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Aww crap


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I haven't been feeling like inviting friends over (despite the fact I'm home-alone for a week) because I hate disorder. )=

The other day, I invited two friends over. One of which I'm in great terms with, since he's relatively organized himself...but my other friend, one I haven't seen in months- That fucking pig. sonuvabtch would want to hang his filthy, sweaty shirt and fucking underwear around my house. That pretty much ruined my night. The only reason I didn't make a scene from the start was because I didn't feel like ruining our friendship, when he just got home.

Also, organizing the food distribution is another, annoying thing.

Edited by The leaving song II
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I don't invite anyone over. Almost none of my friends does, either. We prefer to meet at other places rather than our houses.

Well i have a friend who sometimes throws parties in her house. They almost always end up well, but once someone drank too much and threw up all over her house. That someone was me =(

Edited by Smogon'sWashingMachine
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I think being ready to clear up is an important part of having friends round, honestly.

My old place at uni was a hotspot for boardgames, meetups, small parties and general visits. Dealing with takeaway boxes, cans and bottles the next morning was an annoying ritual, but doesn't feel so bad when you get used it.

...leaving dirty underwear is a bit much, though. o.o;

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I don't like having people over mostly because I HATE it when people are judgmental about my place not being clean (I'm disorganized, but I'm NOT unsanitary. people don't understand this)

Generally though, I clean up before visitors arrive. Which is why I prefer people don't come for surprise visits.

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Yeah, that's why I never invite anyone over.

...That and wanting nobody to know my address.

Not even IRL friends? You're even more paranoid than I thought.

Anyways inviting friends over is cool, even though I don't do it much. But like I don't generally wind up meeting up with this group of friends not at somebody's house, so that's generally how we meet up.

Grills are great things; one of the benefits of still living with my parents and not on-campus/in an apartment.

Edited by Euklyd
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