. But in a way, I also blame myself. I could have helped out more, but I was also left upset by what had happened. I was looking forward to having a little brother or sister that could look up to me just as I always did you, Fred... I wanted to pass on what I learned from you and my parents."

At this, Frederick gave a small smile.

"Ah. Well, I'm honored, my friend. But don't blame yourself. I doubt anyone wouldn't be affected the way you and your parents were by this incident."

"Frederick's right, Ralph. This wasn't your fault in any way, nor are your parents to blame," Kelli agreed. "It was a saddening tragedy, that's all."

"Well, I guess you're right. Thanks, guys."

"But of course," Frederick said, smiling again. "So, let's go to the arena. I have to sign up there, and I take you two would like to see the place?"

"Oh, yes, I definitely want to see it!" Kelli replied excitedly. "A tour of an arena sounds like fun!"

"Yeah, I want to go too!" Ralph seconded. "But, uh... Can I find some new clothes first? I don't think I'll look very appealing going there looking like I just robbed a shop stockroom."

"Ah, yes. I had forgotten about that," Frederick admitted. "I did want to take you to a shop and find you a nicer outfit. You've probably been trapped in the clothes you're wearing for months."

"Er... Three years, actually."

Kelli's mouth dropped open.

"Oh my gods, are you serious?"

Frederick merely sighed and brought a hand to his face. Ralph found himself backing away from Kelli slightly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry... I couldn't afford to buy any clothes! And stealing them isn't nearly as easy as stealing food."

"I'm sure, but this is still preposterous," Kelli continued. "We're all going to march down to the nearest clothing shop right now and get you a new outfit. Also, when was the last time you bathed? And brushed your teeth? And changed your underwear and washed your clothes?"

"Aaah! Whoa! Slow down, take it easy!" Ralph pleaded, raising his hands in defense. "You're starting to sound like my mother. Anyway, I bathed and brushed my teeth while you two were out earlier. First time I was able to do so in an actual tub in forever. And before you ask, yes I have a toothbrush. That I stole, but still. I had to borrow Fred's soap and toothpaste though, the cabin doesn't come with any and I used up what I had not long before I arrived here. There are spare towels here though. And as for, ugh, underwear—"

"Hey, wait a minute! You borrowed what?!" Frederick interrupted.

"Oh, erm, your soap and toothpaste... I'm sorry, Fredster, I didn't have a choice! I didn't want to walk around stinking like a skunk and with breath that smelled like rotten eggs! I swear though, I didn't use much!"

Frederick merely slapped his face in annoyance, though not just at Ralph, but also himself for not thinking of the thief's personal hygiene.

"Yes, yes, I understand. I should've thought of you needing things like that," Frederick admitted. "We'll get you your own hygiene supplies while we're out too."

"O-Okay," Ralph replied. "Anyway, as I was saying, Kelli, I actually have two pairs of underwear, believe it or not. And I did periodically do my best to wash my clothes even though I had no soap for them. Of course, I had to find a pond or lake in some woods so I could disrobe without anyone seeing and then remain there naked until—"

"Okay, okay, I think I get it!" Kelli said, grimacing at the images Ralph was putting in her head. "I'm sorry I asked."

"So am I," Frederick agreed, eyeing his wife with a raised eyebrow. "Although, I'm now curious about how you handled fall and winter."

"Oh, falls and winters were tough, of course, but I managed to swipe myself a winter cloak," Ralph explained. "I had to give it up before I came here though, as it would've been too difficult to hide it with me. I gave it to a poor child."

"Aw, that was very kind of you," Kelli commented.

"Indeed, I would have expected no less of you," Frederick agreed. "Well, let's go. We won't get any shopping done standing here."

"Ah, right," Ralph agreed.

"Oh, but Frederick, who's going to ride Sir Kieran? I don't think he can hold three people and he's been tied up outside all day," Kelli pointed out.

"Hmm, good point..." Frederick realized. "How about this? Ralph will ride since he was constantly on his feet before we found him and you'll join him in case that dark mage shows up again and causes trouble. You two can escape on Sir Kieran easily if that happens while I would hold the mage off. I'll walk alongside you and guide Sir Kieran."

"I'm fine with that," Ralph replied. "You're right, I was walking and running all the time. My feet could use the break."

"I suppose, but are you sure Sir Kieran will be fine with a strange man on his back?" Kelli wondered. "He was neighing loudly at Ralph when he showed up."

"True, but he's going to have to be," Frederick insisted. "I'll make sure he knows that Ralph is a friend though."

"Alright, I just hope this works out."

With that, the trio departed the cabin and approached Sir Kieran, who energetically waited for his master to untie him. Sir Kieran was used to doing as much moving around as Frederick did, so he hardly enjoyed being cooped up in one place for a long time. Frederick untied him and properly introduced the horse to Ralph. Unfortunately, that had gone about as well as Sumia attempting to display precious silver pieces. Sir Kieran angrily neighed and snorted when Ralph tried to pet him gently, causing the thief to stumble backwards and go right into a mud puddle behind the cabin, likely leftover from a recent rain. Frederick rushed over thinking that his horse was going to attack his friend, only to get mud splashed right in his face and on his clean shirt.

"Aaagh! Noooo! I'm all dirty again!" Ralph yelped.

"Aaah! Damn it, Ralph!" Frederick blurted as he wiped his face off. "Now look what you've done!"

"What?! It wasn't my fault! Your stupid horse—!"

"He's not stupid! You keep approaching him the wrong way!"

"I was doing exactly as you said! Your horse clearly trusts people about as well as you do!"

"And what, might I ask, do you mean by that?!"

"Hey! Both of you, stop it," Kelli interrupted. "You're being absolutely childish. Frederick, it's clear that Sir Kieran isn't warming up to Ralph because of yesterday, and on one hand, I don't blame him. I thought Ralph was about to try something funny myself, remember? And Ralph, let's not call the horse stupid. I don't think that's going to help anything."

"...Sigh... Yeah, you're right about that," Ralph agreed. "I can't blame Sir Kieran for that either."

"And I do suppose that I've rubbed off on him," Frederick admitted. "I don't trust others easily, so neither does my horse."

"That's true, it took Sir Kieran a little time to warm up to me too," Kelli agreed. "I can see why you and Ralph are such close friends though, Frederick. Heh, heh. I bet arguments like this happened a lot when you were kids."

"Yeah, something like that," Ralph admitted. "Fred, remember how many times we used to fight over new toys my parents got in their shop? And who would be the knight in that combat board game your dad had? Ha ha, fun times."

"Ah yes, and I also remember the times we argued over whose fault it was when those toys broke," Frederick continued. "Ha ha, we were ridiculous, yet very close."

"I knew it," Kelli commented with a smile. "I'm actually envious of you two now. I don't even remember my childhood, let alone any friends I might have had during that time."

"Oh? You don't?" Ralph replied, raising an eyebrow.

"No, unfortunately..."

Kelli then explained her partial amnesia and how she could only remember Chrom's name and her tactical skills when she first met him and the Shepherds. Ralph was intrigued by her story and had never heard of anything like it before.

"Huh. That is pretty weird. But I'd say you've made some amazing new memories now, Kel," he decided. "I mean, you found yourself the Shepherds as well as the best husband you could ask for. Seriously, I always expected plenty of girls to go after Fred's heart and I was right. You wouldn't believe how much bawling they did when news of his engagement to you got out—"

"Wait a minute, what?" Frederick interrupted. "What girls? You don't mean the ones from the village that sometimes talked of having a "secret crush"?"

"I do! You mean you didn't know? Oh...oops. But yes, that was you they liked so much! I only found out when I discovered them crying over your engagement, but it's true! I wasn't surprised in the least bit. It turned out that they also decided to have a contest to see which of them would win your heart first! I couldn't help but run into an alley and laugh like a maniac at the fact that they all lost!"

"Oh wow..." Kelli commented, unable to suppress a heavy giggle.

"...I am speechless," Frederick replied bluntly. "But also rather flattered, admittedly. Still, none of them ever liked you?"

"Nah, they were more interested in who they thought was a dashing and charming future knight in shining armor of Ylisse, not a future shopkeeper," Ralph continued. "They never believed I would be like you."

"Oh. I'm sorry about that. I never wanted to drive any attention away from you."

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't sure if I'd ever reach the same heights as you either. Although..."


"I do recall one girl taking one look at me and then running off during all that commotion. I recognized her too, she used to pull silly pranks on me back in the village. I know, because she would always be there giggling every time it happened! She even stuffed a frog in my pants once. I almost wet myself when it jumped out the moment I tried putting those pants on!"

"Oh my gods," Kelli uttered, trying hard not to laugh.

"Hold on, you mean that shy girl, Erina?" Frederick wondered.

"Yeah, you knew her by name?" Ralph replied.

"She sometimes asked me to deliver little "gifts" to your room," Frederick explained. "I wondered why some of the places she wanted me to leave them seemed odd."

"So that's how she did it!" Ralph realized, slapping his face. "Man, we're both discovering some pretty interesting secrets about our childhood today."

"Ha, I'll say."

"Yeah, you two have such funny memories!" Kelli commented, finally unable to keep from bursting. "But it seems like someone does like you, Ralph!"

"Don't be ridiculous. Who in the name of the gods pulls pranks on someone they care about like that?" Ralph countered.

"I can think of one person who might…" Frederick replied, recalling how Lissa sometimes played practical jokes on the Shepherds, including Frederick himself.

"...Now I'm the one who's speechless."

Kelli couldn't stop laughing for the next few moments.

"Well, this has been quite a conversation!" she finally uttered. "You two go get cleaned up now though, we really need to get going."

"Aw, man! I forgot about that during all of this!" Ralph admitted. "Fred, let's hurry. Can I borrow some of your clothes for the time being? I can't go shopping in this outfit now..."

"Sigh... I suppose we have no choice there. I just hope they fit you well enough," Frederick replied.

He and Ralph then went back into the cabin while Kelli kept Sir Kieran company. She calmed him down and tried to explain that Ralph was a friend and that he could be trusted, but the horse didn't seem convinced. This would definitely take some time, she knew. Frederick and Ralph, thankfully, emerged only around fifteen minutes later, Ralph now wearing one of Frederick's extra white shirts and a pair of gray pants. The clothes were a little big on him due to Frederick being slightly taller and a lot bulkier, but a belt prevented the pants from falling down and the shirt covered enough of him to where he didn't look like a drunken showoff.

It took the next half an hour, but the three had finally managed to at least get Sir Kieran to allow Ralph on his back, though only after Kelli mounted him first. Unfortunately, this was probably because if Sir Kieran attempted to throw Ralph off, he'd be doing the same with his master's wife, to which Frederick would give a nice scolding.

During the trip, Ralph reiterated to Kelli what he had said before about her having made amazing memories with the Shepherds and chosen a good husband in Frederick. Kelli was flattered and thanked him deeply for his compliment. She was also very glad she met Frederick and the Shepherds and simply could not imagine life without them. Ralph wished he could have joined the group, but never thought he would have a chance after he was forced to turn to thievery.

"But yeah, Fred's a good man and the best man I know," Ralph continued. "And it seems that he chose a good woman too."

"Aw, thank you so much," Kelli replied with a warm smile.

"But of course! I can't wait to see your kids either! I mean, you two are going to have kids, right?"

"Perhaps," Frederick replied. "I definitely would love and care for any child of ours for as long as I live."

"Oh, I would love for us to have a baby!" Kelli opined. "Frederick would make such a wonderful father, I just know it."

"Oh yes, I don't doubt it!" Ralph agreed. "I can see it now, the adorable little one happily clutching Fred's—"

"Don't you even!" Frederick interrupted. "I told you not to bring that up!"

"Oh come on, I'm really curious!" Kelli insisted with a giggle.

Frederick growled.

"I said I would tell you another time, Kelli. I will, just not in a public place such as this."

"Oh, okay..."

"Haha, I know what you said, I just love to mess around with you like that because it's just so funny, especially after you told me about Kelli's pet name for you!" Ralph admitted.

"I get it, just please try to keep it between us," Frederick insisted.

"Of course, of course."

The nearest clothing shop was farther away than the check-in building, but wasn't a long ride nonetheless, and Sir Kieran was definitely glad to get Ralph off of his back for the time being. As soon as Ralph dismounted, the horse turned his head and snorted loudly right in his ear, causing Ralph to yelp and jump again. The thief tripped on a nearby rock and stumbled over. Thankfully, Frederick managed to catch him this time.

"Oh no, you are not getting these clothes filthy," Frederick demanded as he helped Ralph regain his balance.

"H-Heh, sorry," Ralph apologized. "But your horse—"

"I know," Frederick cut him off and then turned to Sir Kieran. "And you, mind your manners."

Sir Kieran simply snorted again, showing that he probably wouldn't listen.

After the horse was tied to the hitching post, the trio went inside to finally look for Ralph's supplies. Thankfully, this was a shop for both clothes and health products, so none of what they were looking for was difficult to find. Kelli got plenty of giggles as Ralph repeatedly came out of the dressing room in mismatched clothing, clearly not having much of a fashion sense. But then again, he had spent most of his life just trying to keep his going. He never had time to contemplate on what to wear. Frederick eventually let him settle on a red t-shirt and light brown pants.

After paying for the clothes and hygiene products, the group at last made for the tournament arena. Frederick pulled out the resort map and found that it was located north of their cabin. The trio then backtracked a little ways and made their way to the north end of the island. The arena was a large, colosseum-shaped building made of fine yellow stone. Several Ylissean blue flags stood atop it and flew in the breeze. Frederick, Kelli, and Ralph brought Sir Kieran to a halt at the front where there was another hitching post. This time, Frederick had his eye on his horse to prevent him from causing another scene as Ralph dismounted.

"This is really amazing!" Ralph commented. "It's the first time I've ever seen an arena up this close!"

"Heh, you would've liked Arena Ferox then!" Kelli replied. "I thought it was even more incredible than this one."

"It was indeed magnificent," Frederick agreed.

"Really?! You two got to battle in a Regna Ferox arena? So lucky," Ralph said.

"It was for an important matter though, not simply a tournament," Frederick explained. "We needed to turn Regna Ferox's rule over to the East Kahn, Flavia, so she could give us aid in the Plegian war. And Regna Ferox decides which of their Kahns has power over the other by using these tournaments to pit chosen champions against one another."

"Ah, right. I think I heard something like that a long time ago."

"Well, let's go inside. I probably have to sign up there."

Ralph wasn't hesitant to follow as Frederick and Kelli entered the arena. Just as Frederick had guessed, there was a line of potential competitors standing in front of a small table. The room was decorated with several statues and portraits, likely in honor of past tournament champions and famous warriors that fought in this particular arena. Kelli could only imagine how amazing it would be to see a portrait or statue of Frederick there after he won the upcoming tournament. Her own husband would be remembered right there for an excellent performance, and something more that she and his parents could be proud of him for. And then when Kelli and Frederick became parents themselves, she would happily tell their children all about their father's amazing achievements. She was snapped out of her trance, however, when Ralph spoke up.

"Whoaaa. This is makes the outside look like a joke! Fred, you could have yourself remembered here if you win this tournament! How incredible would that be?"

"It would be quite an honor, but I'm not entering to win, you know," Frederick pointed out.

"But what if you end up not facing this guy until the final match?"

"Well then, I would be competing to win. But that's the only exception."

"Ah, fair enough."

"Oh, but I would be so proud of you if you did get some kind of portrait or statue here though, Frederick," Kelli admitted with a big smile. "Your parents would be too!"

"They sure would, I'll give you that," Frederick agreed. "In fact, sometimes they act a little overly proud..."

"Kind of like how you're sometimes overly dedicated. Heh heh. It runs in the family!"


"I'm teasing, honey! Calm down."

"Haha! That was good though, Kel!" Ralph commented, nearly falling over yet again.

"Hee hee. Well, let's get you signed up, Frederick," Kelli replied.

With that, Frederick got in line and waited for his turn to put in an application. Kelli and Ralph stood beside him just outside of the line, so they wouldn't be mistaken for potential competitors. Kelli would have liked to enter as well, but she didn't want to risk being placed against the dark mage, or worse, against Frederick. If this was just for some training and fun, Kelli wouldn't mind a match against her husband, but he was the one that the dark mage was bent on challenging, and Kelli found the idea of losing on purpose to be unappealing. And if she ran into the dark mage in the arena field, he would probably grab her and do his disappearing act right there instead of fighting her. He didn't seem to have any intention of physically harming her. All she could do was have faith in Frederick and support him to the finish.

Ralph soon decided to explore some more and read some of the plaques below the statues and portraits while he waited. Moments later, however, a devious, but annoyingly familiar voice spoke up.

"Heh, heh. You showed up. Excellent."

Frederick and Kelli turned to find the dark mage from before, in all of his confidence.

"You!" Frederick replied. "What do you want? I agreed to your ridiculous terms. If you're here to try—"

"Oh stuff it, I'm not here to start a fight," the dark mage replied. "I would jeopardize my plans greatly if I did so now. I'm giving you advice that I highly recommend you follow if you wish to save your wife."

Frederick growled before responding.

"Then what?"

"This tournament will be doing two brackets. The winner of each bracket will move on to face one another in the final round for the tournament trophy," the dark mage explained. "They are Bracket A and Bracket B. I signed up for Bracket A. If you sign up in B, then we would only meet in the final round. This way, I know that you'll prove a worthy opponent. After all, what fun would it be to take down a weakling?"

"Fine, it doesn't matter to me. You'll just have to make it that far first."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that. It's you I'm more concerned with."

"Trust me, I will be there."

"You better. Or I will not be happy. By the way, just to give you a little heads up, I'm not just any dark mage. I am actually a well-practiced sorcerer. They call me Phantom, due to my spells of darkness as well as my ability to travel so quickly and quietly that I really do appear to be a phantom! I have actually been watching you both since you attended the Heroes Festival."

"Then it was you I saw in that alley!" Kelli realized.

"Good guess. Heh, heh."

"And you waited until we arrived here to confront us so there wouldn't be any witnesses!"

"Hoo hoo, you're very good!"

Frederick vainly suppressed the urge to launch his fist into this creep's face.

"Then I hope you're prepared for the most difficult fight in your pathetic life," he spat.

"Oh, I can't wait," Phantom replied sarcastically. "You just better make it to the finals, or you know what will happen."

With that, Phantom walked away, likely avoiding using his warp spell so he didn't make a big scene.

Ralph soon ran up to Frederick and Kelli, likely having heard the commotion from nearby.

"Whoa, was that him?" he inquired.

"Yeah," Kelli replied. "Frederick is going to crush this jerk."

