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The War For Our Future: Chat Thread

HK Motendra

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I'm sorry Dusk, your character looks like a girl

It's okay, though. Chicks dig that in Fire Emblem.


If you saw my character in Shadow's RP though... *shudders*

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[spoiler=While he sleeps - Kat] He always falls asleep first. After night of laughing and teasing and kissing, he always seems to tire first. She's not sure if it's because she just exhausts him or if it's because he's also the first to rise. But she doesn't mind. It gives her a chance to play. Little things, really. Water drawings on his cheek, tiny braids in his hair. Things that amuse her by night, but are easy to 'erase' so that it doesn't haunt the day.

Tiny things that help her remember, so that when he dies, she can keep as much of his true self alive in her memory as possible.

The way his hair falls 'just-so', the curve of his cheek. The way his brow furrows as a nightmares starts to creep in, only to smooth away as she hums a silly song under her breath. The fact that he refuses to let go of her, even while asleep.

The fact that one night, he won't be thereā€¦ it makes it hard for her to breath and makes her heart keen so horribly, she half wishes to just run as far and fast as possible, just to escape the pain. But then he smiles, laughs, teases, kissesā€¦ and she tells herself that it'll be worth it. Beyond worth it. To have the memory of this wonderful man forever, and know that of all the women he could've had, he chose herā€¦ broken-shattered, horribly scarred HERā€¦ that would be worth the pain. The pain of one day being separated and never, ever reuniting. The pain of watching the world forget he ever even existed...

She tells herself this, and most days she believes it. But, when he sleeps and she's alone in her thoughts, she's not so certain if what she tells herself is truthā€¦ or a horrible, deluding lie.

[spoiler=Dusk - Obligation]Every morning he'd open his eyes a tad and if she was there, lying next to him, he'd always softly tug her ever so closer to him. He could never act the way he want around her when the others were nearby, the teasing would be unbearable. He hated the teasing, and yet, at the same time, loved it too. If anything, it only proved how much he loved the woman that, every morning and night, he'd embrace; the woman he wanted to spend his every waking moment with. Their nights were always filled with petty antics in the bedroom, be it dancing or... 'dancing'... Well, not the latter any more, of course. He missed that quite a bit. He didn't lust for it or crave it or anything, but he took whatever little opportunity he could get that satisfied the more... animalistic side of him. If she was there and sleeping every time he woke up, he'd always do a similar routine, which ultimately ends with a tender bite to her neck; something that she has, on occasion, reacted to with a quiet giggle

He was happy that he was making the most important person in his life happy, because he knew he wouldn't be able to do it forever. Eventually, he would no longer physically be part of this word any more, and that worried him. He didn't know how she'd cope without him by her side. I mean, obviously, she wouldn't go crazy or anything, but the thought still scared him. He also knew that, eventually, she'd have to dig a grave for their baby as well; something that no parent should ever have to experience. He wanted to make her happy for as long as he could, and yet, in the back of his mind, he felt like he didn't just want to, but had to as well. At the end of the day, compared to the fragment of time, he hasn't been in this world for very long; the same world that withstood the Scouring, the beorc-laguz struggle. Compared to all that, he was nothing. Time wouldn't remember him... Only his friends and family would. All of these thoughts scared him, yet two people survived through it all... And one of those was right here. She hasn't felt true happiness for a long time, and because of that, the need overthrew the want. He had to make this little moment in her timeless life matter... He had to

....Dammit you two! I hereby nomminate KatxDusk as WFOF's UTP

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....Dammit you two! I hereby nomminate KatxDusk as WFOF's UTP

Oh my. Thanks

I don't like it because Dusk missed a full-stop at the end.

I read those, they were great!

*shakes fist*


Edited by DodgeDusk
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....Dammit you two! I hereby nomminate KatxDusk as WFOF's UTP

Yay! thank you!

Surprised no one's reacted toā€¦ well, Phoibus having supports.

Just sent off Nathaniel and Breezy's C support to Kat. The amount of elipses...! ;_;

I've gotten it, but might be a little bit before it gets up.

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I request supports with Phoibus. *raises hand*

Also, will Phoibus have to join the Dreamers to get supports? He doesn't really talk to many people other than Dusk and Kat.

I'm going to be proven wrong, aren't I?

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I request supports with Phoibus. *raises hand*

Also, will Phoibus have to join the Dreamers to get supports? He doesn't really talk to many people other than Dusk and Kat.

I'm going to be proven wrong, aren't I?

Adding. (Ace, I'm going to add him to Alicia to give her more supports. ā€¦Also, because I just got the mental image of him going, "Oh, don't worry. Just an apology kiss for driving people like you crazy. Habit, really. I gave them to your mother too.")

Andā€¦ no. Anon gave a suggestion for how the supports could go up so that he has supports and keeps his role in the story a page or two back.

Edited by Kat
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*pokes head inside* what i miss?

also i got to leave in an hour for a haircut appointment but ill be back

Phoibus and Klotho are S support partners (meaning that I'll be hiding behind Ace as soon as Poly gets online) and Phoibus has supports.

Also, Nathaniel and Breezy's C support is up.

Edited by Kat
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Adding. (Ace, I'm going to add him to Alicia to give her more supports. ā€¦Also, because I just got the mental image of him going, "Oh, don't worry. Just an apology kiss for driving people like you crazy. Habit, really. I gave them to your mother too.")

Andā€¦ no. Anon gave a suggestion for how the supports could go up so that he has supports and keeps his role in the story a page or two back.


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Phoibus and Klotho are S support partners (meaning that I'll be hiding behind Ace as soon as Poly gets online) and Phoibus has supports.

Also, Nathaniel and Breezy's C support is up.

wait, platonic or romantic S support?

either way, yeah Poly is gonna have words...oh dear...

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...You're on your own, I'm not facing his wrath. Nope.

Yeah, yeah. I just killed likeā€¦ two or three of his pairings...

Oh, Dan, do you want Phoibus and Dan to support?

I will.

Yay! Super-Ace to the rescue!

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