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HTML Epidemic In LA, California.


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Ignorance is strong.


Or should I say.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Ignorance is strong</title>
<h1>No Title</h1>
 href="http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-1-10-americans-html-std-study-finds-20140304,0,1188415.story">Ignorance is really strong</a></p>
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I got HTML from a girl who was dressed up as MP3 at a star wars convention and partied on the motherboard during my cruise to South America, where we were looking to eat gigabytes as we heard it was a local delicacy.

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I got HTML from a girl who was dressed up as MP3 at a star wars convention and partied on the motherboard during my cruise to South America, where we were looking to eat gigabytes as we heard it was a local delicacy.

But with <body></body>?

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7 out of 8 people will encounter the lethal HTML at some point in their lives. the disease causes headaches, nausea and irrational violent tendencies, and once exposed recovery is exceptionally unlikely

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I was diagnosed with HTML after several consecutive nights of unprotected sex.

It's a very serious disease that I would not wish upon my greatest enemy.

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