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Classes without unarmed frames?


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So I was ripping frames for the mageknight from FE8, when I noticed that most magic classes have three frames, magic, staff, unarmed, but the mageknight only has magic and staff. I presume Unarmed is somewhere in the Magic animation, but if I wanted to overwrite Lucius special animation in FE7 with the mageknight, would I ignore the unarmed part of Lucius' animation and just override the first two, or...?

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to be fair, i think the unarmed sprite for any magic using class is the sprite for using magic, as they don't really hold any tomes

all the same, i'd at least check which animation it loads first before doing anything

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I'm a shitty friend who doesn't check his other friend's sites. I'll check now.

Edit: Yeah it's there, along with a ton of other animations. Fuzz should add those here. Unless they require permission or someshit.

Edited by Klok
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There is, I'm using it in Elibian Nights. Dunno why the package isn't floating around (did you check Cafe, lol?).

Yeah, the animation is on Cafe.

Unless they removed it.

EDIT: Ninja'd...

Edited by PixelmanFE
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I've noticed that inserting the Male mageknight over a female magic user (Such as Nino's sage animation) tends to not work because it fucks up the other female sage before it. Is that because of the sage billowing cape thing, because one is female and the other is male, or some other thing?

I ended up inserting the mageknight at the end of the animations (After transporter) and then editing the Nino!Sage custom animation module to link to the Mageknight instead. Now it works (And yay for SFX fixes!) but I'm still curious as to why I can't over write the animation for Nino.

P.S. For some reason I can't get the Class Animation Manager to open anymore. Is there any way to fix this or did I fuck up my rom and now I have to revert to a backup?

Edited by Klok
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Open your ROM and save it. You may have to do this every time you increase the max index for animations.

I'm not sure why that glitch happens--it's possible it's due to the "sage rune" effect (we still don't quite know how that works).

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Hm. I opened and saved it but I still can't access the class animation manager. Any debugs I can run or pretty much anything else?

Or am I supposed to open and save with something other than feditor?

Edit: Opening and applying/saving changes with nightmare seemed to fix the issue, never mind. Good to know I won't have to revert.

Edited by Klok
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Sorry, I meant you have to open it, save it, close it, and open it again. God Klok, you're such a hacking noob. Maybe you should try FEXP.

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