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Best way to save Brigid?


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So on my first playthrough I wasnt expecting brigid to be way far away from my units and I tried to save her by putting her on the town to increase avoid but she got hit (like 4 times in a row at 20% displayed hit but she prob would have died even with some of those misses) and died. I just used the valk staff to revive her, but is there an easier way to save her from all those pirates for future reference?

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Just keep her moving as far as she can and towards Claud and Tailto. Ideally, she should be able to kill that one bandit destroying the village up north too while still moving as many tiles away as she can. Claud and Tailto can handle any of the enemies with some support from Fury.

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I had her make a mad dash towards Claude and Tailto, pick a spot to bottleneck them on the strip of beach connecting the mainland to Blaggi Tower, and then make my stand against them one by one with Briggid and Tailto's wrath skill, with Claude healing when necessary. If you have your cavalry ready and waiting where the bridge appears by Madino Castle, they should charge across with full speed and be able to pick off the rear half of the pirate horde and somewhat ease the strain on Briggid's team's end before you can regroup everyone together.

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yeah I figured as much, I did have fury help claude and Tailito with a slim sword which made those pirates laughably easy. Oh well I never wanted to use the valk staff afterwards anyways. I though one of those other pirates would destroy the town so I took that chance.

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