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Pokemon nickname thread


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Same here.

I'm actually starting a grand breeding project, to assign each lord unit a starter:

Marth (Squirtle)
Alm (Chespin)
Celica (Fennekin)
Sigurd (Oshawott)
Seliph (Froakie)
Leif (Chimchar)
Roy (Tepig)
Lyn (Treecko)
Eliwood (Cyndaquil)
Hector (Piplup)
Eirika (Chikorita)
Ephraim (Turtwig)
Ike (Charmander - Mega Charizard X is blue)
Micaiah (Bulbasaur)
Chrom (Totodile)
Lucina (Mudkip)
As soon as I acquire DWFs for the corresponding starter, I can begin trying to breed for each lord.

That was the last starter I would have expected to be named after a badass.

Hector the Piplup..............then again, it's final evolution makes more sense.

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Same here.

I'm actually starting a grand breeding project, to assign each lord unit a starter:

Marth (Squirtle)
Alm (Chespin)
Celica (Fennekin)
Sigurd (Oshawott)
Seliph (Froakie)
Leif (Chimchar)
Roy (Tepig)
Lyn (Treecko)
Eliwood (Cyndaquil)
Hector (Piplup)
Eirika (Chikorita)
Ephraim (Turtwig)
Ike (Charmander - Mega Charizard X is blue)
Micaiah (Bulbasaur)
Chrom (Totodile)
Lucina (Mudkip)
As soon as I acquire DWFs for the corresponding starter, I can begin trying to breed for each lord.

That's a really cool idea since it matches up with every lord equally now.

Besides maybe switching a few around, would you mind if I used this idea (once I get access to them of course)?

Also, I thought I should add that in my Black version I named my Tornadus Zephos and my Thunderous Cyclos. Props if you get the reference.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Also named my Lucario Ike. He's mainly blue(with red while Mega), has hair-thingies similar to Ike's long headband and is steal fighting(Plus the aura graphics they used in smash is somewhat similar to the blue flames he gets from Yune)

Also, I thought I should add that in my Black version I named my Tornadus Zephos and my Thunderous Cyclos. Props if you get the reference.

Good thing Tornadus didn't send you to a random place on the map when you encountered him!

Edited by LuxSpes
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1: Yosuke the Greninja. I was thinking of Frogfucius before this, but I didn't think it fit with a ninja-frog. Then one day while looking through the XY Update thread, Breezy said something about Yosuke from Persona 4, and that his Persona was a ninja frog, and it kinda clicked for me. I did thank him for unintentionally giving my Greninja an awesome name in a later post in the thread.

Genius. I think I'll name mine Jiraiya.

EDIT: I am now inspired to nickname my entire main team after Personas. Will update with results.

EDIT 2: Here's what I've got so far for my incomplete team:

Gardevoir (Psyche)

Scisor (Trismegistus)

Greninja (Jiraiya)

Togekiss (Messiah)

If anyone has any ideas, I'm up for suggestions.

Edited by Hacksorus
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"Gary Froak".

That is all.

Actually I named a couple after some friends and my Yveltal "Acheron"; I'm considering doing theme-naming with rivers.

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That was the last starter I would have expected to be named after a badass.

Hector the Piplup..............then again, it's final evolution makes more sense.

I was this close to assigning Piplup to Lucina, seeing as Dawn used her in the anime, but I saw another thread here that suggested Hector as Piplup.

That's a really cool idea since it matches up with every lord equally now.

Besides maybe switching a few around, would you mind if I used this idea (once I get access to them of course)?

Go ahead...What would you suggest, by the way? Already I'm considering switching Ephraim to Snivy. He does start out rather fast.

The starters that aren't 1st or 6th gen will take a long time for me to get to work on, and those who need their hidden abilities (Leif, Eliwood, Chrom) will take longer still.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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I trained a Noivern named Minerva


I have a few that don't make sense as well

I tried to shorten glockenspiel (sorry for butchering the spelling) down to just "Glock" as name for my Bastiodon

I named a Ferrothorn "Kindling" once too

My Gardevoir's name is Elizabeth I, you know, with the Elizabethian dress and all

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I have two seperate teams, thus 12 Pokemon, here are all of their nicknames.

1) Hawk Hogan the Hawlucha

2) Sanae the Roserade

3) Nightshade the Weavile

4) Poh the Pangoro

5) Mallow the Wigglytuff

6) Red Mage the Delphox

7) TankerZ the Tangrowth.

8) Moulder the Dunsparce

9) Kazooie the Doduo

10) Obama Snow the Abomisnow

11) Charlie the Vaporeon

12) Heavy the Golett

Edited by Nexas
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Decided to go with the theme of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood for my XY ingame team

Made my friends refer to me as Il Mentore (Ezio's title at the end of Brohood as the grandmaster of the Italian order)

Ingame team:

Delphox - La Volpe. Self explanatory.

