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Bloodlines (2.4)


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well folks, No major problems seemed to have been reported in this latest version of the patch. So that's good! I'd still love to hear what you guys thought of the story, like.. what you like, what you didn't like, what confused you, etc. What you thought of the characters and classes, and stuff like how your units ended up after the last chapter. Getting feedback is something I believe projects like these strive for.

Currently writing and animating for the next part of the hack. An actual patch won't be for a while, as work/school/sports will take up lot's of time. That being said, there's always things to do! If you'd like to LP this hack, just shoot me a pm!

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What did you use for the boss battle theme recognize it.

I also feel the critical animation for bram is more over done for his unpromoted class. I do like however you throw some interesting ambushes at the player. Makes a player think and adjust instead of the usual camp at enemy spawn points.

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ack! usually if you restart, that won't happen. Personally i've never had that happen to me.

i'm thinking of just getting rid of that sequence, people tend to get it moreso than not getting it haha.

edit 2: yeah i just got a different glitch for the first time. I'm going to remove it and save people the trouble.

Edited by Y.O.L.O Dewey
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I've played up to the very beginning to chapter 3, and I've enjoyed it so far! The gameplay for the first few chapters is fairlysolid, although chapter 2 is very luck-based at the start, what with all the axes coming at your two weak characters. If the RNG lets a lot of them hit you, its over before it starts, really. Also, what with all the longbows and the knight and other large enemy groups around, I really don't think it needs fog. It comes off as more of a cheap way to make the level difficult than anything. None of your units at the start have actual durability, so maybe it would help to buff the slap patches to 15 HP/5 uses, as they go VERY quickly and there's no healing for a while.

As far as the writing goes, my only complaint is that Dewey is a bit of a Mary Sue-it's not that hes too good or invincible or anything, it just feels like there's a bit too much focus on him at points.

But yeah, although I have complaints, I'm having fun with the hack and liking it. Keep up the good work!

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As far as the writing goes, my only complaint is that Dewey is a bit of a Mary Sue-it's not that hes too good or invincible or anything, it just feels like there's a bit too much focus on him at points.

He's the deuteragonist, and one of the unique elements of the hack, I'd contend? Of course one of the major characters will have a lot of screen time. That's like complaining Hector or Eliwood receives too much focus in Blazing Sword, or that there's too much emphasis on Micaiah in Radiant Dawn despite her being core to the plot and Ike being the returning hero.

Also people seriously do not know what the term Mary Sue refers to at all. This is about the fifth time I've heard it misused here.

It's not simply a character that receives a great deal of focus,. The classic Mary Sue example (other than the titular Mary Sue herself), Wesley Crusher, does not even appear regularly in The Next Generation, but when he does, it almost always leads to him solving a problem with something he learned in the academy or some other implausible justification that makes him, as a cadet, appear far more competent than the trained, experienced veterans on the Enterprise.

Edited by Siuloir
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I've played up to the very beginning to chapter 3, and I've enjoyed it so far! The gameplay for the first few chapters is fairlysolid, although chapter 2 is very luck-based at the start, what with all the axes coming at your two weak characters. If the RNG lets a lot of them hit you, its over before it starts, really. Also, what with all the longbows and the knight and other large enemy groups around, I really don't think it needs fog. It comes off as more of a cheap way to make the level difficult than anything. None of your units at the start have actual durability, so maybe it would help to buff the slap patches to 15 HP/5 uses, as they go VERY quickly and there's no healing for a while.

As far as the writing goes, my only complaint is that Dewey is a bit of a Mary Sue-it's not that hes too good or invincible or anything, it just feels like there's a bit too much focus on him at points.

But yeah, although I have complaints, I'm having fun with the hack and liking it. Keep up the good work!

do you go south at the beginning? i've never died if i used the fortresses and trees to my advantage, though if you were being truly honestly rng screwed when you go South, i can look into it. i believe the fog works, and it's manageable if you found the torch in the last chapter, which is kind of the point of the riddles. Buffing the slap patches is unnecessary, no one else has told me they had a problem with them.

as siuloir said, dewey is a main character, so he's the plot is going to focus around him as well as the other two heroes. I think people are just throwing the term mary sue around with Dewey because they don't believe a non-speaking puppy dog can be part of a plot in a video game. I've had other folks claim similar things about him being a mary sue, buuut he's not.

thanks for finding enjoyment in this hack though, it means a lot. Keeps me motivated to work further n all that

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I officially admit to being wrong to call Dewey a Mary Sue. It's probably personal bias against dogs, I've never been entirely fond of them. Or more accurately, bias against them being main characters, as you said Y.O.L.O. Dewey.

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do you go south at the beginning? i've never died if i used the fortresses and trees to my advantage, though if you were being truly honestly rng screwed when you go South, i can look into it. i believe the fog works, and it's manageable if you found the torch in the last chapter, which is kind of the point of the riddles. Buffing the slap patches is unnecessary, no one else has told me they had a problem with them.

The chapter was fairly easy

Best strategy for me is to group all of my units together as they're not as durable (unless it's Kael) early game.

Especially if you're gonna get Dewey to a certain tile in the map

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Yeah Dewey is no Mary Sue. To me the closest thing to a Mary Sue in vanilla fire emblem, is Ninian. She's splattered all throughout the game, and most of her plot advancements come in the form of "LOL I'MA DRAGON I KILL THINGS" and "OH NO, SO SAD I AM DYING BUT LOL NOT FOR GOOD!". I've always felt as though you could remove ninian's deus ex machina's throughout the story and if anything it would improve the writing. Her scenes are generally awkward, unamusing, and quite boring. The only truly relevant thing about her is that she and Nils are the son/daughter of Nergal, which gives a lot of interesting depth to Nergal's character and why he's such a villain. Other than that, it feels like a Star Wars "Luke, I am your father" moment that doesn't really do anything good for Ninian's character.

