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Fire Emblem Randomizer Tool - IDEAS TOPIC


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Oh, what happens if one get a soldier character?

I got Soldier Wil. :|

(But I got myrmidon lyn lol, what's the difference?)

He can't promote :<

EDIT: It would be neat to be able to patch in a halberdier class... *wink wink* NUDGE NUDGE

EDIT2 : Also got Nightmare 2 to work, and I can randomize everything. Thanks all :P (too lazy to do it right now but I will soon)

Edited by MP2E
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The method that Eph uses is a assembler file. Cam's can actually patch since it's python.

The pros and cons of each are,

Camtech Pros:


-Can randomize virtually everything with enough coding

-Better language (Python is superior)

-Easier extension support

-Edits the rom directly

-Can apply new things directly, like new animations and etc


-Will edit the rom directly, so it's slower to patch

-The more you add, the slower it goes

-A lot more work to actually make it

Eph Pros:

-Really fast

-Really lightweight

-Great for just a quick run where you wanna swap some classes around


-Currently doesn't do much more than the above

-You have to import the fixes with the Event Assembler

-Doesn't patch the game directly, so it can't add new assets without applying another external patch

I'll probably prefer Cam's just because it's more in depth, but also because I'm actually working on a good chunk of it.

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Well. Well. Well. I found something I-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g.

Look at this.


A wyvern rider, a knight, and two soldiers. And Hector!Raven


Hey look, it's not Lucius Wyvern rider, instead... he's a god damn soldier.

Are the Unrecruitable NPCs supposed to be classchange-able?

Now look at this.



Geeh I think I didn't get a Hector too.



I did.

Rather interesting situation.


Also, what the hell is this palette for Lyn?

Heath-like hair, nonsacae clothing color.

Edited by Fateborn
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mine's not actually that much slower since it's a relatively trivial amount of data

i also don't intend to include autopatching support so we'll probably include a fix patch with the release

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Wow #HYPE! :P Looking forward to leafing through the Python code as well.

don't expect anything super impressive because i'm a high school student who does this as a hobby but i'm hoping that it's at least functional
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Fateborn. There have been repeated, reasonable requests by the Topic Creator. You will abide by them. I am sorely considering forking off your derailment into a separate thread (I'm mostly hesitating because I'm not 100% sure whether some of your feedback is actually topical). Hacking Concepts is not just a spam forum where you can do as you like without consequence.

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So I've finished the reclass three times now, and these are the things I've noticed.

All three runs, Renault was a bishop, but without his fortify staff

Vaida's weapon levels do not match the weapons she is given

Lucius always has a Light tomb in his inventory when you recruit him in "Whereabouts Unknown"

Hawkeye was a Wyvern Lord, but only had a Mani Katti - he was fine on other runs

Units with custom animation glitch the arena if they have weapons not for their animation (Lucius, Raven, etc.)

- This goes for the Dragon and Nergal as well

Hector and Dorcas are almost always the same class

Serra's resistance is often --, which may go straight to 20 or simply correct itself

Erk's defense is often --, which also may go straight to 20 or simply correct itself

One of the runs, Guy was a nomad with a steel bow instead of a killer bow

Pent and Louise are hideously overpowered in their reclasses

Karla does not appear if Bartre is a class besides Warrior - probably not fixable

Marcus is almost always the promotion of Eliwood's class

There is no quota or minimum for one class, leading to things such as 6 nomads and no healers.

I am well aware many of these things most likely can not be fixed through the Randomizer you are designing, but I thought I might as well post them so in case they could be you have a clear list of some issues.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, Hector's reclass should always be given an armor slaying weaon - heavy spear, wolf biel, armorslayer, etc, because otherwise the first chapter in his mode is nearly unbeatable.

Edited by kurthnaga
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That's useful to know, I'll include all of those in Cam's fix patch.

Karla does not appear if Bartre is a class besides Warrior - probably not fixable

It might be, I'll have to scour the events for that chapter. Did he ever reclass to warrior and she appeared correctly?

There is no quota or minimum for one class, leading to things such as 6 nomads and no healers.

