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Apotheosis SR 3 units video


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Brave Lance Great Lord Chrom: Dual Strike+, Dual Guard+, All Stats +2, Hit Rate +20, Limit Breaker.

This Chrom is intended to be the perfect support unit. All his skills assist him in supporting the Avatar in her rampage. Hit Rate +20 is so that he doesn't miss on those damn Berserkers, which is troubling. You can use Brave Swords instead of Brave Lances to deal with them in 1 round. He even allows access to the Convoy. Aggressor isn't really necessary in order to kill the Sniper or Anna, so I use Hit Rate +20 instead. Great Lord Chrom is necessary without Barracks boosting to get the Avatar to 75 speed with bonuses, which is definitely crucial in order to double Anna and the 70 speed Sniper.

Celica's Gale Sorcerer +Speed Avatar: Sol, Aegis, Pavise, Galeforce, Limit Breaker.

This Avatar is designed in order to be as bulky as possible. Galeforce, on the other hand, is necessary to do the first 2 turns and access the Secret Route. She has the Boots.

Boots Falcon Knight Katarina: Rally Magic, Rally Strength, Rally Heart, Rally Spectrum, Rally Speed

Standard Rallybot Katarina here, who I recruited from the Avatar Logbook, and she's the best in the game along with Palla; she was chosen because of Rally Strength. She also supports my Avatar, Ruri, with the Rescue staff all the time during the whole map, especially for the last 2 phases. She occasionally heals Ruri with Catharsis.


Phase 1: Chrom pairs up with Ruri. Ruri kills one of the War Clerics, activates Galeforce, and Katarina Rescues her from where she is. Ruri positions herself so that she can face all the Generals during the enemy phase. She generally fails to kill the strongest General, but that's fine, because you can kill him on the next player phase instead (when Anna says 2 turns, she means 2 player phases and 1 enemy phase, not 2 player phases and 2 enemy phases, that bitch). On turn 2, Katarina Rescues Ruri again and you kill the War Cleric with her.

Secret Phase 1: Simple, nothing to explain here really. No Rallies necessary to kill any of the enemies here, though Catharsis supports makes this more reliable.

Secret Phase 2: This is a little tricky and luck reliant because of the damn annoying archers. The idea is to get a Rally boost and get close enough to kill the toughest Sniper on turn 1, and hope you don't die there, but I didn't do this. I instead lured all the enemies while Rally supporting Ruri and managed to get lucky eventually. I would have really appreciated Bowbreaker here, but then again, the Sniper has absurdly high skill.

Secret Phase 3: This phase is trivial. Get a rally boost and lure the enemies. Can be cleared in 2 turns.

Secret Phase 4: This phase is a little tougher, but I managed to just barely clear it on the final turn. I'm sure with some optimal strategies I can trim that a lot. I cleared the initial wave of enemies with Rallied Ruri. Unfortunately you fail to one round the Berserker on the throne, so you have to deal with him last due to the Sages who heal him. Once you go into the 1-2 range of the Mire users, they choose to attack with other tomes, so that's no problem. The Sages are no problem due to the Sol + Aegis combination as well.

Secret Phase 5: By far the hardest phase. I had Ruri and Chrom kill Anna after getting Rallied up, then I had them move on the throne while Chrom had a Brave Sword equipped. I haven't been able to test this more reliable strategy yet, but you should be able to 1 round the Berserkers from the throne without Aggressor if you have a Brave Sword equipped. You can't miss at all though, so some RNG manipulation may be needed. After dealing with them on turn 1, this is where Katarina's Rescue comes in super handy. You have to take 2 turns to deal with the Archer with Rallies, the first half of the Sorcerers with Rallies, and the second half of the Sorcerers without Rallies (hopefully killing one so you can kill the other two on the seventh turn player phase). This is just barely possible.

Edited by Chiki
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Sure, I'll watch. I'm fine with RNG manipulation, but keep in mind that if it's on the table sooner or later someone will come along and manipulate enough Dual Guards to clear it with two characters...

RNG manipulation in Awakening is really really hard, especially considering the fact that there's no emulators and we can't hack the game to get knowledge on manipulating the RNG.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I updated the first post with strategies. And I'll make a video sometime this week.

Btw, this proves that 3 units is the minimum possible, since the Rescue staff is essential.

Also, here's something else Vantage + Vengeance can't deal with.. Counter. I just got owned by it.

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The last 2 waves seem impossible too, because you can't do them without Rescue staff support.

I'm trying to do the map with Vantage + Vengeance + Axebreaker with Valkyrie Ruri and Dread Fighter Chrom instead, though it doesn't seem to be working.

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Don't forget that you can reclass mid-battle. You might try either different classes for wave 0 and the rest of the map, or waves 0-3 and 4-5. Use something bulky when you have time to mess around and stall, and something with high Mov (Dark Knight has good defences, Magic, and 8 Mov) for times with turn limits. This might be sort of extreme, but if you're playing on Normal/Hard you can even lure the last enemy from waves 1-3 onto a fort, break their weapon(s) with Elixirs, and then smack them over and over and over again for exp to grind through a ton of classes and change your skills mid-battle.

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I have a capture card and could record it if you can give me a more specific description of what to do on each round. It could take a while because I'm fairly busy and would need to set up a new file for it, but I could get it done eventually.

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