"I most definitely will," Frederick confirmed.

"Good! I overheard some of what he was saying," Ralph replied. "He seems full of confidence, but now you have an idea of what you're up against."

"That I do. Though it's still vague. I have little idea of what kinds of spells he can use, exactly."

"Yeah, well, you can take him! I know you can do it, Fredster! Kel and I are behind you all the way!"

"That's right, as long as you have our support, there's nothing you can't do in this tournament!" Kelli added with a big smile.

Frederick could help but let a wide grin cross his features.

"Thank you, both of you."

The line didn't move very quickly, but when Frederick was finally up next roughly twenty minutes later, he began filling out the form that was given to him. He had to write down his name, the type of weapon he was going to use, the bracket he wished to be placed in, and if he was positive to be in good health throughout the entire event not counting injuries sustained during the matches. Of course, Frederick always made sure of that last one, so that was no problem. And just as Phantom had requested, Frederick checked the box for Bracket B. Once he was finished, the official gave him a list of the tournament rules and when each round of matches would begin.

Each competitor was only allowed to use one kind of weapon throughout the event. For example, if a competitor brought anima magic, he or she had to stick with it for every match. These were meant to be friendly matches, so competitors could not inflict any serious wounds. Unfortunately for Frederick, he wasn't sure if he could prevent that from happening when he faced Phantom. Mounts were not used in this tournament and competitors were required to show up for their matches on time or else they would forfeit. The tournament winner would receive the Altea Trophy and their name listed in the arena Hall of Fame. Repeat winners were awarded with portraits and statues in the main hall. However, each winner could not enter more than two times in a row. They would have to wait until after the next tournament. And lastly, each contestant was to show up at the arena in two days at no later than nine bells so the brackets could be revealed and the first matches could get under way.

"Seems reasonable enough to me," Kelli commented as she read the rules alongside Frederick.

"Indeed, these rules are no trouble to follow," Frederick agreed. "Well, except for the no-serious-wounds part given who I'm entering this tournament to fight against."

"Yeah, that's true... But hopefully, if it comes to that, the tournament staff will understand," Kelli replied.

"I know, otherwise I would be in serious trouble, and that would tarnish my reputation as Chrom and Lissa's faithful knight. People could get the wrong idea and rebel in order to have me discharged. I simply cannot have that. My family is dedicated to serving the royal family and has been so for generations. I will not break that."

"Oh, Frederick, I think you're overthinking this," Kelli countered with a chuckle. "But I do agree that it could hurt your reputation, and none of us wants that."

"Yeah, the last thing I want is for my best friend to get wrongly criticized for simply protecting his wife!" Ralph agreed. "I'll do what I can to help you if you get in a jam, Fred, mark my words. After all the help you and Kelli have given me, how can I not?"

"I know, and thank you, Ralph," Frederick said with a smile. "Well, let's go back to the cabin. I have training to do!"

"That's my Frederick," Kelli commented with a chuckle. "Might I give you a hand, honey? I don't use dark magic, obviously, but I could help you get more acquainted with countering magic in general, which could be useful."

"Ah, not a bad idea. Let's do it. I'll try not to harm you, of course."

"Oh, I want to watch! I might learn a thing or two about combat," Ralph added.

"That's a good idea too. Watching others is a great way to learn."

"That it is!"

With that, the trio departed the arena and reunited with Sir Kieran. The horse still didn't like having Ralph on his back, but he allowed him to mount again anyway. It wasn't like he had a choice in the matter given Frederick's warning from earlier and Kelli sharing the saddle.

When they arrived at the cabin, Frederick wasn't hesitant to grab his lance after hitching Sir Kieran to the hitching post again. Kelli readied herself with an Elthunder tome. For once though, she found herself wishing Tharja, a Plegian dark mage that joined Chrom's army not long before the war ended, was around. Given the strange liking Tharja held for Kelli, the tactician didn't think it would be that hard to convince her to help Frederick become more familiar with dark spells. She was more than likely not even on the island, however, so Kelli's own magic was the best they could work with.

"You know, this is the first time I'm sparring with you while you're not wearing your armor," Kelli pointed out. "This should be fun!"

"Ah yes, that's true, isn't it? I don't normally do combat without my armor though, so that's why," Frederick replied. "I actually hope that this will help me in the tournament. Phantom likely knows of my usual combat abilities. But he's never seen me battle without a mount or armor."

"Nope, he sure hasn't!" Kelli agreed, but then paused as she came to a startling realization. "Ugh, crud. But he can if you're training with me..."

"...Blast, you're right. That damned spell he cast. I guess I'm just going to have to train on my own after all."

"Man, that's a bummer," Ralph opined disappointingly. "I wish I could help, but I don't know a thing about magic. I saw a library somewhere on the island though, maybe there's a book on combating dark magic there."

Frederick blinked for a moment before responding.

"Ralph, that's a brilliant idea. Thank you! I'll go there right away. You and Kelli stay here so Phantom doesn't get any hints about this."

"Aw shucks, Fred," Ralph replied bashfully.

"Oh! That is a great idea! But check the map first, Frederick. We don't know where the library is," Kelli pointed out.

"Ah right."

Fortunately, the rest of the day passed peacefully without another appearance from Phantom. Frederick had managed to find a book on dark magic at the library and Kelli and Ralph decided to look at it with him so they could learn a few things as well. For all Kelli knew, she could end up battling Phantom herself at some point and Ralph, due to his desire to become a soldier, could very well face dark mages in combat someday. The book described the most common spells used by dark mages and sorcerers alike as well as the counterattacks that were most often used against them. There was no telling whether Phantom would even use any of the spells mentioned, but it was better than Frederick going into the battle entirely blind. And Kelli, already frightened for her husband's safety as it was, wanted him to prepare as best as possible. Frederick stated that he could keep the book for only a week, but he felt that that was plenty of time read everything he needed.

Later in the evening, the trio decided to sit at the campfire and roast some beef for their dinner. Frederick started the campfire of course, likely not just because he was the only one of the three that knew how to do so. After all, he did enjoy it a great deal. He and Kelli sat together on the log in front of the fire pit while Ralph took one of the chairs from inside the cabin. As the three ate, they exchanged a lot of friendly conversation and Frederick and Ralph were able to catch up even more after the fourteen year gap in their friendship. Ralph had described that since he loathed the stealing he had been forced to resort to, he did try to get jobs and actually earn money. He did succeed a few times, but he didn't have the skills for the jobs that had reliable pay. Even with the jobs he did manage to find, he ended up going broke again anyway. He would send half of the gold to his parents and use the other half to buy food. On a couple occasions, he bought clothes, since as he grew older, he outgrew outfits he already had.

Frederick, however, thought Ralph should embrace the fact that he didn't have many skills. He had yet to find what he truly did best and what type of soldier he would be the most successful as. Ralph smiled and simply replied that he hoped Frederick could help him do just that. They talked so much that it was like they had never been separated at all, like they had stuck together their entire lives. And Kelli began to feel like she had known Ralph her whole life, listening to his stories as well as Frederick's. She only wished she could contribute more. Once again, she cursed her amnesia.

After dinner, Ralph suggested that they make a dessert he learned about called smores.

"Oh? What exactly are those?" Frederick wondered.

"Yeah, I've never heard of such a thing," Kelli added.

"Ah, they're a treat that I think people often make when they're camping, like we are," Ralph replied. "While hiding here, I saw several groups make them, and I heard them call them smores."

"I see," Frederick commented. "So, did you catch how to make them?"

"I did! You just need marshmallows, chocolate, and crackers," Ralph explained.

"So that's why you asked us to get those things earlier," Kelli realized with a smile. "Sounds tasty!"

"Yep! I'll show you both what to do after we grab the stuff!"

After they retrieved the ingredients from inside the cabin, Ralph then explained that they first had to roast the marshmallows on sticks. Afterward, he showed them how the roasted marshmallows were then placed on a cracker and then topped with the chocolate. Lastly, a second cracker was set on top of the chocolate, making a sort of chocolate marshmallow sandwich. When they were finished being prepared, Frederick and Kelli weren't hesitant to give them a taste. They found that it was indeed a delightful treat.

"Mmm, this is very good!" Frederick commented.

"Yeah! I should tell Gaius about this," Kelli realized. "He'd go crazy for it, no doubt!"

"Oh yes, Gaius would love this, wouldn't he?"

"Gaius? He's that thief that joined your group during the war, right?" Ralph recalled.

"Yes, that's him. He has quite a sweet tooth."

"Ah, yeah, I do remember you telling me that!"

As the evening continued, Frederick and Ralph conversed further. It seemed to Kelli that it would never end, though she hardly minded and could definitely understand why this was so. The two friends had so much to talk about after not meeting in fourteen long years. What's more, Kelli had never seen her husband so happy and smiling as much as he had been. Frederick and Ralph had even shared a few laughs with one another every now and then. Frederick shared stories of his days with the Shepherds and in service to the royal family and Ralph told anecdotes of his various misadventures as a thief. They also recalled more tales from their childhood to tell Kelli.

Kelli, however, couldn't prevent herself from gradually feeling envy over the situation. She didn't have any stories that Frederick couldn't already tell himself and couldn't really contribute to the conversation. She was more than glad to see Frederick enjoying himself so much and that was likely the only thing that kept her calm and content. Though, sometimes she wondered if Frederick and Ralph would forget she was even there. It was definitely unlike Frederick to do so, but he still seemed to have plenty to talk about with Ralph, so Kelli supposed it wouldn't be that surprising in this case.

Kelli sighed as the conversation continued while she remained generally quiet. Frederick had noticed a moment later, however, and turned his attention to his wife.

"Oh, are you alright, Kelli?"

"Ah, yes, I'm fine," Kelli replied with a smile. "It's just that I kind of wish I could contribute more to all of this. I mean, you two have so many memories and stories while I have none because of my amnesia..."

"Ah, I understand," Frederick commented, returning the gesture. "And I apologize, Ralph and I did not mean to make you feel left out."

"Yeah, I really got carried away," Ralph agreed. "Seeing as it's the first time Fred and I have really gotten to hang out in nearly fourteen years."

"Oh, I know," Kelli assured. "And believe me, I'm really happy you two reunited and are sharing this time together! It just overjoys me to see my Frederick smiling and laughing so much. I had never seen him like that before."

"It is the first time I've enjoyed myself like this in a while," Frederick agreed.

"Haha, well, I'm glad I could help out with that!" Ralph replied.

"Although, in all fairness, I should still be paying equal attention to you, Kelli," Frederick continued. "This is still our honeymoon, after all. I would be defeating the purpose of it if I left you in the dust in favor of my best friend. No offense to you, Ralph, of course."

"Oh, none taken. I completely agree," Ralph assured. "Trust me, any time you want me to shut up and go away so you two can have some romantic alone time, just give me the word!"

"Well, we wouldn't say it in those words exactly, but I'll keep that in mind, Ralph. Thank you," Kelli said, her smile still intact.

"What she said, of course," Frederick seconded.

"Heh, no problem!" Ralph replied.

"Still, I think it's still possible to be romantic even with Ralph present," Kelli continued. She then leaned close to Frederick and rested her head upon his shoulder. Frederick felt a large smile cross his features.

"Oh, I definitely agree," he said, wrapping an arm around Kelli's waist to hold her close. "And Kel, even though you don't have any stories or memories share right now, I promise you we'll make plenty."

"Aw, you really mean that, Frederick?"

"Of course. By the time we're elderly, you'll have so many memories that it would feel like you didn't need a childhood after all. And maybe we'll even manage to restore your lost memories."

"Oh, Frederick... You are just the sweetest!"

Kelli then couldn't resist pressing her lips against Frederick's and throwing her arms around his neck. Frederick was caught off guard by it, but returned it nonetheless. The moment was interrupted, however, when Frederick lost his balance on the log due to the force of Kelli pressing against him and toppled over, taking his wife down with him. Kelli crashed right into his chest.

"Aaagh!" he yelped.

"Oh! Frederick! I'm so sorry!" Kelli quickly apologized. Meanwhile, Ralph had burst into laughter and soon fell out of his chair himself.

"Are you alright?" Kelli inquired after quickly getting off of Frederick. "I hope I didn't hurt you!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine," he replied, standing up and brushing himself off with a smile. "You didn't mean to knock me off balance."

"True, but are you sure? You have to be in perfect shape for that tournament!"

"I'm positive. I can still fight and move around just as before."

"That's good. I got nervous there for a minute."

"Haha, wow..." Ralph finally spoke up, returning to his seat. "That's the first time I've seen you two kiss, but what a way to show me! That was priceless!"

"I'm sure it was," Frederick commented, though he sounded more sarcastic than serious this time.

"I'm sorry, Fred, I just couldn't help laughing so hard," Ralph replied, still trying to suppress a chuckle.

"Ah, well, let's just enjoy the rest of the night and then get a good night's sleep. We still have more preparations for that tournament in the morning."

"Ah, of course. We only have one day left!"

"And we have to make it count!" Kelli added.

"And we will!" Frederick finished.

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Alrighty, part 5! That tournament finally starts! And we see a surprising face from earlier in the story. ^^

Part 5: The Tournament Begins

The next day, the trio resumed studying the book Frederick had borrowed from the library. Frederick also did some training outside using some wooden dummies that Kelli and Ralph helped him set up. The dummies might not have made him more familiar with combating dark magic, but they would help to improve Frederick's speed and agility. Kelli used a clock from inside the cabin to time him and see if he could beat his own records in smashing down the dummies. And he had managed to do so a few times. And if he could move fast enough, he would be able to dodge even quick magic attacks left and right.

The problem was, no one had much of an idea just how fast Phantom's magic could be or how it worked exactly, and because of that, Frederick would be going in with no idea how to time his movements so he would evade strong blows. And if the quickness of the tracking spell that had been cast upon Kelli said anything, Phantom could attack very fast. Frederick did not want to admit it, but he couldn't at all see himself walking away from the tournament without any glaring injuries. He just hoped he would be able to reach the finals before he took too many wounds. He was a very skilled warrior, but there was no telling who he would be going up against before facing Phantom. For all Frederick knew, some past tournament champions could show up.

When midday approached, Kelli had to practically force her husband to take a lunch break. Frederick argued that he should get in as much training as possible, but Kelli countered by saying that it wouldn't do any good on an empty stomach. He wouldn't have the needed energy to do battle.

"And surely you must be getting hungry! You barely ate any breakfast!" she pointed out.

"Well, you're right about meals giving me the energy I'll need," Frederick finally conceded. "But as soon as I finish, I'm going back to training."

"Alright. Just don't overdo it, okay? It would also do no good if you hurt yourself or made yourself ill."

"Of course, sweetheart."

"And I thought I was the one that really needed to eat," Ralph commented with a chuckle, prompting a glare from Frederick. "But yeah, I really want to see you take some opponents down tomorrow, Fred!"

"And I will, don't worry."

With that, the trio went on to prepare their lunch, which were ham sandwiches and garden salad. Cheese, lettuce, tomato, and other such ingredients made up the sandwiches. Frederick, Kelli, and Ralph sat outside by the fire pit again to eat since the weather was fair, though they didn't need to build a fire this time since it was daylight. As they ate, they conversed some more, with Ralph once again being glad to eat food he hadn't tasted in a long time. He had been able to steal bread on occasion, but not a whole sandwich. Sometime after the trio had begun eating, however, a familiar feminine voice suddenly called out to them.

"Hey! Sir Frederick!"

It was Tara, and she was running towards the cabin.

"Oh, Miss Tara," Frederick greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Please, just call me Tara. No need for formalities," Tara replied with a smile as she caught her breath. "But one of my employees gave me a message you left."

"Ah, about the attack on my wife?"

"Yep. I'm afraid that the employee was right in that we can't do much right now. But as he probably told you, we can have guards at the arena keep an eye on that dark mage."

"Alright, I'm thankful. Hopefully that man will be brought to justice anyway."

"Indeed, if he's being as dirty as you said."

"We ran into him at the arena when I was signing up though. He told us that he's actually a sorcerer and that his name is Phantom. Just thought that you might like to know."

"I see. I've never heard of anyone by that name, but thanks for telling me anyway. It could be useful information later."

"Right. However, I'm afraid that I cannot promise that I won't kill this man during our match after what he did to Kelli."

"I understand considering what my employee told me. I just pray that you don't get in serious trouble with the tournament staff if that happens! It won't matter to them that you're such a prominent figure in the country."

"I wouldn't think so. But I hope to stay out of trouble too. For not only my sake, but Kelli's and Prince Chrom's as well. The Ylisseans wouldn't like it if they learned milord's knight captain and husband of his tactician killed someone in a tournament match."

"They certainly wouldn't. I wish you good luck anyhow though."

"Ah, thank you."

"I wish I could go to the tournament to watch, but I've got my job here. I'll pop by every now and then though, during my lunch breaks. These tournaments are always fantastic! And I expect it to be extra good with you competing!"

"Ah, I know don't about that, but thank you again."

"It's great to have your support though, Tara!" Kelli stepped in. "Thank you so much!

"Oh, not a problem. Just doing my job!"

Before anyone could say anything else, some bushes nearby suddenly rustled. The cabin was near a wooded area. Frederick put his plate down on the cabin steps and took a defensive stance in case Phantom had found the group again. Instead of the cocky sorcerer, however, a young buck poked its head out from between the bushes. It wasn't fully grown though, as it fully emerged from the woods, the group noticed it still had a few spots left on its back and its antlers were fairly short. It began to approach Frederick's plate, likely smelling the lettuce in the salad.

"Uh, hey!" he cried, gulping as he rushed to the stairs and snatched his plate. The buck merely tried to approach Frederick next, though it didn't appear to be angry.

"AAAAH!" Frederick suddenly yelped and ran. The buck didn't stop, however. He eagerly took off after the frightened knight. Tara's eyes widened until they nearly bulged out of her sockets and Ralph burst into laughter yet again. Kelli merely sighed as she watched her husband get chased all over the cabin site by the young deer. Normally, she would have found this amusing as well, but Tara was present.

"HELP! KELLI, HEEELP!" Frederick continued, not slowing down in the least bit. "GET THIS FOUL BEAST AWAY FROM MEEE!"

Tara could only continue staring stupefied at the scene before her.

"...This guy is Ylisse's knight captain?" she uttered.

"Yep," Kelli replied rather blankly. "It's amazing how my husband is brave enough to take on over a dozen men with only his lance, but not a young deer."

"KELLIII!" Frederick called again.

"You can say that again," Tara commented.

"Well, I'd better go help Frederick before he hurts himself," Kelli decided.