Blastoise - Machiavelli, because I misrememberd Niccolo as wearing blue but I guess he wears black. Oh well~

Aegislash - Bartolomeo, because have you seen that guy in AC2 with his sword

Aerodactyl - Leonardo, because he invented the flying machine.

Wigglytuff - Claudia, because Wigglytuff is my favourite and Claudia is a badass.

Mawile - Caterina, because steel type, and Ezio referred to her as "Iron Lady of Forli" in a song in Revelations.

For pokemon I intend to train later:

Lucario is Mario (Auditore) because FIGHT

Charmeleon is Pentisilea. My friend and I traded Gen1 starters from our own respective safaris (I have Charmeleon in mine and Wartortle in his) and I told him to name the Charmeleon if it ends up a girl

It ended up a girl

With pretty damn good IVs

Mewtwo is Tinia

Xerneas is Minerva (references to Assassin's Creed overarching lore)

Zygarde will probably end up Juno?

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Good to know that Vancouver gets some sort of mention, even if it is just a nickname for a Pokemon lol

Thank you for bringing this up. There's a motto that a Canadian says sorry to seem polite. Well if you're from Vancouver you have be to extra extra careful when talking things about things.

Having watched this video I think(recently) it really demonstrates the reason why children should read history when they are children, not adults. How many people hear (please just 1 repy for this question, not the whole point) without looking at the internet can name a single philospher, religious founder, nation builder and inventor who was self-educated(doesn't mean that they did not go to school but they came up with the idea by himself?

Edited by Gregosa
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I can honestly say that I am confused by what you are saying. Blaming the victim means that you are being held at fault for a harmful act that befell you, not that you're in a situation in which you cannot argue. And what does any of this have to do with hipsters? Even more importantly, what does this have to do with Pokémon nicknames?

On the topic of nicknames, I've always nicknamed my Pokémon, often basing their names around a theme. In X, that theme would be mythology.

Maya (Delphox) - It means illusion in Sanskrit, and is another name for the Hindu goddess Durga. Not technically mythology but I chose it more for the meaning than the reference.

Durandal (Aegislash) - I wanted to name my ghost sword after Roland's sword ever since Honedge was first released, the fact that it's also a legendary sword in Fire Emblem had no effect on the name choice~

Mordred (Heliosk) - I honestly couldn't think of a better name at the time, but I like giving some of my cuter Pokémon ill-fitting names anyways~

Lucina (Gardevoir) - Also not a Fire Emblem reference~ My Gardevoir was named after a Roman goddess and with every other Lu- name is associated with light~

Hel (Goodra) - When I first saw Goomy, I immediately though that she was going to be a badass and so named her after the Norse goddess of Hel~

Kay (Chesnaught) - The knight Pokémon gets to be named after one of the knights of the round table~

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Please just watch the youtube video, the term hipster is very difficult to perform a proper search on when using the internet. Also, the proper term for hipster should be counter-culture, as this is the definition of any movement that applies to a certain time. . Every culture is different so some arguments and word choices cant always work. Also I am the OP of this thread and my team is based on weather effects,

I have a question for people familiar with the serious business memes, I saw a picture of Mr. Bean( a goofy character you should never underestimate) solely because of this ability. This is the perfect description for my battle style. I really don't how to do a proper word search for this meme, but I would love to bookmark that picture on my computer.

Edited by Gregosa
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Thank you for bringing this up. There's a motto that a Canadian says sorry to seem polite. Well if you're from Vancouver you have be to extra extra careful when talking things about things.

Having watched this video I think(recently) it really demonstrates the reason why children should read history when they are children, not adults. How many people hear (please just 1 repy for this question, not the whole point) without looking at the internet can name a single philospher, religious founder, nation builder and inventor who was self-educated(doesn't mean that they did not go to school but they came up with the idea by himself?

Please just watch the youtube video, the term hipster is very difficult to perform a proper search on when using the internet. Also, the proper term for hipster should be counter-culture, as this is the definition of any movement that applies to a certain time. . Every culture is different so some arguments and word choices cant always work. Also I am the OP of this thread and my team is based on weather effects,

I have a question for people familiar with the serious business memes, I saw a picture of Mr. Bean( a goofy character you should never underestimate) solely because of this ability. This is the perfect description for my battle style. I really don't how to do a proper word search for this meme, but I would love to bookmark that picture on my computer.

What the heck does this have to do with nicknames for pokemon? All I said was that there's another Vancouver, where I currently live, and that it's good to know that Vancouver was mentioned.

How did you somehow connect hipsters to nicknames for Pokemon, anyway?

