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The most jaw dropping I have ever done


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So im at work yesterday working in my deli chatting it up with my two co-workers and such. The courtesy clerks(the kids who bag ppls groceries and such) had to run a donation stand for prostate cancer relief. So they have to make announcements like every 20 mins about it. So arround 3 hours into my work shift I go like "Ok im going on break" and since I started watching code geass I whip out my Creative zen and crank the volume to max for the 2nd opening. Then one girl does the announcement except instead of saying PROSTATE cancer, she says, PROSTITUTE cancer. I turned the volume to mute to make sure I was hearing this right. I hear:

"Good evening shoppers, we are currently collecting donations for prostitute cancer. Prostitute cancer affects 1 in every six men, and is cureable. With your help, we can make a difference. Help stop prostitute cancer by putting in a donation at the-......what? Yeah prostitute cancer right? What? PROSTATE cancer!? Oh shit when Karen(the manager) gets here im so fucked!"


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You know, I kinda feel bad, but who the fuck is stupid enough to say prostitute cancer?

Still, that's kinda funny.


One time some friends of mine were talking about their religions and one guy said he was protestant and the other thought he meant prostitute.

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