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The War For Our Future: Chat Thread

HK Motendra

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Okay, we're going to make a broad announcement. Right here, right now.

If you do not clearly state your plans ahead of time, then you cannot complain/yell when someone messes up your plan. You may, politely and calmly, request that the person change their post and explain why. But you cannot yell. We have had too many arguments based on things like this. We don't know each other in real life and no one is a mind reader.

If you want to be subtle, fine. But, again, you can't yell at anyone for messing it up if that's the case.

Got it, everyone?

Got it.

And this is one of these days..


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I've already taken two tylenol… *sigh* And Dan? The best thing would be to not yell. If we can keep that rule of thumb, then I think we're all okay. Yes, it sucks to have a plan disrupted, but yelling doesn't solve anything. It makes it worse in most cases.

I said I'm done and that if you need me, PM me.

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This. We will help you also.

You can ask them to share.

Oh really? Thank you! I didn't know we can share!

Yeah! we're all friend here most of the time.

The final boss in awakening was on grima's back...


I certainly help we're all friends here

Okay, we're going to make a broad announcement. Right here, right now.

If you do not clearly state your plans ahead of time, then you cannot complain/yell when someone messes up your plan. You may, politely and calmly, request that the person change their post and explain why. But you cannot yell. We have had too many arguments based on things like this. We don't know each other in real life and no one is a mind reader.

If you want to be subtle, fine. But, again, you can't yell at anyone for messing it up if that's the case.

Got it, everyone?

I got it. I hope everything's okay.

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Alright. Kat's basically caught me up, and I gotta say, I'm fucking disgusted by the lot of it, and thus I have an announcement.

If you guys have plans involving me in the near future, then tough nuts. I'm taking an indefinite break from this. "Indefinite" possibly - and, if this keeps up, likely - being "may as well kill me off".

I'd apologize, but I doubt it'll help.

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I said I'm done and that if you need me, PM me.

If you want to leave over one mistake, then fine. We'll figure out something to explain your character's abrupt disappearance. If you don't and want someone to coax you back, then fuck off. If you actually want to stay and you just think that everyone's mad, then PM Ace an apology and try not to make the same mistake.

And now we've lost the shipping king. This is… just fantastic…

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Well, if you people can sort this out soon, I'll come back then. Otherwise, I'm off.

Shadow, I'm also dropping out of your RP too for an indefinite period.

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Well, if you people can sort this out soon, I'll come back then. Otherwise, I'm off.

Shadow, I'm also dropping out of your RP too for an indefinite period.

We're working on that now.

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If my leaving shoots this whole thing to shit, then obviously we have other issues to address amongst this group.

I'm fed up with the pointless fighting and sheer stupidity and uncalled-for OOC drama... and sometimes, people being responsible for all three.

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If you want to leave over one mistake, then fine. We'll figure out something to explain your character's abrupt disappearance. If you don't and want someone to coax you back, then fuck off. If you actually want to stay and you just think that everyone's mad, then PM Ace an apology and try not to make the same mistake.

And now we've lost the shipping king. This is… just fantastic…

I'm sorry I really just need a moment to myself at this time, so expect me not to show up in the thread for a while. So again, if I am needed, please PM. Otherwise, I'm working on an apology, and Poly and Kat, I'm sorry to you as well.

If you guys want me gone, very well. I would just appreciate some time to think.

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Ultimatum time.

I coincidentally have a headache, and need to go for a walk. If this shit's still going on when I come back, then I'm gone for good and you guys can do whatever the hell you want. Otherwise, I'll come back and we can move on from this pointlessness.

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I'm sorry I really just need a moment to myself at this time, so expect me not to show up in the thread for a while. So again, if I am needed, please PM. Otherwise, I'm working on an apology, and Poly and Kat, I'm sorry to you as well.

If you guys want me gone, very well. I would just appreciate some time to think.

Of course we don't want you gone. Please send that apology to Ace though as soon as

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If my leaving shoots this whole thing to shit, then obviously we have other issues to address amongst this group.

I'm fed up with the pointless fighting and sheer stupidity and uncalled-for OOC drama... and sometimes, people being responsible for all three.

It's not. I PMed you my concerns on the matter, but it's not.

We are working on it. We're all fed up with it, but some of us are going to stay and try to work things through. I would greatly appreciate the help, since we three admins are feeling way over our heads at the moment.

....What the hell did I come back to?

Drama, again. I can PM you if you'd like.

I'm sorry I really just need a moment to myself at this time, so expect me not to show up in the thread for a while. So again, if I am needed, please PM. Otherwise, I'm working on an apology, and Poly and Kat, I'm sorry to you as well.

If you guys want me gone, very well. I would just appreciate some time to think.


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It's not. I PMed you my concerns on the matter, but it's not.

We are working on it. We're all fed up with it, but some of us are going to stay and try to work things through. I would greatly appreciate the help, since we three admins are feeling way over our heads at the moment.

Drama, again. I can PM you if you'd like.

Dusk PM'd me everything

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Thank you.

HK? Is there a way to add that the request should be done via PM or something? Just in case someone's definition of 'polite and calmly' is different than another's and it accidentally triggers a round of arguing?

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