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Coming up with a new Streetpass Team idea. Something threatening without Lethality.

Airship Canon

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Yes, Streetpassing is futile.

But for a team that's not a Lethality rush, this idea is pretty frightening.

Basically, its built on an idea coming from the Secret Apoth Nightmare Sniper: A Unit you cannot risk attacking you under basically any circumstances [NM Sniper is unsurvivable-- while you can theoretically meet his DEF point, it cannot be met at the same time as the SPD point. If he gets to attack, you're gambling against him.]

To create this kind of threat, we're combining two things: 1. Reliably high offense. 2. Counterbomb.

The next point is to avoid using child units since those are more selective targets for the player.

Since it can be proved that nothing a player can put together for Streetpass purposes can survive the 6 opening hits another player can have, Defensive capabilities are largely ignored. With this in mind, defense against Range 2 is also ignored in the favor of controlling the AI into acting smarter than a dumb brick, and forcing it into use of Counter. [The reason Counter is feared in Lunatic+ is not that it limits the player's options, no, its that it shows up on things like Silver axe barbarians who hit you for whatever, and then you kill yourself on counterattack, by virtue of Counter on Enemy Phase.]

So to that:

+STR/-DEF Male MU [x10]

This allows all 10 units to be the same type, running the same skills.

And those skills?

Limit Breaker, Aggressor, Luna, Ignis, Counter.

What makes that even more lethal is the forced application of counter, assuming a bow-user isn't struck. Most units will not be able to survive an initiation.



62 STR, 40 MAG, 54 SKL.

With a Brave Axe +3/25/0 the warrior has 78/88 ATK.

Ignis boosts that to 98/108

54% Luna
24.84% Ignis
21.16% Fizzle

Survival Thresholds of Brave Attack initiation [HP tonic assumed]:

29.16% Double Luna: 92 DEF
26.8272% Luna/Ignis: 75 DEF
6.170256% Double Ignis: 66 DEF:
22.8528% Luna/Fizzle: 62 DEF
10.512288% Ignis/Fizzle: 57 DEF
4.477456% Fizzle/Fizzle: 46 DEF

The warrior's primary point is actually being absurdly unsurvivable a good portion of the time, provided attacks land. Axe lock can pose some issues.


56 STR, 40 MAG, 58 SKL

With a Brave Sword +3/25/0 the Hero has 71/81 [significantly Higher hit]

Ignis boosted it's 91/101

58% Luna

24.36% Ignis

17.64% Fizzle

Survival Thresholds:

33.64%: Double Luna: 78

28.2576% Luna/Ignis: 66

5.934096% Double Ignis: 59

20.4624% Luna/Fizzle: 52

8.594208% Ignis/Fizzle: 49

3.111696% Fizzle/Fizzle: 39

The Hero activates the much more deadly Luna/Luna far more often, and even if you were at the maximum theoretical defense, he'd still pose a huge threat with that-- thanks to counter, the 56+40 Damage is still lethal.


64, 40, 53

Brave Lance +3/25/0: 79/89

Ignis: 99/109

53% Luna

24.91% Ignis

22.09% Fizzle

28.09% Double Luna: 94

26.4046% Luna/Ignis: 76

6.205081% Double Ignis: 67

23.4154% Luna/Fizzle: 63

11.005238% Ignis/Fizzle: 57

4.879681%: Fizzle/Fizzle: 47

The general is used pretty much as a more accurate Warrior. The movement is a bit lower [7 compared to 8] which makes him kinda easier for the player to pick off, but if he does get an engage it's not going to be pretty.

This team is a bit more interesting than the likes of the Lethality rush, and just as [if not more so] deadly.

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So why not use higher-Mov classes like Wyvern Lord? On EP, they won't have to worry too much about getting 1-shotted due to lack of enemy Aggressor, and even if their low Skl makes hit rates unreliable they'll still all go after the same unit and Counter it to death (and have an easier time getting there thanks to the Mov).

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So why not use higher-Mov classes like Wyvern Lord? On EP, they won't have to worry too much about getting 1-shotted due to lack of enemy Aggressor, and even if their low Skl makes hit rates unreliable they'll still all go after the same unit and Counter it to death (and have an easier time getting there thanks to the Mov).

This team works by combining high chance of procs and standard aggression.

Wyvern lord losing 3 more skill compared to General isn't very favorable. (50:25:25 proc rates: 25% Luna-Luna vs 28...)

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2 triggering skills means you have only 2 slots to make the hit higher.

Your opponent can have +19 Spd and +17 Lck which gives it + 37 avoiding from pairing with a Rank A+ Assassin and both fully rallied.

For 2 slots, it's +40(Lucky 7 and Hit+20) or +70(Lucky 7 + weapon breaker). It's still able to cover your opponent's vantage though.

For 1 slot (you need to reserve 1 for Counter), you can only put one of them. It's not enough.

In a word, you don't have spare slots to put more non-hit-boosting skills.

For high-mov units, I'll go 10 Wyvern Lords - HP+5, Counter, Miracle, LB, Iote's Shield.

Then pray for it appearing on StreetPass team's opponent's Prologue.

Edited by MelonGx
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No, you wouldn't want to waste skillslots on +Hit skills (especially since most of them also boost Avo and you -want- to get hit).

While the Skl loss is noticeable, if it means one more Counter to the face on the weakest unit, that might tip the scales and get the kill. Remember that your units will act as a mob and all target the same unit (the weakest one they can reach).

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No idea what any of this means, but I know I would hate to battle a team like this. Lethality is not "Scary" at all when I encounter streetpass teams that are filled with them! Take no note of me, i'm no expert!

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No, you wouldn't want to waste skillslots on +Hit skills (especially since most of them also boost Avo and you -want- to get hit.

If a StreetPass team's hit was not being cared, it could only be my Wyvern Lord sample team that all output came from the Counter.

The problem of my sample team is that you can only force your opponent to battle in Range 1 at the enemy phase.

But all the StreetPass units can be ORKO by rallied 90%+ DualStrike Double-Galeforce pairs before they entered the enemy phase, except they're popped at Prologue which just offered 6 units to battle with your team's 10 units.

Airship_Canon tends to create a team with a mixture of Counter and Triggering Skills' output.

Counter is hit% regardless but Triggering Skills isn't.

Counter and Range 1 weapons are deeply rely on enemy phase which is very hard to be entered except your opponent handicapping him/herself.

So I don't think the plan is perfect enough for the StreetPass team surviving from opponent's paired & rallied aces and then kill them one.

Edited by MelonGx
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