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Idea: Classic/Retro Challenge Run


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Basically, play this game like the older ones..

Mandatory restrictions

-Difficulty is Hard/Classic. Lunatic(+) might be too difficult in the early chapters to do that. Causal mode is not allowed for obvious reasons. Normal mode might be too easy.

-No reclassing allowed (except for Donnel, who has to reclass once when his villager class hits Lv10)

-Using Pair up is not allowed, but Supports are still allowed. (Albeit the Dual Strike/Guard system will still work even when not paired up..)

-Each shop can be only used after its map is completed, completing the next map will lock the old shop out. (Dunno about forging though) [in older games you had to do that in mid-battle!]

-Exception: In the earlygame you cannot use shops until C3. After unlocking shops, you are allowed to use all of them until you play the next chapter.

-No Anna shops

-No DLC allowed.

-No Reown Awards

-No SpotPass items/chapters/teams

-No StreetPass teams

-No Risen encounters

Optional restrictions

-Bench the MU/Avatar once you can bench him. (To be fair, a Tactician unit was present in FE7...)

-Restrict some or all Paralogues. While optional chapters were present in earlier games, most of them had only about 26 main chapters or so.

-Children characters must be benched after they are recruited in their paralogue, if their paralogue is allowed at first place.

-Since units can promote to two classes, restrict promoting to one class (while following classic promotion paths); in order from gained units:

Chrom: Lord -> Great Lord

Lissa: Cleric -> Sage

Sully, Stahl: Cavalier -> Paladin

Virion: Archer -> Sniper

Vaike: Fighter -> Warrior

Miriel, Ricken: Mage -> Sage

Donnel: Villager -> Merc -> Hero

Sumia, Cordelia: Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight

Kellam: Armor Knight -> General

Lonqu: Myrmidon -> Swordmaster

Maribelle: Trobadour -> Valkyrie

Gaius: Thief -> Assassin

Gregor Merc -> Hero

Nowi, Tiki: Manakete (cannot promote!)

Tharja, Henry: Dark Mage -> Sorcerer

Olivia: Dancer (cannot promote!)

Cherche: Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord

-Prepromoted units (Frederick, Anna, Libra, Say'ri, Basilio, Flavia) can stay in their respective class, but are not allowed to reclass or to promote.

-Try not to reset the game. Not sure if a no-reset run is possible at all, but this sounds interesting...

-Restrict supports to 2-3 characters, as I heard that you could only have about 2-3 supports per run in the older games, but cannot confirm this.

-Purely an idea: Chrom is not allowed to promote until a certain chapter. To be fair, I disliked that feature...

Sure, I could actually play a older game, but I currently do not own anything other than FE13....so that will be the closest thing.

Edited by Marc71
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I'm currently replaying FE7 on a whim at the moment, and I was thinking about how inherently more challenging this was than most of my Awakening playthroughs, so maybe when I'm finished with it I'll try out this challenge. Sounds fun!

As a note, in the GBA games each character was allowed 5 individual support conversations with a select list of other units; meaning if you wanted to A Support two characters (no S Support in these games) you'd have to spend 3 of your conversations on one person and then you'd have two conversations left to spend on someone else, but only enough for a B Support. So yes, its generally around 2ish people you could feasibly support the older games (unless you get like 5 C Support convos with 5 people for whatever reason), and that's the restriction I'll be keeping when I do this challenge.

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Hoho... going the "classic" tree branches, eh? Since no "Bishop" class and FE13 pretty much made the Battle Cleric the choice... it sounds like a valid justification for Sage.

Will be following this.

Though I would say Chapter 23 where MU is required, I'd say they'd be allowed to pair up in the back of someone considering they *WILL* get killed if they get into a battle underleveled and give you a Game Over.

...though I think this might be optional, but what if you forced Chrom to promote on Chapter 12, following his marriage and his crowning to the Exalt (in Japanese)/crowning to becoming king? How does that sound? As in "The first Master Seal you acquire must be set aside for his forced promotion"?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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So will you actually be doing this, or is this just an idea?

Two things you might want to fix: Gaius could just as easily justify a Trickster promotion (Theif is the only class that promotes to it), though also note that some past FEs didn't left Thieves promote at all, and let Donnel have his branching paths.

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