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How was your first day of school


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Give details don't just say "IT SUCKED" Here's mine though I don't start till the 27th

School was boring. The only saving grace is that half of my entire friend base is in half my classes for the semester.

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It was boring. I was half asleep. I was scared that my football coach was going to make us work out. I don't have any of my friends in my history class and spanish class was full of Freshmen/Sophmores. Mostly boring though, a little lonely in history and spanish, and a little scared from football.

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It was boring. I was half asleep. I was scared that my football coach was going to make us work out. I don't have any of my friends in my history class and spanish class was full of Freshmen/Sophmores. Mostly boring though, a little lonely in history and spanish, and a little scared from football.

I used to hate my Sports teacher, that fat egg head. The funny thing was all the sports teachers were bald :lol: Even I used to fall asleep in my History lesson.

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I used to hate my Sports teacher, that fat egg head. The funny thing was all the sports teachers were bald :lol: Even I used to fall asleep in my History lesson.

Lulz, sports teachers. Coaches, you mean? Also, all my coaches are fat, it's just not right.

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easy time like always for one of the classes the other I hate now because of the teacher, he said he was nice but he's a jackass cause he gives out a lot of essays for HW and CW; it is true I just got my first assignment, write a 2 page report about yourself.

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easy time like always for one of the classes the other I hate now because of the teacher, he said he was nice but he's a jackass cause he gives out a lot of essays for HW and CW; it is true I just got my first assignment, write a 2 page report about yourself.

Teachers give out stupid assignments!!! :angry:

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It was the first day, meaning that the real boring stuff hasn't even begun yet. So... ok I guess compared to how the rest of the year is gonna be.

Edited by BACON
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thanks to my brother ALL my teachers knew i was a *enter last name here* so i would be smart but very talkitive so i couldnt sit next to some of my friends and my geometry teacher lteraly seperated me from the rest of the class, other than that it was fine

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It was ok. My professor's name for both bio and the lab is Kelli Elliott. Just smush the names together and you get "Kelliott", lawlz. It was kinda boring, though. Bio = ftl

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