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Fire Mumblem Spin-Off Project - Project Shoe Shine [First Release!]


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Second Release



Currently existing chapters:

01: Archerville - Archer-heavy map that... isn't very well designed, mainly because it was crafted in a single day.

02: Berserker Hills - If you ever hated fighting wyverns and berserkers, I just want you to know that I've created your personal hell.

I finally got past Fire Mumblem's first beta release threshold, which means I've paved the way for the other members of the project to start making chapter contributions.

Having done so much work on the project (Maps, Events, Writing, ASM, even some portraits, etc.), it's a relief knowing that a lot of the pressure has been taken off of me. However, I still feel a craving to level design and keep my skills refined. That's where this project comes in.

This project's going to be minimalistic on dialogue and focus mainly on gameplay, and perhaps utilize some experimental gameplay ideas. I'll also most likely let the player play the chapters in any order they please, though, I might scale the enemies/difficulty based on how many chapters have been completed so far.

Feel free to toss out level design suggestions as I go along.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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make a level with a puzzle element to it (like a crossover of Zelda and FE lol)

make a level where units start with the wrong equipment and you have to trade between units to get them to have the right equipment or something

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make a level with a puzzle element to it (like a crossover of Zelda and FE lol)

make a level where units start with the wrong equipment and you have to trade between units to get them to have the right equipment or something

wat r u doin fe is just kill da boss+seize the throne

no but seriously this would be nice to see

other ideas uh

idk, tilechange stuff, changing tides, magic walls, i have no idea

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I finished my next chapter for this hack, but it's too damn hard. So I'm gonna nerf it.

Anyone badass enough to take on the unnerfed version? Mayhaps a little LP for my entertainment~? *troll face*

.................... ooookay fine send it to me and I'll see what I can do.

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only if I can cheat once it gets impossible lol

Be my guest.

.................... ooookay fine send it to me and I'll see what I can do.

Of course.

Here's the patch for those of you daring enough to give it a shot. I'm going to give everyone a pre-emptive and say that due to the randomized nature of auto leveling for ally units, you might find this heavily luck based and impossible in some playthroughs, and fairly doable in others.

Here's the patch.

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