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MAtt5TER Method No DLC Apotheosis, using Male MU.

Airship Canon

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I would've put this with my other topic, but the strategy, while similar is different, and tuned for Limit Breaker. [And the announcement that this can be done is kinda old].

But yes, +MAG/-DEF MaMU x Maribelle!Lucina = Sweep that's no less effective than Ricken!Laurent![+MAG/-DEF]Morgan x Maribelle!Lucina.

Thus the power of V/V Sage + the critical value + 100% Dual Strike.

Build Used if you couldn't see:
MaMU: MAG+2, SKL+2, Tomefaire, Vengeance, Vantage [sage]

Lucina: MAG+2, SKL+2, Tomefaire, Dual Strike+, Galeforce [sage]

Chrom: SKL+2, Hit+20, Bowfaire, Dual Strike+, Charm [sniper]

Maribelle: MAG+2, Tomefaire, Dual Support+[lol], Focus[lol], Galeforce [sage. Boots were used, but w/e, they were actually unnecessary.]

Rally Bot: Spectrum, Magic, Skill, Luck, Movement [Logboots]

Staffbot Valk: Move+1, Hex, Anathema, Tomefaire, Acrobat [Logboots]

Staffbot FK(x2): Move+1, Hex, Anathema, Filler, MAG+2 [Logboots]

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For the Falco filler, you could give them Lancefaire and have them hold a Shockstick for +5 mag.

If I had Shocksticks I would've done that.

In the end I've should've done 2x Valkyries, 1x Falco.

The FK's just needed to be over water. The Valkies have the same movement control that the FKs do with that Acrobat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice, but what difficulty is this? Not saying it would be easy, but doing it on Normal/Casual or something isn't a massive accomplishment. I know Apotheosis is the same across all difficulties and that no DLC makes it a lot harder, but Normal and Hard modes are just too easy (especially Normal). Lunatic mode Apotheosis no-DLC would be friggin insane though. I'd totally love to see someone do Apotheosis on Lunatic+ without DLC, solo, with no children (only Chrom)... Yeah, probably impossible. Still, congrats. It'd take me a long time to do Apotheosis without DLC, working on my Lunatic/Classic run and planning on attempting Apotheosis later on. With a ton of DLC though :)

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More time-consuming does not mean harder. When it comes down to Apoth, Normal and Lunatic+ are the same for all intents in purposes. It just takes more grinding to get the stats you need.

Clearing Apoth with only Chrom isn't happening. [Not reliably anyways, if it can be done at all.]

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