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All movie-based games suck.

Barney Calhoun

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...All these Star Wars games mentioned except... where's Republic Commando? That was an enjoyable romp through Geonosis/Kashyyk/suspiciously derelict Acclamator class battle cruiser. Pity it was so short.

On the other hand, even Star Wars isn't immune to cash cow milking. Clone Wars on the PS2... shudder. Abominable graphics, frame rate below 3 fps at times, yeah, that was poor.

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Noone liked the original Megami Tensei, also it was based off of a book.

butbutbut the old pc harry potter games :(

I loved those games.

Especially how my dad helped me pirate like two of them, hehehfamily.

I don't think I've really played many other movie games except the Spongebob one and Spider Man 2, both of which I found enjoyable but ultimately never ended up completing for one reason or the other.

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