Yeah, I've noticed this too. Ideally we'd want one of every class first, then duplicates afterwards.

Lucius always has a Light tomb in his inventory when you recruit him in "Whereabouts Unknown"

I have noticed this, and curiously I could not find the event that gives the lightning tome. Odd. Edited by Klok
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I also noticed that Bartre and Eliwood often have the same class too.

And, you should also moves Fiora's appearance on a future randomizer, because if she isn't a flier she crash the game.

I also already mentioned the problem with female's class lack of proper promotion (Only +1 Con, for Knights and Nomad notably. Lyn as a Female Knight is hilariously bad).

Not sure if it is fixable, but if not giving them the male class may be the best solution.

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I'm fairly certain Fiora has been fixed in the most recent release, because I haven't had any problems with her even when she was like a soldier or whatever.

If I remember back when I used to read the story because I didn't have it memorized, one of the green soldiers says "Hey Lucius I got you a light tomb" and then gives it to Lucius. It's turn 5 I think, or something close to that.

Bartre has never reclassed to warrior, or if he did I didn't use him (honestly I don't like him at all, I dunno why I used him the first time). I will try and get you an answer for that.

I don't know if duplicates after you have every class is the best way to go, since in the game there are definitely more abundant classes than others - such as one shaman for the entire game.


Started the Bartre thing, he was reclassed to warrior on my third attempt. I noticed Sage Marcus has a C in anima and a D in staff, instead of his typical A in lance and whatever in sword. Wouldn't it be more fitting to give him a Fimbulvetr with an A in anima?

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Bartre has never reclassed to warrior, or if he did I didn't use him (honestly I don't like him at all, I dunno why I used him the first time). I will try and get you an answer for that.

That's why then.

He has to be level 5 warrior on vanille to be able to meet Karla.

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I managed to get Ephraim's tool to work in Linux, works on OS X too. Don't bother with wine, use Mono with the Mono-Basic package. It will run the Event Assembler too.

With that said, I have no idea how you all are getting past the first level on Hector Hard Mode. I've generated 8 roms and I have not been able to even get to Wire. My friend tried 10 different random scenarios until Hector was a Nomad, and then he got to Wire... Aaaand both matthew and hector couldn't do ANY damage to him and he would have had to gain 5 levels, all with Str stat gains, to get hector to be able to do even one damage.

Yeah... I think I'm going to hold off until the python tools release. :P While a neat idea, this seems to be horribly broken. No rush, just make it playable please x.x

EDIT : I realize I could have not randomized hector, but where's the fun in that?

Edited by MP2E
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it's ok

with the python randomizer you'll have the wonderful chance to get screwed not only by class randomizations but also by the randomized weapons getting screwed!

have fun!

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it's ok

with the python randomizer you'll have the wonderful chance to get screwed not only by class randomizations but also by the randomized weapons getting screwed!

have fun!

I was actually a bit disappointed that Ephraim's *didn't* tbh. I wanted a shot at a ballista-sword or something equally crazy :D

Are you using all of the current playable classes and "shuffling" those along with actual weapon hitrates/values/effects? I feel like that would work better than "true randomness".

Though either way would work with some sort of underlying tiering system in place.

... I imagine with some tuning, quite a few versions and some careful thinking there could be an *almost* fully procedurally generated FE game :D How amazing would it be to be able to generate a randomized ROM, according to a few switches?

A fan can dream :P There may be some huge limitation I'm missing...

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At the moment I'm using "true" randomization, but it actually wouldn't be too hard to just shuffle things (well, it would take me a bit to algorithm it out but ~oh well~)

i don't really have time to iron that out for a 0.1 release, though (0.1 will be just weapons+classes)

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At the moment I'm using "true" randomization, but it actually wouldn't be too hard to just shuffle things (well, it would take me a bit to algorithm it out but ~oh well~)

i don't really have time to iron that out for a 0.1 release, though (0.1 will be just weapons+classes)

Sounds like I'll just have to man up then :P Thanks for the hard work.

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Just wondering, even though its probably already been asked... how does the promotion of lords work?? In the file I started today I already have a total of 4 lords and I'm only on chapter 14...

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