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I hates it already. XD Im tired and I have classes with like 15 30 year olds.......its scary. That and I have a FIVE HOUR TIME GAP BETWEEN MY CLASSES! Yeah class ends at 9 am, and my other starts at 2 pm........WTF!?

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Well have fun with everyone else who post here

I have to log off now. Some old asian woman has been bugging me to use the computer.........yeah how fun.

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I hates it already. XD Im tired and I have classes with like 15 30 year olds.......its scary. That and I have a FIVE HOUR TIME GAP BETWEEN MY CLASSES! Yeah class ends at 9 am, and my other starts at 2 pm........WTF!?

I have a guy who I swear is a bum in my class. He's old, dressess like a hippie, has a beard and mustache, and smokes. I also have a deaf girl in my class...

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Weeeeellll Im home. Eugh. My ITE class is so weird. My teacher went from talking about computers to how theres no person who monitors the internet. He then said "Its because no one actually monitors the net that popups and porn shows up. Although the latter probably gets no complaints from some of the ppl in here. C'mon girls dont try to act cute even women look at and like porn!" I was like:

:blink: ......well at least he isnt boring.......

Then he said if you work in your garage that you'll be a billionaire. I have no garage though...... :(

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you don't even know how your first class was today so you can't have any complaints about that class yet and also at least you don't have class everyday and one of them is 5 hrs long

he's not in a university its just a community college

Edited by Kiba
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Don't you mean professor? You are in University after all <.<

I will never get into calling them a professor. Im too use to teacher. I mean i have been saying it for THIRTEEN years.........and it was my first day of college

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Well I was wonder where you were today MaSu

Tuesdays and Thursdays I have school from 8 am-5 pm.

But my brother gave me his laptop so I can go on serenes from 9-2pm in school.

Edited by MaSu
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Tuesdays and Thursdays I have school from 8 am-5 pm.

But my brother gave me his laptop so I can go on serenes from 9-2pm in school.

Well I might be able to get on from 9-10 certain days since I have audio engineering every day and sometimes we do nothing

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My school is giving me no challenge whatsoever. Having block scheduling and somehow winding up in all regular classes means likely a little to no stress year. :)

My brain is going to rot faster than watching this video:

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And sometimes they have days off while I'm still in school because the audio program runs on a different schedule since the course is one that comes from River Valley tech center in Springfield VT. I know for fact that we have three days without the class in the middle of October. So if I can I'll be on here or watching Vampire Knight if the second season comes out.

BTW you ever watch Vampire Knight

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Tuesdays and Thursdays I have school from 8 am-5 pm.

But my brother gave me his laptop so I can go on serenes from 9-2pm in school.

That's going to get rough if you're taking difficult classes. Not so much studying after Thursday, but your Wednesdays are going to be a pain.

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And sometimes they have days off while I'm still in school because the audio program runs on a different schedule since the course is one that comes from River Valley tech center in Springfield VT. I know for fact that we have three days without the class in the middle of October. So if I can I'll be on here or watching Vampire Knight if the second season comes out.

BTW you ever watch Vampire Knight

there's a fucking second season coming

when the fuck is it coming out!

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Sometime in October, that's what the company said

it better because I'm tired of reading the manga since it comes out every month or so

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it better because I'm tired of reading the manga since it comes out every month or so

Don't worry practically everywhere hints it and near middle september I'm going to look for around and see if it's come out yet

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My school is giving me no challenge whatsoever. Having block scheduling and somehow winding up in all regular classes means likely a little to no stress year. :)

My brain is going to rot faster than watching this video:

I thought I would never have to see that abomination again.

*goes to oppress memories*

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