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[Blizz] Heroes of the Storm

Vicious Sal

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  • 9 months later...

Necroing to kindle the discussion, and streaming it, maybe it's lagging, but idk, would need comment on that from you.

Edit: Wow, forgot the link. Whoop.



As it turns out, streaming lags me on this piece of crud pathetic excuse of my brother's pc.

Still waiting for my pc to ever appears in his forgetfulness lousy head so he actually bring it back.

He had it far longer than I ever did, and it's my pc. No excuses for him to stall the delivery.

Edited by Fateborn
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  • 3 weeks later...

Discuss… Best Cinematic so far in my opinion.

You know what killed me? My friends who certainly didnt play as many as me said these:

_Hey, that monster looks like Chogath.

_Oh, that girl looks like Caitlyn.

_Is that Kayle in the trailer.

_Oh, and she's fighting with her sister.

_Morderkaiser with a sword, cool!

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