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All I play lately is Dark Souls.


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And occasionally EO4 since I'm grinding to level 99 to defeat the Fallen One and the Warped Savior because they are jerks who don't care about your feelings.

Didn't even pick up Untold/Millennium Girl because fuck that game. Seriously.

And now Dark Souls 2 release is on the horizon. I can only imagine the hours upon hours of small victories, big victories, discoveries, and deaths I will experience first hand without any knowledge before hand.

Although I have looked into what people discovered in the network test.

The changes and adjustments seem incredibly promising as well as the Demon's Souls elements being reintroduced once more.

And the Dual Swordsman's greatsword. Those fluid swings and twirls. ohmygosdhfdslvbdslkb I want it so bad.

And if you have a 360 and play Dark Souls look for some dude by the name of Slime Captain running around who speaks softly (Pursuers) and carries a big stick (Large Club). :Knoll:

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I've been playing it a lot recently, too. And to think I picked it up for only £5 on PC. The Large Club is great, but my friends have started calling it the LAG club because of how it dead angles so much.

There was some new information (including spoilers so yeah) for DS2 a couple of days ago http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/1wj4oh/massive_dark_souls_ii_info_spoilers_inbound/

Monocle confirmed for one of the starting classes, so I guess I know who I'm going.

Edited by Tryhard
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I have like 100+ hours on dark souls and I keep making new characters when I reached the Duke's archives. Now I am making a PvP character. Pyromancer thief. Because thieves are AWSOME. I know there actually not perfect for pvp but still...

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I should have about 200 hours (Games for Windows Live doesn't let me in) but I've played my knight most of the time.

I usually don't like such "classes" (default class is Pyromant but I use medium armor and spear as the default class doesn't matter at all) and play Assassins/Caster in most games.

But Dark Souls was the first game where using a spear "felt" good. I've tried other stuff (especially since my level is high enough to make Artorias' swords great), but nothing comes close.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Dark Souls is by far my favorite game in the PS360. I can't wait for its sequel.

Sadly, i didn't like demon's souls nearly as much as it =(

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You are a good person.


I've been playing it a lot recently, too. And to think I picked it up for only £5 on PC. The Large Club is great, but my friends have started calling it the LAG club because of how it dead angles so much.

There was some new information (including spoilers so yeah) for DS2 a couple of days ago http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/1wj4oh/massive_dark_souls_ii_info_spoilers_inbound/

Monocle confirmed for one of the starting classes, so I guess I know who I'm going.

Lag club. I guess it's the 1 handed R2 and the 1 handed and 2 handed rolling attacks which are amazing. I just wanted to make a strength intelligence build and the requirements for it perfect. Although I've decided to go with 40 strength and 32 intelligence rather the previous 32 str/40 int with an Enchanted club.

I figured using rotten pine resin would be more worthwhile.

I have like 100+ hours on dark souls and I keep making new characters when I reached the Duke's archives. Now I am making a PvP character. Pyromancer thief. Because thieves are AWSOME. I know there actually not perfect for pvp but still...

eh Thief has a great starting class and my favorite head piece in the game. Sometimes I start with Wanderer and adjust my quality builds accordingly because the Wandere coat and leggings are maximum cool.

Trust me, you aren't the only one. Dark Souls is the most incredibly addicting game I've ever played.

And I've played Solitaire.

I keep coming up with a bunch of builds. I blame mugenmonkey. I just wish my favorite armor set up wasn't as heavy so I could use the Crest Shield without using the FaP ring.

I should have about 200 hours (Games for Windows Live doesn't let me in) but I've played my knight most of the time.

I usually don't like such "classes" (default class is Pyromant but I use medium armor and spear as the default class doesn't matter at all) and play Assassins/Caster in most games.

But Dark Souls was the first game where using a spear "felt" good. I've tried other stuff (especially since my level is high enough to make Artorias' swords great), but nothing comes close.

