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I'm considering an 'underused' run


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I am contemplating an underused run... the team will consist of a 10-12 unit team.

I will be using


Anna (because she is awesome and I just want to)

The other 10, I would like you to recommend, as I'm not too sure who is underused compared to others (still fairly new to FE:A)

3. Kellam

4. Ricken

5. Virion

6. Chereche (as troub/War cleric)

7. Say'ri

8. Nowi

9. Henry

10. Maiden!Lucina

11. Maribelle

12. Olivia

Please suggest any characters you consider to be underused... this includes children, although most children are used for DLC play.

Edited by Itadakimasu
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Donnel is underused? SERIOUSLY? I used him for all my play throughs and only dropped him when I was going for optimization...

Well, almost everyone here on SF agree that he is one of the worst units in awakening. But if you have used him a lot, and don't want to use him anymore, ok.

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Well, almost everyone here on SF agree that he is one of the worst units in awakening. But if you have used him a lot, and don't want to use him anymore, ok.

Well then I must be one of the luckiest people alive, cuz my Donnel always ends up maxing stats before he hits 10/20/20... usually at 10/20/10....

Say'ri, in even though she joins fairly late, and I guess I can use Nowi, probably reclass her though :P

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I can only go by the characters I never use: Gaius, Nowi, Sully.


Troubadour Cherche?

If you get lucky with your growths, this creates an AMAZING War Cleric Cherche.

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Greg replaced with Chereche... So, Can anyone else say yay or nay to Donnel? I don't think he is that bad/underused, but if he is I will use him...

Edit: I have taken out donnel because I have used him so often... Any other recommendations? If not I'll work with Freddy...

Edited by Itadakimasu
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