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A simple Survey about Games.


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Greetings everyone, and thanks for letting me take a few minutes of your time.

Currently I am doing a College Survey about Gaming's Lasting Impression and which element of Game Design that causes these to be impactful.

The whole study is purely for fun and probably some nice information can be gathered from it, and it's a good rethinker for purely trying to remember your games that you feel either nostalgic for, or any modern game that made a heavy impact onto you, making that or any other game unforgetful for you.

If this is against the rules in General Forums, then sadly I do not know where I can put this, any data that I can gather is pivotal as it's a subjective study with mostly focused on what other people believe caused this reaction to them.

If this does break rules, then you may delete this thread. Otherwise, thank you for your time and I appreciate the effort.

/Ozzyan K

The Survey: http://fluidsurveys.com/surveys/vordox/gaming-lasting-impressions/

Thank you.

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If you don't mind, I had exploration as a genre priority. The game I chose was Pokemon, which is turn-based combat, but I felt the most important parts of the game for me were the exploration parts.

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I picked Final Fantasy Tactics, foremost being Character Progression (I especially liked that of Delita's), second being customization (do I really have to say why), and third being the linear story (which had some downtime where it wasn't really as interesting, which is why it's last).

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I chose Riviera: The Promised Land. For the priorities, the emotional music was priority 1, the turn-based combat was priority 2, and the intro and ending cutscenes were priority 3. The moment I picked was the final chapter, The Maze of Shadows.

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