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The Official Pairings


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Personally, one of the biggest reasons I can't do Chrom x Olivia is because they meet at the end of Chapter 10, the chapter right before where Chrom gets MARRIED. I find it unrealistic for two people to fall in love that fast. I just can't...see it happening. If he met Olivia earlier, maybe, but this bugs me for some reason. Plus this fits perfectly:


this thread is lulz

I agree. I think most pairings aren't canon, it's based on people's opinions

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A support that never happens. It was even "corrected" in the English version.

You can have your own headcanon for what happens, but Chrom and Olivia is shafted in the development department equal to the generic village girl.


You know, I'm REALLY getting tired of you constantly picking on me. Just because you disagree doesn't mean you have to go lashing out at me and calling my opinions bullshit. And my headcanon has absolutely nothing to do with this. I ship Chrom x Olivia, but it's not like I'm saying it's canon or anything. But I have a few things to say to other parts of your post, so...

Have you even read the other supports for Olivia?

No, but I've read Chrom's. And from what I see, the girl goes after him in all of them, generally, except for Olivia (Sumia's crush is obvious, Maribelle develops a thing first and might also have already had a crush beforehand, Sully proposes instead of Chrom doing so, and as for the female Avatar, Chrom doesn't actively express romantic interest until the S support) . In which Chrom goes after her throughout the whole thing. Therefore, Olivia may be the one he takes the most interest in according to the support.

It's like no other males do that in her supports or something. Subjective.

Read above.

So where's the suspension of disbelief other than Liz/Lissa's one statement?

You apparently missed the part where I said love doesn't always have to happen very slowly. I've met a happily married couple that got engaged only a month or two after they met.

She interacts with him in ONE SCENE. ONE FREAKING SCENE that can be interpreted as a general introduction for her.

She also obviously interacts with him more off screen. And she can interact with him on event tile conversations. What do you think the characters do between battles and the scenes we see? Curl up in corners all by themselves and stay quiet?

No one is pushing Chrom x Olivia, other than you with your headcanon.lol.




Let's contrast it to these screenshots. It's OBJECTIVELY obvious that the game is pushing it on you.

Um, I'm aware? I never argued that Chrom x Sumia wasn't pushed. Or even isn't the most pushed.

And before anyone makes a statement that I'm biased because she's my "waifu". Yes, I am biased.

This makes your whole post moot, imo. Bias can really cloud people's minds.

But I'm calling you out on your BS saying that "Chrom x Olivia" is pushed on the player though "slightly" when all you're saying are freaking subjective statements on your OWN damn headcanon. Since you can't say that "Chrom x Olivia" is up there because even you can't deny Chrom x Sumia is the one being the most shoved in your face, you settle for second saying that "Chrom x Olivia" is *ALSO* hinted at by the game, qualifying your statements.

No, it doesn't.

This is why I'm fucking tired of you giving me shit. I don't appreciate my opinions being called bullshit. I put Chrom x Olivia second because I feel it makes more sense than his other options other than Chrom x Sumia. In fact, this is a reason I like it. If you don't agree with me simply because YOUR headcanon puts the male Avatar with Olivia, that's your problem. It doesn't give you a right to bash me.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm drawn to shipping threads like a moth to flames. GET IT?!

As much as I dislike Chrom/Sumia, it's probably the only official pairing for Awakening. Even with the very probable FeMU/Licht on the table.

And I don't think Rey was attacking you, Ana. 8U He was breaking down your claim that Chrom/Olivia is "slightly pushed", when it really isn't. We can't make up random off-screen interactions to say they talked to each other sometimes. It may or may not have happened, but with no certainty, it can't be used as an example.

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And I don't think Rey was attacking you, Ana. 8U

If I was attacking her, I would have said a lot more mean things.

Like "finish the damn game instead of just caring about pairings pairings pairings".

No, but I've read Chrom's. And from what I see, the girl goes after him in all of them, generally, except for Olivia (Sumia's crush is obvious, Maribelle develops a thing first and might also have already had a crush beforehand, Sully proposes instead of Chrom doing so, and as for the female Avatar, Chrom doesn't actively express romantic interest until the S support) . In which Chrom goes after her throughout the whole thing. Therefore, Olivia may be the one he takes the most interest in according to the support.

You are being SUBJECTIVE. There is no pushing for Chrom x Olivia. Every single one of your statements depends on interpretation. *YOUR* interpretation. Interactions which you ASSUME happen in the background. The game pushing a pairing, by definition, is something you see without the need for digging up every single freaking support conversation.

Chrom x Sumia is in your face.

Chrom x Olivia gets one GENERIC interaction. You have to decide beforehand they're going to be together. The fact that they never support before they marry and you don't get to SEE that ever, unless you go on the support log, makes your statmeent of the game "pushing it" completely invalid. You have to freaking dig around for it.

And as for MU x Olivia, I have not... even once, mentioned anything other than the theater. The theater which even FeMU talks about. I have not said anything about the S support. It has all been generic statements. Like MU being a serious father for Azure/Inigo.

HELL, Frederick makes sense for that as well. But you didn't think about that, did you? Because you always marry Freddy bear.

The fact that you even SAID that you've never read Olivia's other supports, and ONLY Chrom's with her... and you saying "it makes the most sense" makes said statement laughable at best.

"One who has only seen an insignificant lake, cannot appreciate the beauty of the vast ocean."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Like "finish the damn game instead of just caring about pairings pairings pairings".