Dewey is adorable. The scene where Bram chases him around is easily the funniest scene I've seen in any fire emblem fangame to date. I honestly don't know if it can be topped, and I'm glad it was so early in the game. It really grabs the player's attention.

Edited by Klokinator
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Yeah Dewey is no Mary Sue. To me the closest thing to a Mary Sue in vanilla fire emblem, is Ninian. She's splattered all throughout the game, and most of her plot advancements come in the form of "LOL I'MA DRAGON I KILL THINGS" and "OH NO, SO SAD I AM DYING BUT LOL NOT FOR GOOD!". I've always felt as though you could remove ninian's deus ex machina's throughout the story and if anything it would improve the writing. Her scenes are generally awkward, unamusing, and quite boring. The only truly relevant thing about her is that she and Nils are the son/daughter of Nergal, which gives a lot of interesting depth to Nergal's character and why he's such a villain. Other than that, it feels like a Star Wars "Luke, I am your father" moment that doesn't really do anything good for Ninian's character.

Dewey is adorable. The scene where Bram chases him around is easily the funniest scene I've seen in any fire emblem fangame to date. I honestly don't know if it can be topped, and I'm glad it was so early in the game. It really grabs the player's attention.

Ninian really only has one Deus Ex Machina moment with her flexing her power, though. I'd argue she's more of a anthropomorphized MacGuffin, but she certainly embodies a lot of Sue traits. Splitting hairs I suppose. Ninian is still one of my least favorite parts of Blazing Sword.

Most people will say Micaiah fits the Sue mold as well, but the latter half of Part III is basically her screwing up constantly, so...

.Dewey is adorable. The scene where Bram chases him around is easily the funniest scene I've seen in any fire emblem fangame to date. I honestly don't know if it can be topped, and I'm glad it was so early in the game. It really grabs the player's attention.

It has been one of my favorite moments in the fangame continuity since the first time Ghast showed me it. It's just so damned ridiculous, yet so apropos.

...I still think you fixate far too much on the early game. :P (Don't you also love TRTR, which has it's real story spike around 5 chapters in?)

Edited by Siuloir
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I'm not playing/watching past the LP, because I wanna enjoy it all fresh when I eventually play it.

...I still think you fixate far too much on the early game. :P (Don't you also love TRTR, which has it's real story spike around 5 chapters in?)

I have ADHD, as does a huge portion of other gamers (Including ADD, which I don't have). It means if my attention isn't grabbed instantly or very quickly, I become bored. I'm actually not even that critical, I just look for specific things, like how the dialogue is written, if characters act believably, if the villain looks/sounds intimidating, if the main character is likeable, if other characters are animated and emotional (Ie: Not Nayr-face boring blah expressions). Just one of those things is enough to pique my interest generally. Having multiple combined elements of those can easily make me love a game much more, and even if one or two of those elements are nixed (Like say the mugs are blah and the overall story is cliche) having other elements be generally far superior can still hold my interest.

Things that don't impress me nearly as much: Flashy graphics (Custom menus, etc, mainly because most of them are way too colorful and tasteless or like DoF they are too bright and cheery/cluttered and contrast poorly with the dark story the designer is aiming for, even if I do appreciate the actual effort put into them), custom music (Unless it's made by Agro because he uses really tasteful songs that are well-suited to the emotions of the scene), and basically anything that's inserted to say "Hey look I put this in because I am clever and awesome!". For example, if Dewey was just in the game because "Lol I put a doggy in hey guys my game is so cool right I hope everyone loves the doggy", then I would call that a poor choice. Instead, Dewey contributes to the game by having unique character interactions (The dog chase scene, him being naughty and causing problems but still being man's best friend at the end of the day) and unique gameplay mechanics (He enters the small hole that nobody else can fit into, causes mayhem, makes the villains scared shitless which I thought was hilarious, etc).

Things like the bees, the mermen, etc, those are also great because they build atmosphere. It's not just "aw cute a doggy" but other species that live and breathe in this world and have their own unique circumstances. They have their own viewpoint, such as maybe hating the human invaders, or being symbols of overt racism (Maybe humans look down on mermen?), or any other number of elements all realistically being put together in a believable way.

So, IMO this may be the best hack I've seen in my entire time in the Fire Emblem community. I'm also a huge fan of Eternal Bond for all the reasons listed, and I like Inheritance of Ash because of other tasteful meldings of new with old.

Edit: Oh right, as for TRTR, I like it because the characters are believable, and they are dealing with serious issues, like corruption in government. Additionally, while Prime did do a few weird graphical things (Like when he had that loltastic scrolling background mashup of class cards behind the inventory menu) he generally fixed those issues, and now the tone he aims for is darker. The new TRTR menu screen oozes darkness (Wait has he shown that off yet? Oops don't wanna let the cat out of the bag), the world map he designed has a cool unique style to it since he made it himself, and the mugs are very tasteful and their styles are all made by the same two people so they don't clash. The mugs are also very expressive, they feel like a solid Serra/Nino/Matthew mug, meaning you can tell what character they're going to be like by just looking at them.

Edited by Klokinator
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