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Google+ needs to leave, forever.


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I don't understand what the fuss is all about. I like the changes, to be completely honest. G+ is a pretty great service, it's just that everyone rejects it for whatever reason.

My main issue with anything concerning this is that I can't have a Youtube handle coupled with my main G+ account anymore-- I don't want people in my circles to be able to see what videos I watch. I don't need to let everyone see that I watched Boyz N' the Hood last night or that I spent 2.5 hours browsing Nexus 5 videos. I don't want people to know what channels I'm subscribed to, or anything. Youtube is my personal place for my hobbies and interests, "me time," if you will. I know my friends won't give two shits, but still, I'd rather have the option to block them from that information. YT isn't mostly anonymous anymore. That's a change that I don't favor in the slightest.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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This new interface makes it extremely difficult to follow convos on youtube. They say X replied to Y, but when you click on the link, it sends you back at the main video. Who thought this was a good idea?

Actually, if you scroll down to the comments, the linked comment should be the first on the list(even though it won't be marked as such).

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I've been assuming the loss of anonymity is, at least, a pretty significant part of the fuss, supplemented by weird, unintuitive kinks having popped up in the commenting system.

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I've been assuming the loss of anonymity is, at least, a pretty significant part of the fuss, supplemented by weird, unintuitive kinks having popped up in the commenting system.

I've been able to keep my username just fine. During the switch it let me pick to either use my real name or continue with my YT username.

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I don't understand what the fuss is all about. I like the changes, to be completely honest. G+ is a pretty great service, it's just that everyone rejects it for whatever reason.

My main issue with anything concerning this is that I can't have a Youtube handle coupled with my main G+ account anymore-- I don't want people in my circles to be able to see what videos I watch. I don't need to let everyone see that I watched Boyz N' the Hood last night or that I spent 2.5 hours browsing Nexus 5 videos. I don't want people to know what channels I'm subscribed to, or anything. Youtube is my personal place for my hobbies and interests, "me time," if you will. I know my friends won't give two shits, but still, I'd rather have the option to block them from that information. YT isn't mostly anonymous anymore. That's a change that I don't favor in the slightest.

If i wanted a google + account I'd make one, separated from my youtube channel. I created a youtube account to just be in youtube. If I knew I would have to create another account just to use youtube to its full functionality now, i wouldn't have created an account.

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Can't even change my channel title anymore.

Also apparently I'm not allowed to comment on my video in reply to other people's comments on my video if their settings says "only certain people and/or circles can comment on their posts".

Google+, you are the very definition of crappy, forced implementation.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Can't even change my channel title anymore.

Also apparently I'm not allowed to comment on my video in reply to other people's comments on my video if their settings says "only certain people and/or circles can comment on their posts".

Google+, you are the very definition of crappy, forced implementation.

Isn't it great not being able to reply to a comment on YOUR OWN video?

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It's rocky right now, but it'll get better. Sort of how Google's been operating for as long as I can remember (Nexus devices, Google+, Gmail, Google Music, et cetera et cetera). The functionality will be there rather soon.

While that's all well and good, I didn't really see too many youtubers clammering to get Google+ integrated. I see very little positives coming from this, but that may just be my dislike of social media shining through.

The new comments do look aight, though... if people would stop posting dick pictures in ASCII and spamming.

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It's rocky right now, but it'll get better. Sort of how Google's been operating for as long as I can remember (Nexus devices, Google+, Gmail, Google Music, et cetera et cetera). The functionality will be there rather soon.

I dunno. It's starting to teeter over the event horizon, where it goes beyond functional use and into WHY DO I NOT HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER ANYTHING? YouTube has had its share of really great new features but it's been handled pretty bad over the last few years. I think a lot of people are looking to YouTube Feather (official lightweight version of YouTube with no comments anyway) to get around all the BS but it won't really be too helpful for the people who manage big channels.

In other "damn it Google" moments, my phone is syncing like all my Blogger pics and profile pics to my phone with no option to remove said old photos. I deleted them from my blog, I cleared my cache, I even went onto G+ and found my backup photos and nerfed them but they're still hanging around. There's no options to exclude certain folders as far as I could tell, or it's at least incredibly obtuse. I really don't want to see my garbage art from years ago that I totally failed at.

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( Sorry 4 caps lock. )

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The problem with the new Google Plus is that they just force it on us. I don't even want to go near Google Plus and the comments are filled with dick ascii and paragraphs from wikipedia. Did they think a character limit was bad or something? I don't understand you Google.

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It's rocky right now, but it'll get better. Sort of how Google's been operating for as long as I can remember (Nexus devices, Google+, Gmail, Google Music, et cetera et cetera). The functionality will be there rather soon.

Oh yes, it'll get much better. Like how it went from great pre-google to even better after they took over!


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Oh yes, it'll get much better. Like how it went from great pre-google to even better after they took over!


In my opinion, many things got better after Google acquired YouTube. In the tech industry, Google has made a lot of things better for the user/customer, but their roll-out is slow, rocky, and inefficient. It takes time, but I genuinely feel that they make better products/services than most competitors (Google Drive is pretty sweet now, Gmail is the best e-mail service, Nexus devices almost can't be beat [certainly not if price-point is considered], Google Fiber exists kind of, Google+ is awesome it's just that people already have Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and DeviantArt etc., Google Hangouts are much better than Skype clients and Facetime, the search engine itself is of the highest magnitude of sophistication and accuracy as far as search engines go [to my limited knowledge, anyway], the list goes on). It's a matter of being patient. Google's integration of YouTube and Google+ will end up being a great service, and they'll end up being able to make tons of money off of our information, which has been the strategy all along.

