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What happens if avatar is male? (SPOILER)


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How exactly did Chrom marry your Avatar? Was it an S Support or was it auto forced? If it was the latter, its because you had the highest support with him instead of his other suitors (Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, and Olivia). And no, it is not possible for Chrom to marry Male Avatar, or any same sex pairing in the game.

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Chrom Marrying the Avatar is the odd case, not the other way around. It changes the dialogue a bit in a few places (notably an event in a few chapters time, and the moment of marriage after chapter 11) but otherwise the game stays essentially the same.

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Chrom Marrying the Avatar is the odd case, not the other way around. It changes the dialogue a bit in a few places (notably an event in a few chapters time, and the moment of marriage after chapter 11) but otherwise the game stays essentially the same.

I was surprised to see how 'loyal' Chrom is to the avatar in the runs where the avatar wasn't married to him. The line 'We swore to be to halves of a greater whole' made plenty of sense when they're a couple. Seeing Chrom married to Sumia spout this line to a MaMU or a FeMU who's not married to him seems pretty weird.

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I was surprised to see how 'loyal' Chrom is to the avatar in the runs where the avatar wasn't married to him. The line 'We swore to be to halves of a greater whole' made plenty of sense when they're a couple. Seeing Chrom married to Sumia spout this line to a MaMU or a FeMU who's not married to him seems pretty weird.

I don't think it's weird. I have Kent use a similar line in my FE7 fanfic about him and Sain (and I didn't even know about that line in Awakening at the time when I wrote that chapter), and they're not lovers or anything. Sain's married to Fiora, in fact. It just shows what good friends and a great team the two have become, that's all.

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I was surprised to see how 'loyal' Chrom is to the avatar in the runs where the avatar wasn't married to him. The line 'We swore to be to halves of a greater whole' made plenty of sense when they're a couple. Seeing Chrom married to Sumia spout this line to a MaMU or a FeMU who's not married to him seems pretty weird.

You can generally say that's just Chrom being "stupid" as seen by his decisions concerning being the Exalt (Only "King" in the English version) from Chapter 12 on always prioritizes MU's life over a freaking entire country.

Please don't start the whole "that dialogue makes FeMU x Chrom more legitimate".

I can start nitpicking at the holes in the pairing as well.

Like say... how Lucina doesn't say "mother" when MU was down in the Final Chapter scene before you got control on the map?

I mean come on... that's the moment it would matter the most? "Don't give up!"


If my mother was about to be absorbed by supreme darkness of the big bad dragon that is about to destroy the world... that would be the time to be distant?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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You can generally say that's just Chrom being "stupid" as seen by his decisions concerning being the Exalt (Only "King" in the English version) from Chapter 12 on always prioritizes MU's life over a freaking entire country.

Please don't start the whole "that dialogue makes FeMU x Chrom more legitimate".

I can start nitpicking at the holes in the pairing as well.

Like say... how Lucina doesn't say "mother" when MU was down in the Final Chapter scene before you got control on the map?

I mean come on... that's the moment it would matter the most?

This, pretty much. The avatar is female only half of the time, and she is only married to Chrom a small fraction of the time as well. If the whole "two halves of a greater whole" thing was really supposed to be marriage talk, I think that they would've made it a "special" dialogue you could only get with Chrom as your spouse instead of having them ALWAYS say it.


Missed soc's edit the first time around. And I agree with him on his edit. I always found it weird that Lucina will call the avatar milady or sir. ALWAYS. Regardless of whether he's her husband or she's her mother. For every piece of dialogue in the game that suggests Chrom and feMU is "pushed", there is another piece of dialogue or evidence that suggests it's not. I don't think the game pushes for any spouse for MU, since MU doesn't even have a set gender.

Edited by Sangyul
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You can generally say that's just Chrom being "stupid" as seen by his decisions concerning being the Exalt (Only "King" in the English version) from Chapter 12 on always prioritizes MU's life over a freaking entire country.

Please don't start the whole "that dialogue makes FeMU x Chrom more legitimate".

I can start nitpicking at the holes in the pairing as well.

Like say... how Lucina doesn't say "mother" when MU was down in the Final Chapter scene before you got control on the map?

I mean come on... that's the moment it would matter the most? "Don't give up!"


If my mother was about to be absorbed by supreme darkness of the big bad dragon that is about to destroy the world... that would be the time to be distant?

I know that you(SoC) had to deal with a lot of extremely rabid Chrom fangirls that are ready to threaten someone with death if they don't agree with them, but I'm not one of those. I'm just a guy that happened to pick a FeMU my first time through the game and found the FeMUxChrom family badass gameplay wise and cute support wise.

I'm not saying the pairing is pushed. The only pairing this game pushes actively is ChromxSumia.

The only thing I meant to say with my post was that my first time through the game I didn't notice anything weird in the dialogue, but that when I played the game again after that, I found it peculiar how certain line were unchanged. The writing just seems to make Chrom really devoted to the avatar(I just personally associate the 2 half of whole thing to a romantic couple more than to two friends usually.)

So, my comment was just on how somewhat wacky the writing is and that it could lead you to believe that there are some changes in it depending on support option(the 2 half of a whole line is primarily mentioned in the chapter 21 scene which changes according to whom the avatar is paired. I know that the whole dialog is just like that and his independent most of the time from your choices. I didn't mean to imply that it meant anything toward a cannon couple.

