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I don't think I have a best friend


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If it bothers you try talking to your friends more. Parties and alcohol help...

If you're fine with it by all mean indulge yourself in whatever you want to do and forget the rest

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i had some "close friends", but i'm not sure if any of them can really fit to "best friend".

because my first best friends (6-7 years ago) taught me what "best friend" is.

Edited by Pukuriripo
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I really hate all those extra connotations that the term best friend carries. It's just a relative term. So unless you have no friends it's impossible to not have a best friend. You might not have good friends but you have a best friend.

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when I fell out harder than an unsecured bungee jumper with the person I unequivocally considered my best friend, I lost social perspective so badly that I'm probably still letting it affect me

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Hey op, I thought about it and I'd say you need a best friend. Since September my best friend that I know since I am 7 (I'm 18 now btw) went to study somewhere 2 hours away, and even though I'm more outgoing and have more "friends" since I am at university, I feel way more lonely than before without him. So yes I'd say it's worth having a best friend. I mean when x and y released he came back and we had this awesome launch party. We drank... a lot... When I woke up I couldn't remember the end of the night, but I know I probably had a blast. So if there's someone you think you get along with very well I'd say you should go for it... Slowly though, don't be like: "Hey I like you a lot... would you be my best friend :D ?"

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I can be your best friend, if you want. :)

That's so sweet, thanks. x)

But I wasn't really implying that I'm desperate, ha ha.



Huh. Weird, honestly, I have two or three best friends here, and several in real life.

I don't mind having another best friend here, in all honesty

...Several best friends? No, no..."best friend" is used to determine a very special friend. Or a very few select friends.

But, um, those are your things, and I need not meddle. Sorry.

It's fine to have multiple friends who aren't too intimate with you and most people would relate to that, I think. Just don't indulge in the common disillusion of thinking you have formed any tangible bonds with people whom you do not know offline.

That is somewhat the way I think, even though I'm actually far from a person to distrust others. I am commonly rather open when it comes to making friends. The thing is having a very close, intimate one, yeah...

Wow. I feel betrayed.


We never talk anymore though.


It's ok Soul. There is nothing wrong with not having a best friend. And when you have one, you will know it.

I'm not frowning over it, tho. x( Just something curious...

It's not a weird thing at all, it just means you care about everyone equally.

Why the heck are all my posts so damn flowery all the sudden.

Back on topic, I don't believe I have an official "best friend", just a lot of good friends. Honestly, there's no one I've ever met who I was confident with sharing secrets and the like with, I'm just too skeptical for my own good most of the time. Either way, it's fine, how you roll is how you roll, not everyone always has a best friend.

I feel this way. I'm not very picky. :e

So outside of my family and the 6 people I'm really close to I don't trust anyone until I spend a fair amount of time with them. Oh right, just a question to the OP. You may not have a best friend but do you have close friends?

Yeah, you could say I have a few close friends. Heck, even here on SF, there are people who I talk about rather intimate things.

I'll be your best friend

haha just kidding


La oferta de ponerse bien empedo sigue en pie

Aunque el pedo se puede pasar por alto si no te va, no me molesta. Es mas probablemente es para mejor. Ya hize de pelotudo suficientes veces me parece jajajajja


Cuando quieras.

no mentira ojala

Un finde estaría bueno. Otro día te invito a una de esas convenciones de virgos como yo

If it bothers you try talking to your friends more. Parties and alcohol help...

If you're fine with it by all mean indulge yourself in whatever you want to do and forget the rest

Nah, I don't drink. x)

shut up soul

ok 8[

Hey op, I thought about it and I'd say you need a best friend. Since September my best friend that I know since I am 7 (I'm 18 now btw) went to study somewhere 2 hours away, and even though I'm more outgoing and have more "friends" since I am at university, I feel way more lonely than before without him. So yes I'd say it's worth having a best friend. I mean when x and y released he came back and we had this awesome launch party. We drank... a lot... When I woke up I couldn't remember the end of the night, but I know I probably had a blast. So if there's someone you think you get along with very well I'd say you should go for it... Slowly though, don't be like: "Hey I like you a lot... would you be my best friend :D ?"

That sounds so embarassing. x)

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