If people are complaining merely about functionality, patience is key. If people are complaining about anonymity (as I have, and as Rehab stated that most of us are), then yes, I do see the issue. I agree and my argument is that there's no way we can avoid it aside from ditching Google altogether (almost impossible).

The Nexus devices used to be a breath of fresh air from the heavy skins that other phone OEMs had, but with the Nexus 5 it is clear that Google is making their very own ecosystem for mobile devices. Google wants to bind us to their services, not just be a competitor (similar to Apple, just not as harshly).

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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In my opinion, many things got better after Google acquired YouTube. In the tech industry, Google has made a lot of things better for the user/customer, but their roll-out is slow, rocky, and inefficient. It takes time, but I genuinely feel that they make better products/services than most competitors (Google Drive is pretty sweet now, Gmail is the best e-mail service, Nexus devices almost can't be beat [certainly not if price-point is considered], Google Fiber exists kind of, Google+ is awesome it's just that people already have Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and DeviantArt etc., Google Hangouts are much better than Skype clients and Facetime, the search engine itself is of the highest magnitude of sophistication and accuracy as far as search engines go [to my limited knowledge, anyway], the list goes on). It's a matter of being patient. Google's integration of YouTube and Google+ will end up being a great service, and they'll end up being able to make tons of money off of our information, which has been the strategy all along.

If people are complaining merely about functionality, patience is key. If people are complaining about anonymity (as I have, and as Rehab stated that most of us are), then yes, I do see the issue. I agree and my argument is that there's no way we can avoid it aside from ditching Google altogether (almost impossible).

The Nexus devices used to be a breath of fresh air from the heavy skins that other phone OEMs had, but with the Nexus 5 it is clear that Google is making their very own ecosystem for mobile devices. Google wants to bind us to their services, not just be a competitor (similar to Apple, just not as harshly).

I cannot help but read your posts with the utmost reverence thanks to the combined effect of how well they are written, your avatar and your name.

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In my opinion, many things got better after Google acquired YouTube. In the tech industry, Google has made a lot of things better for the user/customer, but their roll-out is slow, rocky, and inefficient. It takes time, but I genuinely feel that they make better products/services than most competitors (Google Drive is pretty sweet now, Gmail is the best e-mail service, Nexus devices almost can't be beat [certainly not if price-point is considered], Google Fiber exists kind of, Google+ is awesome it's just that people already have Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and DeviantArt etc., Google Hangouts are much better than Skype clients and Facetime, the search engine itself is of the highest magnitude of sophistication and accuracy as far as search engines go [to my limited knowledge, anyway], the list goes on). It's a matter of being patient. Google's integration of YouTube and Google+ will end up being a great service, and they'll end up being able to make tons of money off of our information, which has been the strategy all along.

If people are complaining merely about functionality, patience is key. If people are complaining about anonymity (as I have, and as Rehab stated that most of us are), then yes, I do see the issue. I agree and my argument is that there's no way we can avoid it aside from ditching Google altogether (almost impossible).

The Nexus devices used to be a breath of fresh air from the heavy skins that other phone OEMs had, but with the Nexus 5 it is clear that Google is making their very own ecosystem for mobile devices. Google wants to bind us to their services, not just be a competitor (similar to Apple, just not as harshly).

Everything in here is opinion. I don't even like gmail, I just use it because my monetization company and youtube are tied to it (more now than ever before) and quite frankly I think it's boring and uninteresting. I don't use mobile hardware and if I did I'd be using a simple flip phone. I hate google chrome as it's like firefox but crappier. In fact the only thing I do like about google is their goddamn search engine, because it's the only thing I've ever used with them. Also their image search and google maps.

This forced integration though, just no.

Google's integration of YouTube and Google+ will end up being a great service, and they'll end up being able to make tons of money off of our information, which has been the strategy all along.

Whoo, wonderful. Imagine the people who used youtube explicitly for anonymity purposes and as a public forum and strictly avoided facebook. Now they've been forced to integrate with, yes you guessed right, a social engineering platform that is just as bad as facebook, privacy wise. Also the integration is sloppy and fucktastically bad.

By the way, I made a joke of it when they released the Youtube One channel design, but I actually liked the design, I only hated that they removed channel backgrounds. I don't like -anything- about this integration, unlike back then.

Edited by IM FAE OMG!!
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Klok, I like your voice. =x The thing with the inbox is really throwing me off. I have to google "Youtube inbox" to find it, or just memorize the url.

Speaking of the new changes, does anyone know why some videos have comment sections with replies clumped into chronological order, but in other videos, the replies are spread all over the place? I thought it was pretty convenient that they turned replies into mini threads, but I've only seen this with some videos.

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Speaking of the new changes, does anyone know why some videos have comment sections with replies clumped into chronological order, but in other videos, the replies are spread all over the place? I thought it was pretty convenient that they turned replies into mini threads, but I've only seen this with some videos.

It's because of the perfect implementation! /sarcasm

Klok, I like your voice.

D'aww <3
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