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FE8 - Sea of Corruption


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If you need icons, I have my gallery in the sprite section. Advertising for the win.

Why not show your maps off? You might need critic on those.

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Right. Thanks for informing me on that problem. I'll fix those icons immediately.

Was the main issue the purple on some of the icons, or are they all completely wrong? I went over them with your colour chart, and the colours seemed to be the same aside from the purple.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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I think the purple was the only thing(I think I saw pink as well), but the colors have to be exactly those 16.

There definitely wasn't any pink. I've removed the purple (replaced it with the blue), and all the others colours are correct.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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Oh, if you could see the behind-the-scenes.

Oh trust me, ask any of the majors on the Serenes' hacking board and I'm sure they'd be delighted to fill you in.

I was stuck behind-the-scenes of my own project, and boy, when I say that we had it all figured out, I really mean we did, and it wasn't just poor splices from a fresh beginner, but actually had pretty good quality spread amongst all fronts of graphical and written assets.

But at the end, barely anything actually came about from that, there was maybe a few chapters that got made, but beyond that there was nothing.

So forgive me if I don't exactly become any enthused by hearing you've got plans...

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Portraits and story are being done right now, if I can read into things well enough. Sorry about the release date statement...THERE IS NO RELEASE DATE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Edited by Ninian
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Portraits and story are being done right now. I'm no good with release dates or anything, but I'm giving a rough estimate of...late second or third quarter release.

Don't put a release date on this. I don't believe in release dates, they cause disasters like Sonic '06. I'm going to take my sweet, precious time to make sure that this project doesn't suck, so the game will be done when it's done, mmkay?

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Portraits and story are being done right now. I'm no good with release dates or anything, but I'm giving a rough estimate of...late second or third quarter release.

Umm what are you talking about? There is no way for you to even think about "estimating" a release date as you don't even really know about "behind the scenes" progress or anything. So, please stop, mkay?


Above was harsh, but I was pissed.

In regards to this project not working out, it may not, but I know I am pretty committed to seeing this through and I am guessing that Hero feels the same way.

So far, I've done about 1/2 of the mugshots of important characters (mostly splices of 3-4 characters but they'll do for now.)

Edited by Siegmund
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Will Tana and Amelia be married?

How many planned chapters?

How much is already inserted/how much experience does whoever the hacker is have in hacking?

Will you be importing FE8's songs into the hack?

Here are some sprites:

Daniel: attachicon.gifDaniel as a northern noble.png

IIRC, Sain has a different head angle then others, so you need to account for that in he splice.

Lemuel: attachicon.gifLemuel.png

Felix: attachicon.giffelix-2.png

they need foreheads

Sorry if something was already asked or mentioned.

Anyways gl with this; it looks interesting.

Edited by BlueWyvern4
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Will Tana and Amelia be married?

How many planned chapters?

How much is already inserted/how much experience does whoever the hacker is have in hacking?

Will you be importing FE8's songs into the hack?

Sorry if something was already asked or mentioned.

Anyways gl with this; it looks interesting.


There's going to be around 28-30 chapters. We're dealing with the story in two halves, Act 1 goes to Chapter 15.

Nothing is inserted, and I don't have a lot of experience with hacking, but I'm learning, and getting the hang of it pretty quickly. I'm mostly working on maps, sprites and planning out the events before I get into actual hacking, just so I know exactly how I want everything to play out to make my job easier.

I'm considering importing FE8 tracks. I'll probably do it, this is meant to be an FE8 sequel, after all.

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I figure I'll give everyone an update on my part. I've finished making concept portraits for all the playable characters, except for 2, in Act 1. I'm moving on to villains and important NPCs. After that I will start prepping the portraits for insertion.

On a side note, I may request help with creating sprites for older versions of FE8 characters (such as L'Arachel, Gerik, and more); however, for now I'm going to keep playing around with it and see what I can come up with (as some, like Ephraim, could be made using splices). If anyone has any advice for that task I would appreciate it.

Two more sprites for ya:





oh and thanks BlueWyvern, I've fixed the foreheads for those guys.

Edited by Siegmund
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This is getting real interesting, but...

You do know that making a good game that's 28-30 chapters is a lot of work? Also, why don't you guys split up the work? One person could do anything art related, while the other does hacking and writing. Trying to learn hacking while doing maps at the exact same time could halt any progress on getting the events done.

Also, why don't you just finish the portraits now? Nothing is stopping you from finishing them :/

EDIT: Why Carcino as the bad guys? They probably don't have a big army, if at all.

Edited by PixelmanFE
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