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The World Series 2013: Cardinals Vs. Redsox

Black Dynamite

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I'm not the biggest baseball fan, I usually follow it during the season just keeping up with how teams are doing then watch it during the playoffs. I am a Redsox fan though, and have enjoyed this years postseason a bunch. Redsox are up 8-1 for those who are keeping up. Who do you guys think is going to win the series?

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I hate MLB. Its boring to watch because the batters wait like a full minute between pitches, the players are over-paid, and the lack of a salary cap makes it a joke. You have single players with contracts that are more than an entire teams payroll. Oh and steroids.

However, I hate all 4 Boston sports team with a fiery passion so naturally I will be hoping for the Cardinals to win.

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Hey hey hey now. I'm usually pretty laid back about sports but shut it man. Every sport has its flaws, don't bash baseball for being what it is. I like the slow pacing of the game. It lets you socialize with people. You can argue with friends and shit.

That and Football is just as fucking slow. Average of 11 minutes of action http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748704281204575002852055561406#articleTabs%3Darticle

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Let's not do a football vs baseball thing here but a) football is about power so they pretty much use as much energy in those "11 minutes" as soccer players in 90 minutes. Football also takes 40 seconds between snaps to gameplan and scheme because that's a huge part of the game, as well as the quarterback and receivers reading the defense and communicating what they see. It's war and to some extent turn-based action as sports.

Baseball definitely does have strategy and film study, and is statistics based, but I don't like it as much because it doesn't give me the same vibe football does.

Besides, I think his point was "fuck Boston" as opposed to "fuck baseball."

Having that said, fuck Boston.

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