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Would this be a good, Hero Set Skills?

Tide of Waves

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Not especially, no.

Armsthrift is pretty bad. It's a nice convenience, and moderately useful in game, but it's never that good.

Vantage is very bad unless it has combos. Sol is... possibly a combo, but not a particularly good one. Vengeance, Wrath or something which gives a great chance to kill is much more valuable.

Sol and a Def flaw seems like a big anti-synergy. One says 'character who doesn't want to take hits', while the other says 'character who wants to take hits'.

Although, with all that said, it depends on what kind of character this is. If it's for postgame, it's terrible. If it's for in game, then it could have some value, since not reclassing a lot is generally to be expected, since you don't have infinite time and money (assuming no grind) and at that point, Armsthrift can be nice for taking valuable weapons and conserving them while still using them.

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In game, and especially no-grind, Hero is likely going to be the first stop after promotion for many of the units who get it because it promotes from Merc, has better stats than BK, and gets Sol and a Breaker. Thus, I'd consider the optimal Hero skillset to be AT, Patience, Sol, and anything you had beforehand.

Postgame, Heroes have high Skl and work well with Galeforce/Luna builds.

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