Frederick watched as Kelli finally stood up to shoo the deer away, but stopped paying attention to where he was going. He soon found himself falling right over the log at the fire pit with the plate of food still in his hands.


Frederick's face was plastered into the remainder of his sandwich and salad. Ralph was now rolling on the grass laughing, his sides likely aching badly. Kelli merely shook her head as she approached the buck.

"Shoo, go on now!" Kelli coaxed. Thankfully, a spark of thunder from her hand startled the deer and forced it to run back into the woods. She then turned her attention to Frederick, who was slowly standing up. Ralph was still laughing.

Frederick glared at his friend as he wiped salad dressing and tomatoes off of his face.

"Ralph, I think you can kindly shut up now."

"Oh man... I'm sorry, I'm sorry...! Again..." Ralph uttered as he finally sat up from the ground. "My sides are killing me now. Wow... Haha."

"Well, don't you dare mention this to my mother! Or the Shepherds!"

"Alright, alright! Heh. What about your dad?"

"Not him either! He would just tell my mother! You know how they both worry after that incident in the forest!"

"Whoa, okay, okay! I won't tell, I promise!"

"Thank you. And that goes for you too, Kelli," Frederick added.

"Oh, of course, dear," Kelli replied. "You kind of embarrassed me in front of Tara, you know."

"...Oh. I am so sorry," Frederick apologized. "I really must get over this issue. I mean, there could be a day where I'll have to fight an animal to protect you, Chrom, or Lissa. I would be failing my duty if I let this fear get in the way."

"Dealing with that fear would probably help things, yes."

"I shall try, anyhow..."

"Good. But are you alright after that fall?"

"Yes, don't worry. I'm in a little pain, but nothing feels sprained or broken."

"That's good. Now go clean yourself up, you still have food in your hair."

"Ugh, right."

"Well, I better head back to the main building," Tara put in as Frederick returned to the cabin. "I'll see you guys around!"

"Later!" Kelli replied with a smile.

"I hope Fred isn't mad at me..." Ralph contemplated.

"I think he's just a little embarrassed," Kelli assured. "I know I would be after that."

"True, but I laughed at him twice within a day now. He doesn't need that with what he's had to deal with lately. So if he's angry, I deserve it..."

"Well, regardless, he'll be fine in a little while. Besides, you weren't laughing at him to be mean or anything and I'm sure he knows it. You're his best friend!"

"Yeah, you do have a point there. And after all the times we bickered as kids, this shouldn't affect anything. Heck, people used to say that we stuck together like glue. And we did…until I forced us to be apart for nearly fourteen damned years…"

"Oh Ralph, don't you go brooding over that. It is unfortunate that you two lost so much time together, but look at things now. Despite that you remained apart for so long, you're still able act like you've spent your whole lives together. You talk and laugh just as easily as you did before. A lot of the time, friends that spend too long apart feel like strangers to one another when they meet up again. You two were so close that this didn't happen even after more than a decade!"

"...You know, you're absolutely right, Kel. I can't believe I hadn't thought of it that way. Fred and I did have a strong bond. And nothing will break it."

"That's right! Now don't dwell on the past or what could've been. Focus on the present and make up for those lost years! You're both still young and have whole lives ahead of you."

"Yeah. We'll do that! And since I'm going to train at the palace to become a soldier, we'll get a lot of time together!"

"There you go! Now let's enjoy the rest of the day and keep preparing as much as we can for that tournament, okay?"

"You got it!"

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly as the group helped Frederick to train some more and learn more details from the book he had borrowed. It was fairly thick, so it had a lot to go through. Frederick only hoped that what he was learning wouldn't go to waste, as they still had no idea what spells Phantom would use against him. The book gave him and the others some pretty reasonable ideas, however. One common tome used by sorcerers in particular was the Nosferatu tome, infamous for its ability to sap strength from its target and heal the wielder's injuries. If Phantom was going to use it, and it would make a lot of sense for him to do so, Frederick would find himself in a very dangerous situation. While Phantom would be able to heal himself at any time, Frederick would just continue to be weakened. All he could learn from his book was that the best way for a physical fighter to counter this tome was to avoid being touched by the attack completely. It was useless if it couldn't make contact with a living target. This meant Frederick would have to be fast enough to dodge it. And hopefully he could with all of the training he had been doing on his speed and agility.

There was another, riskier strategy, but Frederick wasn't sure if he should attempt it. It involved actually forcing the wielder to use Nosferatu so its uses ran out. Just like physical weapons breaking after extensive use, individual tomes eventually lost their potency completely and could no longer be used. If Frederick could keep landing blows and force Phantom to attempt to heal himself over and over, he would quickly lose the Nosferatu tome. There was only one big problem, and that was the fact that Phantom could very well be carrying more than one Nosferatu tome.

And of course, Nosferatu was only one of the many tomes the book spoke of. Frederick practiced as many maneuvers and tricks to countering dark magic as he could as a result, as it was more apparent that he needed to be prepared for anything. He also had to brush up on his usual techniques so he could ensure that he would reach the final round of the tournament. Frederick hadn't needed to engage in a serious battle since the Plegian war, so he couldn't be sure he would be at his full strength without such training.

As such, the day was exhausting, even for Frederick who could endure hours of endless combat. After they ate dinner, Kelli suggested that the two don their swimwear and go to the lake for a while.

"Oh, well... I don't know…" Frederick replied, scratching the back of his head.

"Honestly, Frederick, you must be sore and tired after today," Kelli insisted. "A dip in the lake will make you feel more comfortable!"

"I suppose, but are you sure we should be going out at this hour? Phantom could decide that it's a good opportunity to make more trouble."

"I don't think he'll care. He really wants to challenge you in the tournament and firmly believes that trying anything besides that will interfere with his plans."


"Oh, please, Frederick? I just want us to have a good time despite what Phantom's done. And for all we know, even if you do defeat him, you won't come away without injuries that land you in an infirmary bed."

"Hmm… You do have a point there. Alright, but I insist that we remain cautious."

"Oh, thank you! And of course, love."

"Ah, an evening swim under the lovely moonlight! How romantic!" Ralph commented. "I guess that leaves me to at least try to hold the fort here."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Ralph," Kelli replied. "But you can come next time, I promise!"

"Indeed, there's no reason to leave you out entirely," Frederick agreed.

"Ah, thank you, guys!" Ralph gushed happily. "I...uh...would need to get my own swimwear first, but yeah."

"But of course," Kelli said with a smile.

With that, Frederick and Kelli changed into their swimwear and grabbed their towels. Frederick reminded Ralph that he would also have to keep an eye on Sir Kieran, even if the two still weren't quite getting along. Ralph promised he would do his best, though he couldn't guarantee that another conflict between the two wouldn't occur if he had to refill his food or water trough. Frederick sighed, as he had to admit that he couldn't blame his friend. After he and Kelli prepared a lantern and some oil for it, the two departed the cabin. It was now dark, and they would need plenty of light to prevent from getting lost. The lake was close by, but it was still hard to see without light due to the many trees in the area.

After leaving the cabin once more, Frederick and Kelli bid goodbye to Ralph for the time being and started towards the lake. Kelli was glad it was such a short walk away, as Frederick might have never agreed to go otherwise. She wouldn't have blamed him given recent events, but the idea of having alone time with Frederick under a lovely moonlit night just sounded far too appealing to pass up. Her excitement only grew when the two arrived at the edge of the lake and saw a full moon shining down upon it alongside dozens of stars.

"Oh, Frederick... It's just as lovely here at night as it is during the day!" Kelli commented as the two paused next to the water. "And we have it all to ourselves!"

"I must agree," Frederick replied, gazing at the night sky. "It really is quite nice to feel at ease for a change after what we've been dealing with lately."

"Yeah, no doubt about that. Well, let's put our things down and get in!"

"Right with you, love."

With that, the two set their towels down on a clear spot in the grass and removed their unnecessary clothing. They left their clothes beside their towels so they wouldn't get lost and Frederick placed the lantern closer to the lake so it would shine upon some of the water. He made sure not to leave it too close, however, so it wouldn't accidentally be knocked in. He soon noticed that Kelli neglected to remove her flower hairclip.

"Are you keeping that flower clip on?" he wondered.

"Oh, sure!" Kelli replied happily. "I like it too much. But what, don't you think I look pretty with it?"

She then struck a feminine pose, now donned in nothing but the same purple two-piece bikini swimsuit she wore on the Emerald Dream as well as the flower clip. Frederick could only stand there silent for the next few moments, his cheeks flushing a deep red. Kelli couldn't help but giggle.

"I...er, want to say yes, but I also don't want you to think me perverted..." Frederick finally replied.

"Heh, says the man who kisses my breasts when I'm naked or half naked."

By this time, Frederick was redder than Sully's flaming hair.

"What?! But... I...! Well...! Uhm..."

"Oh, I'm teasing! Frederick, you should've known that. Besides, honey, I can pretty much guarantee that other couples get a little "perverted" with each other once in a while. And I mean besides making love. It's only a problem when it gets really excessive and ridiculous."

"...Is this more "advice" from my mother?"

"Actually, no. It was your father that told me this time. Eh heh..."

Frederick deflated upon hearing this.

"...Oh for the love of the gods. Now you're putting images into my head that I do not wish to see."

"Ah, sorry about that..."

"Well, this conversation stays here. Ralph would have a field day with it if he heard it."

"Yeah, I think I can see him doing that. Fair enough."

The two then proceeded to clamber into the lake and embrace the slightly warm water. The hot sun had heated it throughout the day. Just as they had in the pool on the <i>Emerald Dream</i>, Frederick and Kelli splashed each other playfully and chased each other through the water. However, they neglected to go under a lot due to the dark, as they wouldn't be able to see where they're going. Kelli still tackled Frederick every now and then, though, forcing him to submerge. She would sometimes hide from him as well. And of course, they kissed on occasion. No alone time between couples was without some real romance, after all.

Frederick and Kelli even gazed up on the stars once in a while and pointed out shapes they made. They also approached the waterfall and got soaked underneath it. Kelli couldn't help but giggle every time she saw her husband with completely drenched hair. When it was dry, Frederick's hair was a bit wild and unruly in the back. He certainly looked different with it turned into a flat wet mop. Kelli wondered how Frederick could have unruly hair when he usually dressed much neater than it would suggest. Frederick explained that while he actually trimmed his hair himself to keep it from getting too long, he hardly had any talent in hair styling.

"I would hate to show you what I looked like in my childhood..." he finished.

"Aw, I'm sure you were an adorable little boy!" Kelli countered. "Ralph did say a lot of girls had a crush on you, hee hee."

"Yes, well, I still think my head looked like a brown mop. My mother would trim and comb my hair, but those wavy curls still grew back..."

"Heh, well, don't worry. You're always handsome to me, love."

A wide grin formed on Frederick's face.

"And I'm glad, my sweet."

Kelli soon found herself with a large smile as a thought suddenly came to mind.

"Say! I just got a great idea! Phantom is probably watching us because of his spell. We should make love again. Right here!"

Frederick's eyes nearly popped out of his head upon hearing these words.

"W-Wait, what? In front of him? Are you sure that's wise?"

"Definitely! It would totally annoy him and get him riled up tomorrow when the tournament starts. He could get blinded by the irritation and lose his focus. Hee hee."

"...I see what you're saying, but I still don't know. Getting him angry could also make things worse."

"Oh, come on. Phantom actually wants me to be with him, not you. If he sees me doing stuff with another man, I think he'd fly off the handle so hard that he would forget how to use some of his spells."


Kelli then let her swimsuit top's straps fall down and removed them from her shoulders. She also let her top slip down a little, revealing more cleavage.

"Please, Freddy Bear? I really think it will work. And be fun," she said in a sweet, smug voice.

Frederick merely sighed with a smile.

"Kelli, I must say, this is the most bizarre strategy you've ever come up with," he replied and turned smug himself. "But I like it."

Kelli giggled again before replying.

"I knew you would..."

"Just one thing. How about we go back to the edge of the lake? I would think it'd be a little uncomfortable to try doing this in near neck-deep water."

"Ah, good point."

With that, the two made their way back towards the area where they left their clothes and lantern. Along the way, Kelli turned to face her husband and slipped her arms around his neck.

"By the way..." she said. "I apologize if I rather offended you earlier… You know, with what your father told me. I was just having a little fun."

"Oh, I know," Frederick replied. "It's alright. I know you're just trying to keep a positive mind even after Phantom's tricks. And I could never stop loving you just because you've been having some strange conversations with my parents."

"Aw, thank you, dear. I love you so much, Frederick."

"Of course, sweetheart."

With that, they let their lips meet once more in a loving embrace, Frederick pressing Kelli to his torso. They continued to the edge of the lake afterwards, where Kelli settled against the grass, her lower body remaining in the water. Frederick began leaving kisses on her neck and collarbone and his hands found the knot of Kelli's swimsuit top at her back. He undid it, leaving Kelli free to rip it off. Frederick's lips once again found her bare breasts, causing light moans to escape his wife's mouth. Kelli's hands caressed Frederick's back and torso, to which he eventually moaned as well. Kelli soon leaned in to capture her husband's lips once more, showing just how much she always enjoyed a little private time with him.

Frederick then proceeded to guide his hands to Kelli's bikini, and slowly slip it down her legs. Kelli eagerly allowed him to remove it, the water slightly tingling the bare area between her legs. She hardly minded, however, especially when Frederick began freely caressing her entire body, from her legs up to her chest again. This was likely what Kelli had meant by being a little "perverted," but Frederick didn't care. He loved everything about her and she loved everything about him. And that was what mattered. And the more he was all over Kelli, the angrier Phantom was likely to get.

After a little more kissing and caressing, Frederick finally allowed his swim shorts to fall from his waistline. Kelli, now lying back against the grass, spread her legs wide, allowing her husband to settle himself between them. She soon felt something bury itself within her that made her squeal with pleasure.

By the time the couple was finished some time later, the two were relaxing upon the grass, their lower bodies settled in the water. Kelli used her hands and arms to cover her modesty in case some random person showed up for whatever reason and her head leaned upon Frederick's shoulder. Frederick had to admit, he was actually learning to enjoy relaxing from time to time.

"Oh, Frederick..." Kelli uttered. "That was...even more amazing than the first time we did this."

"Heh," Frederick replied happily. "I guess we just get better each time."

"Yeah… You didn't hurt me at all either. Though that could've been because of the water, I suppose. Who knows?"

"Well, I'm just glad I didn't hurt you."

"Heh, I know. I love you, Freddy Bear..."

"I love you too, Kelli-Honey."

Frederick then pulled Kelli into his lap and wrapped his arms around her chest, helping her to conceal her modesty. His lips darted from her cheek to her neck, Kelli smiling lovingly at the gesture. She soon spotted something out of the ordinary on the surface of the water, however, and paused.

"Uh... Frederick, dear," she spoke up. "I think you'd better take a look out there."

Kelli then pointed to an area of the lake lit by the moon. Frederick soon made out the silhouette of none other than his swim shorts.

"Daaah!" he blurted, finally realizing that his legs were completely bare. He hadn't slipped his shorts off entirely before all of the love-making, but forgot about them as he lost himself in his and Kelli's affection.

"Er, pardon me for one minute..." Frederick continued, his cheeks fading into a deep red. He then hurriedly fetched his shorts. Kelli couldn't help but chuckle at her husband's little mishap.

After quickly slipping the shorts back on, Frederick returned to Kelli at the edge of the lake, but noticed that she didn't even put her bikini back on.

"Are you going to stay like that?" he wondered.

"Why not?" Kelli replied with a chuckle, to which Frederick raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm kidding. I just feel so relaxed is all. But we should head back to the cabin soon. You need a good night's sleep for the tournament tomorrow.

"Ah, true. We don't want Ralph to start worrying about us either."

"That too. Heh, I bet Phantom is angrier than Sully when a man insults her right now."

"I wouldn't be surprised. I only hope we didn't just cut my chances of prevailing against him."

"And I still doubt that. But for now, let's just enjoy a little bit more time out here."

"Oh, will do."

The next morning, Frederick very nearly overslept. Ralph actually had to get his friend moving so he would arrive at the arena on time. Frederick was just relieved that he didn't need to suit up since he didn't have his armor with him. So preparing took a much shorter time than usual thanks to not having to strap on pieces of armor. He quickly dressed in some of his usual outfits of a dressy shirt, pants, and bowtie, though Kelli rather protested the idea. She insisted that he might as well throw on anything because he'll likely get his clothes torn and dirty during his matches anyway. Frederick merely said that not only was he used to wearing such clothes, he would rather go in looking decent than like he took Ralph's thief clothing.

"No offense," Frederick finished as he turned to his friend.

"Oh, none taken," Ralph replied with a smile. "Those clothes are kind of ugly."

"Ah, well, as long as you're comfortable and can fight well, I suppose," Kelli commented with a chuckle.

"Indeed," Frederick agreed. "Well, after I get some breakfast, we can be on our way. A good morning meal can help ensure that I go in at my full strength."

"That's true. Well, let's whip up some pancakes and eggs!" Kelli suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" Ralph seconded, brushing his hands together.

With that, Frederick and Kelli began preparing the food. The aroma of fresh eggs and pancakes soon filled the air, and Ralph's mouth watered. He'd been eating better food than he used to for the past few days, but he still couldn't get enough due to having gone so long without it. In fact, he could probably give Stahl some competition in an eating contest. Even so, they all needed their energy for the big day ahead, Frederick especially. After they finished, the trio made no hesitation to saddle up Sir Kieran and get on the road. The horse was still stubborn to trust Ralph, but he still would not throw the thief off of his back while Kelli was there.

Kelli tried to get Frederick to ride instead so he wouldn't waste stamina walking, but he refused, still not wanting to take the chance that Phantom could cause some last minute trouble. Kelli could only go along with it, as this was Frederick she was arguing with. And her husband did not change his mind easily. Ralph merely commented that there was pretty much never any use in trying to get him to do so.

"Trust me, I've tried," he finished.

"Well, I still won't hesitate to try if I think it's necessary, of course," Kelli replied with a smile.

"Heh, all I can do is wish you luck on that then."

Thankfully, there were plenty of hitching posts at the arena, and Sir Kieran had plenty of other horses there to keep him company. Since there were two brackets and likely many contestants, it could be awhile before Frederick's first match began. After Sir Kieran was hitched outside, the trio eagerly reentered the arena. They were almost immediately met with a large crowd inside, most of which were gathered at a wall near the door to the actual battling arena. Two large sheets of parchment were pinned there, both of which had many lines drawn on them. They were the official brackets, and Frederick, Kelli, and Ralph hurried over to see where Frederick was listed. Although it took a few minutes to get close enough to make out the writing due to the crowd.

