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The War For Our Future: Chat Thread

HK Motendra

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With the two groups back to the Feroxi port Dan nearly went psychotic seeing Kat. Attacking her, she nearly killed her, but was eventually pulled back and sulked off, not before telling Kat however, that he loved her and that Ishtar was the only person in the world who understood him. Feeling guilty and miserable about this, she went off to her room. Klotho lost all the trust she had in Dan, and so had Cassandra, although the latter soon regained this trust when Dan went to her room and apologised, giving her a flower as he did

Problems here - Dan's a guy. Tried to kill Kat's baby, not her, though he did attack her. Was startled into stopping by Kat mentioning that her baby would be his family, but was 'subdued' by Klotho shooting an arrow into his head. Cassandra had been there trying to stop both Dan and Klotho, suffering a mental breakdown in the process. Klotho gave Dan the flowers to apologize to Cassndra over. Then Klotho told everyone, to inform everyone of the threat. All hell broke loose

Once Dusk found out about these events, he wanted Dan dead. Breaking into Dan's room, he, along with some of the other Dreamers, soon gave chase after Dan made his way out of the window and into the nearby forest. Being shot at with arrows from Dusk and Klotho the former wanted him dead, but the latter wanted him alive, since that's what Kat would've wanted... She even went as far as taking an arrow intended for Dan. Realising what he was doing, Dusk secluded himself from everybody else via secret room in a boat. He stayed the entire night there

Back in the forest, Sorin (one of the Dreamers who also gave chase) ran after Dan. Phoibus interjected at this point, fed up with the Dreamers fighting with each other all the time. Knocking Dan out, he quickly left. Disappointed with himself, Sorin dragged Dan back to the port and strapped him into a chair, ready for interrogation

Problems - not so much a problem as forgetting the boss fight, and the fact that Dan used the demon to escape after nearly getting caught by the others (particularly Sorin). Also it wasn't all that quick, nor did he knock Dan out exactly. People fought boss!Dan (with Klotho and Silvia taking some pretty serious wounds) before Phoibus showed up, more to help deal with the ruckus… and make sure that Dan would be taken ALIVE. Dan attacked Phoibus, and did some damage. There was more fighting after this, courtesy of Jxemas iirc, and Klotho tackled Dan to the ground so that Phoibus could use the trap. He then left, carrying Klotho back to the Dreamers for shipping, I mean, to tend to her wounds, since she couldn't stand. That last sentence was right, though.

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*Doesn't have a Skype...* Cuz he too pimpin for one. *...Has no friends...*

It's kinda crazy at the moment, so maybe that's a good thing? ^^;

Okay, there's a Phoibus-Klotho thing up. It's been edited into my last post, as no one posted after me.

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It's kinda crazy at the moment, so maybe that's a good thing? ^^;

Okay, there's a Phoibus-Klotho thing up. It's been edited into my last post, as no one posted after me.

I still don't ship those two.

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I still don't ship those two.

Aw… well, sorry Sorin, but they're being shipped. Unless you've an alternative that I agree with?

Edited by Kat
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Aw… well, sorry Sorin, but they're being shipped. Unless you've an alternative that I agree with?

Eh, not off the top of my head.

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