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2 Animations for 2 different Weapons types (FE7)


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Honored and most distiguished guests. Noble gentlemen, fair ladies. Exanerated Administrators and exalted Moderators...

I come before thee, humbled, defeated and in desperate need of assistance, which I do so earnestly hope thou would grant me.

My question is not over-the-top, nor is it complex or overly cumbersome. Nay, I daresay the answer lies beneath my very nose, but I am not apt to see it.

2 Animations for a class that uses 2 different kinds of weapons. There are a number of class that function this way already. I refer specifically to the GBA Fire Emblem 7(, or as it is more commonly refered to at my home, "The one with Lyn"). The Warroir (Axe and Bow), Blade Lord Lyn (Sol Katti, Bow, Sword), Nomadic Trooper (Bow and Sword) are a few examples of 1 class having multiple battle animations depending on which weapon is in use. How do I bend this to my will? I want Lyn (unpromoted) to use Swords and Bows, but I don't know how to work it. Point me in the right direction. Show me the tutorial that talks about this. Lend me our aid, good people of the Forest!

I'm going through Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial and learning quite a lot. Everything is going fairly smooth. Just editing some palettes. Fun stuff. Cheerio, my friends, cheerio. I eagerly await your response.


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You must employ Nightmare to achieve such a feat my fine gentleman.

Nah but really

Open up your rom in nightmare, load up a module called the custom battle animation module

There you can set what animations get used for what weapon type. Fill those out the way you what it and note the pointer you're using. Then open up the class editor, find the class you want to have the new animations (I'm guessing Lyn lord in your case) and towards the bottom you should see something called a battle animation pointer. Change the value there to the pointer you got from the first module, apply, unload, save, and you should be good to go

It's in Blazer's UT somewhere but I don't know the chapter number off hand

Edited by The Booty Wawriah
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Thank you, kind sir! I had a bit of trouble, but I achieved my goal amidst great feats of awesome.

I wonder. What do these "0x8FFFxxx" Pointers point to (in the Custom Battle Animation Editor) before I edit them? Am I replacing anything? Is it free space? Am I thinking about it all wrong? Am I going mad? Is it I who am insane? At least everything is working. For now. Mwa ha ha ha

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