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My neighbours kind of suck


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Well, not all of them, but a few do happen to be rather quirky.

Let's start from top to bottom, I guess.

- There's a senior couple who happen to keep a light on, all night long. Every single night. My guess is that one of them may stay until late with some work and/or projects, or something like that. Don't get me wrong, these are nice, polite people.

- There's a woman on the apartment above mine that happens to yell at her toddler daughter...and nowhere near the way a normal parent would. But instead, she does it in a way that would literally make one think that she's a crazy bitch. Because that's honestly what it sounds like and what my friends think, when they come over. Fortunately, this doesn't happen anywhere as often as it used to. They also used to be pretty noisy. Another last thing, is that they keep the light on up to real late...and they don't even have curtains to at least make it tolerable. -_-

- The one across the hall. New neighbour. She used to leave the light on all freaking night (surprise fucking surprise), until my mother went over and talked to her about it. Apparently, she's scared of the dark, or something. So she uses a light that doesn't directly bother the other neighbours.

- Downstairs. And old lady and her seemingly paranoic daughter (who is sort of an old lady, herself). Used to have a bit of trouble with them, because the water apparently leaked downstairs. Otherwise, we're on decent terms.

- Downstairs, across the hall. Oh, man...I don't particularly dislike these neighbours (because I'm not that kind of person), but they do happen to be rather strange. I'm mostly pointing this out on the head of the family and his two children. Apparently, he purposely teaches his children not to talk or even trust anyone, to the point his children either avoid others or don't even seem to greet. Now, I hate that...there's a difference between not talking to strangers and simply greeting them, out of simple courtesy. The very few times I would greet and not get an answer, I would purposely reiterate and for a response through peer pressure.

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- There's a woman on the apartment above mine that happens to yell at her toddler daughter...and nowhere near the way a normal parent would. But instead, she does it in a way that would literally make one think that she's a crazy bitch. Because that's honestly what it sounds like and what my friends think, when they come over. Fortunately, this doesn't happen anywhere as often as it used to. They also used to be pretty noisy. Another last thing, is that they keep the light on up to real late...and they don't even have curtains to at least make it tolerable. -_-

Must mean the way she talked to her kid worked, and now the kid is behaving properly.

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