"Ah, I'm on the far left of bracket B," Frederick observed. "And I'm against...what in the—?"

Frederick's eyes widened at the name he beheld next to his own.

"Winfrey?!" Kelli gasped. "Could...could that be the same Winfrey that hosted the Heroes Festival back in Azura?"

"It's quite possible," Frederick admitted, unable to take his eyes off of the name. "I haven't spotted him here yet though. This is quite surprising."

"Whoa, talk about luck of the draw here!" Ralph commented. "Getting matched up with someone you just met recently! And Winfrey of all people too, if it really is the same guy."

"You know him too, Ralph?"

"Not in person, but I've heard of him since I spent some time in Azura."

"Ah, makes sense."

"Indeed. ...Oh, and of course, Phantom is in the middle of bracket A," Kelli continued. "The name of the person he's up against isn't familiar though. But like that really matters."

"Indeed, it's probably just some scrub," an unpleasantly familiar voice suddenly replied.

"Eeek!" Kelli yelped. She turned around to find none other than Phantom himself standing there.

"I have to admit, you weren't jesting when you explained your name," Frederick commented.

"Of course I wasn't," Phantom replied. "I have no reason to lie about that. I hope you're all prepared. You'll have to go through many competitors to get to me."

"Oh, I'm aware. I looked through the brackets, there must be dozens of names on both."

"Good to know."

Phantom's expression soon turned into a scowl.

"But don't think that little stunt you pulled at the lake last night will change anything. I know what your game is. And it won't work!"

"Heh. We'll see," Frederick replied, folding his arms and giving Phantom a confident grin.

Phantom merely growled and walked away.

"You were right, Kel. He's most assuredly angry," Frederick continued.

"I told you so! Hee hee."

"A stunt at the lake?" Ralph wondered, arching an eyebrow.

"Oh...uhm..." Frederick uttered, his cheeks going a deep rosy color.

"Er..." Kelli tried to reply, following suit.

Ralph soon found himself with a very smug grin on his face.

"Aaaaah. I bet I know what you did! Heh, heh."

If Frederick wasn't comically red before, he was now.

"Ralph, if you haven't noticed, we're in public!"

"Oh, I know! I wasn't going to shout it out or anything," Ralph assured.

"Well, watch it!"

"Yes, please," Kelli seconded.

"Alright, alright, sheesh. Oh, I think the tournament host just came in."

Ralph then pointed to a black haired man that was dressed just as formally as Winfrey had been at the Heroes Festival. He had come through the doors that led to the arena, as he was standing in front of them. He cleared his throat and announced that all of the competitors were to enter and stand elegantly so the Ylisse national anthem could be performed and the tournament could officially begin. The matches would start at the far left of bracket A and work their way to the far right of bracket B. This meant that Frederick's would be the first match of bracket B, but possibly wouldn't begin until the next day. Matches could sometimes take a while depending on who was battling who.

"Ah, well, since we had to come here anyway, why don't we stay and watch the matches?" Frederick suggested. "We should be seeing Phantom's match and actually get a real idea of what he can do in a fight."

"Oh, that's right!" Ralph realized. "Good idea. I can learn some things about combat if I watch the matches as well."

"Yes, I second all that!" Kelli added. "I like hearing the Ylisse national anthem too. It's such a gorgeous melody."

"That it is," Frederick agreed. "Well, I have to go with the other competitors in the arena. I'll rejoin you two in a little while."

"Of course, honey," Kelli replied with a smile. She kissed Frederick lovingly before departing with Ralph to the stairs which led to the seats. Frederick followed his fellow competitors out to the arena, easily able to pick out Phantom among them. His darker clothing stood out from everyone else's fairly generic garb. However, due to how much he had studied on different combat styles and garbs while training to become a knight, he recognized many different warriors. Some were axe fighters while others were swordmasters. And mage robes were even more easily identifiable. Frederick didn't get a glimpse of every single competitor since many entered behind him, but he could see that this tournament was going to go on for a nice amount of time.

Meanwhile, Kelli and Ralph managed to land seats right at the edge of the arena, granting them an amazing view. Either of them could shake hands with the competitors if they were to approach. The two waved to Frederick as soon as they noticed one another, and of course, Frederick waved back. He was glad to see that the two found a good spot to watch him. Soon enough, the host and his assistants came through a door opposite to the one the competitors used. The host was carrying a cone to speak through so his voice would carry throughout the entire arena. He and his assistants stopped at the center and he raised the cone to his lips.

"Greetings, everyone!" he began. "We're proud to be able to kick off the annual Altea Island tournament! And I'm pleased to see a great number of competitors ready to duke it out! As many of you probably know, the prize is the Altea Island trophy and their name remembered in this arena! If the winner is already a one-time victor, they'll get a portrait or statue here!"

The audience and competitors cheered as the host spoke. Frederick merely smiled excitedly, despite that he hadn't entered for the fun of it. Still, that did not mean he shouldn't try to enjoy himself anyway.

"However, there's been a sliiiight change in plans for today," the host continued, prompting many whispers and arched eyebrows. "As you may also know, we normally hire a gifted singer to perform the Ylisse national anthem at every tournament. Unfortunately, I received a message earlier saying that the one we chose this year became ill and lost her voice. Talk about the worst possible timing for such a thing!"

Now the people emitted disappointed groans and aws.

"Ah, but do not worry, everyone! We have a backup plan for such occurrences! If our singer ever falls ill when the tournament starts, we choose a volunteer from the audience to perform the anthem!"

The audience soon became fairly quiet. Not many people raised their hands either, as many were likely stage fright or knew they had no vocal talent. Ralph leaned against the railing of the seating area, curiously awaiting who would be chosen. Without realizing, however, he leaned too far and found himself toppling over the edge.

"AUGH!" he blurted as he landed chest and face first in the dirt.

"Oh! Ralph!" Kelli gasped. "Are you alright?"

"Ow... I think so..."

Since the arena had quieted down, Ralph's blunder had easily caught everyone's attention, including the host and his assistants.

"Ah, it appears we have our volunteer!" the host commented. He and his assistants began approaching Ralph.

"W-What?!" the thief blurted, suddenly vaulting upright. "Wait, I don't really—!"

"Oh nonsense, we really need to kick this thing off, so come on," the host insisted as he took Ralph's arm and ushered him to the center of the arena. Ralph merely froze except for his legs, his right eye twitching. Kelli could only groan, knowing that this could not end well.

"Oh no..." Frederick moaned, bringing a hand to his reddening face. Phantom could only chuckle at his misfortune. Frederick growled in response, glad that the two were not battling just yet.

Ralph was still hardly moving when the host let go of him and handed him the cone. He tried to regain his composure, but found it very difficult as a tear of sweat trickled down the side of his head. The host then leaned towards his ear.

"Heh, try not to be too much of an embarrassment, alright?" he said with a chuckle.

"Yes, we wouldn't want that, now would we?" one of the assistants seconded, following suit. The three people then stepped back, leaving Ralph to finally breathe normally. He growled as he eyeballed the trio.

"Hmph. I'll show them embarrassment," he uttered, gritting his teeth. "I just hope I remember all the lyrics."

He then took a deep breath as he brought the cone to his lips.

Frederick and Kelli could only grimace as they tried to brace themselves for the disaster they thought was coming. Did Ralph even know the national anthem? However, when he opened his mouth, what they heard was not at all what they had been expecting. Their jaws dropped in seconds, and Frederick's lance soon slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground.

Ralph's voice was absolutely beautiful.

The thief, despite that his unshaven and fairly scruffy appearance wouldn't at all suggest that he could do so, sang every word and every note flawlessly and gracefully. Frederick, Kelli, and pretty much everyone else could only stare in amazement as they listened. Even Phantom was stunned, though Frederick never noticed because he was too busy being shocked himself. Ralph could do the low notes, the high notes, and everything in between without error. He didn't miss a single lyric either. The song spoke of the original battle against the fell dragon, Grima, and how the first Exalt of Ylisse sealed him away with the help of the divine dragon, Naga.

Ralph ended the melody just as amazingly as he had begun it. The crowd was quiet for a few seconds, leaving Ralph nervous yet again. A split second later, however, everyone was cheering and applauding loudly. Except for the host, his assistants, Frederick, Kelli, and Phantom. They were all still wide-eyed except for Phantom, who merely folded his arms. Even so, Ralph found himself wide-eyed as well with a large grin on his face. The crowd was cheering for him. Him! He bowed to the audience, then turned around, stuck his tongue out at the host and his assistants, and rushed out of the arena after tossing the cone to the ground.

Ralph then hurried back to his seat next to Kelli. Frederick soon followed since the competitors were then allowed to disperse so the first match could begin.

"Ralph!" Frederick blurted as soon as he approached his friend. "That...that was absolutely incredible!"

"D'aww, really?" Ralph replied, his cheeks going pink.

"Yeah, you were amazing out there!" Kelli agreed. "Where in Ylisse did you learn to sing like that?!"

"I'm curious about that myself," Frederick seconded. "You had no money, so surely you didn't have anyone to teach you."

"Ah, well, that's true. I was too poor to have a teacher," Ralph admitted. "But see, the life of a thief is never really a pleasant one. Even one like me who didn't steal just for the sake of it. I was constantly running from guards and militiamen so I could feed and clothe myself and my parents. And sometimes I couldn't manage to steal enough, so I'd go hungry. And I had no shelter, so I slept in alleys, wet grass, and Naga knows what else. Singing to myself was my way of dealing with my troubles and even forgetting about them entirely once in a while. I eventually stole a song book and taught myself to read and sing the music in it to help with that. I guess over time, I gained some skill in it. Heck, some kind folks even dropped me a few gold pieces every now and then if I wound up being overheard."

"Some skill? Ralph, you sounded like you had been performing in front of people for years!" Frederick countered. "Do you realize just what you could do with this talent?"

"I agree! You have an amazing gift here!" Kelli added. "Frederick's right, your voice could be the key to saving your family from poverty!"

"R-Really? But as I said, all it ever got me was a few gold pieces every now and then. What could I do with singing?"

"Ralph, you just weren't using it in the right places," Frederick continued. "You could travel around and perform in shows. Or, build your own with Chrom's wife, Olivia. She is a spectacular dancer, and together you two would be amazing to watch!"

"Well, I suppose, but... I wanted to become a soldier, remember?"

"Oh, Olivia's dancing helps in the army too!" Kelli pointed out. "I'm sure your voice could as well!"

"Ah yes, definitely," Frederick agreed. "Your voice could motivate the soldiers in the same way Olivia's dances do. And she also wields a sword. You can both sing and do combat if you desire."

"Oh! I see!" Ralph replied. "I might try that! But I tend to get terribly stage fright. It was only those tournament staff telling me not to be an embarrassment that somehow snapped me out of it..."

"And that's something we can help you with!" Kelli assured. "I promise."

"Oh. Well, thank you guys so much!" Ralph replied. "I'll give it a shot! I finally have a chance to really help my parents!"

"You do indeed," Frederick said with a smile. "Well, let's return our attention to the tournament. The first match is about to start."

"Ah, right!"

With that, the trio watched as the first two combatants entered the arena. They were both swordsman, though one looked relatively bulkier than the other. Frederick could tell just by examining their appearances that the leaner swordsman could possibly have the upper hand because he would be able to move faster. Frederick advised Ralph to watch closely, so he could get as many ideas as possible from the display of swordsmanship. For all he knew, Ralph could find that the sword suited him best when he began training as a new recruit in the Ylisse army. The host introduced the two combatants, stating their names as well as where they hailed from.

Surprisingly to Frederick, the two men appeared to be pretty evenly matched as they fought. They both managed to inflict significant wounds on one another and dodge several strikes. Frederick could tell that they both had good skills, but didn't feel that they were on a professional level. Hopefully he would face a lot of opponents like these two, as he would assuredly be able to best them with his several years of combat experience. And if he was to prevent Phantom from getting his way, Frederick needed to reach the finals.

About half a dozen matches took place before Phantom's began. Frederick, Kelli, and Ralph eagerly watched as he and his opponent entered the arena. It was helpful that Phantom would be battling first, as the trio would finally get a real taste of what he could do. And Frederick would have a much better idea of what he would be up against later on. Phantom's opponent was another magic wielder, a sage by the looks of his regal-looking robes. The sorcerer did not seem worried, however, as a smile donned his face the entire time. Frederick wondered why this could be, as magic wasn't very effective against those who wielded it. Mages studied it extensively, so they would know how not to take a lot of damage from it.

Unfortunately, Frederick, Kelli, and Ralph were hardly prepared for what they witnessed next.

Phantom and the sage launched magic spells at nearly the same time. However, Phantom's mass of darkness overpowered the sage's pillar of fire so much that it was like comparing Chrom's Falchion to a butter knife. The Arcfire spell disappeared in the dark magic and nearly landed a direct hit upon the sage. The sage had been quick enough to avoid it, but wasn't able to come away without a blow to his arm. And try as he might, the sage's other spells gave the same results. He used Elthunder, Elwind, and some defensive maneuvers with his magic. Phantom was able to overpower each and every one of them with his own dark spells. Elwind's powerful gusts couldn't blow away Phantom's clouds and masses of darkness. Elthunder's fast bolts of lightning weren't strong enough to destroy them. The sage found himself taking blows from nearly every one of Phantom's strikes.

It wasn't long before the sage showed signs of exhaustion, panting heavily and no longer having the energy to evade Phantom's attacks. What's more, Frederick didn't recognize most of the spells the sorcerer was using. Ruin, a common dark tome, was the only one he could clearly identify. He had learned about other spells from the book he had studied, but couldn't be positive if Phantom was using any of them. He barely took any blows himself, so it was impossible to tell if he had used Nosferatu. Soon enough, Phantom launched a spell that landed a direct hit, and the sage was knocked out cold, ending the battle just minutes after it had begun.

"Whoa..." Ralph commented. "Fred, you've got your work cut out for you here."

"So I can see..." Frederick replied, highly impressed himself.

Kelli could only stare at Phantom, fear in her eyes, as the sorcerer took a cocky bow and exited the arena. The sage had to be carried off by tournament staff.

"Oh... Frederick, this man is frightening," she finally uttered. "If he could do what he did to that sage... Just imagine what he has planned for you! Oh how I wish this wasn't happening! I don't want to see him hurt you like that!"

"...Well, I can't say I blame you," Frederick admitted and cupped Kelli's cheek in his hand. "And I cannot promise that I won't be injured at all. I know it will be difficult to watch me battle Phantom, but I will defeat him, for you and for our love. No matter how many blows I have to take. When I first proposed to you, I vowed to defend you until death did us part. And I will not break that promise."

"I know you won't, Frederick... Thank you so much," Kelli replied lovingly. "And I'll try to be strong for you during the battle. You'll need my support, after all, as well as Ralph's."

"Yeah, what Phantom did down there won't scare us away!" Ralph assured. "You can count on that!"

"And as always, I thank you both," Frederick said with a smile. "Now let's watch the other matches. I might not be facing any of these warriors, but I could be matched against similar ones."

"Ah, right."

With that, the trio turned their attention back to the arena to see who would be battling next.

At midday, competitors and viewers were given a break to eat lunch and tend to any animals they had left at the hitching posts. Frederick used this time to check on Sir Kieran and make sure he had more food and water. He, Kelli, and Ralph also bought their own lunch and had a picnic outside. They eagerly dined upon the sandwiches, fruit, and wine they had acquired. Frederick conversed with his wife and friend as much as he could to discuss possible battle strategies, but Phantom's performance in the arena weighed heavily on his mind. He wasn't sure if he could expect the sorcerer to use the same spells on him that he had used on the sage. It would be far too predictable. Or…was Phantom <i>that</i> confident in his abilities? Only time would tell.

Frederick was snapped out of his trance when the unpleasant voice of Phantom himself spoke up.

"Well. That was quite a show I gave you, wasn't it?" he opined with a devious grin. "Must've left you with a cold shoulder with how distant you looked just now."

Frederick wanted so much to take his sandwich and shove it up Phantom's arse, but his company and knightly status forced him to refrain from doing so.

"No, it didn't. Sorry to disappoint you," he replied bluntly.

"Tsk," Phantom commented, though he didn't sound serious. "That was just a warmup for me anyway. The real fun begins in round two. Heh, heh."

"I had figured as much."

"So you say. I'm looking forward to watching what you can do. Especially considering your opponent. Let's hope you don't disappoint. See you later!"


Phantom merely walked away, his near bursting ego intact.

"Don't listen, Fred. You're going to be amazing!" Ralph encouraged. "I've actually watched you battle before, from a hiding spot. And you never disappointed me!"

"Heh, I'm sure I didn't. Thanks," Frederick replied with a smile.

"Even if it's a tough battle in the first round, you'll be fine," Kelli assured happily. "No one's been able to beat you as far as I've seen!"

"That is true."

Throughout the remainder of the day, the first round of bracket A's matches took place. Frederick, Kelli, and Ralph found themselves watching all sorts of warriors, from more mages to swordsmen to heavy knights to rugged axe fighters. Unsurprisingly, most of them were from Ylisse, though once in a while there was a warrior from Regna Ferox as well. Ralph had been the most entertained by the battles, as he was growing more and more eager to learn to use a weapon himself. Frederick eventually had to remind him that patience was a virtue, and that only by believing in this statement can one truly progress in their training.

As the sun soon began to set, the final match of bracket A's first round came to an end at last. However, the host then announced that this would end the day's battles, and that the first round of bracket B would begin the next morning. This meant that Frederick needed to be at the arena as early as possible since he was in the first match. At least he would be able to get in some last minute training before getting a good night's sleep.

"Ah, well, we'll see you kick some arse tomorrow, Fred!" Ralph decided with an eager smile. "After today, I'm more excited than ever to see you out there!"

"Heh, I'm glad. Just don't forget that we all have to get here early. I'm in the first battle, remember?" Frederick reminded.

"Oh, we know," Kelli replied with a smile. "But let's not end up having to rush again though, okay?"

"Ah, yes, of course."

With that, the trio departed the arena alongside the rest of the audience so they could return to the cabin. As desired, Frederick trained some more before turning in for the night, using the same dummy from before. However, as it grew later and later into the night, Kelli eventually had to practically demand that her husband come to bed. He needed a good night's rest or else he wouldn't stand a chance against anyone at the arena, regardless of what training he had previously gone through. Frederick had to admit that this was true and didn't hesitate to join his wife. Of course, Kelli always enjoyed cuddling with him as well. Frederick's tall, bulky figure gave her a lot of warmth and comfort and he never hesitated to hold her in his brawny arms.

