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so my edward keeps dying on me....


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Personally I like Mia, Zihark, and Stefan a lot better than Edward. And I've never tried Lucia but if she's good as Mia and her availability is the only thing that's sucky I might like her better than Edward.

Once I learned that Meg could be useful if you trained her the right way, for me Edward became obsolete. Even if he is a swordmaster which is my favoirte class. I just can't stand him. I dunno why, don't ask, I just can't.

I've never taken him all the way, but on my next runthrough I'm doing a theme of people I hate, and he'll be right up there on the final levels with Alondite or Vague Katti. Then I'm doing a swordmaster runthrough. (I've done the math, I'm taking the 5 swordmasters, Volke, Heather (Since they're pretty close to swordmasters) Elincia, Mist and an arbitrary Laguz king of my choice. Probably Naesala for the leanne support.)

Lol at Stefan being better than Edward in this game.

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Why? Where did you here that Meg would be useful? All I hear is "MEG SUCKS" 99 times then I hear a few people saying "MEG IS DECENT!!" Wow that actually allows you to use a unit at all times except the part before you recruit Heather in 2-1.

And the chapter with Geoffrey.

But yeah, I find Meg to be a decent alternate to Edward. Her growths are about as good as someone with Blossom IMO.

Lol at Stefan being better than Edward in this game.

Stefan rocks the house.

Edward just sits in the basement twiddling his thumbs and picking his nose.

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Yeah I hate it how Ed will almost ALWAYS still get hit by axes.

This to.

He can be a kickass unit in the end, but if he's a weakass shit in the beginning he's still a pain.

I mean, look at Mia. She starts out really good. Even better if you transferred data. At the very least, she's good enough that you don't have to worry about her if you leave her on her own for a turn.

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This to.

He can be a kickass unit in the end, but if he's a weakass shit in the beginning he's still a pain.

I mean, look at Mia. She starts out really good. Even better if you transferred data. At the very least, she's good enough that you don't have to worry about her if you leave her on her own for a turn.

Yeah. Ed is freaking flimsy as shit. And my lvl 14 Ed has ZERO res.

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My Edward always gets speed screwed.

And for a myrmidon, that's a WTF moment.

I think imma just bench him for Zihark for the dawn brigade. So i'll keep Zihark on their side.

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I think imma just bench him for Zihark for the dawn brigade. So i'll keep Zihark on their side.

I bench him for Meg. I always use Zihark. Whether I'm using Edward or not.

I always use Zihark, Jill, Aran.

Then I trade off with Nolan, Meg, Edward (not anymore cause I just use Meg.) Leo.

And I've used Laura once or twice, and Fiona once or twice.

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Laura ONCE or TWICE? I AlWAYS use her! I never use meg. I dont use nolan so much since I bench him for Ilyana. I bench/kill Leo for Vika. Though its annoying now since when I see Vika and Laura im like "I thought their names were Cymbeline and Desdemona......."

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Laura ONCE or TWICE? I AlWAYS use her! I never use meg. I dont use nolan so much since I bench him for Ilyana. I bench/kill Leo for Vika. Though its annoying now since when I see Vika and Laura im like "I thought their names were Cymbeline and Desdemona......."

Oh yeah. I forgot Illy. I use her all the time to.

I've never really used any of Tormod's little group. I want to use Vika and Maurim eventually though. They just have shit for availability.

And I'd use Laura more, but she takes so long to level up. Once she does though she's a speedy killer though.

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Someone is forgetting that part 1 is considered by some to be the hardest part of the game (not me, mind you). The point is, all of your unpromoted units will seem rather weak for a while, including Edward. Used right, he's a likely to be a star player in the DB.

Looking at Mia, she has a clear advantage in her position. An overpowered team against underpowered enemies. She'll obviously seem better at first.

I see it as Zihark>Mia>Edward>Lucia=Stefan. Edward had crap resistance but is still good other than that. The others will obviously appear to overshadow him.

