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Why are Japanese so good at Pokémon???

Fruity Insanity

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I don't really think goodra can OHKO greninja, can it?

it has 110 base Sp.Atk, and can predict the Protean Ice Beam with Fire blast, so probably. Greninja isn't exactly bulky with it's probably uninvested 72/71 Hp/Sp.Def

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it has 110 base Sp.Atk, and can predict the Protean Ice Beam with Fire blast, so probably. Greninja isn't exactly bulky with it's probably uninvested 72/71 Hp/Sp.Def

yeah Goodra can OHKO back, but that's where the mindgames come in

edit: I love how this thread went from Japanese players being good to Greninja vs Goodra

Edited by shadykid
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I tend to take jokes too seriously too, so I completely understand.

Makes me wonder why I make jokes I wouldn't get myself

If you have room for another team mate for multi-battles, I would like that! It would be fun doing multi-battle and I could really use the party building experience. I could be your back-up

Hmm... Or are triple battles with three players per team possible? If not, they should be.


Sure, why not. I'll send you a PM. ;)

The idea for SF multi-battle tournament is really cool! Where do I sign for it?

Lol, it's just an idea I had few minutes ago, I didn't even make a topic for that.

I think that people are still doing their main teams right now and don't have much time to do one for multiple battles as well.

Maybe I'll make the topic next week, because I think it'd be really cool to project a team in two, and to battle together!

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Just played a little bit. Didn't see any Mega Blazikens or Lucarios, but plenty of Mawiles and even a Manectric. Focus Sashes everywhere so it looks like everyone is playing with the assumption that Defog discourages hazards. I should learn from this next time I build a team. Won a couple games and lost a bunch.

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have you maximized your pokes's att/sp.att+ speed Efforts?

Of course.

Don't Japanese battlers have no qualms about using Double Team and Minimize too?

I heard about a pretty damn annoying Starmie moveset that had Scald, Minimize, Recover and something else, either Psyshock or Cosmic Power.

I've actually tried (but not used officially) that moveset before... it's... fun. But I see why people would hate it, yes.

Yeah, I found a Japanese who spammed an Eviolite Chansey with Minimize and Toxic.

This sounds fun to use.

But really, the Pokémon I see the most are Tyranitar, Metagross, Prankster Klefki, Greninja, Talonflame, Gengar, and a few others...

@Fruity Insanity: mah boy, you didn't tell me that you were doing double battles against those japs! I just saw it now in the PGL website. Well you're doing well ^^ And you did a lot of battles :0 I'm curious to see your strategies for doubles, hehe! Wanna do a match?

Yeah, the site hasn't updated it yet, but I have, like, 1613 points or something right now. Not much, but still pretty good, I guess... Within the top... one hundred in the US.

I want to re-do my team before I continue, though. I current team gets walled by a good Gyarados or Tyranitar.

Soooo, back in-topic... who wants to create a team for Multiple Battles with me? :D

(seriously, let's do some sort of Multiple battle tournament in couples... that would be epic)

Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! I do! I do!

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why do I suspect this doesn't actually kill

yup that's because it doesn't

After a Contrary Boost, definitely.

Before, it should be a 2KO.

That actually happened to me. (Not sure if he had already been a little damaged or not. Still more than 70% without a boost.

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After a Contrary Boost, definitely.

Before, it should be a 2KO.

That actually happened to me. (Not sure if he had already been a little damaged or not. Still more than 70% without a boost.

yeah but Tyranitar goes first and 2HKOs.....

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yeah but Tyranitar goes first and 2HKOs.....

How Tyranitar goes first? Malamar has 73 base SPE, Tyranitar has 61(71 as a mega). Also, malamar is much more likely to have SPE EV points than Tyranitar.

EDIT: Are you talking about a Jolly scarfed tyranitar?

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Aw, shit. Today is not my day.

Had some terrible luck in some matches, and made some mistakes in others, so I lost something like 90 points.

I'm still the first in Italy but geez, that's frustrating.

Tomorrow is another day, at least. çwç

Anyway people are spamming Talonflame way too much. That bird is terrible. Seriously. If you don't have something that resist it in a 3vs3 match you have basically lost.

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Anyway people are spamming Talonflame way too much. That bird is terrible. Seriously. If you don't have something that resist it in a 3vs3 match you have basically lost.

Yes, I hate that thing.

Today I fought 6 battles, I won 3 and lost 3. I used to be number 10 on the brazilian rank, which is actually very mediocre overall, but after those losses, I think I dropped even more =/

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Anyway people are spamming Talonflame way too much. That bird is terrible. Seriously. If you don't have something that resist it in a 3vs3 match you have basically lost.

meh, throw Azumarill at it


but seriously, anything that resists Brave Bird and is fast enough (oh hai there Jolteon) or resists both Flare Blitz and Brave Bird counters it easily

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meh, throw Azumarill at it


but seriously, anything that resists Brave Bird and is fast enough (oh hai there Jolteon) or resists both Flare Blitz and Brave Bird counters it easily

Brave Bird > Aqua Jet D;

I'm considering trying an Aggron.

Thanks god that nasty bird doesn't learn Close Combat or Superpower. Bred it with a Braviary and a Staraptor but nothing happened.

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The majority of people who play competitively on the PGL are japanese, it's as simple as that.

Most western people don't bother to make a team / don't have the game even if they're supposedly good...

I remember those old good days back on Pokémon Online where I hit 1500 points and I was against super strong people all the time... they were all Americans or European.

So yeah, people who theorically would be quite good like you don't have the game do you? and Japanese are a lot and simply strong, I can't deny that.

Which is better in your opinion, guys? Aegislash or Eviolite Doublade?

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Which is better in your opinion, guys? Aegislash or Eviolite Doublade?

Depends on the role you want it to do maybe?

I'd comment in our PM also but I'm going off very soon so I wouldn't be able to contribute that much

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And physical attacks, too.

50Def/50SpDef sucks.

Which is why it has King's Shield.

I honestly don't like Aegislash's stat distribution. I used it in-game, but I don't intend on ever using it apart from that...

Too slow, too little HP. Focuses on both attacks. Attacking leaves it very vulnerable.

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