The next day, Frederick kept to his promise and got up at a better time than before. Even after breakfast and Sir Kieran's own morning meal, the trio was out of the cabin sooner than in the previous morning. Of course, Sir Kieran still did not enjoy having Ralph on his back, but somehow, some way, Ralph was going to gain that horse's trust. Frederick was his best friend, and he would be seeing Sir Kieran quite often because of it. And Ralph doubted that Frederick wanted to put up with a conflict between the two forever. He just wasn't yet sure how he would prevent that.

Due to arriving at the arena earlier this time, Kelli and Ralph once again got excellent seating in the stands while Frederick prepared for his first match. After he had received a loving good luck kiss from Kelli, he reported to the nearest tournament staff member. The employee had him go to the arena's south door in preparation for his entrance. A few minutes later, the large stone double door slowly began to open. Frederick took a deep breath as his heart began to race faster than a Pegasus. Well, here I go. The same Winfrey from Azura or not, I must defeat him. I must...

Frederick took his first steps into the arena, and soon found it difficult to keep his composure. This was the first tournament he had entered in years, so he was no longer used to doing combat in front of huge crowds. The mini tournament at the Heroes Festival was a slumber party compared to the Altea Island Arena one. Frederick felt a little more at ease when the host announced his name.

"At the south door, we have our first warrior of the day!" he excitedly shouted. "A last minute and surprising entry, we welcome Ylisse's very own knight captain, Sir Frederick!"

The crowded arena stands soon cheered loud and proud for the respected knight. It gradually died down when the north doors opened.

"And let's welcome his opponent!" the host continued. "From the Ylissean town of Azura, we have the veteran warrior and former Altea Island Tournament champion, Winfrey!"

F-Former champion?! Frederick blurted in his head, his jaw dropping.

"Former champion?!" Kelli and Ralph shouted, as if they'd read Frederick's mind from afar.

Out of the north doors stepped an auburn haired man dressed in rugged gold armor. A large collar of fur embraced his neck while his lower torso was exposed, giving a show of stomach muscles as rippled as Frederick's. The man hefted a silver axe upon his shoulder. Frederick's eyes grew wide enough to threaten his ears as he beheld a familiar face.

"Surprise!" Winfrey spoke up with a grin.

"I-It...It is you!" the knight blurted, nearly letting his lance fall to the dirt.

"Indeed, my festival friend!" Winfrey replied with a chuckle. "Bet you never expected me to be an axe warrior of professional might. Heh, heh."

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be any sort of warrior. Much less a former tournament champion!"

"Oh, I'm not surprised. People more often see me dressed in formal wear and hosting a great festival dedicated to heroes of old."

"Figures as much."

"I must say, I'm quite pleased that we were matched up, though," Winfrey continued. "To duel a man as well-known and practiced as you, Sir Frederick. It's like a dream come true. I'm truly honored to face you!"

"Ah, well, I am honored to duel with you as well."

Before either of the two could say anything else, the host spoke again, his voice booming through the cone in his hand.

"Folks, with these two seasoned warriors going head to head, our first match of the day should be a spectacular one! Sir Frederick is a favorite to win the entire tournament so far in the official betting pools! But he is not without competition from Winfrey, who also has many supporters!"

Frederick's mood suddenly deflated a bit. Betting pools? Oh for the love of the gods...

"Oh wow! A lot of people think my Frederick will win the trophy!" Kelli squealed with delight.

"Is it really that surprising?" Ralph replied with a chuckle. "Fred's one of the best warriors in the country!"

"Hee, that is true."

Frederick and Winfrey then took battle stances, hefting their weapons in preparation for attack.

"I must warn you, I am a very different fighter when not in my armor or atop my horse," Frederick spoke up.

"Oh, I would expect such," Winfrey replied, his smile intact.

"And now...!" the host began. "Without further ado, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!"

Frederick was at a disadvantage since he was using a lance against an axe, but he wasn't going to let that concern him. He had battled many axe wielders during the Plegia war anyway. He and Winfrey charged at one another and within seconds, their weapons clashed. Lance banged against axe repeatedly, neither fighter giving the other a chance to land a blow. One thing became quite clear to many of the viewers, however.

Frederick was fast.

One of the reasons the axe had the advantage over the lance was that an axe could easily be used to disarm a lancer. And disarm Frederick, Winfrey managed to do. He had snuck the pommel of his silver axe underneath Frederick's lance and pried it loose from the knight's hands. It bounced across the dirt, leaving Winfrey to stand between Frederick and his weapon. Frederick, however, wasn't going to surrender that easily. Winfrey swung at him, but Frederick was not touched by its sharp blade. He swerved left, right, up, and down, and even performed a few swift back flips to evade the warrior's blows.

If Kelli and Ralph hadn't known any better, they would've thought Frederick was a swordmaster or assassin rather than a heavily armored cavalier knight.

Soon enough, Frederick managed to lead Winfrey away from his lance and dash away to retrieve it. Even his running speed had become top notch, and he snatched the lance up within seconds. Just as quickly, Frederick charged at Winfrey again.

"I must say, I am very impressed!" the warrior commented as the two clashed again, pushing their blades against one another.

"Why thank you," Frederick replied. "When I am not wearing armor, my body is vulnerable. Thus, speed becomes more necessary to avoid taking blows."

"That it is. And I admit, you have me outsped. But let's see if that can let you best me!"

Suddenly, before Frederick could say anything more, a relatively large group of women that had made their way to some seats not far from Kelli and Ralph squealed excitedly. Kelli had been about to cheer her husband on and was interrupted by them.

"AAAH, SIR FREDERICK! We love you! You're the BEST!"

"Huh?!" Frederick gasped. Winfrey had also been caught off guard by the sudden shouting, and the two parted for a moment.

Kelli growled loudly, refusing to allow these women to overshadow her.


Ralph jumped so high that he nearly went over the edge of the wall again. He soon found himself backing away from Kelli cautiously. The fawning women nearly instantly grew warily silent and also moved further away if they could. Frederick and Winfrey had also been startled by Kelli's outburst, both shock and confusion in their faces at the same time.

"Uhh... Wow. Your wife is scary," Winfrey finally uttered.

"She is quite protective of me…" Frederick admitted. "I suppose I've rubbed off on her."

"So I can see. It looks like you have quite a fan club up there too. Heh, heh."

"I noticed... It caught me completely by surprise."

"I could tell! Haha. Well, let's continue giving these people a show! You can't disappoint your fans, right?"

"But if I defeat you, that would mean you lose."

"Oh, I know! I won't mind if that ends up being the case. I'm happy enough just to get to face you."

"Ah, I am glad to hear that. Now prepare yourself!"

Yet again, the two clashed their weapons, neither warrior showing signs of holding back. Winfrey swung his axe repeatedly, and in as many directions as he could, but Frederick was able to counter many of them with his own techniques. He also dodged several blows just as he did while unarmed. Similarly, Frederick thrust his lance in many attempts to strike back, but Winfrey blocked these blows easily with his axe's much larger blade. Every now and then, however, one of them would manage to clip the other's flesh, albeit not quite directly. Both men eventually had a few cuts and small gashes on their arms and torsos. They soon came to another standstill where they pushed their blades against one another with all their might.

"Listen..." Frederick spoke up again as they did so.

"Hm?" Winfrey replied.

"I apologize... But I must defeat you. I cannot lose!"

"Really? It's just a tournament."

"Not for me, it isn't."

The sound of axe and lance clashing echoed a few more times before Frederick continued the conversation.

"I entered this tournament because Kelli was threatened by a sorcerer. He cast a spell on her...that allows him to watch her constantly..."

"What?!" Winfrey gasped, nearly stunned.

"It's no lie. This sorcerer will not lift the spell unless I reach the finals of this tournament...and defeat him. Otherwise, he'll just continue to antagonize and harass my wife."

The two exchanged a few more strikes before continuing.

"I...see," Winfrey commented. "I'm quite shocked to hear of that. And I wish...I didn't have to say this, but I do not want to simply throw the match."

"Don't worry..." Frederick replied after doing another back flip to avoid one of Winfrey's axe swings. "I wouldn't want you to."


"I wouldn't be able to show that sorcerer that I am no pushover in a fight if you did."

"Ah, fair point. Then I will give it my all!"

"And for you and Kelli, I shall as well!"

Edited by Anacybele
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Now for part 6, and the duel between Frederick and Phantom! I honestly actually really love how it came out and I think I managed to turn Freddy into a complete badass. ^^ And yes, Frederick and Kelli had sex a second time just to piss Phantom off. lol I thought that was just genius. But it seems that this conflict still isn't quite over at the end of the tournament...

Part 6: The Dark Showdown

Frederick shot Winfrey a rare smile upon speaking his words. However, he wasn't hesitant to clash with the axe warrior yet again and this time, Frederick came at him harder and faster than before. As expected, so did Winfrey. The two clashed their weapons many times over, both even attempting spin maneuvers to try to throw one another off-guard. But they remained evenly matched. Frederick needed to tap into his other skills if he was to defeat Winfrey. And even then, he also needed to use them at the right time. Suddenly, Frederick found Winfrey shoving against him once more, their weapons locked tight.

"You know, I am curious," Frederick spoke up again. "Why do you fight and run a festival?"

"Ah, that's a good question," Winfrey replied. The two finally parted several moments later.

"Growing up, I loved to read stories about heroes from the past…" Winfrey begain. "In fact, I love to read period."

The two grunted and strained as their weapons continued to meet and they repeatedly pushed against one another. Frederick found that Winfrey's own strength rivaled his own, something he had rarely ever encountered. Not even Chrom ever defeated him in an arm wrestle, though he could put up a good fight.

"I see..." Frederick uttered as they shoved harder this time. He pushed Winfrey with all his might, but it seemed that the warrior's strength was enough to not make him budge a single inch.

"So...where does the combat come in?" Frederick wondered.

"Well..." Winfrey began again, straining against Frederick's own incredible strength. The knight wasn't budging either.

"Those heroes didn't become famous by sitting at home," Winfrey pointed out. "They fought and defeated their enemies. They made a difference in their world. I will probably never make a huge difference like they did, but I can help fight enemies and influence others to follow the beliefs and values of those heroes. And to honor what they did to make their world a better place. Not to mention people would learn exciting history in the meantime."

"Oh... You know," Frederick replied. "That is very honorable. You have my respect."

"Ah, you have my humble thanks. Those words mean a lot coming from you, you know."

"Think nothing of it. So…why an axe?"

"Oh, that's simple. My father worked in the wood-cutting business. So naturally, an axe was the first weapon I ever picked up."

"Makes sense."

The two combatants continued to repeat what they'd already been doing, their blades grinding against one another in fierce agony. One could swear that they were about to break each other's weapons. However, Frederick wasn't giving in, even if it took the last ounce of his energy. He truthfully did hold much respect for Winfrey, and had no desire to harm him. But he could not let the warrior host overpower him. Winfrey suddenly spoke a few moments later.

"You know... We're not really getting anywhere like this. I think I'll make things a little more...interesting."

Before Frederick could react, however, Winfrey suddenly jerked away and stepped aside. As a result, Frederick could only stumble forward and fall flat on his stomach. As soon as he rolled onto his back, however, he saw Winfrey coming at him again. Frederick quickly raised his lance to meet the warrior's axe once more. Only this time, Frederick found it even more difficult to withstand Winfrey's strength due to not being able to put all of his weight against him. Still, he had the energy to hold on for the time being.

"Nice try..." Frederick spoke up. "But I'm afraid defeating me is not that easy."

"Oh, I'm not surprised," Winfrey replied. "But it appears that you're starting to struggle."

"Well then, it's a good thing that my lance isn't the only weapon I have with me."

Winfrey could only give Frederick an arched eyebrow in response, as he had not seen any other weapons sheathed at his side or his back. Before he could say anything, however, Frederick's feet suddenly collided with his torso. The knight then sent Winfrey flying and eventually crashing into the dirt. The impact forced a pained grunt from Winfrey's lips. Frederick quickly rose to his feet and rushed towards Winfrey, who was following suit. However, Winfrey had managed to yet again successfully meet Frederick's attack.

"Ah, nice one," Winfrey complimented. "I have to admit, that actually caught me off guard."

"So I noticed. I've been trained in many methods of combat," Frederick explained. "If I were to be disarmed for a period of time and I was the only person present with Chrom or Lissa, I must have some way to protect them should there be danger."

"That's a good point, even if I honestly hadn't expected you to know any hand-to-hand combat. But I like it. It keeps things challenging. And interesting."

"That it does."

Winfrey then snickered.

"...But two can play at that game!"

With that, Winfrey suddenly drove his elbow into Frederick's chest, triggering a gasp of pain from the knight. Frederick's eyes bulged upon the impact. However, Winfrey wasn't finished. He took Frederick by the collar of his shirt and tossed him over his head.

"AAGH!" Frederick bellowed as he crashed back first into the wall near where the guests sat. Kelli gasped as she watched her husband fall to the dirt. Ralph could only stare stupefied as his best friend seemingly got pummeled.

Frederick could see Winfrey coming at him out of the corner of his eye, however, and quickly brought up his lance to meet the warrior's strike once again. Or…so it seemed. Just as Winfrey was about to swing his axe once more, Frederick darted out of the way, causing the warrior to stumble forward towards the wall, unable to slow down. Winfrey found the blade of his axe going right into the stone…and not coming back out. Try as he might, he could not dislodge the axe from the wall. Without warning, the pommel of Frederick's lance struck Winfrey's gut, forcing bulging eyes and a pained gasp from him this time. The knight finished by sweeping a leg beneath Winfrey's feet, causing him to fall backwards onto the dirt. All that remained was pointing the lance's blade at the warrior's throat.

Winfrey panted as he found himself in mild shock. Frederick merely flashed him a grin in response.

"Well... Looks like I have to admit defeat," the warrior finally said.

"Indeed. Good duel," Frederick replied, holding out his hand.

"Well! We have our first victor of the day!" the tournament host announced. "Let's congratulate Sir Frederick for valiantly defeating the former champion, Winfrey!"

The crowd cheered loudly as Frederick helped Winfrey to his feet. The group of women from before seemed to cheer the loudest, forcing steam out of Kelli's ears and a wary stare from Ralph. Vainly trying to ignore them, Kelli also soon cheered happily, and hopefully louder than the women. Ralph wasn't hesitant to join her.

"I must say, I am definitely impressed," Winfrey complimented Frederick. "You certainly live up to your title as knight captain of Ylisse. This is the first time I've been knocked out of the tournament in the first round."

"I'm not surprised," Frederick replied. "You were a worthy opponent. In fact, that was probably the most challenging battle I've fought to this day."

"You really mean that?"

"Of course. Never before has a foe elbowed me and then thrown me against a wall. You were clever to give me a taste of my own medicine after I had sent you sprawling."

"And then you did the same with me and let me stumble. Only I managed to spectacularly lodge my axe into that same wall, ha ha. Thank you so much, I'm glad to have given you a good fight!"

Frederick smiled and let out a slight chuckle.

"Oh, as am I. I hope I didn't bring you too much harm."

"Nah, I'm tough, don't worry. I've taken much worse anyway. Are you alright after all this?"

"Well, my chest and back are a little sore, but I'll be fine. It won't hinder me in the next match."

"Ah, good to hear! After what you told me, I would hate to have weakened you and reduced your chances of saving Kelli."

"I don't blame you. But you have nothing to fear, I assure you."

"Heh, I'm glad. We should do this again someday. It doesn't have to be in a tournament either, it can just be friendly sparring, if you would like. And there wouldn't be any crazy strings attached."

"Ah, that would be wonderful. I accept."

"Great! If you and Chrom ever need some extra strength, you know who to ask."

"And you have my thanks for that."

Frederick continued to smile as he held his hand out again. Winfrey took it and the two shook hands eagerly as a sign of their newfound friendship.

"So, I'll be going up to the stands to rejoin Kelli and a friend. You may join us if you would like," Frederick offered.

"Ah, I don't see why not," Winfrey agreed happily, but then deflated slightly. "But…uh, could you give me a hand in getting my axe out of that wall first? Heh..."

Frederick soon paused for a moment, suddenly realizing that the warrior host never did dislodge his weapon.

"...Oh, uh, right. My apologies for that."

"Ha, don't worry! We'll get it out of there."

The next match wound up having to be delayed a short time because Winfrey's axe had been lodged so deep in the wall that it took the strength of another person in the stands to get it out. Winfrey had mouthed that Frederick would owe him if it broke in the process, but thankfully this didn't happen. Frederick apologized yet again and swore that he hadn't meant for it to get lodged that deep, but Winfrey merely replied that he got his axe back in one piece and that was what mattered. The two then healed themselves with vulneraries they had brought and went on their way.

When Frederick and Winfrey reached their destination in the stands, Ralph's jaw nearly hit the floor. Kelli was nearly equally surprised even though she had previously met Winfrey. Ralph was both excited and nervous all at the same time. He had heard of Winfrey's deeds in Azura and how much he was respected there. On the other hand, however, Ralph had stolen from some of the people in the town and he could not know if Winfrey had knowledge of this. For all he knew, Winfrey was one of his victims. Sometimes Ralph broke into buildings whose owner he did not know for shelter when there was a storm outside or he couldn't possibly sleep anywhere else. Kelli soon wrapped her arms around Frederick's neck and hugged him tightly.

"Frederick, you won! That was an amazing match!" she said.

"I have to agree!" Ralph seconded, calming down for the moment. "You and Winfrey fought an awesome duel!"

"Heh, thank you," Frederick replied with a proud smile.

"And Winfrey! I have to admit, you gave us the biggest surprise in a long time down there!" Kelli spoke up. "But it's nice to see you!"

"Ahaha, well, that was my intention! When I saw that I was matched up against Frederick, I couldn't resist," Winfrey replied. "It was quite entertaining."

"I bet it was," Frederick replied, playfully rolling his eyes. "So, this is the friend I had mentioned. His name is Ralph. We were neighbors as children."

"Ah, the pleasure's mine," Winfrey greeted with a smile. "You're quite a lucky man to have been the friend of someone like Sir Frederick."

However, all Ralph could do was stand there and tremble yet again. He couldn't say a word.

"Er... Are you alright?" Winfrey wondered, arching an eyebrow.

"Uh... Oh! Y-Yes, I'm just very surprised to meet you…of all people," Ralph finally replied, vainly attempting to regain his composure. "But it's nice!"

"You sure about that?" Kelli countered, bringing her hands to her hips.

