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Wow. Wifi battles during the E4.

Airship Canon

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=_= GG E4. Pokecenter during E4? WHY NOT!?

I've seen some dumb exploits, but this is just stupid. And its on top of the E4 being weaker than usual- sure high levels, but with the amount of EXP available, they're easier than the E4 of G/S/C. -_-;; Downside to X and Y right there.

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=_= GG E4. Pokecenter during E4? WHY NOT!?

I've seen some dumb exploits, but this is just stupid. And its on top of the E4 being weaker than usual- sure high levels, but with the amount of EXP available, they're easier than the E4 of G/S/C. -_-;; Downside to X and Y right there.

half of the reason why X/Y is easy to level in is because of the exp share, which was probably implemented(along with super training and hordes) to assist those who EV train. If you don't use the exp share, it's a lot different.

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What is 'Set' and what does it do?


The game automatically is set to 'shift' which basically tells you what pokemon the opponent is switching to and lets you change out pokemon before they can do anything. Set disables this, and it ups the difficulty if you were actually swapping pokemon before your opponent could do anything. I think this setting has been present in every game in the series. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Options#Battle_Style

EDIT: -actually reads topic-

:0 I didn't even realize that. You could do the same thing last gen with the IR trading, trade to a friend, have them dump it in a box and give the poke back to you.

GF kinda forgot about that lol (can we have hard mode back? ;_;)

Edited by L95
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The battle style actually makes a vivid difference in challenge runs (such as 0 exp), especially when coupled with a No Item (during battles) rule. What usually happens is that you just depend on cripple+set up+sweep strats with less reliability, though (it's so mcuh more reliable and secure to switch out appropriately and use an item during any breathing room moment you get).

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