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Tiles in-game


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Hi there everyone, I was just wondering whether these tiles are displayed properly in game, or are their colours all messed up like on the tileset?


Does the blue-ish/pink water cascade tile show like that in-game? Because I'm considering using it for one of the maps I'm making. Also does the orange on those blue tiles disappear too?

Thanks in advance!

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No, unfortunately the palette is as-is on the tilesets. If you like, you can use another palette for the tileset which doesn't have a messed up fountain, but yes, as far as that one goes, the palette is messed up. Same for those blue tiles. The reason for this is that certain palettes are shared across tiles. Apparently another tile had to have some sort of pink in it, and it had to share the same palette as the fountain, so the fountain was compromised. Nothing to stop you from finding the palette yourself and editing it manually, though :):. Just be wary of the fact that changing that colour may have a previously unforeseen effect on another tile(s).

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why would you tell him to manually search for the palette you terrible person

every map palette offset can be found with the chapter data editor(to find which palette you're looking for) and the event table editor(to see what the offset is).

anyway with map palettes, you're never going to find a castle palette with both usable grass and usable water tiles, because they're a shared palette. The waterfall is a different palette altogether though.

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