"Indeed, you're starting to sweat," Frederick pointed out.


"Say..." Winfrey spoke again. "Now that I think about it, something is familiar about you. Might we have met before?"

Ralph gulped, realizing he'd been backed into a very tight corner.

"I-I don't think so. I've certainly never spoken to you..." he said.

"Wait a minute, this doesn't have anything to do with your old thieving habits, does it?" Frederick inquired.

"What?!" Winfrey blurted, his tone suddenly turning hostile. "He's a THIEF?!"

"Uh... Well, yes... Er, no! I mean, he used to be," Frederick tried to explain. "But—"

"HA! Sure! But I think just remembered where I'd seen him!" Winfrey angrily insisted. "And it's not a good thing! And Frederick, I am disappointed in you. Being friends with a thief! They're nothing but trouble and deserve to rot in hell!"

"B-But..." Ralph tried to protest.

"SHUT UP! I know what you did!"

"Huh?! What are you talking ab—?!"

"Alright, that's enough!" Frederick intervened. "We'll settle this later. The next match is starting. Is that clear to both of you?"

Ralph wasn't hesitant to nod in approval. Winfrey merely grumbled and folded his arms as he took his seat. Kelli, meanwhile, was even more surprised than she'd been when the axe warrior first appeared in the arena. And Frederick was equally stunned. Winfrey having such a hostile side to him was the last thing they expected. He had previously been so friendly and seemed like he would be kind to anyone he just met, regardless of their background. And they all very well knew that many of the heroes Winfrey had studied didn't judge people based solely on their backgrounds.

When the next match started, what appeared to be a swordmaster and a veteran mercenary had entered the arena. The swordmaster was wearing a long tunic while the mercenary had a shorter one and looked slightly bulkier. He also carried a shield. Of course, both men were carrying swords. This relieved Frederick, as this match was going to decide his next opponent, as the host pointed out. No matter who won, he would have the advantage in the next round due to lances being best against swords. And it would feel refreshing after the tough fight against Winfrey.

The rest of the day, however, didn't go by with so much relief. During the midday lunch break, Winfrey attempted to bring up his issue with Ralph again, but Frederick insisted that they wait until they left the arena so nobody caused a scene. Winfrey reluctantly agreed, as he was more mature than that, and simply ate his food. However, he sat as far away from Ralph as possible. He did the same inside the arena and hardly spoke to the former thief. Frederick and Kelli merely sighed in frustration, as they did not want to see their friends conflicted with one another. Hopefully the problem could be solved without too much trouble. Winfrey was an experienced fighter while Ralph had never even been in a battle. It was obvious what would happen if a physical fight broke out.

When the day's tournament matches finally ended and the four departed the arena, Winfrey mysteriously hadn't seemed to change his mood at all. He still glared murderously at Ralph every once in a while and didn't speak to him. One could almost say he stormed outside. When the group was far enough from the arena after retrieving Sir Kieran, Winfrey stopped and turned to face Ralph, who was yet again atop the horse.

"Now Listen here, you!" he blurted as he leveled a finger at the former thief. "You can't hide it anymore! Admit what you did! NOW!"

"What? Admit that I did what?" Ralph inquired. "I've never done anything wrong in my entire life!"

Winfrey growled louder as he grabbed Ralph by his arm and yanked him off of Sir Kieran's back. Kelli gasped as he ferociously held the former thief by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't play the idiot with me! You're a damn thief! Your whole pathetic life is wrong!" Winfrey continued.

"Was a thief!" Ralph protested. "Fred, help me! This guy's a lunatic! I seriously have no idea what he's talking about!"

"Calm yourselves, both of you!" Frederick intervened, separating the two. "Winfrey, how about we sit down and talk about this in a civil manner? I don't think any of us want things to get ugly here."

"Yes, please?" Kelli added. "I don't want you two to be fighting either."

Winfrey sighed in frustration before he replied.

"Well, you're both right. Let's talk then."

With that, the group strayed from the path and sat down in the grass. Sir Kieran was tied to a tree and began grazing. It was near dark as well, with the sun sinking below the horizon.

"Now, Winfrey. What sort of crime do you think Ralph committed?" Frederick wondered. "Telling us can help solve this issue."

"Yeah, and I'm very curious," Kelli added.

"Well, you do deserve to know after I've been getting on your friend's case," Winfrey agreed. "It's a long story though, as I must start from the beginning if you're to fully understand."

"That's fine, go ahead," Frederick replied.

"Alright then. I...have another reason for fighting, something I didn't tell you at the arena because I don't like to talk about it. Bandits, pirates, and thieves are all the same to me, and I fight to kill them without mercy. You see, I wasn't actually born in Azura. My family moved there when I was little. We lived in a village close to the Plegian border when I was born. I was a toddler, no older than four years, when the Plegian bandits attacked one day, and took my mother from us. They cut her down right in front of my father and I, scarring us for life. I was small, but I will never forget that day."

"I see... I am very sorry to hear that," Frederick commented.

"Me too. That is just downright horrible," Kelli seconded.

"Yeah. My father and I had no choice but to let the bandits take almost everything we had and then flee for our lives."

"Well, I'm very sorry to hear this too, but you can't think I had anything to do with that!" Ralph opined. "I probably wasn't even born yet!"

"Well, no duh, Captain Obvious!" Winfrey retorted. "That's not what I'm accusing you of!"

"Ralph, let's let him finish his story," Frederick stepped in.

"Yeah, yeah, alright..." Ralph said, folding his arms.

"ANYWAY," Winfrey continued. "One thing that my father managed to save was a valuable sapphire brooch that belonged to my mother. He gave it to me when I was old enough to properly take care of it and it was all I had left of her."

As he grew up, Winfrey spoke to the brooch like it was his mother. It helped him deal with the pain of not having her around because his father had been too depressed to remarry. He had still worked in wood-cutting and trained Winfrey to do the job as well, but he rarely smiled or talked to other people. After the two had resettled in Azura, Winfrey found the town's love for history and their books on past heroes. He read them constantly, the brooch at his side, to further help him deal with his pain. He enjoyed reading about how these heroes cut down many heartless enemies. So he trained in axe combat and forged the idea of the Heroes Festival. He became well known in Azura for it and gained wealth to help his father. Both of them finally began enjoying life the way they used to again.

"And then, it happened..." Winfrey continued. "I saw someone running out of my home one day as I was returning. It was Ralph. I know it was him because I recognize his face. Only he was wearing much shabbier clothing at the time. I found the front door unlocked and when I rushed in to see what was taken, I found some food and gold missing, and then... I found the brooch gone from my bedroom."

"W-What?!" Ralph gasped.

"You know what I'm saying!" Winfrey snapped. "YOU STOLE IT! You took my prized possession and the only thing I had left of my MOTHER!"


"Don't even try to deny it! I saw you leave my house! There is no mistake!"

"Ugh, will you listen to me for one god damn second?! I admit that I was in your house, even though I had no idea at the time that it was yours, and that I had robbed it. But the food was the only thing I took!" Ralph insisted.

"Oh kiss my big Ylissean arse! No thief would've been stupid enough to leave that stuff behind!"

"Well, you can search me, and you can search my tent at Fred and Kelli's cabin! But you won't find it!"

"Of course I wouldn't! Because you sold it for more money! Any thief wants more money!"

"Oh COME ON! I don't even know what a brooch is! And I was not that kind of thief!"

"LIES! There is no other kind of thief! They live to steal all that they can get their hands on, nothing more."

"That isn't quite true, actually," Frederick replied. "We have an honorable thief in our army at the castle and his skills are useful."

"Oh really? How so?"

"Lock-picking can free innocent prisoners and if something is stolen from us, he can steal it back."

"And some thieves are merely poor, like me!" Ralph added. "They steal to survive, not to be bastards. I would never steal valuable possessions and sell them. I know how much they mean to their owners!"

"If you didn't steal and sell my brooch, why are you wearing such nice clothes now? Tell me that!" Winfrey protested.

"Fred bought them for me! He and Kelli have really helped me out."

"I can attest to that one," Frederick stepped in. "Kelli and I did buy that outfit."

"Alright then, but I still don't see solid proof that Ralph didn't steal the brooch," Winfrey pointed out. "And I doubt I ever will. All I know is that I saw him leave my house. Nobody else. There's nothing else I can think."

"I suppose. But give Ralph time. Maybe you'll begin to believe him."

"Hmph. I'm going to go to my tent and get some rest. And don't even think about coming to my festival again. I don't allow thieves or friends of thieves to infect it. In fact, you can just forget that we ever met. Good bye."

With that, Winfrey got up and stormed off again without another gesture. Kelli had no clue what to say for the next few moments and simply couldn't believe what she had just heard. Frederick was feeling no different, as was Ralph. Ralph felt the worst, in fact, as he had just cost Frederick a new friend. He buried his face in his hands before finally breaking the silence.

"Damn it all..." he uttered. "I'm so sorry, you guys..."

"What? Sorry for what?" Frederick wondered.

"Fred, you just lost a new friend because of me! I'm worthless..."

"Oh Ralph, stop it," Kelli protested. "This was in no way your fault. None of us could've known that Winfrey felt the way he does about thieves."

"Kelli's right," Frederick seconded. "It did come as quite a surprise, but you did not do anything wrong. And I don't believe for a second that you stole that brooch."

"I know..." Ralph replied. "But I still feel awful. I'm glad you're not angry though."

"Of course we aren't. Besides, we can still show Winfrey that you're a good person and that you wouldn't have even considered stealing his brooch. You're going to become one of our soldiers, remember? If he sees you fighting honorably and defeating the same villains he does, he'll have no choice but to change his mind."

"Well, that's true. It's definitely worth a shot."

"That's right. Now don't let anything lower your self-esteem again. You were beginning to feel better about yourself when I said I would recruit you into the Ylisse army and when Kelli and I encouraged you to take your singing voice to the next level."

Ralph soon managed to smile upon hearing Frederick's words.

"Yeah. You're totally right. I can sing and I can learn to fight! And you'll always be around to help me, Fred, won't you? I'm still entirely new to the military."

Frederick returned the gesture and smiled happily.

"Don't worry, you can always ask me for assistance," he said.

"Me too!" Kelli seconded. "I'll be helping Frederick to train the new recruits as his wife and tactician, so you can count on me too, Ralph."

"Ah, thank you both so much!" Ralph replied, his smile growing bigger.

"Of course," Frederick said happily.

With that, the trio continued back to the cabin for the evening. Throughout the remainder of the day, Frederick and Kelli wondered further about Winfrey. Ralph could care less after the way the warrior treated him, but since Winfrey had lost to Frederick in the first round of the tournament, the couple remained curious about some things. Would the warrior stay to watch the rest of the matches? He probably would if it wasn't for the earlier scene with Ralph since he expressed support for Frederick's mission, but now, it seemed like they could never see him again. And then they would never have a chance to prove him wrong about Ralph. They could only hope that they did meet again, somehow. Frederick still respected Winfrey for the warrior that he was, not to mention that he had offered to help the Ylisse army should it be necessary. Neither Frederick nor Kelli wished to lose a potentially valuable ally.

The tournament went on for the next several days, continuing with one round per bracket per day. When the number of remaining competitors decreased enough, a round for both brackets would be done each day. For a little while, neither Frederick nor Kelli could spot Winfrey anywhere, but they eventually did see him in the stands when looking around during matches that Frederick wasn't taking part in. Perhaps the warrior did still wish to see Phantom fall. Whatever the case, Frederick couldn't worry about it for the time being. He had opponents to face. And thankfully, he had made fairly short work of his round two opponent just as he had predicted.

However, Phantom had done the same with his own.

And with each round, the sorcerer appeared to be even stronger, somehow.

Yet, that still didn't stop Frederick. He went on to defeat every opponent he came up against as well, and curiously did not find any of them to be nearly as tough as Winfrey had been. The warrior certainly lived up to his status as a former champion and had probably beaten some of these competitors himself. Many warriors liked to compete over and over to test their skills and look for improvement. And perhaps seek a valuable prize other than a trophy. Some tournaments offered rare weapons or gold instead, and some honorable fighters sought them for good causes, such as supporting a family.

Still, Frederick hoped for better challenges in hopes that he could intimidate Phantom with his skill. But he couldn't imagine that many of the opponents he faced would produce that effect. They did of course get a little more challenging with each round, but even so. Frederick just never saw the vibe of wariness in Phantom. What's more, by the time the bracket semi-finals rolled around, the host had a rather worrisome announcement to make.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the semi-finals of both tournament brackets!" he said. "And the competitors Phantom and Sir Frederick have been dominating both! Nearly everyone expects them to make it to the championship match! Phantom has even surpassed Sir Frederick in votes for who will be the ultimate victor by a surprising margin! Sir Frederick still has the support of most of the fans that originally voted Winfrey, however, so we shouldn't count him out yet!"

Frederick didn't deny that the host's last sentence was a comfort. But the fact that more people began doubting his chances against Phantom did make him nervous. Thankfully, however, Kelli and Ralph still offered words of encouragement and a few passersby told Frederick that they had not changed their vote for him. In fact, they stated that something seemed really shady about Phantom and that the hero should always triumph. This hadn't driven away all of Frederick's concern, but it did give him some needed confidence again.

But of course, both he and Phantom managed to reach the bracket finals and win those as well.

Yet, Frederick was forced to admit that his matches were closer than Phantom's. Whereas Phantom managed to escape with only small wounds to his torso and face, Frederick wound up with a gash across his side that needed bandaged after treatment with a vulnerary. It wasn't deep, but it was big enough to spill blood on the ground.

One thing was clear to everyone at this point: Frederick was the underdog in this final championship duel. And it felt...strange. This was the first time he had been in this position in years, likely not since the very same jousting tournament he had mentioned to Kelli at the Heroes Festival. During that time, Frederick had started out as an underdog due to some of the other competitors having been in training longer than he had. He had been newly knighted while some of his opponents had been knights for several months or even at least a year.

But Frederick knew better than to let this concern him. In fact, he had seriously doubted himself during that jousting tournament because he was repeatedly called an underdog, and it discouraged him. He had come to continue his family's reputation of being good long-time servants of the royal family. To him, being called an underdog was dismissing his skills as unsatisfactory. But thankfully for Frederick, he'd had a very respectable and role-model worthy instructor. He never forgot what the middle-aged man had told him during the tournament all those years ago.

Frederick, you may be considered an underdog by most right now, he had said. But to me, that's a blessing in disguise. It should give you motivation to work harder than the others. And I can tell you that many of our seasoned knights were underdogs themselves at a point. In fact, our history shows that a majority of warriors that were called underdogs eventually went on to become some of the best in their class. And whether you win or lose this competition, I see in you the making of a true knight and hero. Both myself and your parents, your father especially, believe you will go far. And I doubt you'll prove us wrong.

And prove them wrong, Frederick certainly had not. Even to his own surprise, Frederick had discovered his instructor's words to be true. After all, he had won that tournament and risen to become Ylisse's knight captain and personal bodyguard to the royal family. Remembering his instructor's words, Frederick found himself with a rare smile. He had less time to prepare for the Altea Island tournament finals than he did for that jousting tournament, but he had an entire day to collect his thoughts and strategies.

And of course, Kelli and Ralph still offered their own encouragement on the day of the match. Kelli still worried endlessly for her husband's safety and Ralph felt the same for the best friend he had just recently reunited with after almost fourteen years. But they both still helped Frederick in his last minute training. And when they returned the arena yet again, Kelli gave her husband a big kiss for good luck. Ralph gave him a big pat on the back. Surely now there was a nice chance that the underdog would triumph yet again. Although, there was still one important matter that Frederick had to get off of his shoulders. And that was the prospect that he would end this battle in defeat.

"Now Kelli, Ralph..." Frederick began. "I will do everything in my power to ensure that Phantom is defeated and that his curse on you, Kelli, is broken. But if something happens to me in the process...I need you both to take over my duties for me. It is only proper."

"Wha...? But Fred, I still know nothing of combat! Or of your other duties!" Ralph protested.

"That is true, but Kelli can show you, as can the other Shepherds. They know me very well. Kelli can also help you learn combat skills."

"Well... Alright. I-I would do it for you and your parents."

"Thank you. And speaking of my parents... Kelli, I would need you to tell them that I…I loved them dearly, despite all of the embarrassing moments."

Kelli sighed before making her response.

"Frederick, I really don't like us talking about this... But as Ralph said, I would agree to do it for the man I love."

"I love you too. And thank you," Frederick replied with a small smile. "Now, I must go in so the battle can begin. Ralph, take care of Kelli in the stands. If this battle gets...intense, she may need comfort and someone there to help her through it."

"Fred, as your friend, you have my word on that," Ralph assured. "There's nothing else I would rather do right now!"

"Well, I think I'll be fine, but thank you so much, both of you," Kelli commented and approached her husband again. "Freddy Bear... Here's one more kiss."

She pressed her lips against Frederick's once more, and he gladly returned the gesture.

"Now go get him, sweetheart!"

"I shall!"

With that, Frederick stepped through the large doors while Ralph and Kelli made for the stands again.

By this time, Frederick's heart was racing faster than it had during the final battle against King Gangrel's forces in Plegia. He hated to admit it, but he was rather nervous. This would be his toughest battle yet, even more difficult than his duel with Winfrey had been. But Frederick had made it this far, and he was not going to back down now. He took a deep breath as he stood before the crowd for what could be the final time. And standing on the other side of the arena, of course, was none other than Phantom, his cocky smile ever present. The host spoke seconds later.

"Ladies and gentleman! We finally bring you to the championship match of this year's Altea Island Tournament!"

The crowd cheered excitedly as the host's voice carried through his cone again.

"Firstly, let's congratulate our finalists for making it this far!" the host continued. "The powerful and cunning sorcerer, Phantom triumphed in bracket A while Sir Frederick, famed knight captain of Ylisse, wowed the competition in bracket B! They are certainly talented warriors that earned their places here today!"

Once again, the crowd wasn't hesitant to blurt shouts of excitement. Frederick honestly wished he could be that thrilled about making it as far as he had. But when his opponent was threatening his wife, that sadly wasn't possible.

"Folks, by the end of today, we will have crowned a new Altea Island champion!" the host spoke again. "Don't forget to remain here to watch the ceremony in which we award said champion the Altea Island Trophy and a sum of fifty thousand gold!"

A nice sum of award money... Hmm... Frederick contemplated. He wasn't interested in it himself, but he did know a certain friend of his that would be.

Ha, I could care less about the trophy or the money, Phantom thought with a chuckle and eyed Kelli with a smile. I'm after a much greater prize.