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The only thing I meant to say with my post was that my first time through the game I didn't notice anything weird in the dialogue, but that when I played the game again after that, I found it peculiar how certain line were unchanged. The writing just seems to make Chrom really devoted to the avatar(I just personally associate the 2 half of whole thing to a romantic couple more than to two friends usually.)

So, my comment was just on how somewhat wacky the writing is and that it could lead you to believe that there are some changes in it depending on support option(the 2 half of a whole line is primarily mentioned in the chapter 21 scene which changes according to whom the avatar is paired. I know that the whole dialog is just like that and his independent most of the time from your choices. I didn't mean to imply that it meant anything toward a cannon couple.

Meanwhile, I'm in the opposite boat. I'm a girl who picked maMU the first time through the game and I heard that line first when Chrom and MU were both male, never mind being married. Some people associate a saying like "two halves of a whole" with couples, but this isn't exclusively "couple talk" and can be said to very close friends as well.

Chrom is dedicated to the avatar, whether the avatar is male, female, or of whatever relation to him. It's his personality, and I don't find it particularly fair to say that Chrom's dialogue with MU is more meaningful when they're married or something like that when he says the exact same thing to any avatar.

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Meanwhile, I'm in the opposite boat. I'm a girl who picked maMU the first time through the game and I heard that line first when Chrom and MU were both male, never mind being married. Some people associate a saying like "two halves of a whole" with couples, but this isn't exclusively "couple talk" and can be said to very close friends as well.

Chrom is dedicated to the avatar, whether the avatar is male, female, or of whatever relation to him. It's his personality, and I don't find it particularly fair to say that Chrom's dialogue with MU is more meaningful when they're married or something like that when he says the exact same thing to any avatar.

I am not saying that the line is not meaningful when there is no pairing. All I meant to say was that I initially thought that more lines where changed by the pairing you choose than there are in reality. I wasn't trying to offend anyone and know that the line can just as easily be used with non-romantic couples, but that for me it's usually a romantic line and thus I thought it was unique the ChromxMu pairing. Subsequent playthrough showed that the dev, just wanted to show that Chrom cared for the avatar no matter what you chose. Not that Chrom is destined to marry the avatar.

My initial comment was more to say that I can understand how the OP can be confused on the subject since I had some moment of slight confusion when I myself did subsequent playthrough of the game after doing my first the same she did.

Edited by LuxSpes
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I personally chalk those inconsistencies (ie the 2 halves thing and the bland 'Sir' or 'Milady") to lazy script writing. It wouldn't be the first time that its apparent, IMO. I don't claim to know what the original Japanese script said, but while I agree that the two halves of the same whole could also be used between two close friends, in my experience it just isn't used in that context very often; it would've made more sense to me to have worded it somewhat different, since I'm not sure I'd refer to my own best friend that I've been with through thick and thin in that manner. Not saying someone else wouldn't find it normal, but clearly to some people it wasn't.

In any case, no one here is implying that the dialogue is pushing ChromxFeMU or implying that Chrom can't have as deep of a partnership with a MaMU or FeMU who isn't married to him. I don't believe there is or should be a canon couple between any characters, and that goes double for MU relationships.

And while I understand that many Chrom x FeMU fans have been terrible and overbearing to others, please don't lump them all into the same category; we're not all out to rabidly force people to accept it as something canon, and though I've let it fly over my head most of the time, it really is upsetting to me that people like me who respectfully enjoy this pair without bothering others can't seem to escape the overarching label.....I'm sorry, those are just my personal thoughts on the matter and I don't mean to offend anyone either....

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I personally chalk those inconsistencies (ie the 2 halves thing and the bland 'Sir' or 'Milady") to lazy script writing. It wouldn't be the first time that its apparent, IMO. I don't claim to know what the original Japanese script said, but while I agree that the two halves of the same whole could also be used between two close friends, in my experience it just isn't used in that context very often; it would've made more sense to me to have worded it somewhat different, since I'm not sure I'd refer to my own best friend that I've been with through thick and thin in that manner. Not saying someone else wouldn't find it normal, but clearly to some people it wasn't.

In any case, no one here is implying that the dialogue is pushing ChromxFeMU or implying that Chrom can't have as deep of a partnership with a MaMU or FeMU who isn't married to him. I don't believe there is or should be a canon couple between any characters, and that goes double for MU relationships.

And while I understand that many Chrom x FeMU fans have been terrible and overbearing to others, please don't lump them all into the same category; we're not all out to rabidly force people to accept it as something canon, and though I've let it fly over my head most of the time, it really is upsetting to me that people like me who respectfully enjoy this pair without bothering others can't seem to escape the overarching label.....I'm sorry, those are just my personal thoughts on the matter and I don't mean to offend anyone either....

I honestly chalk it up more to translations/localizing/etc.

Because the two halves thing probably comes off a lot less gay/having an affair-y in the original japanese and was either translated oddly or that concept doesn't come off as weird over there if the people in question aren't a couple. (this is your cue ray)

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Because the two halves thing probably comes off a lot less gay/having an affair-y in the original japanese and was either translated oddly or that concept doesn't come off as weird over there if the people in question aren't a couple. (this is your cue ray)

It's just as cheesy and has that "romantic" implication it sounds like in English.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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