I'm also sick of this. I'll finish the damn game WHEN I FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT.

And whether or not you meant to attack me, I still felt offended and am tired of you calling me out on every single thing. You disagree, fine, you don't have to voice it over and over in a stupidly harsh manner. It's as bad as me bringing up Frederick too much, which I've hopefully quit doing.

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I'm also sick of this. I'll finish the damn game WHEN I FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT.

The fact of the matter is, this is why I can call you out on your statements.

Your qualifications of talking about something, especially when you HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN OLIVIA'S OTHER SUPPORTS breaks the most basic rule of logic.

It is called "making informed decisions", deary.

Saying something is the best when you can't even make a legitimate comparison. Totally.

And if you want the sugarcoated version, go read Sangyul's post.

I don't think Chrom/Olivia is pushed by the game at all. Yes, I like it and I think it's cute, but it's not exactly "pushed". I agree that Inigo seems to resemble Chrom (especially in the bow knight class), but not everyone will agree on this point so this is an opinion and not a fact.

Inigo's father support actually makes sense with Frederick and MU as his father too. Frederick, a true knight, would wonder why his son, the son of a knight, is the way he is and why Inigo cannot be driven the way his lady is. In MU's case, Lucina is the daughter of his best friend, and MU is rather serious. He would see Lucina as Chrom's daughter who has his best traits and why isn't his "shame to famiry" son taking matters more seriously? Henry never mentions Lucina in his father support with Inigo. Not once.

Chrom pursuing Olivia instead of the other way around means nothing either. First of all, why is the guy pursuing the girl and not the other way around indicative of the game "pushing" the pairing in your eyes? Also, all of Chrom's other female supports aside from feMU knew him before the beginning of the game. Olivia is ridiculously shy. If Chrom didn't approach her first, this support would not exist.

You are free to believe that Chrom/Olivia makes the most sense. You are free to accept it as your headcanon. But it is not objectively pushed by the game. Not really.

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I never said Olivia couldn't make sense for other men. I'm saying that I find she makes the most sense for Chrom behind Sumia. Not that Chrom is the only reasonable husband for her. That is all. I won't discuss this further, in prevention of a big unnecessary dramafest.

Oh, also, for the record, I've seen Olivia's supports with Lon'qu, Vaike, and Male Avatar. So Chrom x Olivia isn't the ONLY one I've seen.

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And you are free to state that opinion. But being "pushed by the game" doesn't involve reading support conversations, especially a set that you don't even see in the game.

Being "pushed" involves:

A) Playing through the game normally.

B) Extra content not being taken into account, i.e. support conversations.

C) ESPECIALLY not support conversations you never even see without beating the game first, which you haven't done.

How many times do I have to say that?

Which is why I was calling you out. Your ONE statement.

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While I don't think ChromxOlivia is pushed (Olivia is a secondary character like Cordelia or Panne), I'm really disappointed it doesn't give you any special reward. I mean, it's one of the hardest marriages in the game, gameplay wise (especially to a newcomer who has no idea they can marry when reaching Olivia's introduction chapter), and the results are a Lucina and an Inigo that would be perfectly fine with other parents. That's, like, pointless IMO. I'd rather give Chrom to Sumia (as much as I don't like her) and not bother with Olivia (since I don't really use her anyway). It opens Sully, Maribelle, Olivia (ladies I prefer over Sumia) to marry other characters I like, too.

Considering how bad Chrom is with ladies, I'd agree he's more likely to marry someone he just met over his fellow Shepherd comrades, though. Surprisingly, Rey underestimates the mesmerizing power of Olivia's dances. xD

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While I don't think ChromxOlivia is pushed (Olivia is a secondary character like Cordelia or Panne), I'm really disappointed it doesn't give you any special reward. I mean, it's one of the hardest marriages in the game, gameplay wise (especially to a newcomer who has no idea they can marry when reaching Olivia's introduction chapter), and the results are a Lucina and an Inigo that would be perfectly fine with other parents. That's, like, pointless IMO. I'd rather give Chrom to Sumia (as much as I don't like her) and not bother with Olivia (since I don't really use her anyway). It opens Sully, Maribelle, Olivia (ladies I prefer over Sumia) to marry other characters I like, too.

Considering how bad Chrom is with ladies, I'd agree he's more likely to marry someone he just met over his fellow Shepherd comrades, though. Surprisingly, Rey underestimates the mesmerizing power of Olivia's dances. xD

My point exactly. If you're gonna say "something is pushed" by the game, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to get it. Especially digging around in a support conversation that you don't get to see.

She was justifying her statement with opinions, not facts.

Yes, I sound like a broken record. But I also will not apologize in any shape or form. I did not attack her personally, all I was "attacking" was her credibility with the statement of the pairing getting "pushed by the game".

Well, a friend of mine also married Olivia, and he told me, "Wouldn't you marry a hot half-naked chick who danced?".

As a maiden at heart I detest that statement.

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I've already said this a long time ago, but I think every pairing is canon. We've already dealt with multiple timelines, so it makes sense if IS makes a sequel and says "we chose this one timeline here, but it is not the only official one".

Devs are justified, money is made and fans are somewhat appeased. Seems simple enough to me.

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Can we like

just make these types of threads a bannable offense?

I'd like that.

Also Chrom x Olivia is in no fucking way even close to pushed at all.

No. . .but I can close it before I'm tempted to warn half you guys for derailing it badly.

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