"And without further ado, our contestants may approach one another! LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" the host finally proclaimed.

Frederick wasn't hesitant to unsling his lance and then take a battle position. He slowly took a deep breath as Phantom opened the dark tome he was holding and also took a combat stance. The two began circling one another, searching for the right opportunity to attempt the first strike. Phantom was the first to speak moments later.

"Heh, heh... I'm impressed that you actually managed to make it this far," he said. "The least I can do is commend that. It is what I asked for, after all."

"Well, isn't that pleasant to hear," Frederick replied, managing to keep his composure despite a part of him wanting to tremble. He wasn't afraid of Phantom's skills or the prospect of being defeated by him. It was what the sorcerer would do to Kelli as a result that made him mentally shake in his boots. Frederick would lay his life a dozen times over before he allowed any of the things he was imagining to occur.

"I'm curious, how is that injury on your torso doing?" Phantom inquired, receiving a glare from Frederick. "No, honestly. I want you at your full strength. It wouldn't be as fun if a little scratch was getting in your way."

"Hmph. It is not hindering me in the slightest."

If Frederick wasn't normally a very honest man, such a lie would've been seen through easily. It was true that the wound wasn't bothering him at the moment, but it did sting when he bent over or fell on or bumped the side that the injury was on.

"Ah, splendid. Then let's give these people a show, shall we?" Phantom suggested.

"I would be delighted."

It only took Frederick a split second to show his speed once again as he dashed forward to force Phantom into close range combat. As he suspected, Phantom met him with a bolt of dark magic that took the shape of a blackish purple blade. But this was what Frederick intended. Many of the most powerful forms of magic were most effective when used from a distance, and certain dark spells were no exception. Frederick had tasked himself with preventing Phantom from even finding an opportunity to use one. As such, he struck relentlessly against Phantom's dark blade. Phantom, however, wasn't hesitant to do the same against Frederick's lance. Back and forth, both clashed furiously. Frederick was obviously much brawnier than the cocky sorcerer, but physical strength didn't matter when using magic. Phantom could easily match the knight blow for blow.

"Wow, folks! This is looking intense already!" the host commented. "These two are so pressed into fighting that it's like they're truly out to get each other!"

The host, of course, didn't know how right he was.

Soon enough, Frederick and Phantom locked blades and pushed against one another, much like Frederick had done against Winfrey, only with more fury in their eyes. Frederick knew that Phantom's magic was immensely powerful and shoved with all his might. He eventually managed to shove the sorcerer backward slightly.

"Hmm, impressive," Phantom commented. "This is the first time anyone's ever stood up to my dark magic like this. Usually they get thrown backwards."

"Well, I guess I am different then," Frederick replied, keeping his pressure.

"Indeed. And of course, that means I have to take this up a notch."

With that, a beam of dark energy suddenly burst from the dark blade. It struck Frederick right in the chest, though it didn't pierce it. It felt more like a punch as it sent Frederick to the ground back first.

"Agh!" he yelped, nearly dropping his lance. Frederick soon found a wave of fire streaking towards him and quickly rolled out of the way. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to prevent the flames from somewhat singing his left arm and burning a hole right through the fabric of his shirt. It had to have been an Arcfire tome. It wasn't unknown that those who practiced dark magic also trained in other magical arts.

"I sure hope you didn't forget that sorcerers are perfectly capable of using anima magic as well," Phantom said in his usual cocky tone.

"Sorry, but no," Frederick replied, rising to his feet. His arm still hurt badly, but it wasn't his lance arm, so he could ignore it for the time being.

"In fact.. I rather hoped that you would," Frederick continued with a grin.

"Hmph. Then how about I keep granting your wish?"

With that, Phantom conjured up massive bolts of lightning, all of which soared right in Frederick's direction. However, Frederick could only grin once again as he brought up his lance to meet the attack. Instead of striking Frederick, however, the bolts only struck the lance's blade…and were redirected right back in Phantom's direction.

"AAARGH!" the sorcerer screamed as he was sent flying even farther than Frederick had previously been.

Frederick made no hesitation to approach Phantom and ready himself again.

"I sure hope you didn't forget that certain metals are perfectly capable of conducting lightning," he said, mocking Phantom's earlier words. "Silver is particularly effective at it. It helps to learn about the materials your weapons are made of."

Phantom merely growled as he scrambled to his feet. Now he was going to get truly serious.

Almost without warning, the sorcerer shot into the air. A massive gust of wind was fired from his hand, sending him upward. The gust was so fast that Frederick could only bring his lance in front of him in an attempt to block it. It was so strong, however, that it sent him back to the ground and managed to tear his shirt and partly scrape his chest. A foot-long gash now extended from just below his collar bone to right to his stomach. Kelli gasped in fear, as from where she stood, it was hard to tell whether the injury was serious. Ralph also stared with fright.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the worst of it.

Phantom landed right behind Frederick just as the knight returned to his feet. The sorcerer slapped his hand over Frederick's mouth and pulled him towards him. Phantom then began to whisper an incantation for a spell. Frederick attempted to break away, but for some reason, he began to feel...ill. He found escaping Phantom's grip to gradually get harder and harder. It was then that Frederick realized it was fatigue and that his energy was being drained. It was Nosferatu. Which Phantom had neglected to use in his previous matches. And that meant only one thing. He had been saving the tome just for this fight.

"Agh..." Frederick moaned, his legs beginning to feel like they could collapse under him.

When Phantom finally released him, all Frederick could do was drop to one knee, panting for breath.

"Heh, heh..." Phantom chuckled. "Look at you now. How pathetic. You really think you can protect Kelli for all your days like this? There's a reason I'm taking her back. The truth is, I wasn't actually ever her husband, but we were supposed to get married. Until something caused Kelli to lose her memory and you and those Ylissean royal brats interfered!"

"Ha... Why should I believe that? And you...dare insult Lord Chrom...and Lady Lissa in front of me?!" Frederick protested between breaths as he rather slowly returned to his feet again.

"Why shouldn't I? They helped to steal the woman I loved. For all I know, you brainwashed her!"

"Now that is far from the truth!"

Of course, Phantom hardly believed Frederick. His only response was another blast of magic that felt like a punch, this time to Frederick's face. It hit so hard that blood trickled from his nose. And Phantom didn't stop there. He unleashed a barrage of magic attacks and even kicked Frederick a few times whenever he fell to the ground again. The knight wasn't willing to stay down, but Phantom didn't care. It seemed that he would rather see Frederick suffer first. And suffer he did with bruises, burns, and cuts being added to his body by the minute. His bow tie was long gone and shirt eventually looked near ready to fall off. Every time Frederick rose to his feet again in an attempt to retaliate, Phantom would only knock him down again.

Was he really too strong? Had Frederick finally met someone that could best him? ...Was he really failing the woman he loved? No... It can't be possible, Frederick thought to himself as he took another kick to the torso from Phantom. I mean... I know I never did as well against magic as I did everything else, but... Kelli...

Moments later, Frederick could faintly hear Kelli and Ralph shouting at him to get up and keep going. They didn't want him to push himself too far past his limit, but they believed that his limit still had yet to be reached. As Frederick lay on the ground longer than he ever had throughout the fight, Phantom grabbed him just as he had before, cupping his hand over the knight's mouth. This time, Frederick lost his grip on his lance as well and let it fall to the dirt. He knew what was coming now. Once again, he felt his energy drain from the effects of Nosferatu.

"Wow. I must say, I'm honestly disappointed," Phantom commented in Frederick's ear. "I expected you to put up a better fight. But here you are, giving me the last of your strength. You know Kelli would be better off with my protection. You've only been married to her few precious days, and already you've failed to save her. And you're supposed to be this country's knight captain? Heh, pathetic."

"Frederick!" Kelli called, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. "You can fight back! You have way more endurance than this! I know you! Please...Frederick!"

"Yeah, Fred! I've seen you take worse punishment than this! Don't give up now!" Ralph added. "If that bastard is saying anything to you, don't listen! He's wrong!"

Soon enough, a good portion of the crowd began chanting Frederick's name as well. They, too, wished for more of a fight, even though they hadn't a clue what was really going on.

They were right, Frederick knew, even though Kelli and Ralph's shouting was rather faint due to the distance between the three. He needed to gather what energy he had left to retaliate and prove it. Frederick had promised Kelli that he would defend her until death parted them. And that was just what he was going to do.

"The last of my strength?" Frederick finally said. "Oh, I don't know about that."

Before he knew it, Phantom found himself gasping in pain as Frederick's elbow collided with his stomach. Frederick then turned around and didn't hesitate to clock the sorcerer right in the face. He could swear he saw a molar fly out of his mouth as blood now stained his skin. And Frederick didn't even stop there. He grabbed Phantom by the arms and threw him over his shoulders. Frederick then retrieved his lance as Phantom now slowly returned to his feet.

"How... How can you still be standing?!" Phantom wondered, more stunned than he'd ever been in his life.

"You said it yourself," Frederick replied, ripping off what remained of his shirt, exposing his muscular torso to the crowd. "I'm supposed to be this country's knight captain. And protect my wife. And perhaps...I have more strength than you thought."

Of course, and much to Kelli's chagrin, the women who had gone gaga over Frederick before went even more nuts now that he was shirtless. The knight made no hesitation to approach the still-shocked Phantom and crick his neck.

"You want a better fight?" Frederick continued rather casually. "Here you go then."

Frederick could've attempted to stab Phantom and kill him right there, but he didn't forget the tournament rules or the fact that he didn't mind having the sorcerer suffer either. Besides, despite Frederick's coming back, Phantom still had a lot more strength left. Such an attack was also risky. Instead, Frederick yanked Phantom towards him by the collar of his cloak and clocked him once more. He swung his lance a few times, striking Phantom in his arms and his torso. Frederick finished by leaping into a wheel kick to send the sorcerer back to the dirt.

It was now Frederick's turn to start delivering a barrage of attacks, although he also decided to do something Phantom had not. He continued to talk. And what Frederick talked about probably would've surprised anyone, even Kelli and Ralph.

"So... How about that "stunt from the lake" you mentioned?" he spoke up with a grin. "Still angered?"

"That is absurd," Phantom protested, though his tone didn't suggest he meant it. "I have no reason to be irritated by such stupidity."

"Heh, you sure could've fooled me. But it was lovely, it was..."

Frederick still didn't stop. Between his strikes and Phantom's attempts to avoid them, he began describing the scene.

"The bright moonlight above us, the lake all to ourselves," he went on, leaning into Phantom's ear just like he had previously done to Frederick. "Just me and Kelli, and our bodies as bare as the day we were born."

Frederick tossed him to the ground again. Phantom could only retaliate with an angered grimace this time. But Frederick still wasn't finished.

"We settled on the lake shore and did it just for you. And Kelli loved every minute of it."

Frederick pulled Phantom over to him again to whisper once more into his ear, slowly and still in the same fairly casual tone he'd been using.

"What's more, even if you did get her now… You can't take away her virginity. Because I already did on our first night here. Two times we made love. And no regrets for either of us."

Frederick had crossed the line there. Phantom's rage reached its limit as he screamed furiously and went at the knight. Now the two were doing nothing but exchanging blows back and forth, with Phantom clocking Frederick with another one of his punch-like dark magic attacks and Frederick doing the same with his fists, sometimes the pommel of his lance.

Kelli could only feel her fear for her husband building up, as Frederick had still taken a little more damage due to the Nosferatu hits and now he was taking more. She shrieked as she buried her face in Ralph's chest. Ralph held on to her, unable to take his eyes off of the scene before him. He found himself barely able to breathe, as he was watching his best friend take blow after blow again even though Frederick was also successfully striking back. Frederick must've also started unleashing some anger towards Phantom, and he did have reason to after allowing himself to nearly be beaten senseless by the sorcerer earlier.

"Damn. Kel, Fred must've said or done something to really piss him off," Ralph commented, still unable to take his eyes off of the action.

"I know, Phantom suddenly went at him in a fit of rage," Kelli pointed out. "I know Frederick is still getting him too, but... All of those hits he's taking..."

"Yeah, but even I know that such anger can eventually make you slip up. Frederick knows it too. That's probably why he did whatever he did."

"That's true. We just need to hope that it pays off. After all, that scene at the lake Phantom had mentioned when he showed up at the tournament brackets was my idea and was supposed to do the same."

"Ah, yeah. I bet Fred brought that up while he was crushing the guy. I can't imagine anything else getting Phantom this mad."

"Yeah, I think you're right, actually. It makes the most sense. But how I pray to the gods that Frederick will be alright after this…"

"Me too... Well, listen, all of this is making me hot and thirsty. Are you thirsty too? I'll go buy a canteen of water in the main hall if that's alright."

"Oh, of course, Ralph! And actually, I am kind of thirsty. Here's some gold."

"Thanks! You'll be alright on your own for a few minutes, won't you?"

"Don't worry, Frederick needs one of us to stay here and support him. I'll be okay."

"Alright, I'll be right back as quick as I can. I promise."

Kelli nodded with a smile as Ralph gradually made his way out of the stands and disappeared into the arena hall.

By this time, both Frederick and Phantom had begun to slow down. Fatigue had hit both like a sack of bricks, neither of them able to launch a fast attack anymore. Frederick's punches and lance strikes became wobbly and sloppy while Phantom's magic attacks looked more like they were coming from a novice mage who had just picked up his first set of tomes. Even so, however, unskillful footwork caused the two to continue to take blows anyway.

And finally, the two came to a halt altogether. Phantom was panting harder than he ever had before in his life, as was Frederick. The latter also dropped to one knee, as once again, he was finding the earlier hits from Nosferatu pressing on him. But Frederick managed to keep from falling over entirely, making the match look like it would end in a draw. It didn't seem like either of the two could continue. Frederick still had blood and bruises all over his face and chest and his body began to ache terribly. It especially hurt at his lower torso and Frederick had no choice but to wrap an arm around it. The same seemed to hold true for Phantom as well, however, as he grimaced every now and then and held onto his side and the arm that was holding his tome. Still, he soon showed that he hardly cared.

"That does it..." he growled angrily. "I'M THROUGH MESSING AROUND! I'LL FINISH YOU RIGHT HERE!"

"My, it seems Phantom does have it out for Sir Frederick!" the host commented. "But he can still become the victor as long as he follows the tournament rules and regulations!"

Phantom and Frederick were standing several feet away from one another, and because of that, the former could raise his free hand and begin charging a massive ball of darkness. Frederick would have just rushed at the sorcerer as fast as he could for a disruptive attack, but Phantom could very well launch his spell at any time, regardless of how much he intended to charge it. And it had a greater range than Frederick's lance ever would. Thus, the knight took a defensive stance as he held his lance in front of him. The mass of magic grew bigger...and bigger...and bigger, until it was around the size of Nowi's dragon form. Kelli was now frozen with fear, as it appeared that this attack would be the end for Frederick. She wasn't sure at all how he would survive it. A wild grin crossed Phantom's face.

"So... Any last words?" he inquired, cocky as usual. He made no hesitation to launch the magic attack with all the strength he had left.

Frederick could only grin back before replying as he shielded the attack with his lance just in the nick of time.

"Actually, yes. Five. Pick a god and PRAY!"

With what remained of his own strength, he shoved it back in Phantom's direction with one final huge swing of his lance. The force of the magic was so great, however, that it still managed to leave a small explosion and send Frederick flying backwards. He landed on his left arm very awkwardly, leaving it twisted. Phantom, meanwhile, could only gasp in fear as his own magic soared right at him, too stunned to move.

"YAAAAAAAAGH!" the sorcerer bellowed as the magic hit its mark, sending him soaring across the arena. He rolled across the ground and slammed back first into the wall behind him. Phantom then fell to the dirt and this time, did not attempt to get back up. In fact, he didn't even move.

"Holy smokes, folks! It looks like there's still no victor yet!" the host commented. Frederick was still on the ground as well, though unlike Phantom, he wasn't out cold.

"Whoever can get to their feet first is our champion!" the host announced.

It was then that Kelli desperately shouted for her husband to get up. She would have just rushed over to him and helped, but she didn't want to risk causing him to be disqualified. Frederick wasn't dying or anything, and the last thing Kelli wanted besides that was Phantom to go home with the trophy and prize gold…as well as her. He didn't deserve it and he never would. And if Phantom awoke before Frederick could find enough strength to stand up…that was the end.

Within seconds, however, Frederick endured the intense pain in his left arm to very slowly rise. His legs felt like gelatin and his torso and arms felt like a ton of bricks, but finally, moments later, he was on two feet, barely grasping his lance as he clutched his arm. His legs shook, and he panted hard, but he was standing.

"AND WE HAVE HIM! THE TOURNAMENT CROWN GOES TO SIR FREDERICK, KNIGHT CAPTAIN OF YLISSE!" the host announced enthusiastically. The crowd wasn't hesitant to cheer the loudest it had ever been so far in congratulations.

Frederick, however, wasn't able to pay much attention, even as he watched a pair of doctors come out to carry Phantom off to the nearest infirmary. He was too distracted by his beaten and weakened body. With each second, it felt like more bricks were being stacked onto his shoulders while he could swear that his legs would shatter at any second. And suddenly, the pain and fatigue sharpened and gripped him hard enough to force his lance to slip from his hands. A wide-eyed grimace painted Frederick's face as he could do nothing but collapse to the dirt.

"FREDERICK!" Kelli shrieked fearfully. She jumped from the stands and rushed over to her husband, nearly tripping in the process. Kelli kneeled at his side and took his upper body into her arms. She was stunned when she saw the numerous cuts, bruises, and burns on him and the dried blood on his face and in his hair.

"Kelli..." Frederick uttered, coughing afterward.

"Oh, Frederick! I'm so relieved you're alright..." Kelli replied, sniffling. "Oh, but these wounds are awful."

"I know... I apologize. I was careless…"

"Maybe a little. But you don't need to be sorry. You did what you needed to stop Phantom."

Frederick coughed again before replying.

"That's true... I did it all for you, you know. You should be free of his spell..."

"I know. And Frederick... I'm so proud of you. Thank you..."

"Well... Your love...helped me succeed. I couldn't have done it without you..."

Kelli sniffled again and planted a loving kiss on Frederick's forehead. Suddenly, however, Frederick coughed again and this time harder. It only took seconds for more blood to appear at his mouth. He was bleeding inside his body, likely due to the blunt blows he had taken to his torso.

"Oh! Somebody! We need more doctors out here, QUICK!" Kelli cried.