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While all that is true Fox, Edward also get's gimped just because he's on Micaiah's team. He doesn't get too much screentime or oppurtunity to grow. At the very least, you have to sacrifice another unit's exp to level him up.

Mia being on Ike's team gives her that oppurunity to grow.

Zihark starts out promoted which gives him an advantage.

Stefan starts out at a fairly high level and with good stats (for me anyway because I used him in Por)

And Lucia gets bonus points for being in Por as well. If you used her she gets + points in certain stats. However her crappy availability makes her on even level with Edward IMO.

Here's my little ranking. (Taking personality and style into account as well.)


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While all that is true Fox, Edward also get's gimped just because he's on Micaiah's team. He doesn't get too much screentime or oppurtunity to grow. At the very least, you have to sacrifice another unit's exp to level him up.

Mia being on Ike's team gives her that oppurunity to grow.

That's pretty much repeating everything I said. And, like I've said elsewhere, it's not "sacrificing experience" if you had already planned to use him, which many people do. Even new players are very likely to use him a lot.

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I see it as Zihark>Mia>Edward>Lucia=Stefan.

It's great to see varying opinions in SM rankings, it's further proof that no characters in the game are truly bad.

Mine would be:


This may change after mu current playthrough.

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My look on the swordmasters:

Edward > Stefan/Mia >>> Zihark >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lucia

Edward turns out to be the best, but he's the hardest to level up, considering he takes hits often in part 1

Mia is slightly more fragile than Edward/Stefan with her inferior HP cap, but still dodges like crazy. By no means is she terrible. Lucia has sorry strength, and very limited availability.

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Why do people have a bad opinion about Stefan? Is it just cause he shows up so late?

That's all I can figure. Hell, he's like Renning or Giffca. He joins with the ability to wreck face and takes absolutely no time at all in order to be viable. Maybe that turns off a lot of people.

Also regardling Lucia, my first playthrough, she was my best Sword unit outside of Ike and Elincia. I didn't bother with Edward or Meg, I brought Zihark into Ike's party without realizing you'd get to use Dawn Brigade people again in Part 3, and Mia just never got used. She's honestly not a bad character. While the others might be better on paper, she's got supports with lots of units (park her next to Geoffrey and Elincia, who themselves aren't bad units, for a raw 15% crit bonus) and has Earth affinity meaning she'll probably dodge better than your other swordmasters when all is said and done. Also, her magic score is pimp, so give her a Spectre/Reaper/Daemon card for when you want to long-range things and the skill Imbue. She'll destroy shit. There really is no BAD character in this game (except maybe Fiona) if you really think about things.

Her availability (someone mentioned that earlier) really isn't that bad, either, considering she starts out pretty good (maybe not that good for a level 14 unit, but it's good nonetheless) and only needs 6 levels to go tier 3 on you.

Yeah, her strength sucks, but the cap for Trueblades sucks anyway. Good thing she caps speed, skill, resistance, and HP so early so that you can bonus experience whore up the rest of her stats, eh?

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Hey, people say personal experience doesn't count for much when debating characters, either, but that's pretty silly too.

But it doesn't, that's the thing. When debating how good a character is, you can't use the variables, you use the constants. The constants being average stats, base stats, join conditions, and supports (which is void in RD but whatever).

If you take that into consideration, Meg isn't good. If you take only averages into consideration, she is. If you take personal experiences, she's neither good nor bad, as everyone has gotten a different Meg at some point.

The only way to show a unit as good or bad is with CONSTANTS. Variables don't mean shit.

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I think I'm gonna skip my 'People I hate' runthrough, and go straight to my swordmaster/assassin runthrough. In which I will use/Review:

5 Swordmasters






And I think I'll take Naesala as my laguz king for the support with Leanne.

Mind you it's my opinion and review. So you don't really need to take it seriously.

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Too many variables exist to be able to say that only constants matter. And averages are not constant.

I don't like Stefan as much because when I got him once, my level 7 Mia beat him in every stat except skill, in which she was a single point behind.

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