Bandit for best min/max class. :E

I'm more partial to the Partizan, Gargoyle halber, and Scythe that is actually a bardiche but they translated it as scythe. For some reason. Since they actually have sweeping attacks while still being Leo Ring friendly. so much counter damage

Dark Souls is by far my favorite game in the PS360. I can't wait for its sequel.

Sadly, i didn't like demon's souls nearly as much as it =(

I still haven't played Demon's Souls because no PS3.

Damn you younger brother....

I really want to use the Blue Blood Sword even if it or was the most overused sword in the game. but it looks so cooooooooooooooooooool

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Bandit for best min/max class. :E

I'm more partial to the Partizan, Gargoyle halber, and Scythe that is actually a bardiche but they translated it as scythe. For some reason. Since they actually have sweeping attacks while still being Leo Ring friendly. so much counter damage

They all have the same max stats, don't they (Well, it doesn't matter as almost noone goes for level 700+)? I used Pyromancer because he needs less exp overall (your stats are high for your start level, but your max level is lower).

I still prefer a Thief for the Master Key. I need the Old Witch's Ring to speak with my waifu - and the bug is too useful for an exchange.

I used the Silver Knight Spear until I had enough stats to make the Dragonslayer Spear good. It's still my favorite weapon although the two handed strong attack sucks. Halberds are fine but I didn't really like them and the Scythes.

Leo Ring is great.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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The classes don't have the same stats actually.

The Sorcerer class, for example, actually has the lowest sum of starting stats compared to the others and the Warrior, Bandit, and Hunter classes are BASICALLY the same class it's just that the Hunter has 9 attunement instead of 8 so it means one less level up to being able to start using spells and their starting equipment is obviously different.

And the Dragonslayer spear is so annoying to fight against. Stunlock for days. D:

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I know of the starting stats, but they have a different starting level and max level aswell. At max level they all have the same amount of stats as far as I know.

(still, it doesn't matter - you have everything you need at level 400)

And spears are always great. I just love the small poke damage you do when someone blocks. And shooting lightning isn't great but fun.

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Lag club. I guess it's the 1 handed R2 and the 1 handed and 2 handed rolling attacks which are amazing. I just wanted to make a strength intelligence build and the requirements for it perfect. Although I've decided to go with 40 strength and 32 intelligence rather the previous 32 str/40 int with an Enchanted club.

I figured using rotten pine resin would be more worthwhile.

Exactly the attacks I was talking about. Though I did find it hilarious when I did the two handed R2 attack and squished my friend as he attempted to parry my regular attack and completely mistimed it.

Rotten pine resin/gold pine resin was pretty much the way to go, crystal magic weapon I did experiment with as well, but honestly it does enough damage at 40 strength anyway (for me)

EDIT: http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?b=YmFuZGl0LDQ4LDgsNzAsNDAsMTIsMTEsOCwxMCwwLDU5LDM3LDMxLDMzLDMsMzEsMTUzLDc4LDAsMTA1LG5vcm1hbCxub3JtYWwsbm9ybWFsLGNoYW9zLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCx3b29kZW4sd29vZGVuLHdvb2RlbixmaXJlYSwxLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDA= was my large club build

My first character was a standard heavy armour katana dex/pyromancer build.

I really want to use the Blue Blood Sword even if it or was the most overused sword in the game. but it looks so cooooooooooooooooooool

I started a run and got the Blue Blood Sword, but I'm confused why so many people use it, it seems rather average. (though it does scale with everything iirc). Admittedly, I don't have Cursed/Light Weapon yet.

I'm playing Demon's Souls more since I didn't have it until after I played Dark Souls.

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What is this max level you speak of.

Level 125-130 and below for best max levels.

Exactly the attacks I was talking about. Though I did find it hilarious when I did the two handed R2 attack and squished my friend as he attempted to parry my regular attack and completely mistimed it.