Unfortunately, the host could only provide one doctor since the rest were still taking care of Phantom. It was very rare that both competitors from the same match needed immediate medical attention. Kelli cursed the bad circumstance, but thankfully, by the time the aforementioned doctor showed up, a couple people from the stands soon rushed over. One turned out to be a familiar face.

"Tara!" Kelli gasped. "No offense, but you're not a doctor!"

"True, but I can help carry your husband to an infirmary bed, can't I?" Tara replied with a smile. "And it's my job to take care of my guests, after all. This man here is a doctor from another part of the island, who I've often called upon when the need arose. I felt bad that my staff and I could do little to help with your situation, so I had him join me here just in case something like this occurred."

"Ah, point taken. And thank you both so much! This is a major help!"

"Don't worry, we're glad to do it."

With that, the three gently helped Frederick stand up, but he was so weak that he could not stay on his feet on his own at all. He also found that he was unable to move his left arm at all, and that it was likely broken in the fall from Phantom's last blast of magic. It took the strength of Kelli, Tara, and both doctors to get the fairly bulky knight onto the stretcher that the tournament doctor had brought out with him without causing further injury. As they did so, the host announced to the audience that once Frederick was able to leave the infirmary, there would be an award ceremony for him...so long as Phantom was fine and had no life-threatening injuries. As far as Frederick himself was concerned, however, he didn't care either way. All that mattered to him was that he prevailed in protecting Kelli and freed her of Phantom's spell. Even if the sorcerer did live, Frederick can't imagine that he would dare bother her again after what the knight had done to him.

Tara and her doctor friend had a wagon waiting outside the arena, and Frederick was placed in an infirmary just down the road. Kelli had to wait while doctors examined and treated him, and hoped to the gods that he would be alright. Internal bleeding was never a good sign, and if it wasn't stopped in time, it would kill the victim. Even now, however, Kelli could hardly imagine how much pain he had to be in and she dreaded thinking about it. She squeezed two trembling fists as the waiting felt like ages. Suddenly, a surprising, but familiar masculine voice spoke up.

"I'm not surprised to see you like this."

Kelli jerked her head up to find none other than Winfrey standing before her.

"Winfrey! But I thought..."

"I know. But not even your husband deserved what happened back there," Winfrey replied. "I hope Phantom or whatever his name is does die, regardless of the consequences. A trophy or heap of gold doesn't mean anything compared to preventing a villain from ever endangering others again."

"Yes, but... Frederick would be in a lot of trouble if this is the case. Would you really wish to see that?"

Winfrey could only sigh before replying.

"Truth be told, no. Despite anything I've said lately, he still has honor and respect and does his duties well. But I think he'll be fine. Frederick was as clean as clean can be before all of this. He'd get some punishment, but nothing serious. It's a first offense."

"Well, I hope you're right. But right now, I'm just scared for his health..."

"I can't blame you there. He took quite a beating, unfortunately... But I'll stick around. I'd like to hear if that bastard sorcerer died and know if Frederick is coming out of this alive as well."

"Alright, thank you..."

With that, the two remained silent for the next several minutes. Though to Kelli, those minutes felt like hours. Even with Winfrey there to keep her company, it was no use. All she could think about was Frederick's chances of survival. Tara still hadn't yet emerged from his room as well, as she had been asked to assist the two doctors. If they needed three people to attend to Frederick, he really was in serious condition. And Kelli loathed thinking about it. The pain he must have been in at the end of that battle, and how exhausted he had to have been just made her want to burst into tears. He had done it for her and it was hardly her fault, but she still wanted to cry her heart out for him. Kelli buried her face in her hands, unable to contain her sadness.

Finally, after around twenty minutes, Tara appeared at the door to the waiting area, snapping Kelli out of her trance.

"Oh, Tara! Are you guys finished? Please tell me Frederick is going to be alright!" she desperately inquired.

"I'm curious too," Winfrey added.

"Ah, Winfrey. Good to see you, my friend!" Tara replied with a smile. "Unfortunately, I can't say for sure that Frederick will make it, as the doctors are still working on him. But the good news is, the bleeding wasn't too severe, so they like his chances. I think he'll make it."

"Oh! That's a relief... Sort of," Kelli commented, taking a deep breath. Although Frederick wasn't certain to survive, he had a good chance of it, and this alone took a weight off of Kelli's shoulders. He still needed to make it through treatment entirely, however, so she still held a little concern. But even so, everyone was confident that Frederick would pull through.

"He's a tough one, you know," Tara continued. "I can't imagine him not surviving this."

"I can't deny that," Winfrey agreed. "And I know firsthand just how tough he is. I did lose to him in the tournament, after all."

"I know! It's one of the many things that made me fall in love with him..." Kelli added, a genuine smile finally donning her features.

"I bet!" Tara replied. "Well, I should be getting back to Frederick's room. We shouldn't be much longer."

Both Kelli and Winfrey nodded, and the waiting continued as Tara departed the room. Once again, the remaining minutes felt like hours. And Kelli knew that each passing minute could reduce Frederick's chances of survival. The doctors could come across complications or even make mistakes. And if either of these things did happen…Kelli didn't even want to think about it. She consoled herself that Frederick's chances were still good though, and took a deep breath. And as she had hoped, Tara eventually reappeared in the room with a smile on her face. She motioned both Kelli and Winfrey to follow.

Tara brought them both to a nearby room in the next hall. Frederick had needed attention right away, so it was only right that he was placed in the nearest available room. The knight, as expected lay abed underneath white blankets. His torso was wrapped in bandages, his left arm was in a sling, and his face had been cleaned of all the blood. More bandages had also been placed on his arms, head, and probably his legs as well. But most importantly, Frederick was awake and fully alert. Kelli wasn't hesitant to once again rush over to her husband and take him in her arms.

"Frederick, you're okay!" she cried, gently hugging him. "You're really okay!"

"Indeed," he replied with a smile. "I really apologize for worrying you."

"It's alright, honey. All that matters to me is that you're alive..."

"I'm happy to be alive as well. I can't imagine how hard it would have been for you to lose me so soon after we were married."

"I can't either. I don't know how I would have ever managed to go through such a thing. But I guess you'll have to be here for a while, won't you?"

"Unfortunately, much to my frustration. The doctors said that not only is my arm broken, but I have several cracked ribs as well and I lost enough blood to keep my strength down for several days. I am really very sorry... I didn't at all want us to spend our honeymoon like this... Or leave Chrom and Lissa without my services for longer than intended."

"I know... But we'll pick up where we left off after you recover, okay? If that's alright with Tara."

"Don't worry, I can definitely arrange that," Tara confirmed. "It wasn't at all your fault that you two were dragged into the situation you were in, so there isn't any reason I can't let you stay longer."

"Ah, that is much obliged. Thank you," Frederick replied. "And Winfrey, I'm surprised that you're here, but I greatly appreciate it nonetheless."

"Don't mention it. Not even you deserved what happened," Winfrey replied. "You are still a respectable man."

"And we'll write another letter to let Chrom and the others know what happened," Kelli added. "They'll be fine, I'm sure."

"Ah, thank you both," Frederick said. "So, Tara, what about Phantom?"

"...Yes, about him," Tara started rather reluctantly. "He's gone."

"Hm. I had a feeling. I knocked him unconscious after pulverizing him, so I'm hardly surprised."

"No, I mean he's literally gone," Tara countered. "The doctors couldn't save him after his heart gave out, and they left to get a body bag to send it off for burial somewhere. But when they returned, the body was nowhere to be found."

Everyone soon gaped in astonishment.

"What?!" Frederick gasped. "You can't be serious."

"It's no jest!"

"But how does that even make sense?!" Kelli wondered.

"He's a sorcerer, so I would guess that he cast another spell," Winfrey put in. "But I can't imagine how he could've done so in the condition he was in. And he was knocked out cold on top of that."

"Hmm..." Frederick contemplated. "Still, we cannot rule out the idea that he somehow saved himself. But even if he did, he's likely too weak to come after us again right now. However, Kelli, I must insist that we remain cautious."

"I know. We definitely will," Kelli agreed.

Moments later, a pair of unfamiliar men entered the room, followed by another doctor. The two men were dressed fairly formally, which probably meant that they were tournament staff. One of the men was also holding a shackle. Kelli suddenly felt her stomach twist as Frederick let out a depressed sigh. They both knew what was coming, as did Tara and Winfrey, who looked away with frowns upon their faces.

"Sir Frederick, apologies for the interruption," the first one said. "But I'm afraid that we must detain you here. We were called over because we received word that your opponent, Phantom, has died from his wounds. You inflicted those wounds, so you are hereby guilty of murder."

"No!" Kelli protested as one of the men handcuffed Frederick to his bed using the shackle. "You don't understand! Phantom was a villain! He was trying to kill Frederick and kidnap me!"

"My wife speaks the truth," Frederick put in. "I realize that I broke a major tournament rule, but you must believe us. Phantom cast a spell on Kelli that allowed him to stalk her endlessly. He could spy on her from anywhere and see what she was doing. He claimed that she was supposed to be married to him rather than me and wanted to take her away from me. As a result, he challenged me to reach the finals of the tournament and face him there."

"An interesting story," the second man commented, folding his arms. "But it won't hold up in a court without proof or evidence."

"Then give us a chance to find some! Please!" Kelli begged. "I know my husband is innocent!"

"Alright, we can allow that," the first man said. "You have two days. We can't postpone the award ceremony for long. If you don't find any solid proof or evidence within that time, Sir Frederick will be placed in a fortified prison once he has recovered enough. And we will hold another match between the two combatants that were defeated in the bracket finals and one of them will be awarded the prizes."

"...I understand," Frederick replied somberly. "And accept those terms."

"I do too," Kelli added with a sniffle. "I'll do my best, Frederick, I promise!"

"So will I!" Winfrey put in. "You don't deserve to be thrown in some dirty prison. You're not a liar."

"I agree with that," Tara seconded. "Let me give you a hand as well."

"Ah, thank you all so much," Frederick said with a warm smile. "This is much appreciated."

"That's fine, it doesn't matter who comes up with the evidence," the first tournament official said. "But now, we will be on our way. For now, someone will be in to check on you every half an hour."

With that, the tournament officials and the doctor that was with them departed the room.

"Kelli, I am truly sorry for what's happened..." Frederick spoke up. "I never at all wanted our honeymoon to end up like this."

"Sniff... I know, Frederick," Kelli replied. "But it's hardly your fault. And we'll get out of this. I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen!"

"And I thank you deeply for that, sweetheart. And Winfrey, I have to admit, I'm honestly rather surprised that you're doing this for me."

"Yeah, well, despite what I said earlier about you and your thief friend, that sorcerer was still a villain," Winfrey opined. "Phantom deserved what he got."

"Hm, I must agree."

Frederick then looked around, but soon realized that someone who should've been in the room was absent.

"Wait... Speaking of Ralph, where is he?"

It was then that Kelli let out a horrified gasp.

"Oh my gods! Oh my gods!" she shrieked, breaking into tears. "Frederick, I'm so sorry!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Ralph left in the middle of the fight to buy some water! I didn't notice until now that he never came back! Oh how could I forget about him entirely…?"

"What?! Oh no..."

"Hmph. I told you that a thief can't be trusted," Winfrey spat.

"No, he promised that he was going to be back as soon as he could!" Kelli retorted. "Ralph wouldn't just purposely disappear!"

"Why not? Thieves, pirates, and bandits are good at lying and taking advantage of others."

"Ralph was never like that!" Frederick argued. "I spent my childhood with him! I would know."

"People change as they get older. And you were apart for a while, were you not?"

"Well, yes, but even in the short time we've been reunited, I've seen the same Ralph I was friends with as a child."

"Winfrey, knock it off, seriously," Tara stepped in. "Your attitude on this subject is really blinding you. You don't know for sure what happened and there are some people that deserve a second chance!"

"No, I don't know, but I've battled thieves and the like all my life. None of them ever showed any concern for others or a desire to change their ways. And in some cases, I wound up being hired by these bastards because they tricked me into thinking that they were fighting for a good cause! You can never trust them!"

"Well of course you can't trust all of them! But you're hindering yourself by believing that absolutely none of them are really good people inside! I honestly can't believe that you're the same Winfrey that runs the Heroes Festival in Azura. I wonder what the people who admire you there would think if they saw you now. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided that your enthusiasm and joy was just a big mask to hide how you really feel every day!"

"Hmph. Kind of like your cousin?"

"What?! How dare you bring Lenny into this?! You know full well that we're still dealing with a troubled situation! I don't at all blame him for wearing a smile all the time despite that all he can do with his life is try to keep the Olegxing Inn going! I'm surprised he even visits your festival once in a while! Your problems are in the past, which you are hiding behind!"

Both Frederick and Kelli's eyebrows rose in surprise at the mention of the innkeeper. They had stayed at that very same inn.

"Yeah, well, I can say the same of you! You keep refusing to talk to him and try to sort things out!"

"Wait, the Olegxing Inn? We stayed there before coming here," Frederick said. "Kelli and I got to know Lenny fairly well too, he was a big help. I'm surprised to hear that he's hiding problems."

"Yeah, so am I," Kelli added.

"Ah, so you got to meet him," Tara replied. "Yeah, Lenny has actually been going through some depression lately, and a friend that I asked to keep an eye on him said she's seen him drinking when he's not working. I haven't been very happy lately myself, but he's been more heavily affected by what's been going on in our family."

"I see. I have to admit, I'm curious about what the situation is," Frederick commented. "I thought Lenny was very generous, and I wouldn't mind doing a little something to help him."

"You're too kind, Sir Frederick..." Tara complimented. "I don't mind telling you. It's a legal matter. Our grandparents passed away fairly recently and they left a large inheritance behind, including a home, money, and other valuables. The problem is, they never completed their will and it remains with nothing but their names on it. They took too long trying to decide who would get what. Mine and Lenny's parents have been feuding over it since. Our mothers are sisters, so it's pretty much a huge case of sibling rivalry. My mother would rather work it out in a more civilized manner, but Lenny's parents forbade him from ever talking to anyone on my mother's side of the family, or else he would have the inn taken away from him. He got it from his father, so he has every right to take it back. I've tried to send him letters regardless, but he has yet to answer them. He's probably afraid of getting caught if he does, and I honestly don't blame him. His parents were always kind of strict and aggressive and now he feels like they care more about this inheritance than they do him."

"The poor man..." Kelli commented. "I wish we could do something."

"Indeed, though unfortunately, we can do nothing at the moment due to my own current situation," Frederick added with a sigh. "But Tara, I can advise you to try meeting with Lenny in person, although in secret. He needs to know that there are still people that care about him and that he's not alone."

"You're right," Tara agreed. "I'm afraid of getting Lenny in serious trouble and costing him his entire career, but I think I have no choice. Nothing else is working."

"Good. He sounds like he needs it," Winfrey agreed. "Now, about your situation, Frederick..."

"Oh!" Kelli gasped. "We still need to go look for Ralph!"

"Blast! Kelli's right, we've wasted too much time," Frederick agreed. "I'm trapped here, so I have to ask that the rest of you search for him in my stead."

"Frederick, I'll do whatever I have to to find him. I promise!" Kelli replied.

"Since I closed up the resort check in building for today, I can help out too," Tara seconded.

"Great! Thank you, Tara," Kelli said. "There's no way I could search this island by myself. Winfrey, can you please help too? I know you don't like Ralph right now, but we'd have a better chance of finding him if all three of us search! And he could be in danger!"

"Kelli, you forget that I still think he robbed me of a precious possession," Winfrey reiterated. "Why would I want to help him?"

"I know, but doing so might also lead us to evidence of Phantom's plans! If whatever happened to Ralph has anything to do with Phantom, we could clear Frederick's name!"

"Sigh... I hate to admit it, but you have a point. Alright, I'll help search for Ralph. But only because of possible evidence to Frederick's innocence."

"Oh, thank you! Let's meet back here in four hours."

Winfrey and Tara weren't hesitant to agree.

"Ah, Kelli! Hold on," Frederick interrupted. "I just realized, we left Sir Kieran at the arena. Someone has to get him before something happens to him too!"

"Blast! You're right. I'll go back there first then," Kelli decided.

"Alright. But Kelli, please be very careful. I honestly wish someone could accompany you after what's happened, but I know that everyone would cover more ground by splitting up. I'm just not so sure that Phantom is really dead. Just remain safe for me..."

"Oh, Frederick... I will. I still have my magic with me. And I have your training in my resume. I promise, love."

Kelli then approached her husband and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Now you focus on recovering, okay?" she said, gently stroking his hair.

"Of course," Frederick replied with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you later, honey."

With that, Kelli, Winfrey, and Tara departed the infirmary. Tara said she knew the north section of the island best, so she headed that way. Winfrey took the south since his tent was that way anyway, meaning he had to go in that direction often. Kelli headed back towards the arena as fast as she could, thankful that it was not far away. She didn't want to tire herself out before she even began searching for Ralph, after all. And if she could retrieve Sir Kieran, finding the missing ex-thief would be a lot easier since she would be able to ride the horse rather than walk. She only hoped it would be enough.

Edited by Anacybele
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Wait so let me get this straight: you wrote yourself a self-insert to have an "M-rated" story with Frederick that only involves being shirtless and cuddling? I was expecting actual smut. Some wild Twilight-esque writer's sexual fantasy blurted onto the page kinda stuff. Go watch some porn for inspiration?

Edited by Arch
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Uh, no... It sounds to me like you only read the first chapter. You ought to read more. :P

First of all, Kelli isn't a self-insert. Her name may be very close to my own, but her personality is plenty different from mine. I'm not a bubbly, outgoing pervert, so to speak.

Second, there are two implied sex scenes. That isn't smut? lol

Thirdly, there's more to the plot than just fluff between the newlyweds. There's a tournament, a psycho sorcerer claiming that he had dibs on Kelli's hand first, and the relationships between Frederick and Kelli, Ralph, and Winfrey.

I'm foreshadowing an exploration of the Avatar's possible lost memories as well as exploring deeper into Frederick's past. And at the same time, I'm trying to let his relationship with Kelli grow stronger. A three-in-one package, basically.

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This isnt really a smut fic is Arch's point. Its pretty tame (if not, outright glurgy at times). M-rated fics tend to be well..naughty. Descriptively naughty. Erotica...etc.

Ohhh, my bad, I misunderstood.

Well, the M rating is there because when I first posted this, a mod put it in there and told me it's because of the nudity/sexual scenes.

If only that had been expressed via a fierce threesome pounding of Frederick.

...Why does that idea sound awesome to me despite that I feel Frederick would absolutely never do that? :P (he seems too traditional for such stuff. lol) I can't unsee him, Kelli, and Cordelia doing it now!

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