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So...We're helping ZM cheer up?...Unless that goal has already been accomplished?

I need serious therapy from the trauma I endured not only then, but yesterday and this morning, too. My life is shit.

this was supposed to be a gathering thread but with less drama

well sorry for raining on your parade

Now, let us have a serious and meaningful discussion about whether time can really be "wasted", and if that is indeed possible, in what relation. :newyears:

I wish I had a stopwatch like Sakuya.

/drags Ein away

Go away.

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Sorry, sorry. *sighs* Life's just been rough.

I excel at school. I just got a certificate today saying I got a 3.86 GPA at the end of last semester. Ohoho, I'll just show my parents- Oh wait, they hate me.

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Sorry, sorry. *sighs* Life's just been rough.

I excel at school. I just got a certificate today saying I got a 3.86 GPA at the end of last semester. Ohoho, I'll just show my parents- Oh wait, they hate me.

If nothing else, that shows accomplishment.

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