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So, what's this about the 3DS and back-up saves?


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So, if I am remembering correctly, there was supposedly a recent 3DS update that allowed the user to create back-up save files either onto the SD card or the system itself. Now, I have a couple questions regarding this. First off, am I even remembering correctly, or am I getting my facts all mixed up? Second, assuming that this is true, how would I go about doing this?

The reason I ask is a game I've been playing has several major choices that can't be undone and not enough save files in-game to cover all permutations.

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No, that's pretty much as you stated it. As for how it works, basically from the Home Menu of the 3DS, you do something, I forgot exactly, and it brings up the option to back-up a save file. It gets stored, and now you're free to make another save file in your game. Now, if you want to switch back to the first without loosing the 2nd save, you back-up the 2nd save, then you choose to restore the 1st save to be back the one to use in-game. It's fairly simple. The only restriction of note is that this is not compatible with everything. Some games you can't do this.

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No, that's pretty much as you stated it. As for how it works, basically from the Home Menu of the 3DS, you do something, I forgot exactly, and it brings up the option to back-up a save file. It gets stored, and now you're free to make another save file in your game. Now, if you want to switch back to the first without loosing the 2nd save, you back-up the 2nd save, then you choose to restore the 1st save to be back the one to use in-game. It's fairly simple. The only restriction of note is that this is not compatible with everything. Some games you can't do this.

It's also digital only. Physical copies are SOL with this system.

And an example of a game where it doesn't work: Pokemon X/Y. [Just to rustle the jimmies of those wanting multiple saves]

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