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Friend Codes For Friend Safari--Pokemon X&Y


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My Friend Code is 1805-2447-8856, 3DS name is Sylpheed.

I'll be adding everyone tomorrow when I get internet access.

If you add me, please quote or PM me

I have Y, so everyone with X, go ahead and ask for exclusives. I'll ask exclusives or pokemon I don't have yet in return

I also have all starters that you can get in-game, except Fennekin (started my file with Froakie, so that's already handled), so once I get a Ditto from a friend of mine, I can also trade starters.

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I've got everyone added~

I don't think I have a whole lot to offer, but I have a female Fenniken and a Japanese male Fenniken, if anyone wants me to try getting some shinies~

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My Friend Code is 1805-2447-8856, 3DS name is Sylpheed.

I'll be adding everyone tomorrow when I get internet access.

If you add me, please quote or PM me

I have Y, so everyone with X, go ahead and ask for exclusives. I'll ask exclusives or pokemon I don't have yet in return

I also have all starters that you can get in-game, except Fennekin (started my file with Froakie, so that's already handled), so once I get a Ditto from a friend of mine, I can also trade starters.

Added you :D

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My Friend Code is 1805-2447-8856, 3DS name is Sylpheed.

I'll be adding everyone tomorrow when I get internet access.

If you add me, please quote or PM me

I have Y, so everyone with X, go ahead and ask for exclusives. I'll ask exclusives or pokemon I don't have yet in return

I also have all starters that you can get in-game, except Fennekin (started my file with Froakie, so that's already handled), so once I get a Ditto from a friend of mine, I can also trade starters.


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My Friend Code is 1805-2447-8856, 3DS name is Sylpheed.

I'll be adding everyone tomorrow when I get internet access.

If you add me, please quote or PM me

I have Y, so everyone with X, go ahead and ask for exclusives. I'll ask exclusives or pokemon I don't have yet in return

I also have all starters that you can get in-game, except Fennekin (started my file with Froakie, so that's already handled), so once I get a Ditto from a friend of mine, I can also trade starters.


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My Friend Code is 1805-2447-8856, 3DS name is Sylpheed.

I'll be adding everyone tomorrow when I get internet access.

If you add me, please quote or PM me

I have Y, so everyone with X, go ahead and ask for exclusives. I'll ask exclusives or pokemon I don't have yet in return

I also have all starters that you can get in-game, except Fennekin (started my file with Froakie, so that's already handled), so once I get a Ditto from a friend of mine, I can also trade starters.

Added, as well as everyone else who posted since I did last.

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Friendcode's in my sig, feel free to add me. I'm going to add everyone if that's alright. Btw, my name is lolhax, and my Trainer name is Seth. When I'm done I'll quote all of you.

Edited by Knight
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Mine's in my sig, but here you are anyway: 3136 6671 5270. The name for my Mii and my Trainer is the same: Cason.

Also, I tested it with someone. Apparently my Friend Safari type is Fire, and the Pokemon in mine are Fletchinder, Growlithe, and Larvesta. Go nuts!

Edited by Karaszure
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WanderingMage 3153-3531-8688 Floatzel, Krabby, Poliwhirl

Meibay 3153-4176-3930 Boldore, Pupitar, ?

Kon 1607-2073-3281 Boldore, Pupitar, ?

Fruit Insanity 1805-3417-7671 Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Rufflet

Alfred Kamon 3909-7667-0449 Duduo, Woobat, Tropius

Laurent~ 1177-6959-9610 Delibird, Sneasel, ?

Acacia Sgt 1306-5372-1341

shyteddie 0490 5280 8199 Mienfoo, Pancham, ?

DodgeDusk 3668-8055-4125 Mienfoo, Sawk, ?

sawslothducksaucestrawman 2122-5622-4878 Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, ?

Nobody 2063-0086-1010 Wooper, Dugtrio, ?

Silver Lightning 2723-8843-7042 Combee, Illumise, ?

Ether 1848-3079-1042 Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir

Spaceman Craig 3454-0315-2195 Ponyta, Larvesta, ?

Kinumi 0576-3536-2155 Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbacle

Sylphid 1805-2447-8856

DualSilverGunner 4828-4279-3653

Requests have been sent to all these people.

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My Friend Code is 1805-2447-8856, 3DS name is Sylpheed.

I'll be adding everyone tomorrow when I get internet access.

If you add me, please quote or PM me

I have Y, so everyone with X, go ahead and ask for exclusives. I'll ask exclusives or pokemon I don't have yet in return

I also have all starters that you can get in-game, except Fennekin (started my file with Froakie, so that's already handled), so once I get a Ditto from a friend of mine, I can also trade starters.


...Hopefully I provide a good type. I'll start adding people tomorrow.

Mine's in my sig, but here you are anyway: 3136 6671 5270. The name for my Mii and my Trainer is the same: Cason.

Also, I tested it with someone. Apparently my Friend Safari type is Fire, and the Pokemon in mine are Fletchinder, Growlithe, and Larvesta. Go nuts!

Added, with all the others as well...

I've got everyone added~

I don't think I have a whole lot to offer, but I have a female Fenniken and a Japanese male Fenniken, if anyone wants me to try getting some shinies~

I have an English Eevee and Ponyta, which should be compatible with my French Chesnaught...

So I could offer Chespin, I guess...

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Should I be seeing a notification on 3DS about someone registering me as a friend? Because I don't, and I know at least 2 people have added me... or at least said they did

No, what you have to do is now input all the friendcodes of people who've added you, you don't get request notifications or things like that (to my knowledge.)

Oh, ok. Thanks. That seems a bit stupid on Nintendo's part but whatever. shows how many friends I have when I don't how getting them works

Anyways, adding people now, and that seems to work right

Allright, so far we have:

WanderingMage 3153-3531-8688 Floatzel, Krabby, Poliwhirl

Meibay 3153-4176-3930 Boldore, Pupitar, ?

Kon 1607-2073-3281 Boldore, Pupitar, ?

Fruit Insanity 1805-3417-7671 Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Rufflet

Alfred Kamon 3909-7667-0449 Duduo, Woobat, Tropius

Laurent~ 1177-6959-9610 Delibird, Sneasel, ?

Acacia Sgt 1306-5372-1341

shyteddie 0490 5280 8199 Mienfoo, Pancham, ?

DodgeDusk 3668-8055-4125 Mienfoo, Sawk, ?

sawslothducksaucestrawman 2122-5622-4878 Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, ?

Nobody 2063-0086-1010 Wooper, Dugtrio, ?

Silver Lightning 2723-8843-7042 Combee, Illumise, ?

Ether 1848-3079-1042 Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir

Spaceman Craig 3454-0315-2195 Ponyta, Larvesta, ?

Kinumi 0576-3536-2155 Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbacle

Sylphid 1805-2447-8856

DualSilverGunner 4828-4279-3653

Added everyone on this list

Also added you guys =)

I'm so popular <3

Edited by Sylphid
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Should I be seeing a notification on 3DS about someone registering me as a friend? Because I don't, and I know at least 2 people have added me... or at least said they did

Anyways, adding people now, and that seems to work right

No, what you have to do is now input all the friendcodes of people who've added you, you don't get request notifications or things like that (to my knowledge.)

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