Edited by Cal the Tactician
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Please just watch the youtube video, the term hipster is very difficult to perform a proper search on when using the internet. Also, the proper term for hipster should be counter-culture, as this is the definition of any movement that applies to a certain time. . Every culture is different so some arguments and word choices cant always work. Also I am the OP of this thread and my team is based on weather effects,

I have a question for people familiar with the serious business memes, I saw a picture of Mr. Bean( a goofy character you should never underestimate) solely because of this ability. This is the perfect description for my battle style. I really don't how to do a proper word search for this meme, but I would love to bookmark that picture on my computer.

But what do hipsters have to do with any of this. I understand that you are the OP, but going off on a tangent that has no relevance to the topic at hand, especially in a non-FftF thread, is kind of not something that is allowed, regardless of who started the topic.

I did watch the video, even before you telling me to, but I still have no idea what you're trying to get at with it. I guess you're saying that hipsters are the scum of the earth or something, but regardless, what's the point of bringing up hipsters? Do we need to know the definition of hipsters or the evolution of them in order to know why you gave your Pokémon the nicknames you did? Are you trying to tell us that you are, in fact, a hipster? I'm honestly confused. :/

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I really don't want to turn this into a political debate, but please just please don't turn this into a politics debate, that sesame street style youtube video was the broadest and simplest explanation I could find on the internet because there is no Universal term for hipster. Please keep in mind that I'm trying to be as discreet and explicit about myself as possible without giving away too much information. Also keep in mind that the bulk of the reading I do(I'd say 80-90%) is non-fiction regardless if it's on the internet or not. My only proper fun time is when I am playing games, spending time with friends or watching something on tv or the internet.

If you started reading on the second page, keep in mind that I am the Op. I keep mentioning rain because it is so frequent based on where I live. My battle style is inspired by my social upbringing and evolution(or development) as a person which is different for a lot of people.

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^Thank you. This is also the only time where I feel I had to use to a Glovers and Boots video to get educated/explain something to myself and tothers. If you're confused it's only 5 minutes long, mentions people and movements in the past and it might be funny to watch as well.

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I really don't want to turn this into a political debate, but please just please don't turn this into a politics debate, that sesame street style youtube video was the broadest and simplest explanation I could find on the internet because there is no Universal term for hipster. Please keep in mind that I'm trying to be as discreet and explicit about myself as possible without giving away too much information. Also keep in mind that the bulk of the reading I do(I'd say 80-90%) is non-fiction regardless if it's on the internet or not. My only proper fun time is when I am playing games, spending time with friends or watching something on tv or the internet.

If you started reading on the second page, keep in mind that I am the Op. I keep mentioning rain because it is so frequent based on where I live. My battle style is inspired by my social upbringing and evolution(or development) as a person which is different for a lot of people.

... Political debate? What? How am I even trying to start something like that? I asked why you were bringing hipsters into a conversation about Pokémon nicknames, where's the debate in that?

What is there to be discreet about? And what is the point of bringing up your reading habits? How are they relevent to the topic at hand?

I did not start reading on the second page in any case, and I already stated that I knew you were the OP. But your completely nonsensical rant about hipsters doesn't really belong in a topic concerning Pokémon nicknames.

I knew that your team is rain-based and you gave the nickname of your Politoed Vancouver because it rains a lot. But again, what do hipsters have to do with Pokémon nicknames?

Do I need to start bolding my words for you to actually read them or something?

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Hi Kon, If you want a more specific answer, I read a lot of non-fiction books that average about 300-400 pages.

Since you decided to ask my question in detail I think it's only fair that I answer you back. Where I live it's very wet but there's also lots of parks, trails and other amazing things. Since it rains so frequently, I can't pinpoint an exact number but let's just say 50% of the time. I probably should have mentioned this in nickname thread but I actually enjoy running and where I live I have to accept the risk of downpour(lots of times it is not so bad). I probably should have clarified this in my op if you have not battled me yet but first got the idea of using rain effects cause Pokemon like Ludicolo get double speed through an ability called swift swim. I also did not mention the swift swimmers because I like they're names and I want other guys to take advantage of the rain for the sake of balance.

I hope this was a sufficient answer.

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Hi Kon, If you want a more specific answer, I read a lot of non-fiction books that average about 300-400 pages.

Since you decided to ask my question in detail I think it's only fair that I answer you back. Where I live it's very wet but there's also lots of parks, trails and other amazing things. Since it rains so frequently, I can't pinpoint an exact number but let's just say 50% of the time. I probably should have mentioned this in nickname thread but I actually enjoy running and where I live I have to accept the risk of downpour(lots of times it is not so bad). I probably should have clarified this in my op if you have not battled me yet but first got the idea of using rain effects cause Pokemon like Ludicolo get double speed through an ability called swift swim. I also did not mention the swift swimmers because I like they're names and I want other guys to take advantage of the rain for the sake of balance.

I hope this was a sufficient answer.

I asked neither of those questions. This was the least sufficient answer you could have given me.

Know what? I'm done. You obviously aren't going to properly respond to any of my questions, so I'll just take my leave.

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