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Steel Diver: Sub Wars


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So Nintendo's first major F2P game is out, a submarine arena shooter.

What do you think?

I personally like the online multiplayer a lot. It's slow and methodical and good positioning and a fair amount of coordination is required. That makes it a nice change of pace from most other shooters out there.

It's basically like World of Tanks, except I don't really like World of Tanks but I like this game.

Communication through morse code is also really cool and entices me to learn it. I memorized a few more letters and phrases than the standard SOS by now.

I still prefer Valve's F2P model the most, but it's good here too and still a lot better than other microtransaction models, especially on mobile games.

It's a shame there is no online friend play, but I suppose Nintendo is still wary about the Swapnote shenanigans.

I also really like the portraits in this game. They remind me of F-Zero X, or heck, they even give me a major Starfox SNES vibe.

Speaking of which, the game was directed by the same guy responsible for both F-Zero and Starfox, so while we aren't getting either we should still support his latest gaming projects.

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Speaking of which, the game was directed by the same guy responsible for both F-Zero and Starfox, so while we aren't getting either we should still support his latest gaming projects.

I did not know that. I know my next eShop download.

I actually downloaded the free version a few days ago. I like it a lot actually. I like how Peppy pops up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So the version 1.1 update has arrived.

What do you mean, Nintendo is intent to keep ongoing support for their F2P game like a F2P game?

The update introduces the following:

  • Removes the connection error when wanting to stay in the same lobby
  • Removes the standalone morse chat lobby
  • Pre-game chatroom only lasts a minute now and includes flood protection
  • Minor gameplay tweaks

Now that I can stay in the lobby and actually score win streaks, my levels are going up rather quickly.

Since that update though I noticed an increase in people leaving in the pre-game lobby shortly before a match is starting. I hope the makers will find a suitable fix for it soon.

I appreciate the flood protection, though I miss the constant spamming of "E" because it's the easiest letter to morse a bit.

Speaking of morse, it's really difficult to morse out a "GG" at the very end of a match.

I've unlocked the second submarine now. It's a lot more nimble than the first one, but then you notice its torpedoes don't reach have a much shorter firing range...

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I sunk Ike-Mike today.

translation: i shot ineffectually at ike-mike, missed wildly, got scared, masked, missed ike-mike some more, and then my teammates sunk him for me

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