Rotten pine resin/gold pine resin was pretty much the way to go, crystal magic weapon I did experiment with as well, but honestly it does enough damage at 40 strength anyway (for me)

My first character was a standard heavy armour katana dex/pyromancer build.

I started a run and got the Blue Blood Sword, but I'm confused why so many people use it, it seems rather average. (though it does scale with everything iirc). Admittedly, I don't have Cursed/Light Weapon yet.

I'm playing Demon's Souls more since I didn't have it until after I played Dark Souls.

I just rush people down with the R2 after casting Pursuers. It's kind of funny when they panic and leave themselves open to a backstab.

Well the BBS is fairly light weight with a fast and decent moveset and when buffed can kill most other players in a single combo not to mention that backstab and riposte damage with it already high AR. The fact that the scaling with Luck makes easy to maintain a good PVP level while still having sorcery and miracles on hand for buffs and everyone's favorite miracle makes it very desirable.

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The real max level - Pyromancer's is 709 for example. I know that 100 and 125 are "PvP max level" but I never really cared for it. I just played my knight and leveled when I could (I think she's around 190).

In addition

If you remove the Resistance stat from the calculation of the total amount of points at Soul Level 1, all classes have a total of 72 points. This is worth noting because Resistance is usually considered useless and not beneficial to level.

The differences are so marginal, I'd always go for the Master Key (although you have too many points in Faith/Int).

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Yeah, I'm extremely hyped over Dark Souls, but... waiting for it to be on sale, mostly :p

I don't think it should be that expensive and it does go on sale a lot, it was ~$7 on amazon.com a while ago but looks like it stopped.

Oh and for anyone who wants to try something ridiculous, me and my friend made a cheat engine mod for the pc that will swap your right hand weapon every 7 seconds to something random in the game. This guy called SergeDavid updated it, so I'll link to his version: http://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/1sdima/randomized_mod_version_4/

It's pretty ridiculous, but also pretty funny.

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Xbox 360 here

I like thief classes, now I am making a thief/pyro (lol tf2 reference) soon to have the chaos blade character . Right now, I am lv 24 in the depths waiting to be invaded and used up my four invasions orbs.

What is the earliest level do you recommend for winning against the four kings and gaining access to the dark wraiths, right now I am holding 99 humanity and will have access to Beatrice.


Dark Souls 2 is being released on:

NA March 11, 2014[2]
JP March 13, 2014[2]
PAL March 14, 2014[2][3]

Who is getting it so we can engage in jolly co-operation!

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Well, if you play good enough.. level 1? Levels don't do that much in Dark Souls and you can actually beat almost everything without being hit once.

If your confident in your dodging skills, just do it - there are harder bosses (at least in terms of dodging). If you have a hard time, get the required stats for a heavy armor and do it the lame way (I did it with Havel's armor in my first playthrough >_>).

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just read thread title

good taste

ds2 will be great but pc master race edition won't be out for a while and as long as it's not a terrible port like ds1, i don't have a problem

I run a scumbag pvp char, dark magic+wood grain ring should be enough to tell you how much of a douchebag i am

also going to make a scythe/bleed pyro dex build

banana sword pls

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just read thread title

good taste

oh... god... please... why...


just no

In other news DreadedCone managed to invade and destroy me with his Shrek Executioner build.

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I'm looking forward to the sequel. It's feeling much more like a mix between King's Field 3 and Demon's Souls, which is interesting, as both differ structurally from the Metroid-vania feeling Dark Souls had and put more emphasis on the individual parts of a world. Waiting on dat PC release date D:

In the mean time, From Software's other titles are just as interesting and fun as Dark Souls, if you're willing to give them the chance. Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2 has the interesting level design and atmosphere recognizable in the Souls games, and is available on the GameCube. The King's Field series play like an FPS version of Resident Evil and Dragon Quest, which is also pretty interesting--and there are a few spinoff games in the spirit of King's Field, such as Shadow Tower, also worth trying.

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