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Why do People Build Lapras' Special Defense?


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Really, I've never seen a build that prioritizes defense over special defense (which Lapras already has) despite the threat of fighting/rock opponents. If Lapras' main non-sweeping purpose is to stall, wouldn't you want a way to survive against fighting-type counters? (I'd include rock-types but at least they're like grass and can be swept, I guess)

I dunno, I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but I just found that odd.

But maybe my idea of boltbeam+whirlpool/perishsong Lapras with high HP and I don't know what the heck else is really dumb, but I can't be bothered to get a Avalanche on this (unless it can learn it via TM or leveling in X/Y?) *shrug*

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So in the case of Curse, it's better to have high SDef and compensate for low Def with boosting than have mediocre SDef but high Def that compounds with boosting?

But since I don't know how to get Avalanche in X/Y, would it be okay to...Uh, do this?
Max HP, high SDef, little bit of Attack

Waterfall, Ice Shard, Curse, Rest/Perishsong? Waterfall for sweeping and Ice Shard for a little extra STAB type coverage that doesn't care about cursed speed?

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