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okay people who drink


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Liquid water or solid water?

They're both so delicious. It's the gaseous stuff I can't stand; it's just not very filling.

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Adding a little splash of water to scotch does something to it to make it better in some way.

That's what I've heard, but nobody ever seems to agree with me.

Not a huge scotch drinker so whatever floats your both. I'm more of a rum type.

nyeh nyeh nyeh

Liquid water or solid water?

Liquid snake

Cutting a scotch with water isn't too bad. If you're worried about the texture/burn, breathe in before you take a sip (or mouthful), and once it's in, breathe out your nose. The ethanol or whatever seems a lot less harsh this way, and all you really get is that nice after burn from putting poison in your body.

Next to that, if you're looking for ways to cut/mix a drink, you can always check out some nifty mixology sites, such as The Drunken Moogle.


Oh, I've tried doing that before. I just really like that rubby feeling I get in my chest after I take a shot.

2 lazy 2 mix

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and yet it takes more space than liquid or solid water

Actually, I'm pretty sure gaseous, vaporized water is more dense than liquid water, considering that Ice cubes are less dense.

And I like both scotch and water, but water better. Water is pretty much the best liquid ever invented. Well I guess it wasn't exactly invented.

Also don't people at the stoic club in Earthbound drink expensive water or something?

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