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Bloodlines (2.4)


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I love when I search for music for my project and think I'm so dang cool when I find a good tune but then figure out that Bloodlines already uses it. hashtag beatentothepunch <3 really good choices you got there I gotta saaayyyyy.

I especially really like the track you play for 1-0 and 1-1, where's that from? It's damn catchy I sometimes just turn Bloodlines onto a new game so I can jam haha (I'm so lame)

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So, is impossible continue the game?

As of now, yes. 2-1 is the last fully playable chapter. Hopefully when Ghast releases the new patch you will be able to apply it over an old save and continue with your same file.

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Do you have any sort of rough estimate as to how long Bloodlines will take to complete, Ghast?

BTW, this is a VERY impressive hack!

Edited by Dinar87
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A worthwhile excuse. I'm okay playing through it again anyway.

the writing is substantially better than what it used to be and i cleaned up some gameplay stuff as well. i know i said it last time but im pretty excitedddd



but seriously; that sounds hype!

thank brendor!

but yes it will be an interesting addition.

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Agallitor against an alligator!

(Probably not even an alligator...)

Agalligator the crocodile huntsman hunter

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There are a few things I would not mind seeing; but these are just little things I've thought about, rather what may or may not be good/or required.

I wouldn't mind seeing promoted Calcos who can use a "Breath" weapon, perhaps a Fire-type breath weapon in addition to Axes. Judging form FE-BL (I'm shortening it that instead of FE:B[oodlines] Custom Animation Trailer 2, it seems their crit animation has them breathing out a small puff of fire out, so why not a promoted version who can effectively use that as a weapon? It might go nicely with the Str/Mag split too.

I'm sure you've probably thought about it for a while, but it'd be neat to have a Calcos and Merman on your team eventually.

Dynamic enemy AI. Run away when low on health (instead of attacking; at least until they're healed), put survivability over damage output (don't attack someone if their opponent has a high chance to kill them in a counter attack), pick less fights with units who are unlikely to get hit; maaaaaybe?

Anyways those are my thoughts and ideas. Feel free to discuss I guess. Not even sure if you could code the AI.

Edited by IfAwakened
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