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What instrument can you play?


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This is my very first General discussion so be nice XD. Which instrument do you play?

And if anyone wants to know I play a violin and I'm good at it too. XD

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Let's see, I play Oboe and Tuba. Oboe was when I was in Middle School. I still play it in this one group I'm in. Tuba, the band director saw me and instantly thought Tuba. I'm quite a built guy, so I don't blame him. Then again, there is this one scrawny Freshman dude playing the Tuba. At least he can lift it.

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We have a Fox dispute?

P.S. I love the baritone.

Yes, remember?

Oh yea?
Yea!*Boxing match and song 'Eye of the Tiger' starts*

That was the end of it. I played the baritone(sax) in Middle school, would have kept playing but it was "too loud"

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Could've sworn there was another topic like this......a long time ago...

Anyway, I play trumpet. I learned to play scales on the piano before I had to quit taking lessons (money and time issues).

If you mean about 18 days ago, yea that topic was by me. I also played the clarinet.

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