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New idea:a weakling run


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How it works:

-Classic mode only, level at Hard or above

-In each map, after you can start choosing who to take, you choose only the characters with the lowest ratings (since the rating is all their stats added together).

-If you have to take a certain character that does not follow these rules, he or she must stay out of range and not participate in the fight, nor can you pair them up. If the character that you need to take can heal, they may not do so. They can only be moved if needed to stay out of enemy range.

-If possible, every available slot must have a character

-Pairing up is allowed, as long as none of the characters in the pair up break the rules

-Playing paralogues is allowed, but are subject to the same rules

-You can buy and sell weapons to your hearts content, but forging is not allowed

-If someone falls in battle, they stay dead.

-No bonus items, DLC, or grinding is allowed

-If there is someone to save, you must make an effort to save them. You can not use them as pawns, a distraction, or anything of that nature.

-If characters join you in a chapter, they may be used (even if they break the rules) until the end of the chapter.

-No taking items in or out of storage mid-battle unless forced.

-All characters must have a useable weapon/tome/stone/staff equipped when checking ratings, and you must take that weapon into battle.

Any questions/suggestions/problems?

Edited by jdb1984
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How would you define lowest rating?Is it like the for example 8 units,you choose the 8 units with the lowest rating,or is it the 8 units,with a low rating set amount,any body who falls in that can be used,like 80 rating,anybody with under 80 let's say 9 units,I can choose between the 9 under the lowest rating amount?

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Go to the stat screen for any character, and hit the square that says "Full" to turn it off. Now, instead of breaking down every individual stat, it adds them all together to have a "Rating" stat. That rating is what you use to determine which ones you take.

Just use the ones that have the lowest number, regardless of weapons or what they do.

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Go to the stat screen for any character, and hit the square that says "Full" to turn it off. Now, instead of breaking down every individual stat, it adds them all together to have a "Rating" stat. That rating is what you use to determine which ones you take.

Just use the ones that have the lowest number, regardless of weapons or what they do.

I was aware of the ratings XP

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Why no forging?

Does "no bonus items" include items purchased from SpotPass/StreetPass teams, or just free renown/bonus box stuff?

Does DLC mean all wireless features, or just no Outrealm Gate?

I'm pretty sure the game's unit rating doesn't take into account HP. Keep that in mind. Similarely, it does take into account stat boosts, so if you remove Nowi/Panne's stones their rating drops a ton.

Anyway, have fun once the promoted enemies start appearing.

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Why no forging?

Does "no bonus items" include items purchased from SpotPass/StreetPass teams, or just free renown/bonus box stuff?

Does DLC mean all wireless features, or just no Outrealm Gate?

I'm pretty sure the game's unit rating doesn't take into account HP. Keep that in mind. Similarely, it does take into account stat boosts, so if you remove Nowi/Panne's stones their rating drops a ton.

Anyway, have fun once the promoted enemies start appearing.

-No foraging is because it has the possibility to make a game-breaking weapon that you can keep handing off as you are forced to switch

-No streetpass, spotpass, renown, or bonus box

-No wireless stuff whatsoever.

-Thanks for the info. I'll add another rule that says you can not take things in or out of storage mid battle unless forced.

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Without Armsthrift, said game-breaking weapon is going to last all of two chapters. Even if it lasted the whole game (Hammerne from Anna shops), you'd still need characters with low enough levels to deploy that have the required weapon rank and access to use it. Assuming you managed to bypass all that, +5mt isn't even that game-breaking...

Unless you put it on something like a Micaiah's Pyre or Hector's Axe, which you can still get through the Barracks and Event tiles (not to mention Superior Weapons).

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New rule:

-All characters must have a useable weapon/tome/stone/staff equipped when checking ratings, and you must take that weapon into battle.

This was made because someone pointed out that simply unequipping a stone from a Tangul/Manakete takes off the bonuses and lowers the rating. Since they can only use the stones, this will prevent that loophole.

Also, I would be interested in the experience of someone who tries this.

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I think someone on GameFAQs tried it a while ago on Hard and quit once the promoted enemies came out in force.

What was said on GameFAQs was "Have fun when the promoted enemies show up". No mention of having tried the run.

Enough variation, and proper timing of Paralogues, and [send Donnel Back to the bloody farm] and it should be doable on hard. Lunatic(+)? lolno.

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